Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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BssIsm pptrtaattlM Real latata laal Kitata aal Batata RmI Batata Raal Estate Real Batata Raal Estate Sunday August 30 ISM Coot from Preceding Page Rsal Estata CHEVY CHASE CQU MR BROWNE MA 48 3750 Jocelyn St MS Hr MarrlwS JO 1 000 OPEN SUN 1 TO DARK In MR BROWNE RA BR58 rm Ute bath Inorvhe fall bsmt 3rd REALTY CO 716 la neat RE Sale all Real Estate cox hl nd a VACANT tile LU 4 0040 SI DE 20 6671 4 00 40 Irtl Mfl fine li otnft plet CClTORED cai ra 003 8 Qua 5 DOWN 3 70 7 IKK 10RB tend Exclusive Neighborhood St or 3 ST 0316 close 6 LOYD DAVIS CO A MKIT JAMES HORN WI 8619 521 WEITZ REALTY CORP GT BUNGALOWS Langston Really LU 4 0610 Bell COLORED Herr 1 a comfortable 6 eves i ft ii A S031 or pH 1506 Dow euxy monthly front ultra modern kit and 'bath gas ell constructed LOVELY 4 rm semi detached brick kit and bath Near 4th NE Priced to 20 alorage attic 20 Bair SH 458ft or bT 1 0730 apis Perfect condition Colored Upper 13th St NW I YOU house 281 Mr Witherspoon Cont on next page ATTENTION GTs! 20 full 2000 S1950 TO VACANT 0095 or SUITLAND MD non ibcutiontj I Sale emu wlih 5(1 8 EMORY DAVIS 20 Cleveland Park $16900 KATURING 20 tuba tiled Dome with CAPITOL rnm Reasonable Call Gaithersburg payment 500 BLK SHBPHERD STN YOU SHOULD SEE White' Oaks 300 VIK! TATrlR S'A SW7 cash OIORKD boat er eond Substantial caeh required This Tew Mure and community 11 ereck of OUsincjiS a uliole or Will sell 500 eih" ar Ik near A A CO phrndid To Place a 1 6 04 er COLORED COLORED Times Herald Charles wrtJa crrol1b Want Ad BIH I 6 MONEY IN THE BANK ADERHOLDT REALTY COMPANY Call RE 1234 to 81 then left to 3112 and open LO 3 8515 VN M0Q 4 6097 1633 only fully deep level eond See dm rm 3 txdrnis bv and not and per 4 34 4 i blk 1 bsmt Hartman realty inc 1345 Good Hope Rd SE LU 4 3400 VI 5976 one block to 15th St and left to houses commercial Balance payment RI rederick 290 $250 do wn monthly 1 0780 evr HRK Iff YOCB BEBT NEW HOME BUY 5500 BLK CENTRAL AVE NJ? Pise rma Exc eond 1000 or more cash to 750 Down River Terrace NE Vacant DAVID BARRY CO ME 20 25: eves TA 3520 Top of Pa Ave bill convenient to everything This det brick botne has just been completely redecorated and iis priced to eell Consislfi of 6 mu rm 4 bedroom and ti ni i shed kit Ure enough for and and cash payment that should meel your approval Conveniently located and cloe rtOjx everything Mr Kidd NO VOLE CHOKE to bsmt a home 1 1 quirk aulo A CO tiL rfRBOii a ide EX 2 480 (6 1 Many other desirable and home sites of from Vj yards A Jell MA HMM Sblrlct to kitchen gai Eves Sun i ran i rillarry Co ME knollv June This home In situited on 3 iaru ooded lota coneuienL STREET newly resurfaced 5 rni all brick gnu wh full bsmt lot 60x200 fully landscaped also asbestos shingle bungalow full bsmt oil air eond by owner 2704 6 rms and bath on COLORED TERHAt'E Lovely 5 rm front jxjrrii screened back modern tile bath hardwood OLORllt DETACHED BRICK BIG LOT OPEN SUNDAY 3 TO 6 1446 MONTANA AVE NE and Venetian nar Ran dle Circle in rood neighborhood ABSHER REALTY CO LI 7 4413 Eves LI 6 7353 $20 Nau Hr fate AWricl full bunt rec rm NIIOI COX A No I North) io 05A0 block turn rchl on Hollywood Rd io Ruth Ave left on 5Ol A ve one block lo Lu' House for side by owner 5 rmu front and rear yards 1 erma nent steel storm wjnduv with uiiei TH 619 0 AVON REArr co 620 Ihwai Sr ttririct kit and bath Gas wh deep lot with Karate Possession 8 settle JI 500 down with convenient built in garage Priced for Imnudi ate Mule Call Mr WiUfurd MI 2949 $760 to Down Brick 5 large rms tile balb awnimje fenced yard oil heat Exe eond fl 7717 3 tile baihs 2d fl Large storage at lic full bemt with fireplace and bath Built in garage gas heat lovely hardwood floors big lot nice ly landscaped Directions: Out Pa To reach Out Connecticut Are to Jocelyn St turn lelt to 3750 COLORED NE Open Sun 1 till dark lift 12th St NE 2 unit duplex If you really want a Beaut home and Corner brick facing 8ol dira Home ground: rm oil beat Mrs Caffay NO 7502 19o 1'iiceil fl9tu You iriHy lie aide to bus' iliia under the Gl plan Ihrr tint Brunch Ave and li at (he first hard surfaced rd pass Dim VEYERANS NO DOWN HYMEN to non Gts Ten new semidetached homes Jteady to move in 4600 St SE rm 1 ti baths gas heat full bemt deep lot 12250 GI $750 Only one left in this blk of three kept by the builder al the time he developed this fine area before the war All brick 7 rm 3 porches 2 tib baths fill! burnt IiiHU in garage Priced right Low down payment Ex first fir 615 fate MittIm ONTY 1OSOO ACT TODAYI Cli 'til 9 pm weekdays Sun 12 to 5 Wm Calomiris Inv Corp 1012 17th St NW DI 1855 22 kitchen side hall 3 bright bedrma tilef bathfull bsmt wh front porch unci many other attractive leu turi' Reasonable down payment with good terms Close to every conveni ence 1 nspecl ion invited DanieJ Diener ic Co ST 3381 blinds storm window ir eond Terma available Air Ritchie on icctiuns Marihom Pike to orest ville turn right at firl street to and our open sign ABSIIEK KEALTV GO DIRECTIONS Drive out Baltimore Blvd past Intv of M4 approximaisly ruly a lovely Li vi rr nice dining rm fireplace nice dining rm screened rear porch fully equipped kitchen 2 large bedrmg bright dry base AhtLAWN VJLLAGlh Conventional 2 umt apt sitting of one 2 bcdrm apt tile i but and one 1 bedrm apt' ulc bath COLORED EOR 100TDOW neighborhood blk frouvl tth St Parquet floors oil heal front St NW 1 yd ine rooin and biith row brick resiliences ill top condition with well built bricX and concrete front and rear porches hut water oil fuel and an Anchor fenco around a wHJ landscaped site Price $9600 Veteran approved at cash per month phone Tern HU 865 SHANNON LUCHS CO bl NW NA 2345 COLORED CAPITAL VII COLORED ONLY $7o0 DOWN 70 II E17 Unit rm 5 bedroom new 3 alory brickgarage Lge