The Fantastic Don House - 1602jaw (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Sup fellow readers, so this is officially the second show connected to TD Cruise/Trainwreck Express ( the other being, the Blaineley Show ) and one I'm certain will be the canon one.

And if you guys wondering, yes TD Trainwreck Express and the Blaineley show are still going. In fact, the next chapter for TD Trainwreck Express is going smoothly.

Just a reminder, this is a prequel to TD Trainwreck Express. So everything in this fic is set while TD Cruise is still going on. There are going to be ideas utilized in this fic that was meant for my other canceled spin offs.

So yeah, enjoy this short introduction ( Also to note, this is set after chapter 23 from TD Cruise and before the Blaineley show came to existence ).

Thoughts on misery and depression flow within his empty mind. Thoughts of annoyance and grudge pierced out of his eyes. Then came jealousy, as the host of his own show, the Ridonculous Race, is sitting on a fancy, red couch.

Inside his own empty mansion. Inside a dark bubble, where only the blue light shines upon him from the tall windows, where the moon stands.

Scattered all over the grounds were empty chip bags, some still maintaining bits of chips inside. Not to mention, empty cans of soda and beer, some stood, others lay with some stains filling up the floor.

The host, known as Don, is not in a good mood. The reason can be traced to his flat screen TV, showing an interview of Chris Mclean, the host of the most popular reality show, Total Drama.

Don has a scornful jealousy at him for the fact his season isn't renewed, while Chris Mclean continues to thrive. Here he is, broken. Covering himself with a blanket, wearing nothing but shorts and a dirty, white shirt.

He continues to watch, eating his chips, all while the interview continues, with Chris sitting behind a dark background, giving a smug expression.

"So mister Chris Mclean, with the success of your new season", The unknown interviewer asked, "Tell us, why do you choose the multiverse as your theme?"

"First off, that's an excellent question", Chris replied, "Second, I want to do things more...extreme. Make sure my fans take a liking of this new approach".

"And are you quite satisfied by what's going on?"

"Yep. Right now, I lended Copperhead to take care of hosting for me while I'm here. He stated he got something insane for my competitors to endure. Recently, they aren't in a good mood after what happened last time. Shame I won't be there to see it".

"I see. Another question, what if there's a likely chance of another show competing against you?"

"What? You mean something similar to Don dumb show?"

"Ummm yes".

"That's a good question. I won't care. I'm too perfect for anyone to compete against me. And even if he did manage to have his own show, the Ridonculous Race be renewed for a new season with a new cast of characters, I'll be ya it won't last long. Trust me, I know".

"Yeah, as if you know any better", Don mutters, picking up a remote and changing the channel, which only cuts to statistics. The more statics. Then he tried going back to the previous channel. Static, once again.

"Awww come on!", Don moen, "I just pay off my cable taxes!"

He picked up his phone and began dialing to the cable company. He waited for a while until realizing with one glance that the signal wasn't picking up. In fact, he soon realizes around him that the power for his mansion has died out, much to his disappointment.

"Great, power outage", Don sighs, tossing his phone out and sloughing back into his couch, "Just...just wonderful. As if my wonderful day hasn't been the best yet".

Just then, he heard an unexpected voice echoing throughout his mansion, "This is just sad! Extremely sad! I mean, there's not enough definition for how sad this is".

This startled him. Looking around to see where the voice is coming from, "Who's there?"

"Why, your new partner, of course!"

Out of the bloom, a floating, small man appears by his side, startling Don.

"Hello there Donny", He replied with a waving greeting. He wore a purple coat, hat, and pants, a tie, and a green vest.

"Wha-what the heck are you?!" Don asked, pointing directly at him.

"Seriously? Never keep up with the news lately?" He asked, sarcastically. Arms on his hips, as he pointed to himself for introduction, "I'm Mxyzptlk!"




Don is bewildered by his name, as Mxy by him and said, "Let me repeat...MXYZPTLK!"

His yell sent Don on the floor by accident, getting up and trying to remain balanced, ignoring the several crums on him, "Umm..thanks?"

"You're welcome. Now as I was saying, I go by the simple name of Mister Mxy. And as you should know, I am an Imp from the 5th dimension", He explained.

"Oh really?"


"Then...what do you want from me?"

"What do I want?" Mxy begins to move around Don, all while doing several gestures, "The real question you should've asked is, what do you want?"

"Huh?" Don is confused by what he meant, as Mxy further explains while wrapping his arm around him.

"Listen to me, pal. I have been a fan of your show, ever since that tired slop, Total Drama Paki-whatever ended. Since your show aired, I began to admire you", He said, releasing his arm from him, "Your charisma! Your charm! Your nice speedo! And your way of handling things!"

"I'm flatter", Don said.

"Yep! You have everything to deserve a second chance. But alas, the executives turn you down in favoring Chris over you. How does that make you feel? Is it anger? Sadden you?"

"Kinda disappointed, honestly".

"Exactly", He said, "That's why, I'm going to help you get back on track".

"Why though?"

"Why? Because I'm your biggest fan".

"But isn't your biggest fan Super-"

"No, no, no, no, no, he's my number one", Mxy told him right up his face, then proceeding to point at his neck, Your my number two!"

"Then who's your number 3?"

"That's someone you should never know! Listen, you got a huge reputation to save. Nobody is going to remember you in the long run! Heck, the only people who are going to remember ya is a lame joke done by Chris himself. Don't you care about being a star?"

"Well yes-"

"Don't you care about your fans? And how desperate they needed you?"

"Of course".

"See!" Mxy said, "That's why I'm going to help you?"

"So you're going to try to get my Ridonculous Race renewed for a new season?"

"Hell no!" He replied, with three script copies appearing in mid air, grabbing it and telling him, "That race of yours isn't going anywhere. We need something new to grab a viewer's attention. Trust me, it better you start up your own unique show".

After he said this, a paper shredder appeared and shredded three of the script down. Once it disappeared, it made Don think.

This could be his chance of rivaling Chris and gaining his position of host back. Granted, he doesn't know what he's putting himself into. Not to mention, he doesn't know much about this Imp, other than the frequent news article involving him and Superman.

However at this rate, he was desperate to find a spotlight.

He then asked him, "Hmm, unique show...that does sound intriguing. Tell me, how are you going to do this? Put me back in the spotlight?"

"Easy! Just believe in me, and everything will be alright. Also, I already have an idea what your perfect show will be".


"Yep!" Mxy said, as a board appeared, floating right next to him and showing the title of this new show, "I called it, The Fantastic Don Household! Where you and I are the host, where eighteen contestants compete for the prize for..."

After the board disappears, another thing appears, showing a bag filled with dollars in it, "Nine billion dollars!"

Once that's gone, he continues to explain, "All by simply staying in one large house, where they must solve several problems, either as a team or as separate individuals! There is no team! No marshmallows! No camp whatsoever! Just, you win, you get to stay. You lose, you are OUT!"

"Interesting. And what kind of problems each or all of them need to solve?"

"Just the usual problems many households face like pipe leaking, dealing with trouble neighbors, inviting friends over for some games, getting groceries, getting a job, etc, etc. You get the idea".

"Oh, so it's similar to a sitcom series or a Family reality show?"

"Yep! Well, some of it, anyways. The cast will consist of people from all over the world, including the multiverse".

"And how are you going to bring them onto my-I mean, our show?"

"Duh, I'm an Imp for pete sake! I know how to go from one world to another. Need to get yourself an expensive inter-dimensional techno", Mxy told him, "But anyways, what do you say, partner? Want in?"

"Well...after thinking it over, I'm in", He replied with a grin, much to the Imp's delight.

"Yes! That's what I like to hear!" He said, both giving a handshake for the new start of a series.

And there you go. The first introduction to this new spin off.

Anyways, here is the cast for this new spin off:

Reg ( Made in Abyss ).

Dororo ( Dororo ).

Mabel Pines ( Gravity Falls ).

Red Skull ( Marvel ).

Ruby ( Ruby Gloom ).

Lisa Simpson ( The Simpson ).

Archer Sterling ( Archer ).

Idree ( The Breadwinner ).

Gimpy ( Undergrads ).

Hellboy ( Hellboy ).

Boa Hanco*ck ( One Piece ).

John Redcorn ( King of the Hill ).

Furrball ( Tiny Toons Adventure ).

Blitzwing ( Transformers Animated ).

Nikki ( Camp Camp ).

Octavia Goetia ( Helluva Boss ).

Studio: Po ( Kung Fu Panda ).

Lucy Loud ( The Loud House ).

Zulius ( Centaurworld ).

Ceviche ( Chowder ).

Vicky ( Vicky the Viking ).

Tomie ( Junji Ito ).

Chapter 2: Let's get this over with

Chapter Text

"Don….hey Don…wake, wake, D tier host!"

A loud horn blasted into Don ear, causing him to wake up, startled by the sound of it.

"It's time for the show to begin!" Mxy shouted.

"Wha-what? Really? It's that time?"

"Yes, it's that time! I've been trying to remind you about it!"

"Well, I am terribly sorry about that", Don rose up, rubbing his eyes a bit until finally getting a clearer look at his surroundings, "Wait a second, this isn't my mansion".

In his awakening, he is standing right in the middle of a vast opening area, surrounded by a jungle forest. There was a large, open path. Although where it led remains unknown to the host.

"Welcome to Cambodia!" Mxy announces to him.

"Cambodia? I thought we agreed the setting would be on…I don't know, Fiji or Hawaii".

"Don, Don, Don, the show requires a setting more dire for the players to deal with", Mxy told him, "Besides, I'm not allowed to step foot on those islands without Superman cutting in and ruining it for me".

"What did you do on those islands?"

"Let's just say I did some wacky stuff back there that you do not want to know", Mxy said, "Anyways, enough with that, we got a show to run! Now while you were busy taking a huge dump I managed to gather up some contestants for this show".

"Really? How many?"

"Twenty two"

"Twenty two?!".

"Don't worry, we'll add additional if there's time. Right now, let's focus on the show! Now as you know, this is going to be completely different from that Total Drama whatever" Mxy told him, "Totally different! I'm talking about a reality show, if you put it in a blender with all kinds of genres".

"I have no idea what that mean, but I'm rolling with it"

"Don, let me introduce you to…", With the snap of a finger, a giant mansion dropped down right in front of them, "The Don House!"

The house resembles a Roaring 20s deco mansion. The size of which is bigger than Notre Dame Cathedral. There are eight doors with four at the back being normal, with two normal doors at the front; The front main door is huge as a corridor and at the back and last door is a sliding one. Two balconies that lead to the much bigger one at the back. Two levels indicated by the windows.

"Tada! Love it?" Mxy asked him, with Don expression being jaw dropped by the sight of it, "I thought of it by myself. Granted, I could've gone more with the exaggerated side of things, but I thought I would start off more….mundane. So what do you think?"

"This looks…amazing!" Don replied.

"I know, right?!"

"It's all clean and rich. Wait, does the mansion include any plumbing or-?"

"Don, it's a mansion I created by myself. Of course it has every essential thing to make up as a house. What am I? Cheap?"

"I'm just making sure. I don't want my contestants to feel miserable staying in there".

"Sheesh, you really committed to the whole 'Nicer version of Chris' schtick here".

"Eh, I get that a lot".

"Don't worry, the mansion is a comfortable place to stay in. It's better than staying in some cabin. Now then, let's get started with our new contestants".

"Contestants! Right…..wait, who did you bring in?"

"Good question", Mr. Mxy told him, "I'll tell ya, I met some…interesting individuals. Some are insane, some are….professional. They range from kids to adults, to hyper to ptsd ridden".

"Wait what?"

"I meant to say PHD. They have PHD", He told them, "Anyways, they're a huge bunch".

"Okay then, but how are you going to bring them here?"

"Easy", Mxy explained, "I gave them two options, One, they can go by their own accord, or two I give them this".

Suddenly, a button device appeared in thin air, dropping and landing in Mxy palm. The device itself wasn't anything special. It only has a red button on it, "Tada! Teleportation button. One push, it'll send them straight to our location. It also has a special feature for whoever appears, smoke comes out of it. Gives a more interesting entrance".

"Wow, you got everything under control then".

"Not quite. One of these losers didn't want to go, so I decided to just…bring him here by myself. He wasn't the only one though. Speaking of, here it is! Our first newbie!"

Mxy snapped his finger, as suddenly a person came into existence, looking in distress and confusion.

The person seems to be young at age, but still maintaining a much older appearance. He's middle eastern, clad in ragged clothing, having black hair, and holding a mk47.

Don was in total shock by this, but to Mxy he seemed pleasantly pleased by him being here.

As the man himself stood there, looking around in sudden fear while holding his gun, "Wha-what is this?! Where am I?!"

"What the heck is this, Mxy?" Don asked him, as Mxy pulled out a cigarette and smoked, "You brought a literal Taliban here?"

"What can I say? I like to think outside the box".

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to bring a literal Taliban here! I thought you were going to bring someone, I don't know, wacky".

"Don, trust me. I got an abundance of wacky folks for this show. This one, I thought would be interesting to add for this show. Representation, you know".

"Yeah, I'm sure people from his home land will be thrilled to know their worst enemy is on this show, representing them no less! Really hope this doesn't offend or upset anyone", Don sarcastically told him, "Oh wait! It will!"

"Hey! I am trying to be helpful here! You should be grateful I managed to convince some of them to compete in this".

"Stay back!" The man shouted, aiming his gun at them, despite stuttering it, "I-I don't know where I am or who you men are! But-"

While Don stood there, hands raised up, Mxy tried to gesture to him to lower his weapon, trying to reassure him, "Idree, relax man. Everything is alright".

"Alright?! I-I was in a shootout, you…you came and-and forced me to sign a contract. Wha-what even are you?!"

"Idree you got to calm down, man", Mxy told him, touching his gun which burst into birds flying off, much to his surprise, "You're literally a perfect pick. You don't have to worry about living with those bozos".

"Am I dead?"

"Dead? More like, famous! Come on, cheer up. You are competing for a grand prize on this show! With me and Don".

"Don?" Idree stared at Don.

"Uhh yes, that would be me, Don", He introduced himself, holding out his hand for a handshake, "Congrats for being here….I guess…alive and totally not out there".

Idree only looked at him in utter confusion. He did give a handshake back.

"Great! Glad your taking this well, mister Idree!" Mxy said, patting him on the back, "I was honestly kinda afraid you were going to have a literal heart attack".

"I….can't believe this is happening", Idree said to himself, "I have no idea how to react to this".

"So what do you think?" Mxy asked Don, getting a bit further away from him where he cannot hear them.

"I don't know. It seems like a pretty bad idea".

"Not to me, though. Think about this as a good redemption arc for him. Like, a good message to the viewers about how one man changed from being a taliban to…a normal Middle Eastern guy".

"I..guess I could see the potential behind this, but won't that offend the people in the Middle East? Or in this case, anger a certain group of people."

"Don, you got to relax. I'm an Imp. If there is something going wrong, I'll deal with it".

"Fine, I'll keep that in mind. So who's the next person we introduce?" Don asked Mxy, "Let me guess, a supremacist?"

"Close, but not true".

"Oh thank god….wait, what do you mean by-"

"You didn't let me finish! I was going to say I brought along a..infamous detective, monster hunter".

"Monster hunter? And who would that be?"

"Ummm probably me", The figure spoke behind them, much to their surprise as they turned around and saw him.

The figure was bulky and tall. He's red, has horns but seemingly cut off. He has black hair, has a gun holster, and wears a brown coat. His right arm is stone and solid like. He also has a tail.

Don was startled at first, but quickly came back to his composure, "Okay, looks like we are getting to the weirder folks here".

"How ya doing?" The man replied, "I just got dropped off somewhere that isn't here. Took me a whole damn hour to get where I am".

"Yeah sorry for not giving a specific location to land at", Mxy told him, "I was busy at the moment trying to sort everything out. You know how showbiz works these days".

"Yeah, I got the memo".

"So red guy?" Don asked the man.


"Yeah Hellboy, mind explaining why a literal demon likes you being here? No offense for me calling you a demon or anything".

That's okay, I get that a lot. As for your question, Eh, vacation perhaps".

"Vacation, huh? So your taking a break from all the torturing and suffering-"

"Look I'm not that kind of demon, pal okay? I just had a tough job and needed some break time".

"Wait, so you sign up because?-"

"Yep. Thought I could have some fun while I'm here".

"Umm okay then, welcome to the show. Happy to have you here", Don told him, as Hellboy walked past him.

As Hellboy headed toward Idree, the boy himself stood there in fear. She stepped back away from him, never seeing this creature before.

Hellboy turned toward him, taking notice of his existence, "Ummm hi".

Idree startled, pointing at him, "What are you?! A Shaitan?!"

"A Shaitan?" Hellboy asked, then coming to a casual realization, "Oh yeah, a Shaitan. I remember those guys. Used to kill many of those during my investigation in the Middle East. Pretty ugly fellows".

"Wha-what?! You better stay away from me, whatever you are! I don't care if your a Shaitan or not, do not dare stand next to me"

"Sheesh, not much of a social type, aren't ya?"

Don and Mxy were observing while this was happening, with Don remarking concerningly, "Uhh you sure having both the normal players and out there plays competing on the same show together?"

"Hey, it's all about competing against your rival show, remember?"

"Oh yeah, right, right", Don replied, "So, about the whole contestant not wanting to join thing"

"Like I said, he's not the only one", Mxy proceeded to snap his finger once more, "Now that you mention it, the next bozo we bring in here is…."

Another strange figure came into existence, looking around in shock and confusion.


"What the f*ck?! You little sh*t!" She responded to him.

"Whoa, what's with the furious tone there, young lady?"

"I did not sign up for this! I told you a million times!"

"Yeah well I don't care! You see, I require an angsty teenager to be in this show. The angsty type. So your the perfect pick".

"Ugh I do not care! Take me back!"

"Sorry, can't do it!"

"Why?! Is it because my father forced me on this show or something?"

"Actually, yes!" Mxy shows a contract to her, "Your father was so thrilled about this he signed it for you. He mentioned something about you needing some fun time or what not".

Octavia scoffed, "Fine…if it means more alone time by myself, I'm okay with it".

"Great! So welcome to the show! I can guarantee it'll be worth you time." Mxy said to her, as she quickly calmed down and walked off.

"Whatever. Just don't f*cking do that again", She told him, walking passed by him and Don.

"So you bring along an angsty, owl girl here", Don remarked to Mxy, "How interesting".

"Demon to be precise".

She approaches the two contestants, taking one glance at them. Hellboy looked unfazed with a blank expression, while Idree stared at her, both in anxiety and fuming.

"So I'm going to guess you two are the competitors, right?" She asked one of them.

"Yeah, you got that right. Who are you supposed to be?" Hellboy asked.

"Are you another demon?!" Idree pointed.

"Ummm yeah, I'm a demon. Wait, you two aren't fazed out by me?"

"Not a little. It's pretty obvious", Hellboy told her.

"Oh right, your a demon too then".

"Exactly. Not him, though", Hellboy pointed at him, as Idree began to back away, "He's human. I think he's anti-social".

"Hey, I'm somewhat anti-social too. Not all the time, though".

"This…this can't be happening. Two devils! Am I really dead?" Idree asked him, horrified by the sight of two actual demons.

"Nope. Your alive, and still the frantic type", Hellboy jokingly said, as Idree gasped and ran off, "Oh, he's running away".

Before Idree could run off to somewhere safe and away from the demons, he is immediately stopped by a stop sign. His face slammed into it, causing him to collapse on the ground on all four.

Mxy intervene. He was not pleased by his behavior, as he told him, "Where do you think your going, pal? You're not going anywhere, until you compete on this show!"

"Listen you sick creature! I am not staying in this….this hellish world with those creatures!"

"Hey, rude", Octavia said.

"Idree, Idree, you got to relax buddy", Don assured him, "I'm weirded out by this as you are, maybe ten times more but if you stay any longer you could potentially win a huge cash prize. Think about it, you can do whatever you want with the money, as long as you stay in the game".

"Money? Wait, do you have actual money?"

"Yes mister Idree. As long as you compete, there's a chance you can win the fortune. So what about it? Would you rather compete or go back to doing…whatever you were doing".

Idree thought this through. Despite the weird predicament he is in, it was much better than staying out in the battlefield and risking his life for the ideals of his organization.

Not to mention of course, free fortune coming out of this, which he could use for his own gain.

"Uhh..I guess…I guess this is some…good opportunity for me to gain wealth", He replied, with Don being relieved, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Great to hear!"

"You think he's going to make it this far in the game?" Hellboy whispered to Octavia, who simply shrugged and continued texting on her phone.

Just then, another random person arrived… falling out of a helicopter…..which he piloted by his own, which they all saw the helicopter descending uncontrollably to the ground, crashing somewhere off in the middle of the jungle as the loud explosion startled the birds.

As for the person who crash landed on the ground, he stood up, seemingly wearing a parachute, which did somewhat save his fall, regardless of it still being painful to hit the ground.

He was wearing a worn out and grizzled suit, holding a alcohol bottle as he took a huge sip and wiping his mouth.

He also seems to be drunk, moving around and being unable to control his balance.

"Sterling Archer!" Mxy announced, floating to him, with Don giving an open arms welcome, "See you manage to find a way to get here then. Not how I expected it".

"Hey there fairy man, how are ya?" Archer took another drink, "They didn't want me to piloted the helicopter because my license got decline, so I told them to f*ck off and let me pilot it, or else I'll shove a barrel gun up their a**. Also, am I in Thailand? It better not be Thailand because I have enough trouble there as it is".

"You're not in Thailand, dude. You're in Cambodia".

"Cambodia huh? Eh, fine by me. Better than having to be hunted down and forced into literal human trafficking".

"Wait what?"

"Trust me, my mission over there was not a fun experience. One time, I had to pretend to be a hooker just so I could get a few bucks to buy Mcdonald while I was hiding. Cecil was being a lazy a**, so it took 4 weeks until I was rescued. Lazy prick".

"Yeah well, Cyril isn't here! Your here with us, along with your fellow competitor!" Mxy told him.

"Oh goodie. Bunch of freeloaders to stay with, hoping one or more of them are female, hot and above eighteen".

"Umm are you drunk?" Don asked him.

"Of course I'm drunk! You thought I was holding juice or something?"

As Archer heads to meet with the group, Don asks Mxy out of curiosity, "Ummm any info about this guy?"

"He's an agent of Isis".

"Isis? Wait, you brought along another terrorist?"

"No,no, not that kind of Isis. I'm referring to the more special, intelligent agency that shared the same name. Surprise they haven't changed it".

"And I'm surprised you managed to get a secret agent on the show".

"Well he isn't one of the more….profesional types".

Archer made his first interaction known to the newcomers. It was apparent that Archer behavior…isn't suited well among them.

"So listen you guys, I just want to let you know that I have… tolerance of being tolerant", Archer told them, taking one last drink, "Just to let you guys know".

"Ugh, he smells awful", Idree remarked, "Good thing this pig reminded us about his zero cleansing".

"Hey you terrorist idiot! I was being a bit honest about myself", Archer told him off, "No need to act like a total a**...wait, are you a literal terrorist? Because if so, f*ck you. If not, well…apology for my racial assumption. Can't fault someone working for an agency known for combating against any terrorist, cyber attacks, espionage, or inner sabotage stuff".

"I'm really hoping the next guy isn't as obnoxious as him", Octavia said to Hellboy.

"Me too. I met guys like him. They are usually the first to get killed during a mission", Hellboy told her.

A person materializes by the use of the button from Mxy. He has black hair and seems to be Native American. He's also holding a black briefcase. He seemed unfazed unlike the select few that were previously unexpectedly sprung into existence.

"John Redcorn!" Mxy appears to him, open arms, "How are ya?! Heard you're a well-known healer among your neighborhood".

John nodded, "Yes, I am quite well known for my practice. Question, will there be a challenge involving talent shows?"

"That depends…probably".

This made him smirk a little, as if relief to hear the news, "Good. I'm a man known for good music. I used to star in a band with myself as a lead singer. Not a whole lot of people know about it".

"That's good to hear", Don remarked, "You came to the right place to show off your talent".

"Indeed", He told him, walking off to join the group.

Unlike them, he didn't say much or interacted much with the cast, other than remarking Archer drunkenness, "Excuse me, are you-"

"Drunk and somber, yes", Archer replied, "Let me guess, Indian? And by Indian, I mean Native American".

"Yes, I get what you mean".

"Ok because I don't want to sound too offensive".

"Too offensive? You literally think I'm a terrorist", Idree told him.

"Yeah but I mean…it's true. Probably not, but you didn't really say you're a terrorist, but I'm kinda assuming you are because terrorists do like to lie and stuff".

"You really are not making yourself look good here", Octavia told him.

"Oh, said the literal demon", Archer said back, making Octavia scoff at him.

Just then, another character appears out of the smoke.

This time it was a much older woman. Flinging her long, black hair, wearing a red, japanese attire, and wearing golden, serpent like earwigs. She is also seen accompanied by a serpent, snake-like creature creature.

"Alright then, this is getting goooood", Don remarked, being impressed by the newcomer, "We finally got someone worthy for attention".

"Step a bit further and you will taste my wrath!" She shouted at him, giving him a finger point.

This almost startled Don, "Whoa okay, not what I was expecting".

"Welcome to the show, Boa Hanco*ck", Mxy greets, "Warlord of the sea! Probably…don't know, news about you has been wild so not sure if that position still stands. But whatever, welcome! Hanco*ck and her pet snake….Salome. Don't mind him, he's not used to having a literal Warlord around".

"I can see that, dwarf", She told him, "And for your information, Salome is more than a pet".

"Hey! Don't call me a dwarf, gal! Show me some respect here! If I hadn't come to you, offer you a sweet deal that could impress your lover you would've not been here, missy!"

"Save the insults", She told him off, "While I admire your bravery to speak up, my tolerance of you may dwindle, if this deal of yours is beyond truthful".

"Yeah yeah yeah, sue me! Go stand with the others!" Mxy told her, as she scoffed and walked toward the contestants.

"Sheesh, what kind of person did you bring along here?" Don asked Mxy.

"Someone hot, that's for sure. I needed someone older and someone that could attract a huge audience".

"And you chose her?"


Hanco*ck's initial reaction to the sight of her potential comrades were not so pleasant, as indicated by Archer giving a flirting whistle.

"Finally, it looks like this show is starting to get interesting around here", Archer comments, much to Hanco*ck bothersome.


"Well I mean, this show is already beginning to seem less….fantastic", Archer replied, then proceeding to point at Idree, "What with him being here, but having someone like you here could, like, boost the morale on this show".

"Are you suggesting that my presence somehow pleased you?"

"In a way, yeah".

"Hmph, such a vile comment from a man".

"Hey! I was making a compliment here!"

"You called that a compliment?" Octavia asked.

"Umm yes! I mean, it's not entirely perfect, but…it's a compliment".

"You may find out that I do not tolerate such indecency comments from you and your male comrades!" She pointed out, giving a snarl look at the males.

"Wait, is she referring to us?" Hellboy asked, "What did I do? I literally have not said a single thing to you".

"You dare speak to me like that with such a tone, woman!" Idree added, "I'll have you know-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Hanco*ck shouted, starling Idree to back away. Hellboy was a little startle, but not enough to scare him, "I will not be discriminated against by such horrid creatures like men! Dare speak to me like that and you will be defiled!"

"Sheesh, she has some issues", Octavia remarked.

Another contestant appears from the smoke, revealing to be a young girl, wearing all in black and having pale skin. She is also seen holding a briefcase. A black, medical briefcase.

"Ok, let me guess", Don came by, "Creepy, gothy, and scary, correct?"

"You got that right", She replied, with a blank expression, "The names Lucy Loud".

"Lucy Loud! How are ya?" Mxy asked.

"Doing great. I just told all of my family about me competing on this show. Let's just say there was a lot of…dismay".

"Dismay from what? You competing?"

"Likely out of vain and jealousy. Although, I'll admit I do appreciate some support…even if it drowns me from the arguments".

"Well okay then, welcome to the show", Don congrats, as she makes her way to the group, "Lucy! Odd to include an actual child here, Mxy. I'm a bit concerned".

"Well she's not the only one. It's all about relating to the younger demographic", Mxy told him.

"But don't those usually end up being hated by some folks?"

"Don your previous show features a literal kid".

"Yeah, you're totally right on that one. Can't deny".

Lucy approaches the cast, giving her side of the reaction. It wasn't much, as she still remained in her calm, blank and gothic tone of hers.

Expressing it to them, "Huh, so this is going to be the people I'm staying with…neat".

"A child from the dead. How lovely", Hanco*ck remarked.

"Is she sick or something?" Idree remarked, "Why is she all pale?"

"What? Have you ever seen goth's before?" Octavia asked.

"No. Don't ask me a question, you whor*".

Octavia sighs to herself, "Why did my Dad think this was a good idea to send me here in the first place?"

Just then, there was a loud scream and rumble, coming directly from a panda figure that sprang out in the air and fell into the ground, face forward.

He groans, as Mxy and Don confront him.

"Ummm okay, talking panda dude is next", Don remarked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah…totally alright", He replied, getting right up, "Didn't expect the button to literally teleport me into the sky".

"Yeah, I forgot to mention", Mxy told him, "It may have some slight…..malfunctioning issues. But hey, at least you're here! Po! The Dragon Warrior!"

"Alright! Yeah! I'm totally here!" Po exclaimed, raising his arms up, "Woohoo!...wait, where am I again".

"Your on Cambodia! Different planet, different environment".

"Oh! Yeah…cool!"

"That's right! Any comments you want to give for being here? For your fans back at home?"

"Well, I don't want to brag or anything, but I thought competing here would give me time to show off and show how amazing I am as a Dragon Warrior since you know, I like doing cool things for my fans if you catch my drift".

"Interesting. Well, this will truly be a great opportunity for you to show off then", Don told him, as Po marched his way to the group.

"Hi guys, sup", Po casually greeted, "The names Po. Po, the Dragon Warrior. Master of Kung Fu. I'm also a great cook, like legit a great cook. You guys like noodles?"

Hellboy and Octavia look at each other as Archer begins to take a sip, then look back at him, with Hellboy replying, "Umm yeah, I like noodles. I've tried it before, and it was alright".

"Sweet! Got a guy to relate with", Po said, getting a bit up close to him, "Say I got to ask, are you some kind of goat dude or something? Because with the horns and tail and-"

"I'm actually a detective demon".

"Detective demon?!" Po was surprised by his statement, "Whoa! So that means….your….a demon that does detective stuff, right?"

"More or less, yes. Sometimes I usually just take down monsters".

"Woah! That's so cool!" Po remarked, "Sweet!"

He then moves on with Hanco*ck, "What about you? Are you like some kind of snake goddess or something?"

Instead of an immediate answer, Hanco*ck simply replied with a kick in the crotch, causing him to squeal and collapse to the ground.

"Do not dare question what I am, boy".

"Okay then…gotcha….not the friendly type".

Another person came down from mid air by the device alone.

"Ok seriously, you really need to give them better transportation here", Don told Mxy.

"Look I'm not the one that designed it to make someone fall mid air".

The person is rather a young girl. A girl wearing japanese, green, raggy attires and having sharp, black hair.

"Ok, what is this?" Mxy asked, "This is not the person I offer a deal to compete".

"What are you talking about?" Don asked him.

"The girl! She's not supposed to be here! I literally convinced a cool samurai to compete in this! Who the heck is this girl?!"

"Ow my head", The girl rubbed her head, getting right up. Then she took her sight upon the surroundings, looking around in complete puzzle, "Wait a second, where am I? What is this? Where's my Big bro?"

"Ok little brat, explain! Who are you?! Where's the Samurai guy?!"

Dororo noticed Mxy and was startled, pointing directly at it, "A ghoul!"

"Ghoul? What? Have you never seen an Imp before?"

"Umm Mxy, maybe this is just my assumption, but you do realize you are talking to a confused and scared Japanese girl here, right?"

Mxy sigh, "Guess I'll see what happens to that moron later. Right now, I guess we'll just stick with this street kid".

He then comes up close to her, changing his mood from quite irritated by this to his usual, warm welcome, "Hello there! Kiddo! Welcome to the show! I know you have lots of questions right now, right?"


"Don't worry, everything will make sense later. Now got a name, kid?"


"Dororo! Yeah, Dororo…pretty…pretty weird name, but I hear a lot weirder things", Mxy told her, "Anyways, congrats for being here. Now if you will, go stand with the others and interact with them. Figure you already know how to speak English so-"

"Wait just a minute! Just who are you? Where am I? And where's my Big Brother?" Dororo demanded.

"Big brother?" Mxy asked, then remembering, "Oh yeah, you mention about a brother or something. Don't worry, he's probably alright".

"You don't understand. He's-"

"Now go stand over there with the others!" Mxy shouted at her, causing Dororo to quickly run off from him.

"You sure you should check on her brother?" Don asked him, "She seems pretty worried".

"Ugh, don't be overly concerned about it. Her brother or something is probably doing alright without her".

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know, okay! I'm on a strict schedule here! "

"This is totally something", Dororo remarked, "Not the weirdest thing I've been through but still. Maybe Hyakkimaru killing off that bandit and me stealing that junk wasn't a good idea".

Finally, she made it to the group, where her first interaction was…a bit of silence, as Hellboy spoke up, "Umm hi".

A person with a pop out eye, lanky body, and wearing a backpack, all while wearing a black armor made out of paper appears out of the smoke, making a fake breathing noise with his mouth. He is also holding a toy lightsaber for…dramatic appearance.

"Wonderful entrance you got there, ummm…sir", Don remarked.

"Thanks. I was going to bring my custom Darth Vader mask with me", He replied, "But I seem to have lost it. Anyways, the name's Gimpy. Master Gimpy".

"Oh god, he's one of those types of competitors", Mxy remarked, "Wait a second, didn't I give my offer to one of your friends. A socially awkward guy named Nitz?"

"Yeah he wasn't too interested", He replied, "He kinda gave the contract to me and I signed it. Then he gave the button you sent him to me as well. Pretty neat, huh?"

"Uhhh yeah….whatever", Mxy replied, "Well, the show does require a nerd. Your a perfect fit".

"Uh huh, say does the cast include any characters from Star Wars?" He asked, "Like Leia, Ashoka, Padme-"

"JUST GO STAND WITH THE OTHERS!" Mxy shouted, causing Gimpy to do as he says and swiftly run off to join with the group.

A girl appeared from the smoke, next in line for an introduction. The girl wore a black skirt, had pale skin and red hair.

"Hello", The girl greets and waves, kindly much to Don delight. As for Mxy, he cringed at the sight of her.

"Awww well what do you look at that", Don remarked, "A little girl that isn't creepy. So who might you be?"

"I'm Ruby. Ruby Gloom".

"Ruby! Condirecting name, but whatever. Glad to have you here".

"Thanks. When I heard this guy offer, I wasn't going to pass down an opportunity to make new friends".

"That's very good to hear. There's a lot of good assortments of wacky characters on this show. I'm sure one will be glad to be your friend".

"Yeah friends, listen kiddo", Mxy comes up close to her, not really thrilled about the personality she is given off here, "I was expecting something more….eccentric here".

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you supposed to be from a world of creeps! Ghouls! Ghost! All those kinds of spooky things?"

"I'm spooky".

"Yeah, smiling and acting all cutesy and dandy does not contribute to being a horror show. Seriously, I thought you say you were the more eccentric type!"

"I did? Oh, I did. Yep, I am. I'm a bit different from where I'm from".

"Come on, Mxy pal", Don told him, as Mxy resumed floating right next to him, "I don't see the problem here. I think it's great we have someone on this show that isn't messed up".

Ruby skipped her to the cast, giving them the same kind greet she did to the host, "Hi everyone. I'm Ruby Gloom".

The reactions were mixed.

"Wow, someone like me that isn't gloomy", Lucy remarked, "I'm both intrigued and somehow a little scared".

"Another pale girl", Idree remarked, "I am really debating if I'm dead or not right about now".

"Awww a cute one", Octavia remarked, "Finally there is someone that isn't entirely weird. No offense".

"None taken", Hellboy replied, "I'm perfectly ok with this. Although, I do have to wonder what type of folks little man had to meet".

"I'm hoping I don't seem a bit too off for you guys", Ruby said to them, "I don't like to bother anyone or anything".

"Eh it's alright. Like I mentioned, I'm totally okay with you sticking around. Make up for it with guys like him", Hellboy said to her, pointing at Archer.

"For your information, I can act kind whenever I want to", Archer told him, "Technically whenever I'm in a good mood, which is…..rarely".

The next competitor appeared from the smoke again. He was a young boy, wearing a helmet, has robotic limbs, shirtless, wearing baggy pants and a cape.

"Hello there! Reg! Welcome to the show!" Mxy greeted him.

Reg stares around, observing his surroundings.

Some of the competitors were a bit wary of him, with John commenting, "The boy seems…quite curious in his new surroundings".

"Yeah, I'm kinda surprised finally one of us are a bit weirded out by this", Archer said, "Not me, though. I'm already familiar with this place. Well, not that I've been here before, per say".

"So this is the outside world then", Reg remarked, "I've never explored much outside the Abyss territory".

"I can guarantee you that this will be an interesting experience for you".

"I guess. Although, I do wonder if this was a good idea for me to be here. I know Riko encourages it, but this seems weirdly out of place for me".

"Come on! Be more excited about this!"

"I'm kinda a little", Reg responded, giving a mute response.

Just then, another competitor appeared mid air, this time she appeared above him and landed onto him without predicament, much to Mxy surprise, including Don.

"Woohoo! Made it!" The girl shouted, raising both her arms in the air. The girl in question wore a pink sweater, a purple skirt, braces and long, brown hair, "Without a single bone broken".

"Umm excuse me, mind getting off me" Reg utter on the ground.

"Another little girl it would seem", Don remarked, then asking Mxy, "How many kids did you bring along on this show?"

"Ummm…about seven or eight, maybe?"

"Hello! The name Mabel Pines!" She said to Don, holding her hand out for a handshake, only for it to reveal to be covered in dirt, much to his irk.

"Oh well…nice to meet you, Mabel", He replied, giving a handshake.

"Don't mind my craziness. I'm just super stoked about this. I never thought I would be on TV! Competing, no less! Except for the several occasions back in last year summer".

"Uhhh yeah, good for you then. Please mind getting off Reg?"

"Oh! Sorry about that", Mabel said, taking a step off from Reg, who stood up, rubbing his head a little from the impact, "Didn't notice you while I was literally in the air".

"It's okay. I get that a lot", Reg responded, turning to her.

Mabel paused by the sight of him. Blushing, as if she witnessed a potential suitor in her eye.

Reg stood there in confusion, asking, "Umm are you okay?".

Quickly coming back to her senses, she replied swiftly, "BOY! I mean, totally! Totally…okay!"

"Umm alright then".

Suddenly, another girl appeared and landed onto Reg once again. This time, the girl was a bit younger ( Around ten ), had green hair, was wearing a yellow shirt with red overalls, and seemed to have some scratches and a band aid on her.

She had a stunned expression, until it immediately disappeared, once coming to a more hyper realization, "Hey, it works! I knew that creepy, elf guy didn't con me".

"Another girl with hyper issues?" Don asked Mxy.

"What? I need a couple of kids to appeal to the younger demographic".

"Wait, what's our demographic for this show?"

"No idea!"

"Hi there! My name is Nikki! Question, did an elf also meet you?" Nikki asked Mabel, as Reg began to rise up.

"If you mean by some weird, floating baby dude then yeah, I did", Mabel replied.

"Sweet! Just to let you know, I can act a little cray, cray".

Mabel gasps, "Me too! I act cray, cray too! Only, it is usually when I have a huge sugar rush".

"Awesome! Finally found someone to relate to".

"Oh my god, more annoying kids", Idree facepalmed.

The three of them head to meet with the rest of the competitors, with Mabel giving her loud greetings to them, much to the annoyance of some, "Hello everyone! Mabel the extreme is here! What's up?!"

"Nikki the wild is here too!" Nikki added.

"Hello!" Ruby replied, "You seem energetic".

"A bit too much, but I can tolerate", Hanco*ck remarked.

"Yeah you can say I'm the more adventurous, charming, cute, and…uhhhh….crazy type", Mabel replied.

"Umm I'm…new here by the way", Reg shyly responded.

"Well kid, welcome to the show", Hellboy told them, "Don't mind some of us. Most of us are a weird bunch".

"I'm okay with that. I've encountered more weirder things. Some traumatic, which is why I'm totally, mentally cool right now", She said, arms on her hip to show her confidence, as her left eye twitched a little.

"I think she's not okay", Po whispered to Hellboy, then Mabel immediately caught her attention, ran up right in front of him while also gasping.

"My gosh! A talking, cute panda!" Mabel pointed.


"My, your fur is soooo soft and…electrifying", Mabel said, pressing her head near his chest, then proceeding to press her hand on it, petting it while making Po feel uncomfortable.

"Uhhh yeah, thanks for the…ummm..compliment, mind not touching me. I'm feeling both ticklish and weirded out by you".

While her attention is toward the giant, talking panda man, Nikki was at awe by Hanco*ck serpent, Salome.

"Cool snake you got there", Nikki complimented Salome, then asking, "Question, is it climbable?"

"What?" She replied.

"Sorry, I know. Pretty dumb question to ask. But seriously, can I climb it? I'm not going to ride it or anything…..can I ride it?"

"Hmmm, that depends", She replied, "I usually would refuse an offer from a man, but since your not, I may consider it".

"Sweet! Ok snake thing, get ready for some fun time with me!" Nikki tried to jump onto it, but Salome quickly moved slightly, causing her to fall on the ground, face front.

Cutting to Reg, Dororo took notice of him and checked on him, taking a closer look at his robotic limbs.

She was curious about him, but as for Reg's reaction he is left quite confused by her action.

"What are you doing?" Reg asked her.

"Oh sorry, I was just a bit curious about your limbs", Dororo said, pausing from her observation, while scratching her head and smiling, "They are so…metallic like".

"Uhhh yeah, I'm not really human. I mean, I look human but not entirely human".

"Interesting. I actually have had someone like you before, only…his limbs aren't metallic".

"Okay then".

"By the way, my name is Dororo", She replied, holding her hands out to him.

Reg replied back, giving her his hand shake.

The next person to appear from the smoke was another girl, this time being a bit younger than Mabel and Dororo and roughly being around the same age as Ruby or Lucy. She seems..yellow, having blond hair, wearing a red skirt and shoes, and holding a saxophone case.

She smiled a bit, until looking around and taking notice of the two hosts, remarking, "Should I even bother to ask?"

"Eh, you are competing in this so welcome to the show!" Mxy told her, "Lisa Simpson!"

"Thank you. When I heard that this show involves bringing awareness for Cambodia forest and environmental problems, I couldn't resist denying it".

"Awareness?" Don asked Mxy.

Mxy replied, whispering to him, "Yeah, I may have made up a few lies in the contracts".

"I really hope this show does super well enough to gain enough attraction of the beauty of Cambodia forest and why we should protect it. I've already packed enough things for my stay here".

"Uhh yeah, that's good. Anyways, great to include an activist. Now go meet with your fellow…activist", Mxy told her, as he pushed her away to make her approach them.

She did just that, confronting the cast themselves, giving an awkward, but pleasant greeting, "Uhhh hi guys, nice to meet you all. You all look like a new…umm, bunch".

She gave an awkward chuckle. Like previously, most have mixed reactions. Some tolerate her and view her to be alright, others are uncertain.

"Should've thought of a better first impression", Lisa muttered to herself.

"Hi there! I'm Nikki!" She introduces himself right up at her, holding her dirt filled hand out for a handshake, much to Lisa's disgust..

"Okay, how many newbies are still left?" Don asked Mxy.

"About like, I don't know, eight or ten", He replied, "I lost count when I went to space".

Suddenly, a random blue cat appears, clenching onto Mxy hat with a shocked and scared expression.

"What the?!" Mxy grabbed the cat, much to his surprise as well as Don, taking a look at it, "What is this?! I didn't bring a cat along!"

"Looks like a street feline", Don commented.

"Wait a second, I could've sworn I offered this sweet deal to some mafia guy. What happened?" Mxy demanded, as he snapped his finger to disappear himself, along with the cat.

He then reappears, still holding onto the cat with a frozen expression, "Okay, it would appear our mafia fellow got gunned down. Oh well, guess the alley cat gets to stay".

"Wait, are you seriously going to allow a random cat to compete?"

"Why not? We have a literal, talking, walking panda on the show. I see nothing wrong here", He told him, tossing the blue cat away at the cast.

The cat managed to clench onto Idree face, which he immediately tried to grab him off, roughly and harshly, "Ugh, get this feline off me!"

"A CAT!" Mabel quickly snatched it from his face, began hugging it tightly, "Awww what a cute cat! It's so soft and wet!"

"Ummm I'm not sure you should hug it", Lisa informed her, "I mean, I have nothing against cats or anything, but maybe it's not a good idea to hug it, since we don't know where it comes from".

"It's also itchy as well", Mabel remarked, pausing from the hugging and taking a look at it, "Oh well, doesn't matter. I'll call it….sebastian! Wait, you are a boy, right?"

The cat nodded.

"Alright! Sebastian it is!"

"Sebastian. Sounds like a nice name", Ruby remarked.

"Yeah it does", Hellboy said, then pointing out a collar on it, which has a name carved on it, "But ummm I seem to notice, this cat already has a name".

The collar itself simply read, "Furrball" which Mabel quickly shrugged and said, "Oh….eh, doesn't matter. I'll still call him Sebastian".

"Heh, you know this is going to be easy", Archer remarked next to Gimpy and Idree, "I mean seriously, a cat? Like, oh man I am totally going to fail at this game, competing against a cat".

"You do realize you have to deal with the red guy, right?" John asked him.

"Yeah, but I'm a spy agent. Meaning, I have sets of skill that qualify me for being a bada**, which by the way holds more skill set than….ummm..what do you do? Mystic stuff?"

"I practice healing….I'm also a musician".

"Oh yeah, those skills. What wonderful, fantastic skill".

"Said the one who jumped out of a helicopter".

"Said the one who's….damn it, got no comeback".

"Umm guys, is it me or does that jet seem to be getting real close AT US!" Octavia pointed out, as everyone quickly ducked down as a jet flew by them above.

Don and Mxy quickly duck, as the jet flies, curve upward, then downward until eventually transforming into a tall figure.

A figure made up of mechanisms. He has wings and tank-like tubes protruding out of his back.

He then gave an arm out, with a gleeful, crazy expression, "I'M HEEEEEEEERE!"

Don was quickly startled by him, but for Mxy he wasn't so fazed by it.

"Okay, should've seen that coming", Mxy remarked.

As for the contestants' reaction, some were in awe of it, others…were terrified by it.

Idree and Furrball being the most scared of the group, as Idree quickly hides behind Lisa Simpson and Furrball hides within Mabel's hair.

"WHA-WHAT IS THAT!" Idree pointed.

"Oh boy, looks like my duty is calling me", Hellboy said, pulling out his pistol and clicking it.

"Holy cr*p! It's a giant robot!" Archer pointed, "Don't know if I should feel scared or extremely excited".

"I'm excited! Looks so cool!" Nikki added.

"And magnificent", Mabel remarked, "I wonder if I could climb onto it".