beautifully landscaped lot 50x125 Completely redecorated Amazing bargain Cal! PI RST NA TIONAL REALTY today RE 3531 COLORED Rl VER TERRACE Immediate Possession of those desirably locaied five CONVENIENT TO CONNECTICUT AVE TRANSPORTATION SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING eloaete heater 13000 balance on convenient terms or further particulars call Prank Burry an income Call Mr Morgan ML Hill 3 20 8 8 PM without incurring any obligation to purchaao lease Only 0O0 caMi COLORED NR Price Reduced for Qu SLx nna frt porch 2 rm in bsmt gas heal: yard for ihr kiddies bm payment Junes COX A CO or TA 0581 GIRARD 3T NEAR Six rtne Improved burnt entrance 2 kite gas VACANT OPEN TODAY 3 7 No 1 Girard St NE 7 rm plus enclosed pon hes Asking SIS 000 Mr firown DE 8390 and DE 1 1 62 rm fireplace family sUe din rm Ige kiU elec equipped den or $750 DOWN 1330 Calvert Terrace JSE i rm brick 3 blks up Nichols Ave Bal 2 nu a hedmu with Ige bath Venetian JOHN SHELTON Realtor JO 2 2000 land Rd 2 nice bedrms expansion attic full bsmt oil heat: Ige lot Priced 12 80u A A CAROZZA CO NO1 1 PENSIVE CONVENIENT require ounr idtriiblo cash Call Nr ke NA 5005 REDERICK BERENS RIVER house nmvh iloore gas brat vellrnt condition Good buy! Qnly fall: Mr DOWN! REAL VALUE HERE! kear 12th and bls Mi Well built row brick home 6 ige rm bath wh Price only $10 950 bal like rent Eve call Mrs Wright MJ 4884 with WEITZ REALTY CORP 905 loth St NW ST 4555 2d 157 YOU ST NEirk home bi mis bil TH J)E CO 2423 MINN AVE COLOK ED '300 BLOCK 11 TH ST SW Reg down payment and rnmilhly payments like rent for thia 10 rni bath ch row brick hotiee all lltlhrrat Heights Your persona! wishes run be catered to before house is finihhed lot lOnxltft 7 Mr Thompson OV 4 384 COLORED OPEN 3 TILL DARK 2 TILE BATHS WILL REDECORATE VACANT SAMPLE HOUSE AT vrniejit location in (own Oppowi Central High School Lifetime nome Price $1 5900 erius Duiowi A 17 eves DE Colored River "Terrace ive room brick Very clear tfiroush ouf Oil hrtf and auto hot wafer Quirt neighborhood By O00 Approx $l5nn down I tj ainil 4N4 WEITZ 'REALTY CORP 005 1 Oth at NW st 4 555 2fCOLOR I I I' I ST 2 1 rrn baths 2d fir apt rented for $90 mo Ramt suitable for doctor's ofc A home aad income clean lO year old 5 room nr Hist niat ed on market lor $9500 with low down payment Gh heat A real buy Lr komeonr Cal! Mr J'cnland AlLAb RLALT1 ST 7308 (l and Ccniral Ave OPEN SUN 3 TO 7 Co I 1 1 I fume 1 ncome rm 3 7 3 arils 3 batlis equipped lull dry bmt 'laundry' Mod 6 nn scmi dci brick picteiy receaoraieft TRINIDAD VACANT 1 1 2 Holbrook St NE A nn Urick Colored $750 Down 3RD AND STS NW 6 ige rtni and bath 2 atory brick coal heat 112000 GRILL '112000 Aa outstanding grill located amid Govt bldgs Corner locution and ar ranged for 'drive in Long lease at good rentnh rwirntee daily Open six days Can be handled caLi balaoco on terms: Eves' fioor oak hardwd floois 3 old bru Nu bst an ii 1 down puj tuff 095 Cal William bet 10 am and 9 anv day exc bun al LI 0J03 DOWN 9 UMS AND 2 BATHS Home and income! Yes the buy of 3958 AMES ST NE Changing neighborhood 7 rm 5 bath brick home About 10 years old Large front porch aluminium storm windows Must be seen to be appreciated Nr transp shopping COLORED OPEN TODAY 1 6 PM 1351 SO CAROLINA AVE SE 20 ft row brick in excellent condi tion Vacant and prompt possession can be had Trice WM THROCKMORTON A MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO Builders and Developers of Wesley Hte Sumner A Spring Valley 4830 Mh Ave OR 4464 Rventnrs Telephone 'TA 5579 tLxet i our House ilh LaJ utility rtn gas heat det gar? Price only MAKE THIS Yont TODAY! VACANT Off! IxjveJv NE $1000 Down 1820 ST NE OPEN 1 TO 6 BeanVful corner modem brink home with front porch center ha)l plan large rm modern kit tile bath full high bsmt Many extras Priced low to sell today with small mo 4 3312: rrcs nnd Suri AX 9634 Capital View Realty Co ral to rs 9 2 5 5 Air Price Reduced for Quick Six rrxuj ml det brick eemei porch fas heat finished lot Small down payment Jones CO RE 2386 or TA 0581 CONVENIENT NE OPEN SUN 2 8 064 Capitol St NE 6 rm satni det brick baths a alum storm windows COLORED I I Hi Clifton St NW ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Look into this ons yi old detached rm dining rm kit hen iauiry and porch 3 bedims uiid hath 2nd floor lull bsmt with Livulorj and 2 etiliarnes Easy terms and qui open Sunday 1 25 21 $1 DOO DOW Sears Lovely brick concrete PKICKD ROM $8050 to $10000 MONTHLY YATMTMH Langston Realty After Hours 7 wo stniw row bri' home fur refined 1 COLOR ED 4000 blk Semi det 6 rm bat Ige yd new house Qu and er ML 3757 blk full bsmt Cull Mr Hamilton COX 4 CO' RE 23Ht( 6 820H 2 able? Term Evenings RA 2679 Auerback Co DI 6501 rage good I'onl nm Qu a nd DR 0038 Ml Ou tlieflljll cant lovely 6 rrn bnck' home: i bsinc gas elect hot water pori'h Attractive terms arranged LOYD DAVIS CO 16U ST NW BRANCH AVE (Open Today 6 TR 8693 Call 56 13 wih EILAND BROTHERS 202 1 1 th St MV DETACHED BRICK DUPONT PARK This Blurdy 3 btdrooai houifk on a large lol ie immediately avaiialde Living room dining room kitchen on let floor 3 bedrms and bath on 2nd: full basem*nt auto heat outside entrance In good condition 313950 down Call Mr Taylor or Mr Efrens Jr Sat or Sun NA 5005 REDERICK BERENS SALES IXC S2O ST MW 20 5 Be'droom TAYLOR ST $14500 A splendid brh home in one Washington's nicer sections (onveii irnt to everything our large bed rooms and tile bath on the 2ml floor Living room dining room bedroom equipped kitchen and large porch on the lit fluor bafc' niPiil has fin ished recreation room Automatic pas hot waler heat This houiM is in splen did condition and bhould be gold today with about' $2000 CHbh and lymentt less than rent Cali Mr Ruaaell at NA 6005 Snt and Sun 1 1 1 noon REDERICK BERENS Lovely tt i brtek 3 porches 2 kiuheng bsmt lovely yard garage Possession $13500 I1AVID NK 'K A BP 1 2 rni and 1 1 I 4 lire bedrmi COLORED OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 4130 7tU St NW Prue reduced 2 apt brick 6 large rm and2 hcaied enclosed porches full bsmt oil wh Mra ThompOn OV 43M RA 6303 NO 0006 Leath A Ashley Va Ave NE Lovely 6 rm bath brick home In excel eond 3 enclosed heated rear porches hardwood floora oil wh rar Very desirable and convenient location JOSEPH A HERBERTS A SONS615 Capitol St Lt 3 012ft Eves ER 4303 20 COLORED is income property or" a you want al the price payment you wuiit tu pay ce i oaav QUEEN ST No Money Down $12400 til 6 weekdays Suu 12 to 6 Wm Calomiris Jnv Corp 1012 St Dt 1635 2 COLORED Quincy 13thSts NW IMMACULATE 12 rm houae con verted to 3 apts and 2 sgl room 3 fully equipped kite 4 batha Most furniture goei with houaa Only 13 G0 down Priced right ur a good home and Investment call to are BRITERMAM RKALTY CO 0T 1457 7944 Price S9 750 1760 l09A com rec rm fenced TODAY 1 7 HILLCREST Detached Brick Vacant COLORED OPEN 2 fl PM SUNDAY 1222 Quincy St NW Stately Colonia) tap estry brick home irst fir has Ige liv rm with wood burning fireplace large dtn'rni kti and enclosed rear porch Secoud fir 3 Ige bedrms and rear porch is divided into 2 extra il fing rnis file brith with built In tub And shower full bsmt i 1h vat ory mnih'i'n gas hot watcr furnace beau tiful front and rear yard Detached A CK REALTY SERVICE 20 DroAimalely 45150 New low price Dirrciiorie: New Hamp Avr NW io Eatein Ave left 3 blocks (o 4 1 li Ave to bunufllow 106 4TH AVE Potts Realty Co AX 1155 COLORED BARGAIN $7500 ULL PRICE GT deal ('antioi he made However if you have raved money ami waul i real value you may be lurl ctioughi to get this 3 beilrotijn brick home inli convenient SE location Tills price 5417 8lh St NW (nr 8th and Ken ncilyl Detach brick 4 rme ea All tile kit finished bf mt deta garage ExceJlenv rent free Mr Snnd' DE 3774 LEATH A ASHLEY INC A 6464 3 nice elzcd bedrms with Ige closets lovely hath on 2d fl lull lnit recreation rm ith tii plsee 2 screened porches oil heat lol 0150 By appoininieni A A CAROZZA CO A BACAS BBALTOR BCTNBSS BROKER AD H4S4 LeJCftNa for the air ORCE Must sell my business Half ton pickup Studebaker truck ladders ralni and brushes and other material or tale Must eU right away Price1500 SH J495 24 Ideal for small family Priced low for quick enle To reach: Out Pa week end rail WO 3883 Walker Dunloy Jne DI 0222 21 down A' A CAROZZA CO balh porches full bMTil dc ii lovely jards ujth rock gardens eonv to transp The price is right the down payment is right further detalln call xMr Henson VI 351 or ML 0854 MADDEN REALTY CO bsmt oil heal front and reny por hrs det gnr house nicely dec rangr septic lank $55no ciwh or YDAu on terms HI 8 110 22 KOriM HOUSE A I nine tenthe A land idea) for children trank chickens 1 blk fruin bus 3 blks to school blks trom crpirr of Uapllol Ifgts M1 $650 ca $5250 month Greenbelt 8031 and screens Ven blinds refrg and stove new Assume Gl loan 4 Eves and Sun Kretsiuger MI 0212 WILLIAM BOA ZE 14 08 Sih St NECO 1 102 JiE4(97 1801 ST SE Hillside Beaut bung 19500 ull bsiiit kitchen equipped 1950 down HueadiR frame uOMTud ilh Johns Manville shfnglee 7 nrn 1 baths oil heat beautiful stone flrrpl in liv rin double grtiage rn barn for 2 cows and 2 horw cbl ken housr for 5UO hens nice garden spot 2u roei of high land beautiful lawn lorrs win rnruiKirrr a tractive home 2 blk" 62f Noam ftr Uli Disirkl CONGRESS HEIGHTS Tww family eini det brick enclosedrear porcbea gar 2 V2 baths oil heat front porch Terms May con ia 6 rm house brick with all improve ments Choice section Jusl for you AX iR27 20 62O hr fate Wrtrfct House all sectlooa Baaa" Call MR PARKS DE 1100 12 COL OPEN 2:30 TO 7 1122 HOLBROOK ST NE bx rme' semi det brick AV THOMAS DE 1 1J2 BROOKLAND A SHREWD BUYER 'OTyOR On Tennessee Ave A St NT firms bsint gas heat: very (Icnn home owner hn ad many new feature small down payment easy terms ST 3CJ" rne rec ca oack OXHALL RD ONLY $10500 Det frame 5 mis balh nice yard MOR GAN RE AL ESTATE CO vMLO 144 JIRADBT'RY HEIGHTS COLORED ST SE Briy 2 7 nns tile butb gas heat purches Invrly eond det gxi' turn or un OR LARGE AMILY DET $13950 Large lovely home containing ring full bsmt oil heat beautiful ROBERT LOHR 3 LMil Ah h'A as an to OJXKED in Brookland Detached 4 bedrm bungalow en cncd summer winter back porch full bt mt oil wb wide deep lot det parage in perfect condition Priced for immediate sale Shown by appoitiltnriit Mr Morri" JA 4 l5L DE 3143 METROPOLIS DETACHED BRICK Near Minn Ave and Randle Cir SE (harming del brmk home with five ipacwui riui nice level (nt 1 2500 You 11 love this home SOUTHEAST REALTY CO 1211 Pa Ave bE 2000 21 ten ii and' furred wails bathe Venetian blind weather COLORED 1400 BLK LA AVE NW ONLY $500 DOWN ra pow brick home bath gM elec and bsmt with coal heat SURETY REALTY CO AD 0531 til 0 26 3757 'Lured 1300 bile 'fay lor ST7 NW 7 Ige rm mod bath full hsnit colonial porch: 1gr yi auto heat Mr Quander 0038 out priced $10950 with small down payment Move in wuh deposit Call Air MOTiirorn EILAND BROTHERS 2002 11 ih bt 600 BLK ROCK CRK hlrm 2 kit 2 bulh income Bubslanlial cash to (nple hems OARLYLE LtZIER KEAITOK WA 5000 bath gas heat: insulated all acces sories: asking 9000 A A CAROZZA CO EXCLUSIVE 31ST PA' AVE SE' LU 4 0040 i mo payment like nntf call Mr K'eec TR 6740 wilh WEITZ REALTY CORP ffOft 15th St NTT ST 4555 Lovely rm WITH I have homes for sale NW and NE ri I DOWN Trinidad Ave Sect Lovely 6 rmteml det house front and rear yards ACT TODAY! THIS WON'T LAST LONG Call owner LI 3 0640 21 ONIA' $950 DOWN OPEN 2 TO 5 Ready fa move ive nice rooms ur Mly papered and painted Gas range oilier st houses ull TIC A N8O IlT A TI ON to Inspect on Sunday eiill TR 8693 Salesman on RUBINO REALTY CO i 1602 I AVE NE AD1 1752 eius ami tun HO 1117 3955 ST SE OPEN SUN 1 TO 