"Oh great…", Octavia said, going from startle to disappointment, "Was hoping it would be someone around my age".

"Oh my god! A Transformer", Gimpy remarked, but not in terror, "Wait a second, if a Star Wars character arrives we could have an interesting crossover here. Cr*p! Where's my notes!"

"Wait a second, did you say Transformers?" Dororo asked him.

"Why yes, Transformers. Never heard of them?"


"Don't answer, I get it. Transformer is way too complex to discuss. I mean, I'm not even much of a Transformers fan…unless it involves Star Wars".

The Transformer face soon changed, switching to a more subdued and calmer expression, with a red like monocle and slim face.

"Excuse me, am I in the right place?"

"Yep, you're in the right place, Blitzwing! Welcome!" Mxy replied.

"Blitzwing? Wait, you brought a literal war criminal onto the show?!" Don asked.

"Well first off, he's no longer a war criminal. He changed. He's not even a Decepticon or an Autobot. Second, the other show has a Transformer. That show's rating skyrocketed after he came into the spotlight. I don't see the problem in bringing one in our show".

"Still, you do realize he's too big for this show, right? How is he going to get inside the mansion?"

"Duh, I'm an Imp you moron, I can fix that".

Blitzwing approaches the cast, some being a bit wary to back away from him.

"Ummm should we, like…uhhh…greet him or something", Octavia asked the others, "I feel like literally cowering in fear isn't going to help us have a better relationship with this guy".

"Greet him? He's a literal monster!" Idree pointed.

Blitzwing then face changed to a more combust, angry expression with a pair of shades this time, "WHO ARE YOU CALLING MONSTER?! IF YOU WANT MONSTER, I'LL SHOVE A TREE DOWN YOUR THROAT!"

Blitzwing aims his cannon, until pausing and looking at Hellboy after hearing a click.

Hellboy aims his pistol, giving the Transformer an idea if he doesn't hold back his threat, "Hey, lay the kid off, pal. We don't want our first day to go messy, alright?"

Blitzwing growls for a second, until eventually coming to his senses, switching to his more relaxed expression, "Yes, my apology, organic one. I sometimes have…temper issue".

"Don't mention it".

"So is that all?" Don asked Mxy.

"No! We still have a few more left", He told him, "But we are close!"


Mxy and Don turned their attention to the next newbie. This newbie wore a…SS black uniform with a head resembling a red skull.

"Hey! You're here!" Mxy applauded him, with Don being skeptical, "Kinda worry you weren't going to show up".

"Tch, I'd rather get this through, without having to endure my terrible stay on the streets".

"Yes yes, well I'm glad your here! Red Skull! Your stay here will be hugely delightful!"

"I hope so. Better here than back there", He told him, walking past him, "Although I do hope not to encounter any…natives on this land".

"You know I would question you bringing a literal Nazi on the show, but then I remember Idree and Blitzwing are here so-"

"Don, Don, you gotta understand. I'm doing this for you. We need a unique cast, and what better way to bring one that is unique is with him! Also, he's a Hydra and Nazi member".

"Yeah, but don't you think this is a bit…extreme? I mean, I'm cool with adding a literal demon detective, but putting a literal Nazi with kids doesn't seem right".

"Don, you need to focus more on the priority of this show. And priority is beating at Chris' own game".

Red Skull made his way to the cast, as his first meeting with them wasn't very thrilling for both him and especially to the contestants.

"Well, I stand corrected. The natives are not the only ones I am going to be unable to tolerate", He remarked.

"What is that supposed to be?" John Redcorn asked.

"Speaking of which, will you look at that", Red Skull remarked, sarcastically and mockingly with a grinned, "An Indian, here on this show. That's a rare sight to see, coming from a rare species. My, it even speaks English".

"What?" John asked, feeling offended by his comment.

"As for the rest of you, let's see", Red Skull continues offending some of the, going through Idree, Hellboy, Archer, Dororo, and the rest of the cast, "A ra, possibly a jew rat; A demon, an American rat, a Japanese rat, and…whatever the rest of you are, anyways".

"I am appalled by your first words to us, monster", Hanco*ck said, as it is not just her feeling great anger from her.

Some weren't hugely taking a liking to him, due to his racial comment.

"Why thank you for your honesty, woman".

"Huh, I don't think this guy seems friendly", Nikki remarked.

"Of course he isn't", Lisa told her, "He literally insulted us".

"Oh boy, can't wait to vote him off", Hellboy remarked.

"So we got a terrorist, a giant robot, a cat, a talking panda, and a nazi", Archer remarked, feeling a little weirded out by all this, "Heh, what's next? Is the midget, magic guy going to bring in a resurrected Pol Pot?"

"Very specific for you to say that", Octavia commented.

"Well duh, we are in Cambodia. Don't know why I said that, but there you go".

Just then, a few more newbies arrive from mid air.

First was a male screaming. A centaur with brown skin, a mohawk like hair-do, and is completely shirtless. He landed on the ground, crashing his head into it while half of his entire body remained up.

"Ow", He muffled.

Second was another young kid, who wore a viking attire. He fell on the ground, with the helmet falling onto his head at the last minute.

Then another boy came, landed on him. He resembles a goat with purple hair, orange furr, and a pink leotard.

"Wow, that was fast", Don remarked.

"I feel like we are missing two more", Mxy added.


Both of them were startle, turning around to see a Japanese girl with long, black hair and seemingly wearing a red dress.

"Oh, it's just Tomie", Mxy calms himself, including Don, "Welcome! Great for you to be here this quick. Actually now your here, how did you get here? I didn't give you the teleportation device".

"Oh I have ways of getting around", Tomie replied, snickering to herself.

"Umm okay then".

The centaur finally came up, brushing the dirt off his hair, much to Don bothersome, "Ugh, would've much preferred to get here by something more convenient and luxurious".

"Uhh, and who may you be?" Don asked.

"I'm Zulius. The fabulous!" He replied, giving off a flaborent mannerism.

"Uh huh".

"I'm also a well known fashion model in my world".

"Umm yeah, that's great to hear, buddy. Great to hear", Don then asked, "Hey I gotta ask, did you bring any….uhhh..shirts with you? Just asking because no offense but I don't want to be around a guy with no…shirt on".

Cutting back to the cast itself, the viking child introduced himself real quick to them, joining up was the goat child.

"Hello everyone! I'm Vicky!" He introduced himself, "Chief of my village! Here to prove my viking strength".

"The only thing he needed proven is shutting up", Archer whispered to Hellboy, snickering to himself.

"Pal, not cool".

"What? Me being a douche to a kid? Nah, I don't think so. I mean, I don't hate kids or anything, I just don't tolerate the loudest one".

Mabel then slide in to the goat boy, seemingly…curious over him due to the fact he's a boy and all, "Sooooo what's your name, new guy?"


"Ceviche! Hi! Names Mabel!" Mabel quickly shook his hand, with Ceviche giving an unsure expression, "I seem to notice your attire. Are you a dancer or something?"

"Why, I'm glad you asked. I am quite a good dancer".

"Cool! I'm a dancer too! I'm good at dancing!"

"Alright everyone, it seems we got everyone here". Don toward his attention the cast, along with Mxy, "As you all should know, all of you will be competing in this new reality show. A show to test your durability, strength, and intelligence".

"Heh, I know what one of those aspects I'm totally at acing it", Lisa confidently and chiefly said.

"To give you the rundown", Mxy explained, "All of you will be staying together in this massive mansion, complete with running water, electricity, free internet connection, and good heating".

"Question? Does the mansion have a bar?" Archer asked, "Because when it comes to a mansion, I totally expect a bar. I'm not really one of those types of people to get a beer from the fridge in a mansion. If I want a beer that's in a mansion, I get it from a cabinet or a fancy, looking cold lock room somehow".

"What's the big deal? Who cares if it has a bar or not", Octavia told him.

"Uhh I care, doofus. I want to make sure I'm going to stay in a luxury, free hotel without the concern of customer complaints".

"Don't worry, the mansion has everything!" Mxy resume, "Anyways, as I was saying you will all be competing in several tasks and challenges, which may seem mundane sometime. But other times, it will be insane".

"Yeah! Insane! I'm prepared for anything!" Po proclaims, raising his arms up, "Woohoo!"

"I'm prepared as well! Only to a maximum degree!" Mabel added.

"Me too!" Nikki added as well.

"Since this is a reality show, there will be elimination. However! This will be different! You see, instead of having to eliminate every challenge, there'll rarely be any elimination! Only for a special occasion".

"And also, there's no team formation, so you guys can do whatever you want", Don added.

"That's great to hear", Hanco*ck said, "I do not want to be paired up with horrid men like them".

"You know, I'm starting to think you have an issue, lady", Zulius said to her, as Hanco*ck responded with a slap to the face.

"I have not!"

"Ow! That hurts".

"Lastly, you guys can travel anywhere within this specific area", A map layout appear on Mxy palm, showing it to the cast. It shows their location being in an area further around between the forest, long rivers, ponds, and mountains, with on the top left showing half of Siem Reap, "Just don't go further from within these borders. So with all that said and done, got any questions?"

"Uhhh yeah, you promise my luggages would be here", John Redcorn mentioned.

"Yea, mine too", Archer added, "Unless it contains some questionable material that isn't appropriate for this show I call bullsh*t".

"Great question, it's arriving!" Mxy said, snapping his finger as the load of luggages ranging from bags to suitcase to crates, fell from the sky and onto Idree, much to his pain.

"Arrggh! My back just got crushed!" Idree exclaimed, much to Archer's satisfaction.

"Heh, sucks for him", Archer remarked.

"Get unloading guys! And get settled in because you guys will be staying in that one mansion together!"

The main door for the mansion opens in front of the cast, witnessing their first sight into their home.

It shows a grand staircase, running from top to bottom and separated into two paths, leading to an upper support level, which leads to a path through their dorms.

Right by the two stairs are four paths, leading to different directions. On the right path, it leads to a library while the other side leads to the back.

As for the left, it leads to the living room with the other side leading the same way as the other one.

Some were in awe of it, feeling really comfortable with their new stay.

"Woah! This place looks amazing!" Nikki remarked.

"Sweet! A palace for the greatest warrior myself!", Po commented, walking right in.

"Wow, it's actually not that bad", Archer remarked, "I was kinda expecting it to look cr*ppy or something".

While everyone got inside, Blitzwing was the only one standing outside, confused and feeling awkward at the moment, asking Mxy and Don before they joined with the contestants, "Umm excuse me, but there seems to be an issue here".

"Yeah, what's up?" Mxy asked.

"This may seem obvious, but…I am unable to fit through".

"Oooooh right, yeah….uhhh", Mxy, in an attempt to not anger the Transformer, snapped his finger, which resulted in an aircraft shelter to appear right next to the mansion, making it his new, exclusive to him alone, home, "There you go. Your new accommodation. Hope you like it".

Blitzwing stood there, as the door closed behind him. Don was a bit concerned, asking the Imp, "You think he'll like it?"

"I hope so. Probably should've chosen a different Transformer".

Blitzwing approaches the shelter, looking down at it with close observation. He was skeptical at first, but eventually shrugged it off and transformed into a tank, entering the shelter.

He remarked, in his hot headedness tone, "Not too bad. Not too bad. Although, a bit too cramp for my taste".

He then switches to his crazy tone, "WOHOHOHOHOHOHO! LET'S DO A MAKEOVER!"

He cackled, as he began to fire everywhere, sending debris out and holes to be created.

Inside the mansion, there were some that took the option of looking around and checking the place, while some went to their new dorm and unpacked, selected by Mxy himself.

Hellboy headed to the living room. The living room was massive. There were three couches, surrounding a round, wooden and silk table. Facing it was a large, flat screen TV.

"Well dang, a cozy place to stay in", Hellboy remarked, "Staying here might not be as bad as I expected".

Vicky came in and was quickly at awe by everything inside, looking around and remarking, "Wow! Everything looks so different from my home".

He then took notice of the TV and pointed, "What's that weird thing over there? I've never seen anything like that. Is it some kind of odd sculpture?"

"Probably. That thing you are pointing at is a well known creature", Hellboy sarcastically explained, "Simply called, the Television".

"Whoa! Is it alive or sleeping?"

"Sleeping. Although if you want to make it alive, I suggest leaving the job up to me".

"Gosh, that is a strange creature. Okay then, whatever you say, big guy".

He said, then proceeded to move on into the next room.

"Gullible. Still, good kid", Hellboy remarked, as even though there are some that were sometimes an annoyance to him, he doesn't seem to mind it.

Then there are those like Vicky that he can't help but favor a bit more compared to people like Archer.

Suddenly, he heard a phone ringing coming from one of his coat pockets. He took it out, took one look and realized he had an important call, "Great, could've at least save it for later".

He answered it, much to anyone unnoticed, "Yeah it's me….yeah…yeah, I got in without trouble".

As he was having his phone call, Vicky entered the back, where on the left side is the kitchen, the center being the dinner table, and on the right being another living room, this time containing a fireplace on the way back.

She once again felt amazed by her new surroundings, looking around in daze. She even does a little dance, flocking around as she goes.

While that's going on, Octavia opened a door that was behind the staircase and saw stairs leading to the down stair.

She assumes it leads to the basem*nt, but once she walked down it reveal to be a spa room of some sort, much to her surprise.

"Huh, guess I stumbled upon a spa room", Octavia remarked, "Don't know why it's down here, but whatever".

Zulius suddenly came down, after hearing the mention of a spa room, much to his shock, "Oh my god! There's a literal spa room down here?! It official, this is my room".

"But didn't the Mxy guy already assign-?" Before she could finish, she is cut off by Zulius.

Who told her, loudly, "My room!"

"Okay, okay, your room. Got it. Don't need to yell, you know".

Suddenly, the scene pauses. Everything turns gray, except for Zulius himself, as he begins to talk at the camera, with his special name tag appearing on the bottom side, "Ugh, what a first impression of this place. Seriously, if I'm going to stay here, I need my beauty to remain in shape. That's why I'm choosing the spa room to be my permitted stay. They may not care, but to me I care! Anyways, as for my opinion on the new people, they seem alright, I guess. Although, I think that Octy girl seems pretty cool. Should I make friends? Maybe. Probably her, likely. I don't know. Anyways, back to the show".

Resuming back suddenly causes Octavia and everyone above floor to suffer an immediate pain in their inside, as she collapses on the ground, using both her hands to stop her from falling on the ground, clenching her stomach, "Argh! What the hell did I just feel here?!"

"Ooooh sorry, I probably should've mention this to everyone that I have this secret ability where I can literally pauses everything. That includes time itself. Usually it's me gossiping and giving my overall opinion. It's actually one of my unique powers, if you should know", Zulius explained.

"Oh god, it feels like my inside has a big bang happening. And I'm a demon for pete sake".

"Yeah, get used to it".

Above the second level, after suffering a sudden stomach burn, they continue assuming back to their unpacking, regardless of what just happen.

"Ugh, what just happened? Why did we all of a sudden have this stomach pain?" Dororo wonders.

"No idea, and don't care", Nikki said, shrugging off the pain then asking her, "Hey, want to check out my room?"

"Umm sure", She replied, joining her along.

Elsewhere, there were some already decorating their own room. Some were quick, others took their time, usually to converse their next room neighbor.

Especially Archer, as he seems to take notice of Hanco*ck taking a room that's next to his, "Hey, I seem to notice our rooms are right next to each other".

"So I notice", She replied, looking at him, along with her serpent.

Archer leaned his arm on the door, acting flirty and seductive, "You know, if your interested I got loads of interesting things in my room, if you care to check it out".

"Why would I want to check it out?"

"Uhhh because we'll be staying here…together. Thought it would be a perfect chance to get to know each other".

"Such as offering me the chance to check your dorm then".

"Ah, that is true. May I show you around. I'll pour one of the finest wines for you? Or perhaps a co*cktail for your new home. I got plenty".

"Thank you, but like I said I do not tolerate the admiration of men, as I know better not to be tricked in men's foolish way of preying", As she said that, she entered her new room, along with her serpent.

This offended Archer a bit, who shouted, "Oh preying huh?! How about considering appreciating my rare admiration! You!!...damn it, I can't say anything insulting without being deemed sexist".

On the other hand, Lucy had already finished unpacking and decorating her room, which caught Ruby's attention, "Hi there".

"Oh, hello there, Gloomy".

"It's actually just Gloom. Say, I notice you've already finished unpacking. May I check and see what your room looks like?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Although, you might not like what you see".

Ruby entered Lucy's room and was greeted by the sight of everything in darkness. At first, she thought the room lights didn't turn on.

But then she looked closely and realized everything was black. The bed, the desk, the clothing on the bed, the carpet, the lamp, the wall, everything.

Even the windows as they were blocked by the purple, dark curtains.

Despite the intimidating look, Ruby didn't seem fazed by it. In fact, she seemed quite impressed by Lucy's interest, "Huh interesting, you got some nice use of color. Loving the gothic approach here".

"Thanks but it's not finished", She replied, "It's not…black enough".

"I think it looks perfect as it is".

"Really? Hmm…I guess it does look fine, even if I prefer the darkness to literally consume the light from within the inside".

"Eh, your room, your interest".

"Heeey ladies", Ceviche flirty said across from the, leaning his arm near the doorway, the same way as Archer did it.

"Oh hi, uhhh…"

"Ceviche. The name Ceviche", Ceviche replied, "I see you ladies are interested in checking out rooms. How about checking mine out as well".

"I would love to", Ruby replied.

Lucy replied, straightforwardly, "No".

"But sadly, I'm kinda busy unpacking my things. How about another time?"

"Why yes, I don't mind", Ceviche said, giving a gun barrel sound and gesture, as Ruby leaves and Lucy returns to her room, slamming the door loudly.

This left Ceviche facepalming himself, embarrassed by his first impression, "Man, I should've just talked to them, casually. Oh well, at least it's not as bad with that Mabel girl. Speaking of, I wonder what she's been doing?"

Cutting to Mabel, her first act in her room was by splattering the entire wall and floor with pink paint and glitter.

She then pour the paint onto herself and immediately laugh, manically as she rolled on the floor, as Reg, Ceviche, and Dororo watched, stunned by the sight of it.

"Well….she's creative with her room", Reg remarked.

"A bit crazy too", Dororo said, "I never seen someone this hyper. Well, except for friends I used to know of".

"Hi guys! Like the new additional design I added to my room?" Mabel asked, still covered in paint.

"Uhhh jeez, it does look unique, I'll give it that", Reg commented.

"Thanks. I would usually unpack, but since it's my room I could do whatever I want with it. Say, do you guys need any help with your rooms?"

"Nah, I'm totally fine", Ceviche replied, "I've already got everything unpacked".

"Okay, how about you two?" She asked Dororo and Reg, "You guys need any help? Please say yes?"

"Well, actually I didn't bring anything with me".

"Me neither, actually", Reg replied, "Although, that could be due to me being a robot and all that".

"Well guys, you came to the right place for help", Mabel said, wrapping her wet, painted arms around the two, "Because I have unlimited ideas for you two rooms. Question, any of you two allergic to peanut butter?"

Meanwhile, Idree essentially is having trouble trying to open the door for his room, pulling the nudge and trying pushing it, but nothing seems to work.

He even tried to kick it open, but nothing.

"Damn it! Why don't you open!" Idree yelled, groaning in frustration.

Tomie came by, finding the humour out of his anger, "My, you really are having trouble, aren't you?"

"Quite! Or else I'll report you to the host!"

"Please, what are they going to do? Put me in detention?"

He groaned once more, as Tomie simply came to his door and opened it without trouble, much to his dumbfounded, bafflement.

"What the?! How?!"

Tomie simply shrugged, "Don't know. Guess you were too harsh on it".

"You have something to do with it, don't you?!"

"Maybe. Maybe not", She snicker and replied, walking off and whistling to herself, leaving Idree alone to think of himself.

"That woman…something about her irks me in the wrong way".

Moving elsewhere, Don and Mxy were inside one of Lisa Simpson's rooms.

As it would seem, the room seems to resemble a lot like her room back at home. Quite identical, even.

"Wow, I'm very impressed", Don remarked, "Very clean and delegate looking".

"Thanks, it wasn't too hard for me to unpacked everything", Lisa replied, "If I'm going to stay here, I might as well make it like my home".

"Yeeeeaaah, I can make do without some things in this room", Mxy said, taking a glance at the enviromist poster.

After they checked on her, they began to walk casually together, discussing the event that happened today.

"So what do you think about the new cast?" Mxy asked Don, smoking a cigarette and seemingly proud of himself, while standing on his shoulder, "Pretty swell job I did? Didn't I?"

"Well, I'm impressed. You manage to bring in one of the craziest and insane contestants for this show".

"Thank you".

"But there is one question, one kind of challenge do you have in mind?" Don asked, "I mean, I know you mention it to be something mundane and relating to the show, but I have to ask, are there going to be certain challenges that are….way off?"

"Trust me, Don. I got loads of ideas that you can never imagine".

So that wraps up the introduction chapter. What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Or…meh.

Anyways, sorry if this chapter felt short or there isn't much interesting stuff that happens. I do want to save most of the interaction for the next chapter, as I mentioned before and I'll say it again, this show is going to be a lot different from your regular, Total Drama season.

Also like I mentioned before, I am reusing and reworking some ideas from my previous cancelled spin offs like Weird World and RR for this show.

As for the next chapter, it's all about being the man of the house. And what better way to be the man is by finding the key for this mansion. Yep, that's right. While everyone is asleep, they are taken outside and are locked out from their mansion. In order to get back inside, while not dying out in the cold, dark night they must go through the forest in search for the key. But it will not be easy, as you guys will see later on.

So yep, stay tuned. If anyone has some ideas, send it through PM or review. See ya guys later

Chapter 3: First Tired Challenge Day

Chapter Text

Peanut butter.

Peanut butter everywhere.

The room was covered in a smear of peanut butters.

As well as consisting of two mattresses, a drawing of color crayons stars and poorly drawn, smiley face plaster everywhere on the wall. As well as the additional pink sparkle dust.

Reg and Dororo's reactions were...quite stunned and mixed by the appearance.

But Mabel doesn't seem to care, as she strolled up and asked, curiously, "Sooooo what do you two think? Pretty creative, am I right?"

"Looks a bit smear", Dororo commented.

"I'll say... it's kinda creative, but in a...uhh-", Reg added.

"Yeah I know. It's a bit rough, but gotta make sure my imagination gets out into the real world, if you know what I mean?" Mabel asked, nudging her arm next to Reg.

"Uhh yeah".

"Anyways! Call me if you guys need anything! Gotta do my own unpacking…..really hope Waddles is okay"


"Nothing! Nevermind!" Mabel said, making her way to the door quickly and shutting it behind them.

"She seems eccentric", Reg remarked to Dororo, "She kinda gives me a bit of Riko vibe in a sense. Although, a lot more hyper".

"Riko who?"

"Oh...sorry, forgot", Reg apologized, embarrassingly as he scratched his head, "This is our first day together".

"Nah don't worry. I'm already confused at everything", Dororo said, making her way to one of the mattresses and falling on her back, laying on the soft bed. Arms out and sighing to herself, "Guess I'll have to get used to my new surroundings. Really hope bro is doing alright at home".

"I'm hoping the same to Riko, Nanachi, and Faputa", Reg said, "Especially Faputa".

Just then, they heard an oinking noise coming from outside the hallway. It was a pig running across, followed by Mabel running after it, "Come back, Waddles! I said I was sorry for stuffing ya in the bag!"


"What? I can't leave my precious Waddle back home where any weirdo could try to eat it", Mabel confessed, holding Waddles up and clenching it near her face, "He's pretty much my soulmate. Helper, in other words. Best friend! Gotta need someone to keep me company, right Waddles?"

Waddles simply gave three oinking noises in response.