6 Six rtn aenu det brick in neu house ootid Lovely bsmt apt renfimr at $50 enced yard Large pond) Con venient to bus bchool and shopping Asking $13950 Drive out Pa Ave Alabama Ave turn left just io it BURGESS J5 Ave SE VI 2602 111 gai ge Priced 2 1600 A A CO EXCLUSIVE I I A AV ib It DAMASCUS $7850 full bimt oil beat ready io move in Call Jerry Willtnrm Dnia 6201 nr RIT) CASHMAN Realtor 510 OPEN TODAY 1 TO 5 IRST IMMEDIATE HOLLYWOOD NGHDIVI0ION DlffTJNCTlOM Jat Beyond InlvertHy ef MJ Other boma include large living reonj library dining room modern kitchencretaed porch 2 of the bedroome are to have connecting bath large well lighted basem*nt stairs to storage attic gas heat garage JjE 3555 7 OR05 SE OXLY $650 DOWN 9 LARGE RMS Ye? this is a wonderful opportunity (or someone who 13 Interested in home plus inveMment This lovely Immi' contains Ige rm bath coal front and rear yardn Act fTt for ihi one will not hist Jomr rftirKX 84 4 0 TLU 7 3 COLOELWLE 1422 OAK ST NW "Exclusive With OPEN SUN 2 TO 6 WITH 2 enclosed porches nd ar ranged as 4 bedrooms Has built in CAPITOL 1IEIGIITS" Two bungalows on lot 80x100 all for only $10500 with $1 Odd down One bungalow rented Jor $100 per month SOUTHEAST REALTY CO 1 2 1 1 Pa Ave ER :000 21 middle Tld' watcr at this point afforde (rood fishing and aaimtning en properly $2000 und $20 bo ettuliliihed grocery (4) JillHI bldliUL Oil il I) JOHNSON HU 7812 DE 5KiO (fllOKED Are von nns nf lillle people who hud a hart! struggle BOYDS M1 16500 ENTERPRISE REALTY CO 1224 Eye bi NW EX 3400 OPEN TODAY 2 4 VACANT OUTSTANDING VALUE 754 CONGRESS ST SE MODERN semi detached brick 4 good sized rm bathe full bsmt gas wh nice lot Owner must sell Priced low for quirk eale Con venient terms Tn Reach: Out Ala bama Ave to Wheeler Rd down Wheeler ltd to Coiigress Pl right 37 rA AV IL SIC LU noth ORESTVILLE "MIX $750 down 4 rm and bath 1 1 gu lo Colored Home and Income near 17th Sts NE Corner 3 lamily Each apt has liv rm bedrn) mod kit tiln bulb 1 apt vacant' a excellent undltion Priced lo sell bal like rent Et's rail Mr Jo? Weitz RA 3483 with WEITZ REALTY CORP TAKOMA PARK 123 Philadelphia Ave Open Sunday 2 6 ire rms enloed porch full BRICK BUNGALOW Hillside 1 yr bld Ige lot contains HOME AND INCOME Corner Arranged Jor 3 families is today tn ne this lovely Mr Hyman RE 3379 SL fine one within all range Terms Mr Bryer SH 6202 Cox A Co ST 0775 Colored $150 Down 13UI) BLK ST NE 2 Lory bri'k 2 fa iiiiiy home 4 Ige rm and bulb on each fl total 8 rins and 2 bath? wilh separate healing planU Conv tn CO LO VA A I 1300 Blk Quincy NWIBuy or Trade Now fa the Lima to bur nr trad your old home for this lovely Colom front brick home containing 6 Ige wn qu a rear frnnf ann rear yard Act fast CaHEX 8440 23 COT OR ED $750 Down Brick 5 rmsta tile balh auto bewt fenced Tsrd: exc eond HI 7717 ACE REALTY SERVICE Attractive oil constructed 5 rm brick bungalow heat expansion lot AsKing Mr Mon ue ei I LU NEW 3 BEDRM BRICKS featuring fully equipped metal kitchens in cluding garbage disposal unite and 8 foot refrigerators full family dining rni full bHQit with outside enfram I 4 finance We repeat NO DOWN PAYMENT TO GIs but $300 deposit required to cover settlement oharves TO REACH: Out I Ave to Mon Mov0 in rirlit gway Cali eves and Sun RA 2527 PRESS REALTY CORP no $3000 Call owner EX 8440 HI VKR TEHRACE $1250 Down Rrir A lr0 "vk hamt acreenrd porch oil heat Excel eond 7717 AC REALTY heat and relrig Open Walk i ti 2 lo 8 pm $14 450 LU 1 8637 A (JAROZZA CO EXULUblVt: 12 EVARTS ST NE OPEN SUN 2 6 VACANT CAP ST NEAR tfv wide tapestry brick home In thia exerptional location 6 Ige rm a Colonial porch 2 rear porches full bimt nice lot and rea ya rd' Immaculate th rough rAi PrtredTto VIEW SHOP 18th nd Col Rd ExQffL location Priced to aril Also aboahop 1200 blk St NE Have othar business must sell Cal! Mr Going AD 0655 6 to pm Sun 2 to 6 22 BAR GRILL Ptegat eomer SE Near Navy Yard Modernly and completely equipped A gold mine Present owners will sell buatneaa and real estate or eithei Priced at less than cost to equip Long leaae at very reasonable rent Terms for responsible party Evee caU Mr Bomia OR 2974 A BACAS MAXTOR A BUSINESS BROKER AD 8484 LORIDA MOTOR COURT located on US Hwy 41 Gold Coast section neat ocean polo fields delightful living with income One third down balance 10 year or exchange proper tie Write Owner 511 South Dixie Weet Palm Beach la 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH CENTER HALL NEW ENGLAND COUWIAI $17000 All brick situated on a of aa acre of land ive rm and bath on lt full bsmt oil heat very at tractive Call Jerry Williams Da mascus 6261 or RED CUSH MN Realtor 510 rederick Av Gaithersburg 200 MI 0212 WILLIAM BOAZE 3408 18th St NW CO 1402 20 BUNGALOW $6 100 wtll buy mod bungalow in Hillside Just over line Oil heat lot 120x100 Conv terms SOUTHEAST REALTY CO 1211 Pa Ave SE 2000 21 COIORED NE AKKANGBD IN 4 ABTS with monthly in nine Around be bnueht with a sihaII Ipavinent Call Mr Join a DI SPECIAL 5TH RANDOLPH NW LOVERLY Mml det brick home in thia very fine section 4 large rme side hall full bamt tile bath front and rear porches nice yard detached cr garage Only1504 takes It er trade the home you ar buying for it Hurry and call IRST NATIONAL REALTY HE 3531 AP 4H0 STREET SOUTHEAST COLORED 1300 block Very clean 5 room bricktex Bath heat front and deep bark yard excellent condition Irr rjuiet neighborhood Low down payment balance like rent PKgnS Eve RA 6641 only $12 reb down payment mo ny rni hkc rent Eves Ctjll Mr Joi Weitz RA 3483 wrih WEITZ REALTY CORP Bungalow with living rinr 'dinlrg tin 2 bedrtna and kit enrage Iirxc BURGESS 2524 Ave SE VI 2802 UH ft 21 COLOJRED No is i i TOO BLCK'K QlINCY ST NW Beautiful rrni dei 8 lire rme im proved benit wilh front eiilran'f 2 kiH oil wh $I6nno with $3000 cash COLORED HOME and income ONLY $750 DOWN buys this 7 rm row brick