Cutting to a different room, Hellboy had already set up his own room.

His own room consists of simply a red bed, a table and a chair, three laptops, some crates containing equipment and gears inside it, some chocolate bars on said table, lamp, and his own mini TV set that he places on the ground.

Hellboy sat on the bed, having not finished up his phone call.

"Yeah everything has been set up. Bunch of weirder folks I'm with around here", Hellboy said, "No, don't worry. Not all of them are giving me some trouble...yea...yea...yeah okay, I'll report back if I found anything".

As he finished his call, he remarked to himself, "Man, never thought they actually go along with my idea for once".

Hellboy proceeded to lay on the bed, arms wrapping around behind his head as he sighs to himself.

Just then, Mxy appeared out of nowhere and blasted him with a loud speaker, yelling through it, "ALL CONTESTANTS! REPORT TO THE LIVING ROOM DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"

"Jeez, could've not relay that through blasting my ear drums?" Hellboy asked him.

"What? It's called having fun as a TV host", Mxy told him, then proceeded to yell at him again with the loudspeaker, "NOW MOVE IT!"

Everyone was down stairs in the living room, where Don and Mxy stood ( Except for Mxy, since he can float ) to give a few announcements before they departed, as well as some questions.

Blitzwing is there, outside and looking through the window.

"So what do you guys think of your new home?" Mxy asked all of them, "I'm betting it's quite cozy, huh?"

"Fine, I guess", Archer replied, "Not as fancy as I imagine, but I can make do with it".

"I'm satisfied with it", Nikki said, "Don't want to over do it. Also, would it be cool to bring in random animals to my room?"

"I don't know", Mxy replied, "Mabel somehow managed to bring her pet pig, so I see why not".


"Hey, better not be an alligator you bring in", Archer pointed at her, "Never really been fond of alligators….and crocodiles".

"Come on, I wasn't thinking about bringing one in…..", She told her, "Okay, maybe I was considering it…".

"My only complaint is the placement of my room", Red Skull said, "I'm not really fond of loud noises".

"Was that supposed to mean?" John asked, sternly.

"Nothing. I'm just anti-social".

"Hey, that sounds a little like-" Po was going to say something to Octavia.

But with Octavia deadpan stare, it immediately made Po retract his statement, "Ok, I'll stop talking".

"I for one think the rooms are quite comfortable", Lisa Simpson commented, "I'm not really expecting anything fancy or something" .

"And I for one think it fabulous!" Zulius said, seemingly founding his room to be perfect.

"You only said that because you took the room with the hot tub and a tanning bed", Octavia told him.

"Hey, everyone has their own taste when it comes to rooms. Mine is filled with the essentials".

"I don't know what those essentials are, but it must've been really important for you", Vicky commented.

"Of course it is! See, someone recognizes my desire".

"As for my room, it was wonderful", Vicky said, "Everything is so clean and flat like. I was especially curious about that odd hole that produces thunder".

"Pretty sure it's called an electrical socket", Lisa told him.

"An electrical socket? Wait, was that hole some kind of gateway?"

"I'm very glad with my new room", Tomie told them with a grin, sitting and leaning near Idree, much to his discomfort, "I really don't mind the much needed company around here. It makes it less lonely".

"You stay away from me", Idree utter, moving a little away from her.

"Well I'm just glad everyone is happy", Don said, very pleased by this.

"Not me", Idree added.

"Because tomorrow will be your first challenge", Don told them, "It'll be both simple and hopefully, less painful compared to Chris Mclean's idea of a challenge".

"Yep, it'll be fun! Fun as in breaking into a bank of honey!" Mxy added.

"So it's going to be less painful then?" Po asked.

"Correct! Now get some shut eye!" Mxy then proceeds to snap his finger, causing Don to disappear in clouds, "We got a lot of things to do for tomorrow!"

After Mxy left, the contestants themselves were either sitting or standing there...looking at each other...and awkwardly having no idea how to react.

Some were curious about the challenge, others had different thoughts besides it.

"Well...uhhh...guess we should go and get some sleep then, I guess", Lisa said.

"Screw that, I'm going to grab a beer and start partying in my room before I'm ready for anything", Archer said, as he got up.

"And why do you want to do that?" Hellboy asked.

"Because stamina, duh", Archer explained, "Well I mean, after having to fly here for god knows what, I need some refreshments. Hopefully it's not expired beer. I'm not walking from here to reach a bar that's like further away".


"So overall, I think I'm going to win this", Archer confessed, "I mean, I'm very skilled both in combat, highly trained and have a vast automatic amount of weapons that I did not steal for the purpose of this game. So yeah, I'm highly level and I know the in and out of conversation. Meaning, I'm good at spying. Or in this case, secretly cutting into some personal confession".


"I'm really not liking this so far", Octavia confessed, "Granted, I would've prefer not to compete in this, but my father thought it would be a good, social experience. Ugh, whatever...but hey, I will say that some of the people around here don't seem too bad. And hey, I could need some time out of my family life".


"While I do show some...detest among the habit of living next door to certain creatures", Red Skull confesses, "I will try to tolerate it...for now".


"Man there's a lot of strange and outlandish folks here", Mabel remarked, "Maybe signing up on this show wasn't a good idea...nah! I'm joking! Of course I'm excited! I mean, for gosh sake! This show has a talking panda, a giant robot, some demon dude, a guy with nerd obsession, a girl with a freaking pet snake! And most of all! A robot boy!"


Idree sigh, "I-I don't know what to think about this. I have been pulled away from the battlefield to just compete in a game that gives away free currency. And the weirdest part about it, I am competing against two or three devils, women with lustful, deceptive bodies, a talking, cursed animal, and...I have no idea what the others even are!"


"Hey guys, it's me Gimpy", Gimpy waves at the camera, assuming his friends are watching, "I'm finally in the game, guys! I managed to bring in all of my stuff from my room, including a Star Wars backpack, a Star Wars monitor, a Star Wars toothpaste with different taste and colors, and a Star Wars body pillow. So yeah, everything is going really neat here, guys. My only worry is if one or more of them hate Star Wars. I will not tolerate that. It doesn't help if one of them is a Star Trek fan".


Don and Mxy popped into an orange room. A room with two red bean couches, a flat screen TV, and a table consisting of chips and mugs.

The room has two doors leading from left to right.

"Ummm where are we? This isn't my hotel", Don remarked, looking around in confusion.

Sitting on his bean couch, while Mxy just floats there on his own with a smirk.

"Relax Don, this is where our private, behind the scene workplace will be!" Mxy explained.

As it zoomed out to reveal it to be just an orange trailer park, residing near the mansion.

"At a trailer!"

"Wow...that is quite an unfair position, considering the contestants got a lovely mansion", Don told him, "But I'm not complaining".

"Don't be. It's all about the aesthetics", Mxy explained, "Unlike those crummy trailer parks, this one is packed from the brim with a clean bathroom, your own delicate and pristine bedroom with your own private hot tub, a kitchen with your favorite food, and let's not forget our work room".

"This is our work room?"

"Yes! And also our security room as well".

This whole ordeal seems to impress Don even further, "You know I'm kinda happy about this. I mean, I was totally worried you were just using me to boost your own priority, but it seems to me you really committed to helping me out here".

"Don, I'm a huge fan of your show. I got a collection of shows you were in. I'll do anything for you".

"Great", Don then asked, "So what's the first challenge are we going to start off with? I'm leaning more for the more...tamer side".

"Oh I got something in mind", Mxy said, sinisterly. Rubbing both his hands and chuckling himself in an evil grin.

Don just sat there...worryingly confused.

( Later, that night! ).

The night was cold. The wind was below average, and the sounds of the normal activity of animals can be heard within the jungle.

Hellboy slowly opened his eyes. Groaning and feeling a bit dreary, until finally his vision came back and he can see clearly.

He soon got up, rubbing behind his neck as soon as he awoke, "Damn neck cramp. They could've at least given me a better pillow. My neck is aching.

Just as he is fully awake, he is in a sudden surprise, "What the hell?"

He, along with everyone else ( Still sleeping on the ground ) were fully clothed, outside in the cold, and Hellboy being quite confused and puzzled.

Even Blitzwing is his tank mode. As well as Waddles being cuddled by Mabel who is snoring.

Suddenly, the loud megaphone is heard. The voice of Mxy is shouted throughout, causing everyone to be fully awakened ( Except for Po ) and startle, "WAKEY! WAKEY! MY PLEASANT VICTIMS! IT'S CHALLENGE TIME!"

"Ow! God damn it!" Archer exclaimed, putting both his hands to his ears, "What the hell man?!"

"That was totally painful..." Lucy said, in a straightforward and monotone voice.

"I'm awake! I'm awake...", Mabel stood up, stunned and looking around in confusion as her Waddles ran around out of being startled as well.

"Whoa, that was loud", Vicky pointed out at a floating Mxy, who tossed the megaphone away, "I didn't know creatures like you can produce such loud noise".

"Was that really necessary to wake us up like that?" John asked him.

"Yes, yes it was". Mxy said, "Anyways, rise and shine everyone! Today is your first challenge!"

"Our first challenge?" Zulius asked, moaning "Ugh, can we wait until it's the afternoon?"

"Yeah I have to agree with him", Ceviche moaned, as he lay back on the ground, "I need some beauty sleep".

This didn't stop Mxy from using his megaphone to blast him to fully wake up and be startled, "NO!"

"Sorry, but this is important", Mxy explained, "As you can see, all of you are out of your bed, fully clothed in your attire, and are locked out from your mansion".

The mere mention of them being locked out struck some of them.

"Wait, we locked outside?" Lisa asked, surprise and baffle.

"Fully clothed it would seem", Hanco*ck remarked, nonchalantly taking notice.

"OUT IN THE COLD?!" Zulius asked, panicking, "I can't be out here like this! Fully nude!"

"What are you talking about?" Octavia questioned him, "You are always naked".

"Umm excuse me, there's a difference between nude and presenting yourself in style!"



"Okay, am I literally the only sane one in this group?" Octavia confesses, "I know I said some of them aren't bad, but I didn't mean that all of them don't have any wacky aspect about them. Most, if not, all of them are weird. Strange, coming from me I know. Usually, I wouldn't mind these kinds of things. Sometimes I would scoff it off or ignore it, but this is me being forced to stay with a bunch of odd folks. It's going to be legit hard for me to get along".


As everyone is having varied reactions of some sort to this situation, all of their attention is soon caught off by Po snoring.

Realizing he's the only one that didn't wake up and is still sleeping on the ground.

"Huh, a very deep sleeper", Don remarked, amusingly.

"Well I mean, he is a talking, fat panda", Archer commented, "Kinda obvious to see that".

"Awww, he looks so adorable when he sleeps", Mabel remarked, with Waddles coming to her side and seemingly calm at the situation, "I wonder what he's dreaming about?"

"Probably food".

"Ugh, this display disgust me", Hanco*ck added, not finding anything appealing about this, "Wake up! You obese beast!"

Hanco*ck immediately kicked Po in the side of his guts, making him awake and fully aware of the nudging pain as he stood up, "Ow! Hey, that hurts".

He then took notice of the situation he and the cast are in, looking around to his surroundings, "Ummm wait, did we all just accidentally slept outside or-?"

"Mxy teleported us out here", Lisa answered for her, obviously assuming to be the Imp behind this, with his power and such.

"Whoa really? I didn't know he could do that".

"Dude he's a floating, midget guy", Archer told him, "How can you not believe that?"

"Ahem!" Mxy shouted, trying to get their full attention, "Now then, as I was saying your challenge today is quite simple. All you guys need to do is go into the jungle and search for the key to your mansion. Once you found the key-"

"Ha! Who needs keys!" Blitzwing shouted, in his hot headed form, "When you can do this!"

He aimed his torrent cannon at the mansion and much to everyone's shock, he fired. Blasting the entire front half of the mansion into a smoke of flames.

The rest of the contestants can only watch, some were stunned while others were even more stunned.

Even Don and Mxy share the same reaction.

Eventually, Blitzwing personality changes from hot head to random, "Oops! My bad! Mahahahahahahahahahahaha!"


"Ok, I should've been more aware about my fellow contestants' well being's", Blitzwing confessed, in his cold form, "Sometimes I can go off the rail at times, like not all the time, though. Sometimes I can act too brash or too random. It's hard to control at times".


"Ummm okay then, uhh do not worry! Everyone!" Mxy assured them, "I will fix that! I will...totally, totally, totally fix that. Do not worry".

"Oh Leia! I hope my rare, Kenner Star Wars figures aren't damaged", Gimpy exclaimed, clenching his head, "I've spent my entire life saving on those!"

Vicky gasps a little, "You spend your entire life saving those toys? Wow, that's dedication".

"Kid, I don't think you should be working up about your toys", Hellboy told Gimpy.

"They were more than toys! They were family!" Gimpy shouted back.

"I don't know if I should find this sad or pretty funny", Archer remarked.

"Really hope my Furious Five figurines are in there as well", Po added.

Mxy resume, "Hey, enough mourning here! Can we get back on track here?! Please!"

"Umm excuse me, our mansion just got blown up!" Archer told him.

"Yeah. And like I said, I can fix that", Mxy replied, resuming back to what he was discussing about, "Now then, After you retrieve the key and...uhh, open the repair mansion with all of your stuff intact, you will be declared as the man of the house!"

"Wait, man of the house?" Dororo repeated.

"Yep! Man of the house!" Mxy continues, "Meaning you can do anything with that title, like tell your fellow contestants what to do, not having to take responsibility, and receiving immunity from elimination. But use it wisely. You only get once".

"Wait, you say if one of us gets the key, they will be declared as...a team captain of some sort", Archer asked, taking a liking to this idea and even chuckling a little at it, "Sweet".


"It was pretty obvious who's going to be picked as the man of the house", Archer confessed.


"So let me get this straight", Lisa said, concerningly, "You want all of us to go into a jungle, unsupervised with the likelihood of getting maw and lost, just to look for a key that is impossible to search during this time of day, right?"

"Uhhh yeah, it's called a challenge", Mxy told her.

And while he laughs it off much to the concern of Lisa Simpson, Don is worried about this and even conveys it to Mxy, "Umm Mxy, maybe it would be a good idea to pair them up so that way none of them would get lost or hurt".

"What? Where's the fun in that?"

"You do realize most of them are minors, right? Sending them off into a likely danger zone in the middle of the night without any supervision doesn't sound like a good idea".

Mxy thought about it, eventually giving him an interesting idea, "Hmmm you know, you have a point. Alright then, everyone! It would appear that sending all of you off without supervision would be bad. So I'm going to split each of you into groups of three! That way, you guys get some good company".

"Ummm can we not do that?" Archer asked, being opposed to the idea, "I would rather go through this alone….well, except for the literal Transformer".


"What? If I had to pick one person to accompany me it would obviously be a giant robot", Archer confessed, "Not one of Krieger robots, though. A lot of them almost killed me. Had to call in a technical support to start hacking his machine to put them out. Guess what, Krieger wasn't too happy about it. Freaking douche, his creations were designed as hookers and they try to kill me! I'm not into that kind of fetish!...wait, what was I rambling about again?"


"Ja, I agree", Red Skull nodded, "There are certain folks I cannot stand to be paired up. Certain folks that have the tendency of yelling and scalping".

John Redcorn, "Huh?"

"Too bad! You guys are going to be paired up!" Mxy explained, "The following people being paired up will be...Octavia, Lisa, and Archer".

"Wow, thanks for pairing me up with the literal douche of the group", Octavia sarcastically said.

Even Lisa agreed, not taking this pairing as a positive, "Couldn't agree more".

"Hey, deal with it", Archer told them, "I'm more angry than you two are about this".

"Hellboy, Vicky, and Gimpy", Mxy continued.

"Looks like you and I are working together", Hellboy said to the boy, as he sees no problem with it and seems very relieved and happy about it, much to the glee of Vicky.

"That's wonderful!"


"I've always wanted to know more about the new people and surroundings", Vicky confesses, "Now I'm given the chance to do so, starting with the red giant and a weird looking goblin named Gimpy, who seem obsessed with toys".


"I really, really, really appreciate the company", Gimpy confesses, "Now it can give me more time to show off my interest. I mean, I was a bit worried I wasn't going to get along with many of them, so who knows. Maybe this could be the perfect time for me to share and influence my interest...unless the force tells me otherwise".


"Reg, you'll be paired up with Mabel and Dororo".

"Heh, that's a coincidence", Dororo nudged Reg, snickering, "Guess you and me are a team then".

"Umm yeah, guess we are".

"Don't forget about me, guys!" Mabel excitedly said, wrapping her arms around them and hugging them, "And also Waddles".


"You know, maybe being here might not be a bad thing", Dororo confesses, "I can totally use this situation to my advantage. I mean, this world or the new guys around me may hold some interest that could gain me and Hyakkimaru a fortune. Not that I'm going to steal it or anything, but when it comes to it and it is out of desperation or morale isn't involve...I might"


"Red Skull, your pair up with John Redcorn and Blitzwing".

"Weeeeeee! I'm paired up with two new pals!" Blitzwing cheers, "Yippee!"

"Ugh, is it really necessary for you to pair me up with two war criminals?" John asked.

"Sorry, that's the decision I've come up with", Mxy told him.


"I don't know what's worst", John Redcorn confess, "Me having to be away from Nancy, me having nightmare of Nancy getting too close with Dale, me and my music career not getting the attention it deserve, or me having to deal with a literal Nazi...honestly, the three former ones sounds far worst".


"Po, you are paired up with Furrball and Zulius".

"Awesome!" Po said, grabbing Furrball by his arm, which squeezed in him, "Looks like you, me, and Zulius are now a team. This is going to be great! We are totally going to ace this!"

"Umm no offense, but pretty sure it would be me and you doing most of the work", Zulius said to him.

"What do you mean? This guy seems capable of doing anything".

"Yeah, but...I don't know, he seems like just a regular cat".


"Pff, I don't see it that way", Po confessed, "I see everyone with worth of potential, besides me. I mean, I was once someone with not much potential, but look at me right now. Now that I'm here, I'm going to show off my worth! Show I am and...don't try to act too co*cky...or something. Gosh, probably something I shouldn't say right here in the confession part".


"Idree, your pair up with Hanco*ck and Tomie!"

"WHAT?!" Idree shouted, looking at both Hanco*ck and Tomie, with Tomie giving him a grin of pleasure, "No! No! You gotta be kidding me! You make me pair up with them?!"

"Yep! Pretty neat, huh Idree?" Mxy asked, winking at him.

"No way! I am not going to be cooperating with these scandalized women! Change it!"

"Sorry, no take backs".

"Change it or-"

"Or what? Are you going to call for your parents and sue me? Ha! That's not going to happen", Mxy told him, "Come on Idree, cheer up! You got the two hottest girls with ya. I can bet some poor cook sap is probably missing out".

( Elsewhere, during the Total Drama Cruise run ).

On the ship near the railings, Sanji is seen smoking until suddenly he feels a pain within his gut, which causes him to collapse to the ground.

Groaning, as Armin came by, "Oh my god! Sanji! Are you alright?"


( Cutaway back ).

This only frustrated and made Idree groan even, rolling his eyes out.

"Quite you foolish man", Hanco*ck told him, slapping him in the face, "As much as I am not pleased by this news, we must try to tolerate it".

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Hanco*ck can only scoff by the mere fact she's forced to work with him. And as for Tomie, she seems joyfully happy about it.


"It's nice for the host to pair me up with a new friend", Tomie confesses, "I suppose I should be upset, but alas I am. I'm just so excited once the game begin".


"I was taught to always stand on guard and keep wary over anyone that I will not specifically trust, particularly the females", Idree confesses, "Now, I'm forced to tolerate and work alongside not one, but two of them! This not right!"


"And lastly, Lucy, you are paired up with Ruby and Ceviche!"

"Awesome", Lucy said in her usual tone to Ruby and Ceviche, "Guess you two are going to work for me".

"I'm pretty certain he meant us working together", Ruby clarified, "Like as in, a team".


"Wait, what about me?" Nikki asked, "Who am I to pair up with?"

"Oh, totally forget about you", Mxy tried to think about the solution, but eventually just gave up and responded, ", why not. Choose whatever team you like".

"Wait, you let her choose her own team?" Archer asked, bafflingly, "How is that fair?!"

"Yes, I agree with the drunken idiot here", Idree added.

"Hey! I can decide which is fair and which is not fair", Mxy told them, "Right now, it's fair!"

"Umm technically it's not", Don told him, "Because you literally allow someone to decide their own team, which kinda condirect-"

"Will you just shut up! We have a challenge here!"

"Yes!" Nikki, obviously picking the closet pair she likes so far into the show, ran up to Mabel and wrapped her arms around her, "Looks like I'm joining with you guys!"

"Aw yeah! That's right!" Mabel shouted, fully on board with her joining, "We should name our team".

"Totally! Got any ideas?"

"Hmm..oh! I got one! What about-"

Before she could finish, a loud blow horn was heard.

With Mxy trying to not stray off the main challenge they have to do, tossing the blow horn away, "Now then, since we're done with it. Let's proceed with the challenge. And by challenge, I mean-GET GOING! YOU IMBECILES!"

Without any questions or hesitation, everyone ran off or some casually just walked like Red Skull, heading into the jungle itself.

"Ow! I guess the viking kid was right about you having such a loud voice", Don remarked to him.

"What can I say? I'm very proud of myself", Mxy told him, "Now then, let's get back to the monitor room and see how things are going".

"But wait, what about the mansion?"

"What about it?"

"Didn't you promise you could fix it?"

"Uhh yeah! Like later!" Mxy replied.

Don wasn't buying it, staring at him until finally Mxy committed to his promise. "Ugh! Fine! I'll fix it now".

( Cut to team Archer ).

The forest habitants of the land consist of the tangled and twisted roots that spread throughout the area of ground and trees.

Trees can range from small to elongated like a tower. Leafs can be massive or packed, while some can contain little of any leafs on it. The creaking sounds of certain animals like birds or frogs can be heard throughout. As well as the flowing sound of a river, regardless of the distances.

The leafs and bushes and vines are spread out, usually poking out of roots and the dirt ground.

As this was going on, Lisa was looking around, admiring her surroundings all while Octavia charged onward without a single care of the natural ecosystem in this area.

Lisa took one breath in and one breath out, "Nature. Don't you love being out in the open with mother nature's first ever creation?"

"Uhhh yea, it's so great being in a forest", Octavia sarcastically said, "It's not like I'm from hell where a normal forest like this doesn't exist".

"Come on, try to lighten up", Lisa told her, joining her in a walk, "It is a good experience to explore the outside world. I came here to do just that, as well as spreading the word on why we should protect the wild life".

"Whatever", Octavia replied, "Don't really care. Although I won't lie, it is soothing and less stressful to be walking out here. You know, without my f**king parents arguing all the time. Doesn't help my parents are in the middle of a f**king divorce".

"Uhhhhhh See, good experiences", Lisa awkwardly laughed.


"If I know one thing about the human consciousness," Lisa confesses, "Or in this case, a demon consciousness is that sometime, people may learn to appreciate something that they didn't before. That's why I, as someone who has protested in the name of Mother Nature, decided to try to spread or remind everyone of this knowledge. Including people watching at home...which I really hope they do. I mean, they can't possibly just switch to a different channel whenever I appear to lec-"


"This isn't the first time I stepped into the real world, mind you", Octavia confessed, "At this point, I'm just not in the right mood right now".


"Damn it, my shoe just got dented!" Archer exclaim, looking down at his shoe as it is dented upward, seemingly having hit a hard rock on the ground, "F*ck!"

"You should be a little careful when walking", Lisa told him.

"I know! Don't lecture me", Archer said, "God, any idea how we are going to search for the key? After all, you do seem like the kid genius of the group".

"Pretty insulting, but I'm going to ignore that", Lisa began "Well considering how the show works and knowing what we know about the host, I'm going to bet it is hidden somewhere that is covered up entirely so we couldn't see a metallic opening".

"Oh so it's obvious. We just looked around in the middle of the night and hoped we found it before the others did", Archer told her, "Yeah, real genius".

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Uhhh yes, I do", Archer claim, "It's call, f*cking off somewhere so I could need some alone time".

"Don't know if I should relate with that, but...not going to", Octavia said.

"That sounds like a bad idea", Lisa said, "We are supposed to be a team here".

"Yes, and I'm doing just that", Archer said, "By going into the wilderness and finding it by myself. I'll get back to you if I'm not dead or didn't get lost because I got chased by an alligator or something".

"I'm pretty sure they are called Siamese, and are quite rare around here".

"Alligator, crocodile. Whatever. I need some alone time", Archer said, as he departed off to do his own thing.

"God, what a D*ck", Octavia remarked, "Really hope he does encounter an alligator, though".

"Reminder, They are called Siamese", Lisa said, with Octavia giving her the look, "What? I like doing research about certain animals in different country".


"Look sometimes I'm not much of a team player, okay", Archer confesses, "I can be reckless, brash, self-absorbed and pretty much a douche when it comes to me working with a group. I mean granted, I do work with a lot of people back at home, but still not much of a great guy to be around. But the thing is, if it's someone that's fun and chill enough like me, then I can somewhat tolerate it".


"Ugh this place reek", Archer remarked, clenching his nose, "What does the little imp expect us to find here? Probably not a key, but a dead, dying animal".

Just then, he heard a phone ringing from his pocket. He took it out and saw who it was.

Much to his annoyance, it's his wife's name Lana trying to call him.

"Oh great, it's this again", Archer said, having dealt with this constant ringing before deciding to just answer it, anyways, "Hello?"


"Umm the right term should be a 'hi' back".

"Archer, I've been trying to get in touch with you three times! Where are you?!"

"Umm I'm in Cambodia, competing in a game show".


"Look, it's just a little stress reliever situation".

"A stress reliever? By competing on a reality show?"

"Well yeah, I looks fun. I mean have you seen the show?"

"Oh I saw Total Drama, and I know damn well how dangerous it is! Seriously, you're competing on a show just for that?"

"That and free money".

"Your already rich!"

"Rich, yes. Permission to spend it all, not really. Guess who's holding my bank account back!", Archer replied, "Also, this isn't technically Total Drama. It's more or less a spin off, but you know...same thing but with different host and stuff".

"Give me that!" Another person is on the phone, this time being Malory, Archer mother, "Serling! It's me! Your mother is talking".

"Oh hi mom, what's up?"

"What's up? Oh you know what's up! I'm very angry right now", Malory told him, "Not to the point of having a sudden blood pressure stroke, but totally angry enough to slap you".

"Wha-what for? All I did was borrowing the helicopter and coming onto a reality show so I could compete. Besides, if I recall, all of it started when you cut my bank account down".

"You were overspending half of our budget on a stupid project of yours", Malory told him, "A project, if I may add, involves constructing the largest beer with a length of a twin tower on our headquarter!"

"Ok to be fair, I was drunk at the time. I wasn't fully aware, so I took it down".

"Took it down and cost more property damage as a result of it. You didn't even consider the consequences of pushing it down onto unexpected idiots like you".

" know when you put it that way, that totally does sound dumb on my part".

Malory groaned, "Now listen Sterling, I'm just relieved to find out you're okay. But I want to know if the helicopter is fine".


"I'm asking because knowing you and how careless, reckless you can be-"

"Woah, woah, woah, okay listen. If the faults are going to be placed on me, then it isn't. The helicopter was out of control, so I had to-"

"Had to what? Wait, don't tell me you-"

"Uhhh yeah...anyways, nice hearing you back. Bye!"

"Archer? Archer! Don't you dare hang up on-" Archer finished the call, putting his phone back to his pocket as he continued moving forward.

"Man...mother really needs some anger management".

( Cuts to team Idree ).

Idree was further ahead from his own team, grumbling to himself as Tomie, Hanco*ck and her assistant Salome were behind, "This is unbelievable. Why does this have to happen to me? Would've been more merciful for me to do this alone or be paired up with the other guys".

"Hey Idree! Do you need any help?" Tomie asked.

"No! Leave me alone! This is my own problem! I don't need a girl to assist me!"

"Tch typical. I am very detest against the idea of working with him", Hanco*ck told Tomie, as Salome slithered by her side, "But since this is a challenge, I must tolerate it for now. Back in my world or perhaps, on my island we dislike any men that come to our island...well, except for one exception".

"I for one don't mind it", Tomie states, "I do find men to be particularly interesting to toy around with. A real dang shame some of the men I usually meet never have such a happy ending. There's always the messy break up that happens with it".

"Hmph, yes interesting", Hanco*ck said, "I'll allow you to keep your own personal opinion toward men. Regardless, I still detest some".

"Thank you", Tomie then asked, "Although may I ask about the certain one exception you mention. I'm curious, who's that one exception?"

"'s quite personal".

"Personal? Is it too secretive and shameful to reveal?"

"No, not really", Hanco*ck said, as she glanced away, blushing. Perhaps the furthering curiosity of Tomie made her think of the certain boy he had dreamt about, "I...I'm just too shy to reveal it. He's really my type, and I don't want to brag too much about it".

"Oh, well what a darn shame".

"Yeah a real darn shame", Idree said, loudly and rolling his eyes, "I'm certain the boy you are affected with is probably not interested in you".

This statement changed Hanco*ck from her composure and shy thoughts to aggressive as she ran up to him, grabbed him, and pinned him up against the tree, as she shouted, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! DON'T YOU DARE EVER ASSUME MY LOVER SHOWS NO AFFECTION!"

"Let go of me! You slu*t! I will not be intimidated by some mad lady!" Idree shouted, as he was being choked tightly at the neck by Hanco*ck's hands.

"I will not stand by it! You take back everything you say! Do it!"


As this was going on, Tomie could only watch by puzzlement. Then she began to chuckle, finding it pretty amusing, much to Idree notice and desperation, "Hey you! Do something! Do...I don't know, order her to calm down!"

"I don't know, seems like it's just your problem".

"Do it!"

After thinking about it, she reluctantly agrees, "Alright then, if it means for the sake of the challenge".

She then proceeded to call out to her, "Hey Hanco*ck! Maybe you should let him go so we get through this without any issue".

"Until this man apologizes and takes back his words, then I'll release him", Hanco*ck states.

"Come on, Idree. Just apologize so we could resume searching", Tomie insisted.

"And submit to her?!" Idree asked, "No!"

"Idreeeeee...please", She begged, acting very kindly and softly.

This didn't sway him, but Salome staring at him with a direct look with the indication of a worst fate for him, he eventually complied, "Ok! Ok! I'll take it back!"

"Good", Hanco*ck replied, letting him as he lay on the ground on all three, trying to breath and grasp.

"Can you believe the ignorant of him to assume it", Hanco*ck said to Tomie, "To assume my true lover to not share the same affection as I do".

"No, not really".


"A sexist girl killing a sexist male", Tomie confesses, "I'll admit, there is something hilarious with that, not gotta lie".


"She needs to go, along with that Tomie girl", Idree confesses, "There is no way I am literally going to survive this with them around".


( Cuts to Reg team ).

Dororo and Reg were roaming through the jungle, passing by the long trees that reached and covered the entire sky.

Walking along with them is Waddles.

"This is going to be hard", Dororo moans, both her arms behind her forehead, "Doesn't help I'm still tired".

"Well I'm not tired and I'm doing just fine here", Reg replied, casually.

"That's because your...umm, what are you again?"

"A robot".

"Yea a...robot...whatever that is".

As for where Mabel is, she sprung out of the bushes, surprising the two of them and Waddles, "Wahahahahahahaha! Feast your eyes on the bright, color vibrant snake!"


"I'm trying to play in character", Mabel replied, "Got to act like a snake and be like a snake if we are going to find that key".

"Wait, that's your strategy?" Dororo asked, with a deadpan expression, "Act like a wild animal?"

"Yep! Although I do hope some of the leafs I ate aren't poisonous or anything", Mabel then asked Reg, "Hey Reg, do you have any special features that could help us out here?"

"Special features?"

"Yeah you know, like x-rays, radars or anything like that", Mabel said, "I mean you are a robot, so..."

"Hmm while I don't have much that could detect the key, I am a good smeller. As well as a good sprinter and good durability".

"Sweet! Then do it!"

"Do what?"

"Do...that. Activate...something".

Reg simply gave her a confused, silent glare.

"Were you expecting something to happen or-?"

"Sorry, I thought it requires a voice activation or something", Mabel apologizes, rubbing her arm awkwardly, "Since your-"

"A robot", Reg replied, "Yeah, I-I totally get it".


"Mabel is a really weird girl, I'll give it that", Dororo remarked, "I mean, it's not the first time I met someone as eccentric as her; But I'm not too annoyed or easily irritated".


"You know, I've been meaning to ask", Dororo asked her, "What's that fur thing your wearing?"

"Fur thing?" Mabel responded, until realizing that she's pointing at her sweater, "Oooooh you mean my sweater. Yeah, it's called a sweater. Really cool, huh?"

"Sweater? So wait, did you make it yourself or-?"

"Nope", Mabel replied, "Well, I have made many more of these on my own. Some successful, others…not so much. Mainly because I ate some of them".

"Looks interesting", Reg remarked.

"Wait, you can actually eat them?" Dororo asked, even more curiously and surprised.

"Yep! As long as it has lots of sugar, sprinkles, and meat on it" Mabel states.

"Whoa, that's both odd and incredible!" Dororo remarked, "Something tells me I could make money out of this".

"Wait a second, why would you add meat to an attire?" Reg asked.

"Pfff duh, fashion!" Mabel responded in a whisper and in a dazzling gesture.

"Ummm….yeah!…fashion", Reg raises his fist up, thinking he is supposed to act excited with her, but instead awkwardly laughs a bit.

Just then, Nikki came down from having climbed up the trees and has now descended back down, holding up two snakes with her bare hands, "Hey guys! Look what I found at the top of the trees!"

This startled Dororo, causing her to hide behind Reg. Waddles even hide behind him. Reg was stunned, but not to a huge extent.

"Oh my god", Mabel remarked, "That's awesome! Creepy, but awesome!"

"Yeah, I found these just hanging around and I thought it would be really cool to show it to you guys", Nikki explained, "Isn't it neat?"

"Yeah that's great and all, but can you toss them away please?" Dororo asked.

"Awww why not? These two seem cute", Nikki said, hugging both of them, as despite the snakes slithering and making hissing noises, they don't seem too aggressive.

She then proceeds to crest them near her cheeks, while chuckling to herself.

( Cuts to Hellboy team ).

Vicky is trotting through, while Hellboy is walking behind. Keeping a close eye on the kid's safety, as he is walking by side with Gimpy.

"Keep it up, will ya?" Vicky said to them, "There's a lot of mysterious things we may find out here. I don't know what we may have found, but I'm certain it will be interesting".

"Just keep your priority straight, kid", Hellboy told him, "We don't want to lose ya".

"Don't worry. I won't storm off my trail. I'm an expert of keeping my words sometime and remaining on track", He assured him, as he trotted off.

Hellboy remarked, smiling, "Heh, kinda reminds me of my younger age".

"Careful my alien friend", Gimpy told him, holding out his green, toy lightsaber as he gestured to him to pause with his arm out, "We must be careful. I sense a disturbing force around this area".

"Where did you get that lightsaber?" Hellboy asked.

"I bought it from Ebay", He told him, "But be wary. I sense a disturbing amount of evil energy".

"Yeah, it's called snake pal. Don't want to step on a snake disguised as a vine".

"True, but I'm not talking about that", Gimpy told him, "I'm talking about a disturbance, somewhere up in the trees. Someone is watching us".

"Kid, you probably need to cut the whole force thing a break, alright. I'm really too tired to deal with this, and we really need to find that key so I can get some sleep".

"Sorry, but I can't. I must always remain vigilant. Ensuring that my enemy is near. You should try it".


"No, no, I meant to connect with the force".

"Oh...yeah sorry, I'm not into that kind of stuff".

"I see", Gimpy told him, "Very well then, I'll be off and scouting the area. You keep searching on and be watchful over the youngling".

"So essentially, keep doing what I'm doing right now".

"Yep", Gimpy nodded, putting his hood over his head and storming off, "May the fourth be with you!"

"Weirdo", Hellboy shook his head, turning around and resuming to follow the kid, as he is not further away from them.

Unknown to them, above from the branches and leafs, three figures were watching.

( Cuts to Red Skull team ).

A bird is tweeting, taking a rest on one of the branches, until it eventually gets startled by a laser that shoots and breaks the branch, causing the bird to fly away.

This is the result of Blitzwing, in his hot headed form, "Dumb organic credence! This is why I hate being in a forest area!"

As he was flinging his fist around, his face switched to his crazy mode, "But it's a lot of fun when nobody is around to stop you! Wahahahahahahahahahaha!"

This annoys Red Skull, as he clenches where his ears would've been, "That idiotic, mechanical fool. Why did that moronic host think it was a good idea to bring that abomination here?"

"I feel the same way", John Redcorn said, appearing from the forest.

"I was referring to you", Red Skull replied.

"In any case, did you find the key?"

"I don't know. Did your spirit senses manage to find it?" Red Skull sarcastically asked, "Or is it clouded by the false pretense of pure believing with nature".


"This is getting frustrating", John confesses, "Searching for a key out here in the middle of the night is impossible. Especially since I'm paired up with a literal racist and a crazy, giant robot. Reminder, that's the worst part".


John did not reply. Only groaning, as he continues with his search.

Red Skull, seeing how impossible and dire the challenge is, turns toward Blitzwing who is seen playing with a stick, flinging around out of boredom while still in his crazy mode, acting like a bored child.


"While it is fun to toy around and mess with an already extinct race, as far as me trying to strike some ill friendship with the like these, it has not go…so well", Red Skull confesses, "Nonetheless, if I'm going to stay in the game, I muse require a certain fool to tool around with".


"You!" Red Skull pointed at him, getting Blitzwing attention. Making him stop and salute.


"I have an interesting proposition for you".

"Proposition? Ooooh does it involve ice cream cones with tiny sprinkles of chocolate?"

"Ummm no...I was thinking more of an odd alliance between you and me".

Blitzwing expressions then change from random to cold, "An partnership? With you?"

"Yes, think about it", Red Skull said, "We both are a potential threat. You're a war criminal, robot. And I am...well, you can already guess what I am".

Blitzwing face then changes to hot head mode, laughing his proposal off, "A partnership! Ha! As if I want to be paired up with an organic red face!"

This did not please Red Skull. In fact, it both disappointed him and frustrated him a little.

Then Blitzwing got distracted again, this time hearing the chipping of a bird, which made him switch to his random mode, "Ooooh another bird!"

He cackles once more, then transforms into a jet and flies off, leaving Red Skull alone as he ponders what to do next, "Hmm, perhaps I need to search for more...easily accessible targets. Going with a more direct approach would be too futile".

( Cuts to Po team ).

Po took slow pauses and stepped as he looked around, checking for any potential threat.

He jumps out, does a few hand gestures in combat form, and looks around once again, "Ok, no suspicious, evil guy in sight. Just an empty forest. Gotta keep my sight sharp, guys. Don't want to trip and fall into some hidden traps".

"Ugh, would you please stop that", Zulius told him, looking at a mirror he is holding, "Doing all that Kung fu stuff is just making the little guy scared".

"What? No it doesn't...are you sure?"

Zulius gestures, as Furrball is seen hiding behind the legs of Zulius, chittering and fully shuddering to himself as he glances around.

Po tried to shrug it off by saying, "Nah, I'm sure he's just a little scared being in the middle of a scary forest. I mean, I'm not scared because you want to know why?"

"Because your a-"

"DRAGON WARRIOR! YEAH!" Po proclaims, doing dozens of kicks in the air, until suddenly he feels a leg cramp, which causes him to fall on the ground, clenching it, "OWIE! Leg cramp!"

Zulius simply responded with a roll to the eye, as Po seemed to be squeezing from the pain.


"Okay, I'm usually not the type to judge people before I get to know them", Zulius confessed, "But with Po and the Cat, they are not my liking, I'm sorry".


( Cuts to Ceviche team ).

Ruby is seen exploring, skipping through the roots, veins, and leaves bushes that spread throughout the land as like Lisa, she seemed to take an appreciation to the surroundings.

"You know this place isn't as bad as I thought would be", Ruby remarked, "What do you think, Lucy?"

"I found this quite boring to be honest", Lucy emerges from the darkness between the trees, "I'm not much of a critique of the forest, but I honestly don't think this is dark enough".

"Come on, not everything needs to be dark enough".

"It's a forest", Lucy told her, "In the night. Sometimes I needed it to be dark enough so I could...actually, I don't know where I was going with that".

"Have you seen Ceviche around?"

"You mean the deer girl".

"Wait, was Ceviche a girl?"

"No", Lucy replied, "I actually just assumed him to be, considering his hair".

"You have to admit. His hair looks….kinda dazzling looking".

"Hmm…I don't know. A bit funny looking if you ask me".

Right on cue, Ceviche falling. Having fallen and crashed through branches as he fell flat, face front on the ground. Then he got up quickly and posed himself, arms out to show for applause.

"Oh, there you are", Ruby said, "I was kinda worried for a second there".

"Heh do not worry, girls", Ceviche replied, chiefly and nonchalantly, "As someone with great acrobatic skill and sharp sight, I am always perfectly fine".

"What were you doing up in the trees?"

"Me? Simple", Ceviche replied, "I was being a watch out. Checking my surroundings to see where the key is".

( Flashback to earlier ).

"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!" Ceviche shouted, chasing a Clouded Leopard.

He ran, running upward to a tree as the Clouded Leopard stopped and roared, raising its claw to try to catch him.

Ceviche ran so high, he clenched onto a branch, shuddering in fear, "Ok Ceviche, not your first good day to do a challenge. I think I'm safe for now".

Unfortunately for him, the Clouded Leopard manages to climb up and is now near him, screeching, which startles Ceviche.

( Flashback ended ).

"Yep...totally a watch out", Ceviche said, confidently with both his hands to his hips. Ignoring the bruises, messy hair, and some small torn on his attire.

"Well that's good to hear", Ruby said, "I think it would be better if we just stick together and search for the key, alright".

"Eh, I'm totally on board".


"Just to make it perfectly clear", Ceviche confessed, "I have not lost my interest in my girl, Panini. She is still my babe. What I am here is to impress my pristine sets of skills to the world. As well as hoping Panini is watching, which...I hope she is".


Cutting back to the monitor room in the trailer, Don and Mxy remain watching.

Having grabbed some snacks from the fridge. Eating and littering junks of food.

The screen shows Gimpy, as his first obstacle is a rock on the ground, much to his surprise.

"Well, it would appear my force detection has brought me here right in front of this rock", Gimpy remarked, rubbing his chin, "Perhaps I must use my mind in order to lift the rock and see if the key is hidden there".

"Wow what a doofus", Mxy remarked, as Gimpy put both his hands near his heart, using his mind in an attempt to lift the rock up, "Glad we picked him for this show".

As Mxy took a sip of a soda, Don asked, "Hey Mxy, I don't want to point out your way of thinking, but don't you think this seems a bit...boring?"

"Boring? Come on Don, they are in the middle of a jungle. Something is bound to happen".

"Well yeah, I mean I'm hoping none of them got extremely hurt or killed, but there's really not a whole lot of action going on here".

"Relax. Just wait a moment. It just requires time and patience".

( 3 hours later ).

Back to the monitor room, things haven't been too good for Mxy and Don as what happened was...nothing happens.

As they sat there, completely bored. All a while the screen shows Gimpy using his head to try to lift up a rock with the force. And he is still doing it, regardless whether it works or not, thinking the key is hidden underneath the rock ( Instead of, well, picking the rock up with his hands ).

"Come on, force a mind trick", Gimpy said to himself, "You can do this. It's not hard to lift a single rock".

"God, this is so boring!" Mxy moans, "Nothing happening!"

"See", Don told him, "Not much of a challenge, really. Sending them out into a forest to search for a key doesn't really spell much excitement".

"Alright fine, so it's not perfect", Mxy told him, "What we need to spice things up is by doing a little something I like to call...shambling".


"Yeah shambling. Meaning, you just add or screw around with the setting in order to make things interesting", Mxy said, as a tablet appears in thin air.

He grabs it and glances at it, showing seven red dots moving rapidly around the area where the contestants are at.

"Now let's see", Mxy asked himself, "How should I make this more exciting".

He thought for a second, until finally coming up with an idea, "I know! I'll teleport some creepy creatures to harm them".

"Harm them? Mx, no offense but-"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to try to kill them", Mxy assures Don, "Who do you think I am? Chris Mclean? And besides, you said it yourself. We need some action going on here. Do not be afraid, I'll teleport these problems away if they get too dangerous for the contestants to deal with it. Trust me, I know what I'm doing".

"Alright then, I hope so", Don said, hoping that Mxy doesn't try to put his contestants into a dire situation.

( Cuts to team Hellboy ).

Gimpy still struggles to try to lift the rock up with the force. Reaching his hand out to try to do it that way.

"Man, I'm beginning to think I'm having too much stuff clouded in my mind", Gimpy said to himself.

Hellboy and Vicky came by, with Vicky having a confused look at it. While Hellboy remains having a straight face.

"What is he doing?" Vicky asked Hellboy.

"Beats me", He simply replied, "I'm just wondering where the dang key is at".

"Don't bother me, guys", Gimpy told them, "I'm trying to use my force power to lift this rock. It requires a lot of concentration".

"Whoa the force", Vicky remarked, "Is it some kind of sorcery?"

"Kinda yeah".

"Wow", Vicky said, "That sounds interesting! Mind teaching me?"

"Umm kid, perhaps it's best not to learn the force", Hellboy said to him, "Pretty sure it's just a bunch of boring nerd stuff".

"Wait! I think it's working!" Gimpy said, as the rock slowly floated in the air.

Much to the astonishment of Vicky. Even Hellboy is a bit surprised by this.

"Yes, yes! It's doing it! It's doing it!"

"Well I'll be damn", Hellboy remarked.

Just as the rock finally floats in the air, Gimpy is then grabbed from the head by the mouth of a giant snake, as it sprung out, caught him, and pulled him back to the hole.

Much to Hellboy and Vicky's shock.

"Cr*p", Hellboy can only utter.

( Cutting back to the monitor room ).

"Jesus Christ!" Don exclaimed, getting up in shock.

"What? You said it needed some action", Mxy told him, "I don't see the problem here".

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to spawn a serpent!"

"Relax Don, he's not dead...", Mxy assured him, although even he showed some uncertainty, "Well I mean...I hope he's not dead. Would've been awful if he died like this".

( Cutting back to the jungle ).

"Oh no! Our friend has been swallowed!" Vicky pointed out, "What are we going to do, sir?"

"Easy", Hellboy replied, pulling out his pistol, "Looks like it's up to me to get him out of there".

"With that thing?" Vicky asked, pointing at the gun.

"Yep", Hellboy then told him, as he began to descend into the hole, "You stay here kid and be the lookout. I don't want you to get hurt down here".

"Don't worry sir!" Vicky saluted, "You can count on me to do the job!"


"I think I'm starting to not only like the new, big, red guy, but learn a lot of new things too", Vicky confesses, "Like that weird, magic stick the big man is holding. I don't know what it does, but it looks mystical. It's like a stick, combined with a cannon, if that's how I could describe it".


( Cuts to team Archer ).