home wilh 2 baths 3 refgs 3 raruree gas heal SURETY REALTY COAIZ' 0531 "til 0 SOUTHEAST REALTY CO 1211 I'a Ave Sk 3 21 COt 1 S'lU OPEN 2 TO 5 til Lath wh auto ran front and rear jrl will) (imci inviting brfrh ood Ob 341 SMITH 1719 ST SE Brlek story and bsmt equipped fqr 2 families Good eond Oil heat tie inched garage Possession at aeHle nient Look this over Only reasonable offer will be accepted WILLOUGHBY REAL ESTATE CO SOP Mum Ar AT 7043 $750 DOWN MORNINGSIDE VILLAGE 0 hte attractive Cape Cod bungalow can be purchased by either civilian or veteran with approximately $750 down Aeeume the present financing le than rent) of SoSper month 4 truet and a small 2nd trust of comfortable terms Large corner lot with fence Livmr room big bright kitchen 2 bedrooms modern bath expandable attic storm windows and steel frame screens Beautiful condi tion This is ex' eptional Cal! Mri Taylor or Mr Berens Jr Sat or Sun NA 5005 REDERICK BERENS COLORED NR NO CAP AND STS ONLY $3175 DOWN Lge 6 rtn row brick home balh gaA elec coal heat SURETY REALTY CO AD 0531 til 0 26 5106 14TH ST OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 Detached 0 room home bath on 1st and 2nd firs 6 lge bedrms 2 porches hardwood firs oil wh': level lot Price reduced ROBERTS LATIMER gEALTOK GE 1 eves and Bun GE 81 14 25S Tenn Ave 'D Jlrk houae with11V rm din rm lge kit fc pantry JIaL fluor 3 bvdrjns A Luth 2d fllxe bsint with full bath gararfrt north gas wh nicely keiji Col Nr 9th NE Lovely Colonial row brick Rri tion hall 4 rms bath 2 ED ISOL A se 0 rnis NR ROCK CREEK PK 1ST PWDR RM $18500 OPEN SUN 1 5 PM 1838 IRVING ST NW 2 yr old mod row brick foyar entrance picture window In Jiv rm roomy din rm spacious dream 'kil colored tiled powder rm on 1st fir 3 bedrms matter bedrm 12x16 large sun deck off rear bedrm full imt witn iav gas neat ifcnced in lot Immaculate Mr Weise on premises Leo Bernstein Co 1415 St NW IU4ltor ME sloii OPEN 2 TO 5 4021 5TH ST NW Poaeeaaloo of this lovely rm brtek home in perfect condition 2 rear porches mod kit and bath CALL US information about a new whlt good terms Evenings DE 8640 Auerback Co'" DI: 6501 2 APTS 337 18TH PL NE OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO fl ah ant has coinnL kit and bath and in addition there are 2 eiiru (Dis plus a ccunpl kit Clean mudemidef brick for only 18500 lernis ROLLAND I OLDEN EX SE Row "brick home arranged to be AM) INCOME Canltnl bi ntilSth 3 apis 3 bat ha live ti one re'nt from other THE ONE You have been waiting for Porch front 6 large rm plu apt in bsmt iroill SOU CIIUIMIM' garage Everything that a frr Sale small down payment Call Mr Jones COX A CO DI 4264 eves TA U581 secuon JOHN 8HELT0N nenwr 3 BEDROOMS Semi Det Brick Hv rm dia rm kiL tile bath bamt with tile floor oil a screens A storm windows near ochopl and bus 112800 with small down payment At A CAROZZA CO EXCLUSIVE 23 2T PA AVE SE LU 4 004 0 I 1 rt I nr 1 I il(rn monthly payments 1 460 Blk of Mei idian 6 rms 1 LkIIik Rare COLORED Open Sunday2 Until Dark I 4 103 4TH 8T NW This bouo ia designed exclusively for a very discriminating person In an exclusive neighborhood Convenient iranspurialion lo all pointe of the city Hus large well ventilated henlihy rooms Second floor: our large bed rooms and tile bath bong newly dec orated irst floor consiels of a huge living rm with a real fireplace and mahogany cabinet radiator covers Huge dining room beautiful crystal chandeliers modern dinette and abo modern streamlined kitchen with tile walls dish washer gar bage dif POeal new automatic oven control ranre exhaust fan and tile linoleum This bouse is a dream Open Sunday 2 Until Dark Burks Realty DU 3333 1 1 I Georgia Ave NW 0 A A CAROZZA CO EXCLUSIVE l(7 Pa Are 0E LU 4 4044 COLORED 5108 ST NE Detached 2 bedrrua finished bamt in excellent eond WHl consider Gl VAl gWOP sboa repair and dry eieantnr: well equip Established 10 year Low rent 1 or 2 years' lease SeDIngdue to health Very low price Good location Excellent opportunity for a new manager Ceil EM 5721 daytime evee and Sun UN 7705 homes Exclusive Wilh Langston Realty TR 8693 Mr Luck Salesman Premlsee After Hours Contact Mr Luck GE 34S4 Nbedrin bungalow I yr i fenced lol: lull burnt TAKOMA PARK ive rm brick bungalow line years idd located one bk from transp and shopping center This properly i in the fme it eond for $11500 BROWN AGENCY SH 3144 JU 7 720 LUUIS MILLER riN 27: 3 UN 4 2 22 i OPENRAMBLERS Konir 3 bedini! some 2 bedrms iiilramod kit inc Bendit washer inest coiihiructton throughout $13500 To reach Out Ate lo 1 'm ty Lane left on Lane one block to Navaho Drive right one block to ''Open" rign BROWN AGENCY SH 3444 MH 3107 22 income Producer TWO LOVELY Well built brick home arranged Into 2 apts full hunt ml re' re ation rm NE IncutinnPriced to acll nm ppnient 13g cent I Eves call Mrs Wright Ml $11750 RIVER TERRACE Attractive 8 bedroom brick home modern bath full basem*nt auto COLORED Near 12th 81 and Penn Ae SE Nice prick pomp heal Price $8250 $750 DOWN 1ST 3 APTS Look at this bargain Brick Horne in beet renting aection Made into 3 a pte 9 rma 2 bathe gas elec EXTRA firat commercial Act fasti IRST NATIONAL REALTY RE 8431 AP 4tO PAUL STONE REALTOR 1 015 15th St NW NA 7370 20 OPEN TODAY 2 TIL HARK 4425 Oth St NW Vacant bix rm senn det Colonial brick home Oil wh hardwood fl Conv io trimmts and shopping Call Mr Harriw DE 1J63 20 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 1009 4TH ST NW irrl offerin of COLORED RIVER TERRACE OPEN TODAY 2 TILL DARK 309 34TH ST NE This brick home ha 6 spacious rms mod kil with Serve! gas refrg bath with xunlccii tub and shower hard wood firs oil te heat full bum aml fenced yard Priced to sell to day Mr Jackson on premises JOHN MURCHISON RA ftOOO Sun and eves AT 8927 Colonial front 6 rma and balh full bunk $1 000 down C'Jl Mr raxion 8 182U COLORED 1346 Meridaivrt NW OPEN SL'NDAY 1 7 11544 down balance like rent' MANOR PARK 3 bedrms and bath large gas heat auto gas ami Price $13050 cash on convenient term Pharr 2653 or REALTY CO 715 in LINCOLN PA KK 131 12th St NE Lovely 3 story Erick 2 Rita 2 baths large private rms bsint oil heat re terms Call Mrs Jot 60x220 with treot Only $14500? Terms ROBHRT LOHR 31 1 Cedar $1 NW QE 0257 30 Colored 1st Commercial NORTH CAPITOL AND S'ig NW tdory bn eg store on 1st floor rma ana oam on me flonra TSphI location $1500 DOWN Call ul 9 pm week days Sun 2 lo 3 Wm Calomiris Inv Corp JOHN I SHELTON Beallor JO 2 2000 till pm 0 NEAR DAMASCUS $9500 Semibungalow 7 rm Irt fl rm din rm kit 3 bedrms bath: 2d fl 3 hedma hih fully completed: oil heat I gere splendid land Cail Jerry Williams Dnmaai'us 6261 or RED CUSHMAN Realtor 510 JreeterlcM Ave Gaithersburg 299 OLORED 207 ST SW down monthly payments like rem 4 ruin cleulricl ('All Milton COLORED BE TffE HIST thi lovely row brick birtt rt 9 K' I rerept hiill liv rm dm rm mod JkOOlHb IX 1 iC 11 1 1 I i dfij den becoud fir has 3 Sr'K the brut buy on today's rm bath unci endowed por full rkrt Auto heat perfect condi lbmit? r4T h' wh ccllcnl rrrt BRIGHTWOOD ecm1 detachd 'hrtek Ylne condition 6 rm 2 baihjrsc raj gat wh rage" Idea l' for profeeafi'nal man 4: priced right for quirk aale Randolph RE 2137 TR 7265 MT RAINIER Nice clean 6 rm bung with frt and rear porches finished bsmt large ehiuled lot Asking $L15(JQ Must sell quick Wail worth looking at TRISTE GEORGES REALTY WA I 1 Kid 2 0 Lovely 6 rm brick home Colonial frt Wm Calomiris Inv Corp 1 1 1 I I I 1 2 a 1 I UU LZ I I Ige vd all conv Mr Anno RA 4450 ZAGAM1 REALTY' LI Imnirdiate Possession Beautiful room all brick ('ape Cod bungiilow Expandable ntlm largo dining rm 2 spacious bedrms living rm full equipped kitchen full binl re' rm gas heal On verv preltv large fenoed lot Onlv $10 950 Lib eral term? RANDAlr WAL enOT REALTOR lx 3 100 OR Denston TU 2100 eve WA 1225 or as representative on premises Shock A Moo a ad Realto COLORED OPEN 2 ITrii 718 UPS1IUH ST NW $1500 DOWN 90 MONTH 3 $7950 COLESVILLE AREA Located convenient tovai Orunamw Lab iiburhtin Mminronurv year old masonry hom*o ie situated on COLORED $750 DOWN 1ST LA AVIL NE I You will be simply delighted with this lovely drni brick home tilei ibalh wh coal full berat front room kitcbmi and Humite 3 bedroornR iiaili cormreie pencil and sundcck' Call Mr Sikr NA 5RU5 REDERICK V7 BERENS PRICE REDUCED A rm hoyse near St Elizabeth hoapltal and Bolling ield contain ing 2 apts on lot 75x 100 Must sell Owner leaving city Call Mr Mauney TU 2100 eves RA 7605 SHOCKEY A MOORHEAD Realtors Colored GI 216 35TH ST NE OPEN SAT A SUN 1 TO rms and balh GT row brick $800 down and appro $50 par mo Quick $500 DOWN 1421 ST SE sacmc: open 1 to 6 today rm ect bath hoi good condition Innircl frnnf nni Ah wa lovely yard: dot 4 rar garage Mr 250 DOWN 1200 BLK ST NE Atinu RA 4450 ZAGAMI REALTY lge rm and bath 2 story brick lluii bmi wn coni nice yards ii it nu von wv' Conv lo everything Triced tu sen DC 2 CT nruriri Crll fl wr nl dv Sun 12 to 5 9 GI VALUE Brick veneer bungalow of living kitchen 2 bedrms and bath: expan sion attic partly finished full boat On bus line convenient to Andrew ield Census etc GI approved lot $11600 $1200 down 3S monthly including taxes and insurance ABSHER REALTY CO LI 7 4413 evee LU 4 6833 hive it you're airaid to turn ll loose Ikm ely rni home wtl viih only jour job to depend onlOrrn rarugp front pure fearing somelhine nilelit barmen? ih' 1 Juinicrl nossAe ree have just what you have i en wiBh ihond down CLIORD ing lor a home with au in' omo of SHERTZliR Realtor 2 2 1 1 bun $20ft rer mo 3 separate aps 1 1 metii SL 7 74 7 22 This covers vrmr nni uni 1 pr vi 1 I' 1 CO MJ It ED OPEN TODAY 3 5 PM eww' De rri i 4 yhy CA 5 room arid h(h on U'Tr lot Hl Stjiiiand Hardwood floors mly vit aulo oil vr 2 porches btirit nic COLORED OPEN 3 TO 7 5569 Central Ave NE rm eon niliun lice new rmi oeiarnea hot air hrai modern kit hen both $10U() or more cash $85 mont JOHNSTON 12 DE 5630r COLOREP BROOKLAND 1505 CHANNING ST NE bu Iduig fi rms 2 baths hj 1 bsiit vai ant easy terms Call 11 0095 or RE 2 1 4 4 COLORED 'ONLY $500 DOWN Near 11th and Sts NW Brick building 12 rms 3 balh burnt good income piodiKHif prop IVE BEDROOMS OPEN TODAY 2 6 PM IEW custom built detached brick Coloring liv rm yj I ircplfynjce linrig rm Jgi tile Kit bedrin and PrTced tn'Tifdl ihis id TODAY! ('nil 'td weekdays acre lol 8 mile uf fiunuug 150 ft on Md 51U full bsmt ut condition (hrourhout $13050 2500 down LL 4 J765 BRISTOL REALTY CO I14 17B6 20 Mmm Sr Obtrkl COLORED NE RIVER TERRACE Attractive 20 ft wide English type brick New bouae condition throughout Large Jiving rm family size dining nn large equipped kitchen 1st floor: 3 large bedrms tile bath 2nd floor: a heat basem*nt with Open Hyat tsvillft Dills' 66 1 0 39TH AVE BuHiiliful home on apaclous ground 's balh Jd Noor Settlement Charges Only Urick bungalous on concrete streets all city conveniences yet in the coun try Mo paymts as low 311 in cludes everything our plans io ''lioohe from or will adjust plans to meet your idcim 8 AT AND ROM 1 TILL DARK Brin? your deposit as tluri5 will go drews Ave and open eiKn A A CAROZZA 1327 PA AVB SE lU 4 00 40 HILLSIDE IX aMEu UP TL OPEN SAT SUN 2 TO 6 5496 1ST ST 62 IfaMM fate Slew OPEN 3 TO 405 36TH ST NE RITR A amall poxmont buyi this lovely rm brick home in perf eond Ixrvely XArde WHY PAY RENT? When you can buy tbit clean cut Cape Cod for $8500 coneJrting of living rm kjt 2 bedrms and bath 2 nice ecroened porr heg on level lot in fine neighborhood conv to downtown Washington and Andrews ield taey lermi INCOME IN ND $1 ie income plus 6 extra room corner stick nail "Tt wh 2 ha th Kretsinger MI 0212 WILLIAM BOAZE S408 18th St NW CO 1492 20 1361 MAPLEVIEW PL SE ffeagi det brick 5 large rms tile batta front pomh with roof oil bA Perfect eond