Lisa is seen picking a leaf off of a bush and putting it in a sample tube, "Alright, one down, forty to go".

"What are you doing?" Octavia asked, coming back to see her as Lisa got up to face her, putting the tube away in her bag.

"Just collecting some samples. Since we're out here, I thought it would be perfect for me to do some sample collecting", Lisa explained, "I sometimes love learning new things that involve forest area".

"Pff, not me", Octavia said, "The sooner we finish, the sooner I can get some sleep".

"You should try to have some fun. Just because we are in the middle of a challenge, does not mean we should be miserable all the time".

"I would, but I'm still just scummy about my father forcing me to do this".

"Yeah, I can sometimes relate to that".

"Wait, you have your own scummy dad who forces you to compete in this?"

"What? No", Lisa said, "My dad isn't perfect by any means, but I do still love him as a Dad. I can totally relate to you in some way about being forced to do something that you don't want to".

"Really? Give me an example".

"An example…hmm….yeah I'm going to be honest, that's a hard one. Especially how many weird adventures I've gone through. If anything, it's kinda muzzle".


"Yeah, I've been through a lot of stuff. I mean it's hard to believe it all happens in two years, right?"

"Ugh this is so tiresome", Archer moaned, having been roaming around the area and havingn't made any progress as he returned to the group, "Where the hell is that key at? It shouldn't be this far off".

"Hey, didn't you said you wanted to be alone?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah but that was like an hour ago and I can't found jack sh*t in this place".

"Hey moron, have you even tried looking harder?" Octavia asked.

"I don't know, have you tried shutting up?" Archer retorted, "Because I'm not in a good mood. I should be sleeping on my comfy bed, dreaming about unicorns that can shoot booze out of its mouth, but nooooo I'm forced to participate in a challenge for three hours!"

"Ugh will you please stop complaining", Lisa told him, "It's giving me a headache".

"Listen little girl, I would love to. But like I say, too agitated".

"You know somehow, I'm beginning to question how you even got yourself a job in a professional, highly secure position".

"Uhhh hello, it's called family connection".

Lisa sighs to herself, "And this is why I never support politicians".

"Hey guys, I don't want to interrupt, but-WATCH OUT!" Octavia shouted, pushing Lisa out of the way, as suddenly a tree had fallen.

Archer manages to get out of the way by seemingly being startled to back off, much to his surprise, "Whoa! Jesus! I think it almost tore my suit off".

"What the heck just happened?" Lisa asked, "Why did that random tree fall on us?"

"I have no idea!" Octavia shouted.

"Hey, do you guys think that...since the tree has fall, it probably may contain some kind of fruit within it? Because...I'm kinda a bit thirsty right now".

( Cutting back to the monitor room ).

"Seriously? A fallen tree?" Don asked him in disbelief and disappointment.

"What? I ran out of ideas", Mxy told him, "Don't worry, the next one will surely be interesting"

( Cuts to team Idree ).

Tomie, leading the way, found herself and Hanco*ck ( And Salome ) near a river, flowing away down the lane, all while Idree arrived late. Having pushed away the vines and branches as he stopped to grasp for air after having walked for so long.

Tomie glances down at the river, staring at it as Idree is still trying to catch some breath.

"What is it?" Hanco*ck asked Tomie.

"I have a slight feeling the key may be hidden in there".

"You mean underwater, correct?"

Tomie nodded.

Already knowing full well of Tomie's intention, Hanco*ck understood and responded, "Very well then. If it means victory, then so be it".

"Wait, what are you doing?" Idree asked, as suddenly he is shocked and appalled, once Tomie pulled her shirt off to reveal bras.

Then she proceeded to pull the skirt down, as she took notice of Idree sudden gasp reaction, "What's wrong? Too afraid to swim?"

" up! Put your clothes back on, woman!" Idree shouted, glancing off, "Do you have any shame?!"

Tomie giggle, as Hanco*ck paused from her stripping, "Come on, Idree. There's nothing wrong to be shameful about. Unless if you want to stay above and keep a lookout".

"That would be perfectly fine by me!" Idree shouted, still looking away.

"Tch, how pathetic", Hanco*ck said, glancing away from him, "At least he has some decency to not dare look at me as I'm stripping".


"I think Idree is a pretty funny guy to have around", Tomie confesses, "He's such a blast. He's literally too shame-filled to be a pervert" .


Once Tomie and Hanco*ck have dive into the water, Idree remains side with Salome.

Sighing to himself in relief, "Finally, they are gone".

Salome moved near him, hissing him much to his annoyance

Not wanting to deal with this, Idree said to himself, "Why do I even bother. I'll go search for the key myself. I don't need them".

As soon as he departed, Salome took notice.

Idree, not wanting to show fear, shouted at him, "Do not dare follow me! I don't want any company! And I don't want you to try to stop me! I can handle looking for the key myself!"


"They did that on purpose! I swear of it!" Idree confesses, "I can tell that Tomie girl literally knew I would've been offended by it! Tch, stupid women. If she were in my land, I would've slapped her, spit on her, and-and forced her to beg while I hit with my gun! Yeah!"


( Cuts to team Po ).

Po is seen hitting his head near a tree, getting frustrated in the search.

"So...tired! sleep!", He shouted, stopping and sloudging down near the tree.

While he was doing just that, Zulius and Furrball watched. Pretty tired themselves, but not too extreme with Po.

"Are you done yet?" Zulius asked, rubbing his finger.

"Probably...just need to lay here".

"Ugh look, I'm as super tired as you are", Zulius said, "But hitting your head against a tree isn't going to help much when looking for that darn thing".

"Look I'm trying, but it's really hard to focus when I can't stop thinking of resting, eating, or either both in some cases".

"Well I can't focus too well, since I'm out here without my beauty terr-" Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden spider landed on his face.

It took him a few seconds of silence until it outburst and screamed by the sight of it, slapping Furrball away by accident and running off, "SPIDER! AHHHHHHHHH!"

He ran off, which caught Po attention as he called out to him, "Hey? Where your going?! We still have a challenge to do here!"

After Zulius ran off far away from them, this left Po alone with Furrball, which the cat is recovering from the slap he was given by.

"Looks like it's just you and me then", Po said to him.

Then right on cue, Furrball snatched up an eagle, much to Po's stunned expression, "Ooooh..."


"Awww man! I'm already messing up here", Po confess, "I thought it was going to be a fun night, hanging out with my new buddy! Granted, not the perfect scenario, but still fun!"


( Cutting back to the monitor ).

"See! Told ya!" Mxy said to him, "Just some harmless excitement".

"Well I mean...I guess this is fine. You think the cat will be okay?"

"He'll be fine. The eagle is under my control...well, I won't say the same with some other oddities, but do not worry. Nobody is going to die tonight. Not on my watch".

( Team Red Skull ).

John Redcorn continues with his search along with everyone else.

Unlike them, there was no sense of tiresome or frustration coming from him, as he picked up a leaf and examined it.

"Hmm this leaf look stepped on", John remarked, "Perhaps we are getting nearer to finding it".

"Or perhaps it's just our footprints you fool", Red Skull said, "Seriously, and to think I would highly consider holding high respect for your kind".



"Hmm", John groans, rolling his eyes, "Where's Blitzwing?"

"The German idiot robot flew off".

"What? Why didn't you stop him?"

"Oh, maybe it's because he's a giant robot! Guess what happens if I try stopping him?"

Right on cue, Blitzwing falls to the ground behind them further away from them. In his Cybertronian form, as he was getting up and rubbing his head.

"Ow! I think I hit my head", Random Blitzwing's face remarked, switching to his cold mode.

"You! Where were you?" Red Skull demanded, "Explain".

"My memory is a little fuzzy, but I believe I must hit an invisible force field", Blitzwing replied, "I think I went a bit too far within our reach".

"Great", John said, "Guess that confirms our suspicions. Now we know the Imp has some kind of shield that prevents us from going anywhere".

"But hey! Look at what I got here!" Blitzwing called out in his random face, holding up what appeared to be a mine bomb, "A pie! Wahahahahahahahahaha!"

Right on cue, the mine bomb exploded. It didn't damage Blitzwing in any severe way, but it did leave him with marks. It also converted him back to his cold mode with a stunned expression.

"Well...guess we know now force shields aren't the only thing we just discovered".

"How pathetic", Red Skull facepalm to himself, "It's going to be difficult to have him do anything, besides messing around".

Just then, John Redcorn suddenly got flung off from an explosion, causing him to unknowingly step on a mine bomb, which sent him further away from the group, screaming.

( Back to the Monitor room ).

"Going for the usual gimmick that Chris likes, huh?" Don remarked to Mxy, after seeing it unfold on screen.

"Yep! And there's more where that comes from".

( Cuts to team Reg ).

Mabel flung herself from one branch to another, using her grappling gun. She shoots, fires, and snatch to the nearest branch.

Once she reached it and landed on it, she looked around. Then resumed back to her doing by shouting, "No sign of the key. Got it. Grappling hook!"

She continued like this throughout the run.

As with the ground below, Dororo was beginning to feel tired. Yawning to herself and seemingly sloughing a little, while Reg looked around in suspicion. Trying to remain cautious, as well as sniffing the air for potential danger or the stench of a key.

"I can't seem to smell anything metallic", Reg remarked, "Perhaps the host hid it so well".

"This is so boring!" Dororo moaned, falling and laying onto Waddles to carry her as it stroll, "I think I need to rest right about now. Also, does Mabel really need to shout Grappling Hook every time? It's giving me a headache".

"If you want, I can carry you", Reg suggest.

This made her fully wake up and baffle, "Wait what?"

" did state your feeling tired", Reg replied, "I just thought you needed someone to carry you while you take a rest. I mean, I'm not tired and I'm still willing to keep going".

"Oh...right", Dororo calmed down, "Sorry for the overreaction. I thought you meant something else".

"Meant something what?"

"Look it's not important", Dororo said, "At least I got this pig with me".

Nikki sprung up from the bushes, much to Dororo startlement as she fell off Waddles.

"Boo!" Nikki laughed, "Ha! Got you good!"

"Will you stop doing that!" Dororo told her, standing up at her, "Gosh, was it with you and Mabel scaring us?"

"What? I can't help it", Nikki replied, "There's batches of bushes everywhere and I cannot let a good opportunity be wasted".

"Well, did you at least find the key?"

"Key what now?"

Dororo groans, "Nevermind".

Suddenly, Mabel falls down by breaking a branch along the way.

"I'm alright!" Mabel shouted, lifting her face up as she got up, "Totally alright! Everything is alright! Key! No sight".

"Ugh this is going to take forever", Dororo moaned, slamming her face on the back of the pig while muffling, "I wish I was back at home".

"Don't think too badly", Mabel assures her, trying to think of the positive, "What we need is some sugar to boost our energy! Which I kept back in the...mansion...yeah".

"Go figure".

"You know, something tells me that the key may be hidden in that random, place cave over there", Nikki pointed out.

A random cave appears in front of them, which has a sign next to it which reads, "Get in".

"Huh, didn't really notice it was there", Reg remarked.

"You sure it's in there?" Mabel asked her.

"I'm certain! Totally! I don't see anything suspicious in there", Nikki stated.

"I don't know", Dororo said, "I'm pretty certain this is likely a trap. No doubt the Imp is behind this. Best we ignore it and move on".

"Awww but it's a creepy cave!"

"Nikki, as much as I really, extremely want to explore that cave", Mabel told her, "Which I totally would...I think we have to listen to Dororo. I mean if I learn one thing from my Summer Break, it would be that sometimes caves can turn out to be a monster that can snatch ya! Either that, or gnomes"

( Cuts to the Monitor Room ).

As the four kids moved past it, this completely annoyed Mxy who threw a soda can at the screen.

"OH COME ON!" Mxy exclaimed, "I had every hallucinating plan set up in that darn cave! I thought they would be interested!"

"You kinda made it too obvious", Don told him.

"It would've been fun! Harmful to their mental state, but fun!" Mxy tried to think of another interesting idea, until he finally came up with one, "I know! I got something that will literally separate them apart! Which should be interesting".

"Wait, how does separating them apart equate to things getting interesting?"

"Duh! Drama, tension, panic attack", Mxy told him, "All that good stuff. When all alone, they can act differently or go crazy. People love to see them act crazy!"

"Yeah but on children's, it's-"

"Don come on. It's just harmless fun. They'll be fine. I know what I'm doing".

( Cutting back to the four gangs ).

As they resume back to their usual search, suddenly they feel a slight breeze, coming from the wind gushing at them.

Dororo shuddered, pressing both her arms from the shiver, remarking, "Is it me or did it suddenly become windy all of a sudden?"

Soon the wind became more and more harsher, as if a large turbine was the size of a sun, blowing them away as they tried to keep moving.

It doesn't help that the fog suddenly appears out of nowhere, making it harder for them to see.

It even sent Waddles flying off because of it.

Nikki clenched onto the ground, Dororo flung a bit until she grabbed onto Reg back, Reg used his grapple hand to grab onto the roots, and Mabel grabbed onto the ground as well.

"Holy cow! I didn't think we would get such nasty weather!" Nikki remarked.

"Don't worry, everyone! Hang on!" Mabel shouted, holding her grappling gun while her hair was flinging and blocking her face, "I'm going to try to use my Grapple Hook!"

"How is the Grapple thing going to help us?!" Dororo asked.

"No idea! I'm just going along while I'm doing this! Grappling hook time!" Mabel aimed and fired, only for the hook to be flung away and hit Reg, causing him to release his grip and sending him and Dororo flying off away.

"Uh oh".


"Okay, I may have gotten a little too hasty with relying on my Grappling Gun", Mabel confess, "I mean, my idea was that I'll let the Grappling Hook do it's thing, then I try to grabbed my friends, and...uhhhh...huh...I didn't think this through, did I?"


"Uhhhh Mabel, I think our two pals are-" Before Nikki would relayed the news, a fly suddenly entered her mouth, causing her to release her grip and choke, "Oh gosh! I think I got a fly in my mouth!"

Suddenly, she too is blown off into the fogging distance as her scream catches Mabel's desperate concern, "Nikki! Don't worry guys! I'm coming!"

She releases her grip, sending her flying back. However as she is flung away, she is immediately struck from the tree behind her in the back.

Then she flung away and hit another tree right in the face.

Then she is flung again and is struck again in the back.

Then again and again and again and again and again and again and again...then the wind stopped. The fog cleared up, and Mabel fell back on the ground, face forward. Groaning from the many pain she was inflicted from being tossed from one tree into another.

( Cuts to the monitor room ).

"Well...what do you think?" Mxy asked Don, "No harm, no foul".

With Don being uncertain to make it, "Uhhh I'm still a bit wary. I mean, I'm glad something is actually happening, but I'm hoping it's not too extreme".

"Do not worry, Don. Like I mention, if something bad happens I can always teleport it away"/

"Okay then", Don then asked, "But question, where did you hide the key?"

"That I won't reveal, buddy. Right now, enjoy this little montage".

Montage time!

Furrball is still clenched by the claws of the bird, trying to sneeze his way out, until eventually the claw let go, allowing him to fall back on the ground.

Before he could, he was immediately struck through a bunch of branches. Once he hit the ground and as he was slowly getting up, an anvil landed on him, sinking and crushing him beneath the ground.

Elsewhere, John Redcorn and Red Skull are still roaming through the jungle until they stumble upon a huge, open gap.

Red Skull casually leaps over it and continues. And while John tried to leap over, the gap enlarged itself, causing John to fall but not before clinging onto the cliff.

Below was a pit of lava.

He tried to wave his hand for help, but Red Skull completely ignored him and continued walking. Either his cries for help never catch his hearing or Red Skull knows but doesn't care, out of pure amusem*nt.

As Red Skull whistled to himself, once John fingers couldn't hold it, slip, and made him fall.

Cutting to somewhere else, Ruby is seen sniffing a pair of flowers and admiring it.

Ceviche took notice and tried to do the same. But instead of blindly grabbing some random flower, he instead grabs a land mine by accident, which soon triggers and explodes, sending him flying against a tree, completely stunned by it.

Over somewhere else, Blitzwing in his tank mode began firing everywhere without care or reasoning, as he is in his crazy mode.

While he is doing just that, he accidentally stroll into a ditch, much to his dislike. He tried to use his tread to back forward, but no luck.

In his angry mode, he tries using his cannon to fire him out, which works as it sends him flying in the sky and sending him falling down.

Only to fall back into the ditch, only it much steeper and made it more difficult to get out.

Finally somewhere else, Idree kept walking through the jungle, shoving aside the vines and bushes, until suddenly he accidentally stepped on a landmine, which caused him to be sent in the air from the explosion.

And landing back down into a pond, causing him to be wet and spitting out mud from his mouth, much to his disgust.

As he was getting up, another explosion was triggered, causing him to be flung in the air again. Once he landed, he exploded again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And more and more again, as if he was a tennis ball.

Montage ends!

( Cuts to team Archer ).

Octavia, Lisa, and Archer continue with their search.

Not much else happens as they continue with their search through the roots and trees that still cover the entire area.

Morale is not a full time present.

"Hey, anyone wondering if the other contestants manage to find the key?" Lisa asked among her group.

Archer began talking...sarcastically and mocking her with his intimation of her voice, " 'Oh hey! Anyone wondering if the other contestants manage to find the key? I hope not, that would be totally bad! Waaaahh!' You hear that. That's you, and this is my tone of me cannot take any of this anymore".

"You don't have to act rude to the little girl", Octavia told him off, "Just because we are in a tired mood too, does not mean you could put your frustration onto her. Or anyone else for that matter".

"Hey! I...actually you're right", Archer replied, "I have no idea what's been going on with me. Don't know if it is me being toxicated or not".

"Totally toxicated".

"How would you know?" Archer asked, "Wait, don't answer. I get it. Your a demon that can somehow sense sin".

"Wait, How would you assume that?"

"Uhhh duh, I figure".

"You figure?"

"Uhhh Yeah, you doofus", Archer told her, "I totally figure. I mean, you demon people have some kind of ability that can sense people who are toxicated, right?"

"Some of us do", She told him, in a grudgingly tone, "Just not all of us, you prick".

"Woah okay, now we are getting to the more offensive territory. Well, hoping demon doesn't mean anything racially offensive-wait a second, what am I saying! You're a demon for crying out loud. I shouldn't be respecting your identity".

"And you shouldn't be an a*hole, all the time".

"Wow okay, kinda funny coming from a literal demon. No offense by the way...wait, scratch that. No offensive by the way", Archer told her, "Cr*p, I can't even decide whether I should or shouldn't be respectful to a literal demon. Great, now this whole challenge is making me being inconsistent!"

Octavia moans to herself.

"You're alright?" Lisa asked, worryingly.

"Fine", Octavia replied, "Don't want to deal with him or any of his own bullcr*p right now. Makes me wish Loona was here".

"You really didn't have to defend me, you know".

"Yeah but honestly, I'm not a d*ck like him to let it slide like that. I do have my own morale and stuff like that".

"Wait, shut up!" Archer gestures, pausing the group from moving forward, "Does anyone hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard something", Archer said, "It sounds like someone needing to be quiet".

"Ugh", Octavia rolled her eyes, "Again?"

"Ummm yeah….granted, I could've formed it into something original, but I can't think of one right now because….you know, the challenge".

"Uhhh guys, there's something over there", Lisa pointed in the distance.

They turned and saw it. Over in the distance, they can make out what appear to be small, tiny, wooden houses. All of them hanging from tree branches.

Some were way above, while others were minimum above from the ground. As for the wooden, small houses each have roofs, have two or three levels, and each have a balcony.

Some were red, some were blue, and some were green.

Some even have candles attached either on the roof or balcony.

Lisa came fourth to the scene, being at awe by them, "Wow, now this is interesting".

"What the hell is this?" Octavia asked, curiously.

"Yeah, is the population so poor that they honestly think crafting these will give them shelter?"

"Archer!" Lisa called him out.

"Sorry, sorry", Archer replied, "I meant to say, environmentally cheap".


"Ok, so I may sound like a huge d*ck back there", Archer confesses, excusing himself, "But I was tired, alright...which doesn't justify what happened later, but I was tired...again, tiredness can lead to someone like me to act this way. I mean, it doesn't help that we are in the middle of a jungle where the likely chance of dying is one hundred percent likely".


"Whoever crafted these and hung them up there must've been very dedicated to his crafts", Lisa remarked, taking one look at one of them.

"Yeah, gotta be honest", Octavia remarked, "They're kinda cute".


"Yeah of course", Octavia pointed out, "I mean just look at them. They like adorable, tiny houses for birds or something. Someone must've been really good at making these".

"True, wish I had a camera with me right about now", Lisa said, "Wait, maybe I could try sketching them. I do love doing some sketches whenever I find something interesting".

"Huh neat".

Just then, a smashing of wood can be heard as they turned around and saw Archer throwing one of the wooden houses on the ground and starting to stomp it, breaking it into pieces.

Lisa, in shock and in disbelief, asked loudly, "Archer! What the heck are you doing?!"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Archer shouted, "I'm searching for the key!"

"By literally smashing them?" Octavia asked, even though she was dumbfounded by his action.

"Uhh yeah!" Archer replied, grabbing another house, "I mean, why else would there be a sudden town of hanging, midget houses. Clearly the Mxy dude is behind this".

"You think he's behind this?"


After he said that, he then threw and broke another house in the process, "Darn it! It's not there as well".

"You better stop doing that, you know", Octavia told him off, "It's not nice".

"Yeah, it's just disrespectful", Lisa added, "It doesn't matter if this is part of Mxy idea or not, that doesn't give you the right to destroy such delicate, beautiful crafts".

"Uhh yes it does!" Archer said, as he grabbed three more and started stomping them on the ground, "And what's going to happen? A bunch of angry mobs going to go after me? Yeah right. The literal Imp got my back. He'll...I don't know, create more of them or something".

"Ugh, what a jerk", Lisa remarked.

"You know, we could save one of them", Octavia said to her.


"I mean, seeing that one of our douche is being...well douche, I think it best we save these. You know, safe keeping".

"I don't know if that would be a good idea to do".

"Come on. Someone like him would come across these things and start messing them around. And since I don't see any owners around-"

"Look, I'm not really sure we should be doing it. I mean, I've done sometime illegal stuff before in the name of protecting the environment, but-"

"Fine", Octavia sighs, as she proceeds to grab a random one nearby, holding her between her arms and side chest, "If you are not going to, then that's fine. I'll take one just in case. Besides, if one or more people realize one of theirs is missing, then I could give it back and say it to protect them from the literally d*ck like Archer".

"Screw you!" Archer shouted, grabbing another one, "I'm doing you guys a favor!"

After thinking this over and realizing she can't do much to prevent Archer from being a literate jerk. Her option was limited. Protesting against him wouldn't do much.

She took Octavia's statement in favor and replied, "You know what, I'm totally on your side. Let's do it".

"Yeah! Alright!" Octavia said, "Never thought we were doing this".

"I know".

"Suite yourself", Archer told them, as he continued to stomp five more of them to the ground.


"Wow, was that literally me growing some kind of attachment to some environmentalist?" Octavia confesses, "Never thought I would do something like that. I mean, the kid is alright, I guess. She isn't as irritating as with Archer, of course. But in all seriousness, I was not expecting myself to befriend her".


( Cuts to Idree ).

Idree was all alone. Walking through the forest and being a bit clumsy as he did so. Tripping from roots and pushing away the vines.

He was beginning to feel exhausted, tired, and very dreary. It doesn't help that he had to endure forty mine bombs and somehow survive from all that.

"Damn it", Idree stopped to take some breath, "There's no luck in searching for it. I'm completely lost".

As he was taking a breath, pressing his hands on his knee and looking down. Once he looks up, he is greeted by the upside down face of a child.

She smiled at him and responded, "Hi".