Immed posses AVQODRIDGE OPEN SUN 2 6 OR CALL ANYTIME 1845 MONROE ST 8 Jarre rm hall to kit and I mean Ige rms 4 bedrnts 3 porches nil bemt facing park A a ant Immed no Lves and Sun Krctsingi rf Ml WILLIAM BOAZE 3408 1 Rth St NW CQ 1402 20 al problems are over Ron enna hie terms Call Mrs Loughlin AD 22t(J or DL 8080 Security Home Inv Corp Modern I 1 Near Prince Georges Club Almost new 1 story bung on level lot Reduced to $8850 for immediateales Monthly payments $66 RINGE GEORGES REALTY WA Hi)5 (J 1 I 6 6 20 THESE MARYLAND PROPERTIES BEORE BUYING A HOME BUSINESS LOCATION ACREAGE OR HOME SITE vvr vaa riHfc auh cioae iu bijo 1 1 1 ft baths with 3 exceptionally large school and transportation 8 1 0500 bedrms builuin gar and ground Gl approved 10 per cent don ex ejiirance io nsnu upen air nin ing grove with fireplace Buy this and start living BURGESS 2524 Pa Ave SE VI 2802 nil TH 9883 COLORED 3643 13th St NW OPEN SUMJAY 2 TO 4 Sir rms colonial front porch In excellenl condition Priced right for quick aale JACK KOGOK 1814 RE 1317 or TU COLORED 2 AM1LY home This substantial brick home is a good buy for home with income that will improve in value becauac of its con venient location On a first commer cial street Approximate income is $l800 a year from 2 complete apt I Excellent fmanctag PeaeeaMon with title or appointment Mr Kidd No NEAR BOYDS $3850 Three acres 3 rm frame house elee and running water: small orchard Would make an excellent chiokao farm red Cushman Realtor red 'rick Ave Gaithersburg 299 SUITLAND MARYLAND Clos in conv location and good neighborhood Well built brick houeea 1 2 hoiibcs with 3 bedrms liv rm with firepU' equip kit bsmt wilh roc rni oil wh 1 vacant and 408 Ave NW $1009 DOWN 1 1 om and Income COLORED HOME INCOME Quiet NW Lovely quarters plus 220 monthly income Property consists of 10 rms and four baths If you need an Income and would like to have a fine home tno call Mr Bouacaren EX 2480 Or KM' 4 413 RED SMITH CO: Rcaltnra 111 3 17th St NW Colored Trinidad Area OPEN SUN 1 TO 5 PM HOME A INCOME POSSESSION 1118 HOLBROOK ST NE Mud brick lirol and second fir each have 4 rm apt bath: neat: ouiit in gar: SEMI DETACHED brick practi ally porch entire houe in new rma immaculate through 1 ri cd ri LU containing 9 lge rm7C'full baths OPEN SAT AND SUN 1 6 Lrkt fast IRST NATIONAL REALTY COLORED ATTENTION I OPEN TODAY 2 TO 5 See this 20 ft home which now being rut into perfect condition Six large spacious rooms full basemc it wh front iworch Nice rear yard ONLY $13950 Call us for an appt KED EHRLICH 905 5lh St NW ST 0451 0436 A TER 0:30 PM TU 4631 RIVER TERRACE $300 DOWN Modern 5 rm brick home 2 bedrms tile bath din rm equip kit Ap proved lor £81)00 Veteran mu earn ipprox StJ5 per wk Call Mr Brown TU TLl'l: evee TA 6015 Samuel I 'Reynolds 30C5 Ave NW NW ONLY $750 DOWN Do not hesitate on this lovely 6 room brick home Tile batb wh gas full basemeiUj front and rear yards Wonderful Call owner EX 8440 23 HILI CREST AREA Pet brick 2 story large airy rm 2 hathb bmt 8 ft' refrg lovely gas range gan heal sodded lot Your 'dream home ER 7717 LET ME Show you this lovely 6 rm semi det 8036 Qfftr open bmr lay iJOLriRED nn lot goe with $750 down for both 12 EVARTS ST NE $2 000 DOWN 120 ST NE S2UUU DOWN 128 fcT NE $2500 DOWN or complete dethils on these and many more call Ll 4 1 765 BRISTOL REALTY CO LL 4 1765 20 ri rnom brick oil: front porch end yard Priced low for quick sale Call EX 8 440 23 SILVER SPRING Brk det Cape Cod bung 5 lge llro fi fiafh studio apt 2d fir bsmt stoves 2 rt frx: beaut landscaped Subst cash bal 1 trust 7717 ACE REALTY SERVICE 20 2 Nmm hr OPEN SUNDAY 11 TO 7 3230 HIGHWOOD DR SB New 4 bedrm det brick lrt flr bedrtn bath Located on large wooded lot overlooking city Built in gar: large liv rm with fireplace huge kit with the latest modern equip leni iouu ii terms jsay aider trade MOVE IN! 15TII A AVE SE ONLY $645 DOWN true Move into this lovely nome wain wn ciy linnit bath porches gjraye oil bsint full ihho ij f(if) near 1th 011 Mr Hunch Jr rnx Hl KIJ3 OPEN 1 TO 6 Near Bureau of Standarde Spacious vni row brick home Three bedinw fireplace 2 enclosed porches rec rm gae wh built in garage Ideal location 1 Convenient to everything Owner rettred' and'Tc aving city Price reduced for immediate sale DRURY REALTY COR ML 4000 eveg CO 6545 I 7th Si NVV DI 1655 NW Section 522 23RD ST NW 8 RMS bath Orts heating system 13 lovely brick home 6 rm t'l balh full brnt gm ti teli uel gar OPEN 4 TO 8 PM 1 Sr SE ive room brick landscaped yard ront screened porch awning bub elantial cash required or de tails cal Mr Brook TR 2825: after 7 pm WA 9191) RANK MURPHY INC 3423 Benning Win Culoiniris Inv Corp 1012 17th St NW 1)1 1655 22 NW 1 700 BLOCK SWAN ST hom*o and Investment 10 apscioiiM room on 3 floors Priced below to day' irlarket Its is down paynent new Indian Hgwy miUs south of A uicu elevation affords of urrouninu ideal site for a tuoc home i buuu on terms WOODRIDGE 4 rms on 1st fluor and baih email 3 rm apt and batb up rents $50 gas hw cement frt porch Good down payment and balatv easily fi nanced Eves and Suu Krctsmger LOG CABIN RETREAT An unbelievable bargain for quick Rale This modern home consists ef ft lge rin several outbuildings and 2 i'ir garage All modern improvements It set on a Ift acre tract of nice Und where you can heve a gr din or a lure flock of chicken Just 15 miles from on good roads Priced to el) on easy term HURGEgff LT! 4 Pa Ave SE VI 202 ONE YEAR OLD PAUL STONE REALTOR 1013 1 511 XW NA T'll ll ''O VACANT neaj Trinidad Avenue ZANTZINOER CO IHS ST NW NA 63 TI TAKOMA GI approved 5 rm bunralow enr COLORED 1400 Blk of Morris Rd'SE Modern 4 rm brick home full bsmt oil Priced at 12000 Reas down pymt Call Mr Taylor AI 1S3L Eve HU 41 00 COLORED OPEN 1 6 1354 SO CARO4JNA AVE SE Well built home Six lge rm hall.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia? ›