This only startled Idree back as he fell to the ground, shuffling away from this encounter.

There in his sight was a little girl, around a similar age to a pre-teen. She has black hair with a ponytail. She wore red pants and a red, wrapper-like bra. The most noticeable features were on her legs. There were two blocks of wood attached to it, with two cranes attached on each pad.

She was hanging upside, chuckling from his reaction.

As he calms down, the girl jumps down and approaches him with both her arms back.

"Stay away from!" Idree shouted, as he slowly got up.

"My, you seem like an odd fellow", She remarked, "Are you lost or something?"

"No! I'm...what do you want from me?!"

"Oh nothing", She replied, "I just noticed you walking around. We don't usually get enough guest around here, but-"

"Wait, we? What do you mean, we? Are there more of you?!"

She giggled, "Yeah".

He began to back away, confuse and scare, "Look, I don't know what kind of foolish game you are trying to play on me, but do not dare try to-"

"Try what? Sis is just curious, that's all", Suddenly another voice is heard, startling Idree as he turns around to see a boy, slumping and leaning against the tree on a branch, hidden within the shadow, "She's dying to meet new people".

The boy leaped down, with the girl snickering.

He has black hair, red paints, a golden shoulder pad with a red cape attached to it. He also has five cranes attached to it. Two on his iron wrist brace, two on his upper arm, and one in the center of his chest.

This startled Idree to move toward the right as they began to approach him.

"Well of course I'm dying", The girl said, "It's so boring to just roam around and observe. It is also tiresome to see the same animal and monster every week".

" two! Back away now!"

"You guys seriously disappoint me", Another voice is heard behind him again. Looking up he sees another boy.

The boy has long, black hair that reaches to his neck. His teeth exposed, wore a red cape and pants. He also appears to have a wooden chest armor on him, with twelve cranes attached across it.

The second boy stood above him on the branches. He leaped down, with Idree being surrounded by three mysterious children.

"I thought for sure we should've targeted the kid with the viking helmet, instead", The second boy said.

"Yeah, but this one seems like a lot of fun to mess around with", The girl said, "He seems scared enough".

"I say", The boy said, "So what do we do with him?"

"Hmmm I don't know", The second boy replied, "Maybe we should boil him. Make him feel as much pain as possible".

"Why not blind fold him and make him eat some weird good", The girl suggested, "I got a lot of fun ideas' '.

"Or, or, maybe we could-" Before the other boy could respond, Idree screamed and pushed the second boy aside as he ran off, far away from them.

"Awww I think we scare him too far", The girl said.

"Nice going, sis", The other boy scolded her.

"Eh, don't worry", The second boy said, getting up and brushing off the dirt, "We got more victims to play with".


"I wasn't scared of them", Idree confessed, "I was clearly resuming back to my priority. I didn't have time to deal with them. In fact, I didn't bother. They were clearly not my concern to deal with. If they were, I would've easily beaten all three of them".


"Screw this! Screw this! Screw this! Why does this have to happen to me-aahhhhh!" Without even looking ahead of taking notice, Idree accidentally ran straight off of a cliff, sending him falling.

( Cuts to Dororo ).

She awoke, finding herself alone in the same forest.

"Ow my head".

Getting up and rubbing her head, she began to look around. Realizing the isolation.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Dororo got up, "I'm completely lost!"

Dororo roamed around, searching for her friends as she called their name out, desperately. Hoping for a response.

"Reg! Nikki! Mabel! Waddles!" Dororo shouted, "Where are you guys?!"

She thought to herself with no response from her friends, "Aww crud, I knew something like this would happen, but I gotta remain calm. I've been alone before, I can totally handle this".

As she kept walking around, glancing around in search for them she heard a snickering laughter coming around her.

"Guys?" She turned around, but no one was there.

She kept glancing around, confused and nervous until finally she heard a voice speaking, "See that! Now that's a perfect victim to play with".

"I thought for sure you were going to pick that robot fellow".

Turning around and glancing, she saw them. The same girl and the same two boys. Standing on top of a branch.

Both of them leap them to confront her, startling her.


"Looks like you seem lost", The second boy remarked, grinning and acting sarcastic, "Can we help you with that?"

"Who are you guys?" Dororo asked, backing away from them.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves", He explained, "My name is Steam Chad. My sister is Steam Gal and my other brother is named Steam Rad. We usually refer to ourselves as the Steam Siblings".

"Heheheh yeah!" Steam Gal said, getting up close to Dororo, "Nice robes you got there. Did you made it yourselves or someone made it for you?"

"She seems skinny", Steam Rad remarked, "How about we fatten her up until she explodes".

"Wha-what do you guys want from me?" Dororo asked.

"Guys, relax. We don't want our new visitor to feel weird out here", Steam Chad ordered them, as he explained to her, "You see, we don't often get more visitors around here. Visitors that don't belong here or look like they don't belong here".

"Not that we are against, mind you", Steam Gal said, "But it gets real boring when you have no one new to pick on".

Dororo knew something was up with them. Something that she is truly afraid about, but tries to remain brave enough, as she looks down and notices a rock.

Grabbing it and warning them off, loudly, "Look you guys! I don't know what you're planning to do with me, but back off!"

The three of the siblings laugh by the sight of it, with Steam Chad remarking, "A rock? Seriously? You think a rock is going to scare us?"

"I'm...warning you!"

"Hey, this gave me a brilliant idea", Steam Chad said, "Why not just stone her?"

"Awww that sounds cruel", Steam Gal pointed out.

"Or, what about we force her to eat the rock", Steam Chad suggested, "That could work".

The three of them laugh once more, with Dororo hoping for the best. Hoping that she could somehow get out of this predicament.

Then all of a sudden, the laughter stopped when Steam Chad's face was punched in the face by a metallic fist, ejected from a grappling line that came from the left. It sends him flying off from the strike, causing both of them to be stunned by what just happened.

Steam Gal and Steam Rad especially, as they glance over their fallen brother. Then they both glance toward where it comes from.

The grappling fist retreated back from Reg, who finally made his presence known.

This relieved Dororo, seeing him here, "Reg!"

"Dororo!" Reg turned to him, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine! Thank god you actually came. I was a bit worried I had to deal with these weirdo's".

Steam Chad groan can be heard, as soon as he got up, pressing his hand on his cheek from the impact.

Reg positioned himself with his left arm out for combat.

"Uhhh Steam Chad, are you alright?" Steam Gal asked.

"Yeah, did your teeth get knocked out or what?" Steam Rad added.

"I'm fine!" Steam Chad responded, taking notice of Reg, "So it looks like this girl boyfriend has come for the rescue. How charming".

"Wait, boyfriend?" Reg asked, puzzled by his mention.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Dororo asked, especially. Loudly, confused, baffled and downright outrageous.

"Boyfriend? Are they like siblings or something?", Steam Gal pointed out.

"That doesn't matter!" He said, twisting his four cranes from the top as a small puff of steams came out of it. Flinging his came to reveal his arms as he is ready for combat, "Right now, I'm ready for some payback. Steam Rad?"

"On it!" Steam Rad replied, twisting his left wrist cranes, boosting his strength on the arm as he charged at Reg, fisting readying to strike.

Reg quickly dodge it, with Rad only managing to swing his fist against his teeth, causing a severe scarring gap to appear on the tree, showing the sheer strength from not just Rad, but the others ability to use steam.

Rad charged at him again with the same fist and sheer might he threw at him. Reg bent from the strike. Then he dodge the duck from the swing again.

Steam Chad, not wanting to be excluded, ran toward him with his own fist out.

Reg took notice, as he backed away, allowing Steam Rad to be punched in the face instead, knocking him out instantly.

"Oops, sorry!" Steam Chad apologized, glancing back at Reg.

Reg backs away as Chad slowly approaches him. Unknown to Reg, he completely forgot about the sister, as Steam Gal leaped toward him from behind and restrained him from the neck and chest with her arms.

"Got him, Chad!" Steam Gal said, "You got this!"

"Heh, finally! This will make it easier!" Steam Chad charges at him, as Reg struggles to get himself out of her grip.

Dororo, seeing all this, tries to help Reg from the situation. Holding the same rock, she proceeds to throw it at Steam Gal head.

It didn't knock her out, but it did strike her to lose her grip to rub from the pain at her head, "Ow! Dang it! That hurts!"

Reg leaps upward, allowing Steam Gal to be struck in the face by Steam Chad, knocking her out too.

"Damn it!" Steam Chad shouted at him, as Reg is hanging onto a vine, "Stop messing with me! Come down here and fight!"

Reg came down on him as Chad backed away from him. Reg then launches at him with his fist, readying to give him a striking blow.

Cad predicted it, grabbing his arm and then kicking Reg in the stomach. Then he proceeded to punch him on the back, slamming him to the ground.

Chad then jumps up, descending down for the kicks, but Reg immediately and swiftly rolls out of there as soon as he makes contact with the ground.

Reg, on his knee, readying for another attack. Chad launches him with full speed force, both his fist clinging back as he tries to give another blow to him.

Reg dodges it, then uses his fist to punch him at the cheeks again, striking him. He then did it again, this time at the upper chin, causing Chad to be startled back, as Rad and Gal soon joined him, regaining consciousness.

Reg stood his ground, arms out and readying for any upcoming attack that they might throw at him.

After Chad finished huffing, exhausted from the fight he remarked, "It would seem that you're a lot tougher than we thought".

Reg didn't respond. Only glancing at him, seriously.

"Come! Let us retreat!" Steam Chad orders, "These morons aren't a lot of fun, anyways! Let's go!"

They turned around and leaped above into the trees, disappearing out of sight.

Reg sighs in relief, "Glad that's over".

"Are you okay?" Dororo asked him with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright", Reg responded, "You?"

"Nah, not a single scratch is on me", Dororo replied, "Glad you came in time. I was a little worried about what those three would've done to me".

"Speaking of, who were they?"

"I don't know. Probably either some random group of kids or one of the little guy tricks. The latter I'm thinking would be true".

"Yeah, I guess so", Reg said, "Although I get the feeling they seem far tougher and a bit too personality like to be one of the Imp creations".

"Anyways, have you seen the others around?" Dororo asked him.

Reg shook his head, "No. I was going to ask the same thing. Perhaps we should go search for them".

Dororo nodded, as she proceeded to pick a few rocks and put them in her sack, much to Reg's confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing enough weapons", Dororo replied, grinning at him, "In case we ever encounter those guys again".

"Umm, sure. Sounds like a good idea".

( Cuts to Mabel Pines ).

Mabel was roaming through the thick forest area of the jungle. Pushing through and ignoring the leaves that fell and sticking to her hair.

"Guys! Hello? Mabel to everyone!" Mabel called out, "Gosh, am I going really deep into the forest? Everything seems so...creepy all of a sudden".

Mabel stopped to think, wondering how she could reunite her friends or find them a lot quicker, "Okay, seems like I'm lost, but don't worry. I must use what I like to call...Brainbow! Which is like a rainbow and brain combined together. Heheheh, get it me? Get it? Heh...heeeeeeeh alright, not a good situation, start cracking jokes right about now".

"Don't feel too bad. I sometimes make inappropriate jokes during inappropriate times and I never feel any bad because of it".

A sudden boy voice is heard, stunning her as she turns around quickly. Her eye made contact with a boy crouching on a branch. He has black hair, blindfolded, wears red paints, shirtless and has wooden pads attached both on his arms. Each having two cranes. One crane is located on his belt. He also carries a sword on his back.

There was a moment of silence between the two, until Mabel responded...with a scream. Pointing at him.

The boy did not respond. Only giving a blank expression.

Mabel screams once more.

No response.

Mabel screams again.

Still no response.

Another silence came. Only it was short, as the boy asked, scratching his head out of confusion, "Is there something behind me or am I supposed to correspond your reaction?"

Mabel did not properly reply, as he ran off, screaming.

This only left the boy even more confused.

( Cuts to Vicky ).

Vicky walked around the hole, swinging a stick around out of boredom.

He then sat on the ground, legs out and hands laying on the ground behind him.

"Gosh, this is boring", He remarked, genially concerned over his new friend, "I wonder if that big man will come back? I wonder if I should help? I am feeling worried and tempted".

Just then, a figure landed onto him from a fall. It was Nikki, groaning and feeling quite dreary at the moment.

Vicky took notice and was pleasantly surprised to see her, "Oh hi Nikki! Didn't expect to see you here".

"I feel queasy", Nikki remarked, being held up by Vicky, "That storm must've done a huge wonder in my head. I think I'm seeing the number six everywherE".

"Why were you falling from the sky?" Vicky asked, curiously, "And where are your friends?"

"First off, some huge wind happened, ended up on a tree branch, got pecked by a bunch of birds and you know the rest", Nikki explained, "Second, no idea. We probably got separated".

"Oh that sounds awful. I would love to help search for your friends, but I'm kinda supposed to stand guard here and be a look out".

"That's alright", Nikki replied, shrugging it off, "I can search for them all by myself...wait, where are your pals?"

"Uhhh we'll..." Before he could answer, a sudden rubble can be felt and heard.

Then the giant serpent springs out of the small hole, tearing it through and coming out, upward into the sky.

Hellboy was riding it, having given it twenty gunshot holes into its head, yet this didn't stop the serpent.

"Damn! Don't know how many bullets are needed to take you down, pal", Hellboy remarked, as the serpent started to descend down.

Its head colliding to the ground with its body staggering like the top of the rope has been cut off, causing it to dangle down.

Once Hellboy fell to the ground right next to it, the startled Vicky and Nikki were astonished by what just happened.

"Ow! I think I landed on something a rock", Hellboy remarked, getting up and scrubbing the dirt off of his coat.

Vicky came to check on him, along with Nikki. Vicky, concerned for his new friend, asked worryingly, "Hellboy! Are you alright? Did the beast poison you or spoke any awful curses?"

"I'm fine, kid", Hellboy assures him, "No scratches, no bruises. Although, I don't think it's an ordinary serpent".

As they glanced over to the head, the serpent began to start coughing.

It coughs, gagging and trying to spit something out, until it eventually does.

It spit out Gimpy, his body still standing up and having...not much of a reaction from being swollen. In fact, he seemed unfazed. Holding what appears to be a toy lightsaber.

"Kid, are you alright?" Hellboy asked him. No responses, just pure silence. Much to the concern and confusion, "Ummm...kid?"

"Oh yeah, totally", Gimpy finally responds, "You should've seen it in there. It's like being in the Sarlacc Pit, but without the whole acid thing killing you".

"Well I'm glad your alright".

"Also if your wondering, no there's no key in there".

"I wasn't going to ask".

Vicky is seen kicking the serpent, checking whether or not it is dead as he remarked, "Poor thing. As durable as an iron sword from its scales, it was merely a harmless creature".

"Yeah, I feel ya", Hellboy remarked, "Sometimes I feel the same-wait, iron?"

"Hey guys! Look at me! I'm riding this thing!" Nikki shouted, hopping out and pretending to ride it, raising her fist in the air, "Woohoo!"

( Back to the monitor room ).

"So wait, that was just a mechanical serpent, right?" Don asked Mxy.

"Yep. I told I wasn't going to put them into extreme harm ways", He told him, "Well except for the mine bombs I plaster and a few holes or ditches I made, but overall not too extreme".

" what now?" Don asked him, "Any creative monster you want to make up? Like a giant, iron skeleton, monster warrior?"

"Actually, you just gave me an idea".

( Cutting back ).

Just then, they felt another rubble as it soon rose further away from them, but near them is a creature horrified to be seen by the sight of it.

The creature was large. It has no skin, but an exposed skeleton that is made out of iron. Its facial feature is inhuman, resembling a goblin of some sort with two, sharp teeths sticking out, its snout being a bit elongated like an ape, and its eyes hollow. It wore a golden, traditional Khmer armor, as it wielded a traditional sword. Sharp with some scratches and blood stains on it.

It made moaning sounds that are similar to those of airplanes propellers mixed with elephants roar, if it were loud enough to be heard across the dead galaxy.

Nikki got off the creature, at awe by the creature. Even Vicky shares the same interest, although still hides behind Hellboy. Gimpy, meanwhile, stood there completely...unchanged within his expression.

As for Hellboy, he isn't unfazed. In fact, he was more just tired with a mildly annoyed look to it.

"You gotta be kidding me", Hellboy mutters.

"Wow...I think my force power must've angered some monster here", Gimpy remarked.

The giant began to swing, which caused Hellboy to shout, "Run!"

Then he grabbed both Vicky and Nikki, then bolted. With Gimpy joining along, as the creature struck the ground near them, missing them. However, it did startle Gimpy enough to run a bit further where he managed to run right by him.

As they began to run away from the giant chasing after them.

( Cuts to Po ).

Po was running in search for Furball in need of his help.

He kept running for god knows what, as he began to feel exhausted. Sweating and exhaling air in and out.

"Furball! Don't worry! I'm...I'm coming! To re-rescue you! I'll...I'll be there in a minute!" Po yelled, running slowly and slowly until he began to walk slowly toward a nearby tree.

A tree filled with bananas. Pressing his hand onto the wooden bark, he then slump to the ground, leaning against the tree, gasping for air.

"Gotta...gotta rest", Po said to himself, "Dang how long is this jungle, anyways?"

Once he managed to catch enough breath, he began to think to himself, "Okay, I gotta remain active. Need some quick protein to consume!"

He then notices the bananas hanging next to him. Feeling hungry, he decided to grab one and decided to take a bite, "Ooooh bananas. This will do".

He bites it, chews it and swallows it. He began to eat the entire banana whole, "Huh, not bad. It's actually pretty good. Maybe I need another one".

He took another and ate it. Then he took two more and ate them.

"Oh man! They are actually really tasty. I should bring these to my friends back at home. No doubt Monkey will be totally excited about it", Po said, then being uncertain about that statement, "Oh wait...was that offensive? I feel like it's offensive".


This startled Po, as he turned to his left to see a young woman with long, black hair, wearing green attires with pants and a wrapping, leaf-like cloth around her chest. She also has a pale, greenish skin and is seen floating above without her feet touching.

Her jaw drops and eyes widen, twitching even.

"Oh, this your tree?" Po asked, nervously pointing the tree at it and still clenching the half eaten banana.

"What are you doing? Don't you know you can't eat that!"

"Ummm excuse me?"

"Get out".


"GET OUT!" She shouted, "And stop eating my bananas!"

"Uhhh sorry, I-I was just super hungry and-" Po tried to explain himself as he got up, but the woman wasn't having it.

"And you must leave! Or else I'll put a curse on you!" She yelled, pulling out a MK 47 gun, aiming at a startle, stunned Po.

"Ah! Ok, I'll go!" Po replied, as he charged off, afraid by the random encounter of some spirit girl.


"Okay, had no idea what's her problem", Po confessed, "I think she must be some kind of weird spirit. I don't know if it is one of the Imp ideas or not. Man...things are getting weirder and weirder".


Once Po left, the young woman was relieved, tossing the tommy gun again and stroking the attached banana that still remained in the tree, "Thank god that's over with. Although I don't know why a random, talking Panda is in this area".

Just then, Mabel came running still screaming, which got her attention.

Mabel eventually calmed down, taking a few breaths in as she remarked to himself, "Phew, that was a long run. More so than my gym running course. I think I need some stamina".

Ignoring or not acknowledging the floating, spirit woman presence, Mabel took notice of the banana tree. She approaches it, snatches one out much to the woman flabbergasted, and she proceeds to bite it.

"Hmmm, not bad", Mabel remarked, "Not very bad at all. Who knew this place has such good banana".

This only made the spirit woman fuming, as Mabel took notice. Unfazed by it, as she responded, "Oh, hi there. You want some?"

"GET OUT OF HERE!" She shouted, startling Mabel as she ran off again, "Do I have to put up a sign on it!"

( Cuts to team Ruby ).

Ruby is skipping through the area. Unlike several of the other contestants, she is shown to have no tiredness or exhaustion coming from this challenge alone.

"Come on guys, keep it up", Ruby said, "I think we are getting really close in finding the key".

Lucy and Ceviche were behind, groaning and tired.

"It's been over an hour", Ceviche moaned.

"I know how you feel", Lucy replied, "You may not notice it but I have bags under my eyes. Like, you can't see it but it's there".

"Why are you still cheery about this?" Ceviche asked her.

"I don't know", Ruby stopped, looking at her group, "I guess I'm just having a lot of fun being out door".

"The only thing I need out the door is a coffin so I could sleep in", Lucy said.

"Well don't worry, guys", Ruby told them, "I'm sure we'll find it. Well, before the other team do".

"Are we certain the other team doesn't have it?" Ceviche asked, "Because I feel like they do".

"You know, since it's going to be a really long time before we could find it", Ruby said, "How about we get to know each other a bit more. Lucy?"

"I'll be honest with you", Lucy replied, "I have this really, really, really dark fanfic that I'm hoping to get it out. It's like if you combine a post-apocalyptic world, mixed with a gothic tale about goats".

"That sounds freaky", Ceviche remarked.

"Honestly, I think that sounds neat", Ruby complimented her.

"Really? The only problem preventing me from publishing it is I'm not sure if it is scary enough. And by scary, I mean some part of it. The rest are usually gloomy, dark comedy, or depressing".

"Honestly, if you don't mind I could add some input that could make your story sound more thrilling".

"That would be helpful. Right now, I'm still under writing block".

"How about you, Ceviche?"Ruby asked him, "Do you want to share something".

"Actually yes", Ceviche said, hands on his hips, "I do".

There was a moment of silence as they stopped and waited for him to speak.

After some seconds, she asked, "Ummm okay, what is it?"

"I…got nothing", Ceviche responded, disappointedly.

"Aww it's okay. If you don't want to share something, that's fine", Ruby said, patting him on the head.

"You know I just realize something", Lucy said, "Since your a goat, can you like…..I don't know, sniff the key".

"What am I? A dog?" Ceviche asked, offendly.

Suddenly they stopped as they heard a cackling, blood curdling scream of a woman.

Then all of a sudden, they saw it. Above in front of them is a floating head of a female. Long black hair, an open jaw with a long tongue, and exposed organs, with red vines coming out of her open wound.

"Uhhh..what is that?!" Ceviche pointed.

"I think I saw that thing before", Lucy explained, nonchalantly, "I think it's called a Krasue or perhaps an Ahp. Apparently it is some kind of spirit in Southeast Asia".

"Wow, I didn't know your familiar with that", Ruby remarked.

"Trust me. I love doing research on the supernatural".

"Whatever it is, it looks scary! What are we going to do?" Ceviche asked, before being snatched by the red vain, pulling away as the spirit began to slam him to the ground. From left to right, cackling as it does so.

"Oh...well...okay, seems like things have gotten..umm interesting?" Ruby remarked. She wasn't afraid, nor seemed pleasantly relieved.

"A! Little! Help! Here!" Ceviche shouted, slamming right and left.

"Don't worry", Lucy pushed Ruby a little aside as she held out a black book, "I got a journal that could cast dark spells which could probably take that thing down. Whether or not it works, I don't know".

"Where do you get that info?"

"From the internet".


"Now then, I just need to...found the right page here", Lucy proceed, flipping the page to look for the right spell, as Ceviche is being bash from one ground to another, much to the Krasue enjoyment, "Wait, I think I, not this one".


"Okay, I'm going to be honest", Lucy confessed, "I think the spells I got from the internet were probably scams. I mean, I think one of them is literally just a fake spell about curing cancer or something like that" .


( Cutting to somewhere ).

Deep within the jungle itself, a ruin of rubbles can be spotted. Rubbles of the remains of a structure, barely clinging its existence on by the roots tearing from the pile and trees blocking its very presence from the top.

Within the rubble remains an open, wide dungeon. With the center being a pool of water.

There the three Steam children from before discuss their next objective, after their defeat from a boy.