The Washington Times-Herald (1939–1954) was an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. It was created by Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson of the Medill–McCormick–Patterson family (long-time owners of the Chicago Tribune and the New York Daily News and founding later Newsday on New York's Long Island) when she ...

What city is close to Washington District of Columbia? ›

Arlington is one of the most populated and closest cities to Washington DC, and sure enough, some of the best views of Washington DC can be seen from Arlington!

Is District of Columbia different from Washington? ›

What is Washington, DC? Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

What is the major newspaper in DC? ›

The Washington Post, locally known as "the Post" and, informally, WaPo or WP, is an American daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., the national capital.

Who owns Washington District of Columbia? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

What city is 30 minutes away from Washington, DC.? ›

Bethesda, MD

Located northwest of Washington, D.C., the laid-back town of Bethesda is home to a wide variety of D.C. commuters, as it's only about a 30-minute drive away from the hustle and bustle.

Where is the best place to live in Washington, DC.? ›

Washington DC Best Neighborhoods
  • Capitol Hill.
  • NoMa.
  • Dupont Circle.
  • Shaw.
  • Georgetown.
  • Petworth.
  • U-Street Corridor.
  • Foggy Bottom.
Nov 22, 2023

What is the conservative paper in DC? ›

The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance, supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

What are the three biggest newspapers in America? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Oct 25, 2023

What is the biggest newspaper in Columbia? ›

In Colombia the most read and influential newspaper is El Tiempo, which also has the highest newspaper circulation in the country. It was founded in 1911 by Alfonso Villegas Restrepo and currently owned by Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo.

Is District of Columbia Republican? ›

It is part of the "blue wall", having voted for all Democratic nominees since 1964. The majority of residents want the district to become a state and gain full voting representation in Congress, which was confirmed with a 2016 referendum.

Why did DC give land back to Virginia? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river.

What city is not part of any state? ›

Why is Washington D.C. identified as the only city in America that is not inside of a state? The District of Columbia was created out of a square parcel of (rather swampy) territories of Maryland and Virginia. The Founders purposely wanted the capital of the nation not to be situated in any state.

What is the closest capital city to Washington, DC? ›

Washington,DC and Maryland's state capital of Annapolis lay only 32 miles apart probably the closest 2 capitals in the USA!

What city borders Washington, DC? ›

Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly known as Washington or D.C., is the capital city and federal district of the United States. The city is on the Potomac River, across from Virginia, and shares land borders with Maryland to its north and east.

What is the closest state to Washington, DC? ›

Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state. It is surrounded by the state of Maryland on the northwest, northeast, and southeast and bordered by the state of Virginia, across the Potomac River, on the west and southwest.

What are the major cities in Washington, DC? ›

The region's three largest cities are the federal city of Washington, D.C., the county (and census-designated place) of Arlington, and the independent city of Alexandria.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.