"Can't you believe that moron", Steam Chad asked, walking from left to right, as Steam Gal and Rad sat on a rock, "Dare to interrupt our fun".

"You should probably keep your blood pressure down", Steam Rad suggested.

"Do we even have blood pressure?" Steam Gal asked.

"No...but I don't want to see him be too angry. That'll pop his steams out".

"What we need is someone to teach them a lesson", Steam Chad thought, "Hmm...and I think we know who".

Steam Gal gasp, then asked gleefully, "You saying we're bringing Sardonyx into this? Sweet!"

"No! Sis! I'm talking about our mother".

"Oh...right...", Steam Gal, feeling too embarrassed, crossed her arm and glanced away, "I knew that".

"You're sure it's a good idea to get our mother involved with this?" Steam Rad asked.

"Of course", Steam Chad told him, "These weirdo's have stepped into our territory. It is best that we get our mother involve".

"Oh I don't know", Steam Gal said, as Rad proceeded to head to one of the dark passages with Rad following along, "Sometimes our mom can get a bit...well, frantic around new visitors".

The three Steam Children enter a passage, leading down into a dark, black interior.

The interior itself was massive, with the only light source coming from the passage alone. The layout of the ground seems to consist of a liquid substance, possibly just water.

The Steam Siblings appear on the stone platform, as each of them look at each other and back to the darkness itself, as Steam Chad called out to her, "Mother! Strangers have stepped forth in your area and made a fool of us!"

Once he said that, a small couple of bubbles can be visible across from them.

Soon the bubble becomes rapid, as a figure slowly rises from the dark water. The figure was covered in red substance, dripping from it as it kept rising, revealing its head, body, and legs.

The red substance began to slowly be dripping down, as the figure began to reveal itself. It was naked, has long black hair, and its face seemingly glancing down as the substance that covered her entire body disappeared.

Her breast is covered by the long hair, as she begins to approach them slowly without glancing at them.

As the Steam Siblings stare, unfazed, Steam Chad nudges his arm near Steam Gal to indicate for her to get something.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it", Gal replied, as she ran off to grab something. Then she comes back, holding what appear to be her attires. The attire mainly consists of a golden armor, a red wrapping bra, a long red cape, and a few other folded materials. It even included some boots.

She placed it to the ground, stepping away as their mother seemed to have reached them. Once she got up, she proceeded to speak in a low, calm voice, "What is the issue, my three children's?"

As she picked her attire and proceeded to put it on herself, Steam Chad began explaining, "Some new visitors arrive and are starting to roam around our area. I think they might be aliens".

"Pretty sure some of them aren't aliens", Rad told him.

"Maybe they ghost", Gal suggested.

"Come on guys, it's obvious they are not aliens".

"So new visitors have arrived", She remarked, having finished wearing her attire as she fling her cape around from her back, still not glancing at them and facing away from them. Unknown to them, she was smirking, seemingly as if interested or amusing, "Hmph, that's quite intriguing".

"Not only that, but I got my butt handed by one of them", Chad continued, "Some kid with robot arms, but don't worry about it. I managed to survive , without a single scar. I was brave too, by the way".

Steam Chad's fake confidence and lie made Rat rolled his eye a bit.

Without a word, she turned toward them. Her face now visible, as she proceeded to head out from the stairs, with the Steam Siblings following her.

Once she reaches the platform above, she stares down at the pool of water.

Soon a small swirl-like whirlpool began within the pool, as she and the three siblings watched as it revealed them an insight.

An insight on what's going on within the present time. It shows Reg and Dororo, still trying to search for their friends and the key itself, with Reg being the lead. Using his dog instinct to sniff the air.

While Dororo staggered behind, feeling even more exhausted.

This seems to make the woman curious. Very curious, "Interesting. Very interesting. And you said this boy is responsible for your...injury?"

"Yeah Mom, it's his fault for ruining our fun", Chad explained, "Can you please deal with him?"

After thinking for a moment, the woman replied, "Hmm I guess so. A little exercise wouldn't hurt".

She turned and headed to another passageway, as the Steam Siblings followed.

They follow her through a long passage. It wasn't a descent into stairs, but rather a straight road leading them out into a huge, massive interior.

The interior itself was made up of stone blocks. Some were severely cracked or damaged, with the roots penetrating through. In the front, back stood a towering platform, with the stone stairs being its lead way. Above the platform sat a statue.

A statue of an unknown, golden, four leg creature with a grinned and side, bulging eyes. It has a sitting position, staring directly straight, and has some sort of horn attached on its head.

The woman begins to slowly approach it, with the Steam Siblings standing behind and next to the door, as if to not intervene with her usual business.

Soon a spark of red flames emitted from the golden statue, as the woman began to speak, loudly, "Gom! The entity of Madness! I, Cherieng, desire to speak in your presence!"

There was a small moment of silence, as the flames began to lower itself, indicating that the statue is calming down.

"GOM! Awaken! I've come to inform you of intruders having arrived within our area", She continued, "Strangers that I can guarantee you may benefit the both of us".

Once again, there was silence.

As she began to resume her speech, "So I require your...assistance here. If you please?"

A spark of flames lit up again, as the flame began to shoot out red rays. Moving them around until it reaches and spotted Cherieng. Showing the red ray down at her, as electricity and smoke emitted from the impact of it hitting on her.

"Goddess of Madness!" Cherieng began to chant, reaching her arms out, "Bring down the Darkness!"

The redness of the flames of light enhances, as she began to chant louder.

"Bring down the atrocities!"

Soon her arms began to be ripped away as it revealed the bone exposure of her body. Soon her teeth began to grow sharp and thin and half of her upper head began to shred away to reveal the hollow, dark eyes, as well as the exposure of her skull. The mouth that remains on her skin twisted in a grin.

"Bring down the terror of Cherrrrrrrrrieng!"

The chant has finished.

The three Steam Children stood behind, a little scared but unfazed as the red flame dispersed, leaving the wicked, black hair and shred cape Cherieng alone in silence. Then she slowly floated and as she floated, she began to descend upward, reaching to the open crack up in the ceiling, as she flew out, screeching out of her mouth, disappearing out of sight.

( Cuts back to Idree ).

Idree groaned as his vision was coming back. Coming from the unconscious knock out. He lifted his body up, still sitting in the ground as he rubbed his head from the fall he had to endure.

"Ow! Damn it!" Idree remarked, "I could've died from that fall".

"Be lucky you didn't".

Idree turned and saw him. The Red Skull standing over him with his arm crossed behind his back.

Startled, Idree held out his MK weapon, only to realize he was holding nothing, much to his disappointment, "Darn it".

"I seem to notice your lost as well", Red Skull remarked, "No doubt your…unfamiliarity with the female body".

"Obvious yes. I notice your lost as well, no doubt about your dislike of color", Idree retorted back, getting up with his feet.

"Hmm that is true", Red Skull replied, "Although now that you mention it, we are kinda similar in a way".


"Think about it. We both have no tolerance for those less of us. We believe in our own beliefs. We fear those who are different from us, and we hate those who are different from us as well".

"Tch, don't compare me to your kind. We are nothing alike!" Idree told him, "In fact, I'm not supposed to speak with the likes of you. I have my own business to take care of".

As he turned around, facing away from him he then asked him, "And where are your teammates?"

"The robot was too dumb to order around so I left him", Red Skull explained, "As for the other one...well..."

( Flashback ).

"Damn it!" John Redcorn hit another tree that randomly popped out of nowhere, "How is there a tree right in front of me?!"

He tries to move somewhere else, but is immediately hit by another tree, "Damn it!"

( Flashback ended ).

"Let's just say we had a disagreement", Red Skull lied.

"Whatever", Idree said, turning around to leave, "Go do whatever you want, I don't care".

As he was leaving, Red Skull stood all by himself as he stared at him once he disappeared further away from him.


"I think I found a perfect target at my hand", Red Skull confesses, "The boy name Idree is lost and incapable of dealing with this situation. I could use that to my advantage".


"I just had it", Idrees confessed, "There is no way I am going to survive through this. God! What is my life?!"


( Cuts back to Tomie and Hanco*ck ).

"Idree! Idree where are you?!" Tomie called out, roaming around in search for him after having swam within the lake and having found nothing as of yet, "Probably should've forced him to join swimming with me. Although, that would be really funny".

"Oh my god!"

The voice of Hanco*ck can be heard across from her, as Tomie follows it and finds Hanco*ck being at awe by what appears to be a rock formation of a figure.

A figure with a straw hat on it.

"Umm is everything okay?" Tomie asked her.

This snapped Hanco*ck back to reality, as she stood up, regained her composure, and replied, "Umm yes! Everything is alright! I've just found a...interesting, peculiar rock, that's all".

"A rock with a straw hat?"

Hanco*ck nodded, "Yes".

"I see", Tomie said, moving on with the more important topic, "Welp, interesting sight to see. Let's keep moving and see if Idree hasn't died yet".

"Uhh yes! Let's do just that"

But before Tomie could leave, Hanco*ck spoke. This time in a more shy tone, "Wait, I just thought of something. Would it be fine if...ummm, we bring the rock with the straw hat with us?"


"It's no-nothing weird or anything", Hanco*ck explained, "It's just..I have this itching feeling that the rock is a sign of some sort".

"A sign?"

"Yes! Perhaps it would be best to bring it along with us", Hanco*ck said, "Perhaps this rock is a sign of some sort. Telling us where the key is and where it can be led".

Tomie stood there. Complete silence. Having no idea how to respond to that baffling explanation, "What?"

"Let me carry it. It would be a great essential tool to our quest".

"Uhhh right", Tomie turned away and kept moving, "Whatever. Just help me find Idree".

Hanco*ck nodded, "Got it".

She then proceeded to pull the rock with the straw hat on it out from the dirt with her bare hands and her sheer strength, much to Salome's shock as she carried it on her shoulders.


"There's nothing weird about that, I can assure you", Hanco*ck said, holding the rock, straw hat statue near her, "I was trying to be active, thinking that this rock means something. It doesn't mean I grow an attachment to some random object that reminds me of...Luffy".


"Ok, even though I'm having fun messing around with Idree", Tomie confesses, "Having Hanco*ck accompany me is….well, sort of weird. I mean I know it's funny, coming from me and where I'm in, but she's the only normal looking girl on this show. Yet she has a crazy side of her that I'm uncertain whether to think I could deal with or not".


Red Skull is seen picking up a rock and violently throwing it at a nearby tree, which startle the flying insects to fly away.

He huffed a bit until calming himself down, remarking to himself, "I've said it many times and too many times before…I'm beginning to get more and more frustrated from this No matter. Once I gain enough money, I will start rebuilding myself and-".

"So am I", Tomie appears behind him, causing him to glance at her in surprise.

"I see your having no luck from this", Hanco*ck remarked, holding the stone figure near her, as Salome caught up to her.

"Of course I'm not, you fool", Red Skull said, "This whole key search is futile. It would appear none of us could find it. Even my own group was useless, including the robot".

He then took notice of Hanco*ck's new…friend, as he pointed out, "Also, what are you carrying with you?"

"It's none of your business!" Hanco*ck responded, holding the stone figure tightly in a protective manner.

Tomie came up to Red Skull, whispering to him, "She's just being nuts over some stone that resembles her boyfriend or whatever. Trust me, you don't want to question it".

"I see", Red Skull said, "Well then, whatever proposal you are offering me I am not interested".

"Proposal? What proposal?" Tomie asked, "You actually thought I was going to propose an alliance with you?"

"In this time of circ*mstance, yes".

"Ha! Come on, you really think that? I mean, I'm not even interested in an alliance, anyways", Tomie told him, looking away from him, "Not counting me and Hanco*ck being a thing but…"

Red Skull scoffs, as he continues moving onward.

Tomie, likely out of pure curiosity and interest, began to follow him.

"Say, I was wondering", Tomie began, "About your reasoning for being here".


"I'm kinda curious. For someone like you, I never thought a literal war criminal would be competing in this game".

"Odd, yes. I could say the same thing with everyone on this show, including you".

"Why is that?"

"It's none of your concern", Red Skull replied, "It's none of everyone's concern. I do what I do, and you do what you do, girl".

Tomie snicker, "I see. I'll be honest with you, the only reason I joined this game is out of boredom, I guess".

"Boredom? You found this wretch of a show to be an avoidance of boredom".

"I know, Weird. But hey, everyone has their own weird reason for wanting to compete on this show. Either their own choices or be forced upon to".

"Yes indeed", Red Skull said, then thought to himself, "This girl. Something about her seems..peculiar to me".

( Cuts to Mabel ).

Mabel is running, stopping to pant for a little to try to regain herself a bit.

" long did I ran? Must've been like over an hour" Mabel asked herself, "And who was that weird lady? Some kind of crazy, banana lady?"

"Actually, that's Nang Tani".

A voice is heard, as Mabel turned around and saw him.

The same boy she saw earlier, crouching on a tree branch above her.

"Yo", He responded, causing Mabel to scream.

She then proceeds to pull out her grappling gun, and aim it to the sky. Pulling the trigger, sending the grappling line upward as she said back to him, "See ya sucka!"

However, instead of catching onto a branch, it instead fell back onto her head, knocking her out on the ground, "Ow".

The boy can only stand there, staring down at her until eventually leaping down. He then proceeded to pull something out of the bushes. Once he pulled it out, he then asked, "Is this your pig?"

She lifted her head and looked toward him, seeing him holding Waddles near his torso.

Much to her surprise and relief, "Waddles!"

Waddles screeches, as the boy put him down as it ran up to her, licking her and making her chuckle, "Heheheh stop it! Waddles! Stop it!"

"Sooooo...are you a tourist or one of those activists that regularly came around here?" The boy asked, scratching his head.

( Cutting to Archer team ).

"Whew", Archer responded, then remarked as he casually strolled through the jungle again, "Wow, never thought breaking something would be such a stress reliever. I really needed that".

"Yea, destroying something property is very good for releasing stress", Lisa sarcastically said to him, holding one of the houses, "I mean granted, in some cases it very understandable but-"

"But nothing", Archer finished her comment off, "Jeez, have you ever considered that talking too much will give you cancer".

"Have you ever considered that claim to be highly false and misleading?"

"Umm no", Archer told her, then he began to start complaining, "God, when are we going to find that key? It's probably almost morning".

"Now that you mention it. How long has it been?" Octavia asked, "Did the Imp literally hide it so well that it took us the entire night to try to search for it?"

"Yeah I know", Archer said, agreeing with her, "Sheesh, the Imp could've at least given us a hint of where it is".

Just then, running past them were Hellboy carrying Vicky and Nikki, with Gimpy running alongside him.

Archer took notice, as he shouted at them, "What the? Hey! Wait! Where are you going?!"

"What were they running from?" Octavia asked, as her question was soon answered once they heard a stomp behind them.

They turned around and saw the giant running toward them.

Shocked by it, Archer can only responded, "Oh f**k me...probably should've brought a tank with me. In fact, where's that Blitzwing guy when we needed him?"

"We need to run", Lisa said, "Now!"

"Agree" Archer replied, proceeding to throw down both of their wooden houses to the ground.

"Hey! What the hell?!" Octavia asked.

"Umm excuse me! It's called losing weight and running!"

( Cutting back to Po ).

Po was sleeping. Having been exhausted led to him passing out and snoring, likely being unable to control his consciousness enough so he could be fully awake.

Hellboy came by and ran over him. Gimpy did the same. But for Archer, he stumbled, tripped and fell down, "Ow! Damn it!"

He turned and saw Po, laying on the ground. Octavia and Lisa stopped, as Archer got up and started kicking him, waking him up immediately, "Wake up, you fat idiot!"

"OW! Why do I have to be kicked in order for me to wake up?" Po said, "Wait...was I asleep? Did I just fall asleep during a challenge!"

"Yeah and you would've been dead if we didn't start running from that thing!"

He pointed, as the giant is further away from them, but is still chasing after them.

( Cuts to Furrball ).

Furrball is seen slowly, exhausted, and equally tired walking. In search for any competitors, in search for the key so he can end the challenge, in search for anything!

Doesn't help that he's all bruised up from all the stuff he had to endure through the jungle.

The rest of the group passed by. And as Furrball lifts his head up to see what's been going on, he is then immediately stepped on by the giant.

( Cuts back to Team Ruby ).

Ceviche is still being slammed to the ground in pain….and yeah, nothing new happens.

In fact, after a whole hour of being slammed to the dirt ground, it finally stopped when he slammed face forward to the ground, released from her veins.

All he could mutter to the two girls were, "Don't worry…I'm okay…..I think my hips were fracture".

The Krasue continues to cackle, as it begins to slowly approach the two girls.

"Okay uhh….Lucy, it's been like over an entire hour", Ruby told her, "Now it would be a good time to-"

"Yeah I'm going to be honest with you", Lucy replied, "I think I just wrote a bunch of useless stuff on here. Pretty interesting stuff I may add, but not beneficial".

"Oh…well that's disappointing. Hey, did you draw some of them down for visual reference because that would be really neat".

"Oh totally. They were fun to doodle".

Before the Krasue could make it move, it is suddenly struck by a sudden bullet that shot her and blasted her into a splat of guts and blood.

The girls and Ceviche, lifting his head up, turn to see Hellboy having saved them from their doom.

"Crud, didn't I kill that thing before?" Hellboy said, as the rest of his group that were running with him managed to catch up, with Archer trying to catch a breath.

"Oh, it's you guys", Ruby remarked, being a bit surprised to see him and the rest of the group, "Didn't expect to see all of you here".

"Yeah…there's a reason for it", Archer told them, "And it's call, RUUUUUN!"

( Cuts to Idree ).

After having attempted to climb right back up from the cliff he had fallen from, he reaches the tip; Clenching on the surface, barely making it and feeling exhausted.

"Finally...", Idree huffed, "Climbing back up here was a pain in the-".

Before he could finish and before he could react and glance up, he is immediately kicked off by Archer foot sliding his way and then stopping, didn't take notice of Idree until now as Idree fell back down again.

"Oops", Archer remarked, as the rest of the group managed to join up to him and notice the cliff below, "Didn't notice it was there".

"Cr*p! It's a dead end!" Octavia said, "What are we going to do?"

"Umm pretty obvious", Hellboy told her, as without hesitation he jumped off the cliff, much to the surprise of the others.

"Wow, didn't expect him to do that, but okay", Archer remarked, as he backed up and ran up to jump down, as he was screaming, "PLEASE DON'T LET FATE KILL ME!"

"Well?" Octavia asked the other remaining two.

"No way", Lisa replied, "I am not literally going to jump. It's insane!"

"I don't mind", Gimpy said, "I have the force. I will use the force to land us safely to the ground without-"

Octavia rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with this as she grabbed both their hands and leaped off the cliff, as the giant sprung from the forest trees and almost swung at them with its blade.

( Cuts back to Reg and Dororo ).

Reg slid down from the slope below, catching his balance. While Dororo tumbled down and slid down on her torso with a deadpan expression, "Ow".

"Are you okay?" Reg asked, as Dororo quickly got up.

Shrugging it off by saying, "Yeah, I'm totally alright!...except for my knee. I think it bruised up a little".

"Umm..okay then".

"Do you always say 'okay then?'"

"Umm yeah, why? Were you expecting me to say something else?"

"I mean…kinda", Dororo said, "Your really not reacting to a whole lot of things, aren't ya?".

"I'm just trying to remain focused on finding the key", Reg responded, "It is our priority".

As Reg continued moving forward, Dororo thought to herself, "Kinda a mute kid. I know he's a robot and all…whatever a robot even is. In fact, I wonder if there's more about him that I really don't know. What am I saying? I don't know anything at all around here".

"So…ummmm….I know I probably should've mentioned this before", Reg then asked, "Are you…okay with this?"

"Huh,okay with this?"

"Yeah I mean, with everything that is going on", Reg continued, "I'm kinda curious. I know this is quite new for me too, but I'm starting to get a bit used to it".

"Well…since you ask, I'm partially trying to get used to it", Dororo replied, "Not like weirder things have happened to me before, but to be honest with you I'm more worried of whether or not Big Bro is doing okay back there or not".

"So…is that a yes or a no?"

This only made Dororo groan to herself

As Reg and Dororo enter an open area, Reg takes notice of something. Within the roots of a tree right in front of him, a gleaming shine got his attention.

He approached it, grabbing it and much to his surprise, he found it. The key.

In all its shiny glory...regardless of the scratches and dirt on it.

"It's the key".

Dororo gasps from the founding. More shocked than Reg himself, "The key!"

This excites Dororo, both the fact it means it is finally over and the fact she can get some shut eye after all this, "Yes! Finally! We finally found it!"

"Yea, looks like it".

"Thank goodness! Now I can finally go back to my room and start napping because after what we've been through, I need some sleep!"

Just then, Reg felt an odd sense of ominousness within their area, as he turned around and glanced, as the wind breeze through as if there was presence in this area.

This got Dororo's attention as well, looking at him confused, "What is it?"

"I don't know why, but...I feel like there is someone around this area", Reg responded, "Someone...stalking us".

"Hey it's probably just one of the other competitors spying on us", Dororo shrugged it off, pulling out a stick from one of the bushes to use as a weapon, swinging around with it, "If they wanted the key, they'll just have to get it from us".

"This is different...I can't seem to explain it", Reg told her. As he was looking down, unknown to him it became darker in his position.

Then Dororo's expression changes to slowly startling and to fear, alerting Reg by pointing at it, "Uhhh Reg!"

This got his attention, as Reg quickly glanced up and saw it. Saw it that shocked him.

In front of him was her. Cherieng, looking down at him, blocking the moonlight, sky from above and staring down at him with her dark, follow eyes as the breeze continues to blow up the leaves.

It causes Reg to be startled, jumping back away from her and shielding Dororo behind him with his right arm out.

Danger has now stepped forth, as Cherieng simply just stood there, menacingly, not moving nor taking her glance away from them.

"Wha-what is that?" Dororo asked Reg.

"I don't know", Reg replied, "Probably one of the Imp tricks?"

"Probably. Kinda a bit extreme if you ask me".

She then proceeds to approach them slowly, as Reg and Dororo back away from her, with Reg giving the key to Dororo.

Cherieng began to crackle a little. It began slowly, building itself up until eventually she burst it out. It wasn't any laughter Reg or Dororo had heard, but it sounded as if agony, sorrow, anguish, choking, hawking of a dying bird and joy all combine into a disturbing, twisted mixture of a laugh.

Finally she spoke to them, "I've heard my children have been crying of their harassment from the two of you!"

"Children's?" Reg was confused, same with Dororo.

"Wait, you talking about those three kids we encountered?" Dororo asked.

"Yes! You know them pretty well", Cherieng continued, "You see they aren't fond of someone bullying them, beating them, and not playing along with their little game. When they told me that you two have been trying to harm my precious, little ones I feel nothing but DISTRAUGHT!"

Her loud, violent burst startle them, until she eventually resumes back to her calmer, cackling self, "And...interest".

"What do you want from us?" Reg asked.

"Not much", Cherieng told them, "Only mere payback that includes me STRIPPING EVERY BLOOD FROM YOUR VEINS!"

Without hesitation, she charges at them, gripping out readying to snatch them, as Reg and Dororo quickly disperse on opposite sides.

She stopped once they did just that and turned her attention to Reg, particularly.

She targeted him, slowly approaching him with her arm out, raising her grip as if readying to choke him.

Reg backed away from her. He has no idea how to defeat her, who she is, and what she is capable of.

Before she could reach him and strike, she felt tiny pebbles hitting behind her back.

She turned and saw Dororo, still clenching the key and sticking it in her right palm, as she proceeded to throw pebbles at her, "You stay away from him!"

"Dororo!" Reg shouted.

"Ah, a brave one", Cherieng remarked, still grinning and cackling, "I always like the weaker being brave against those who are beyond their expectation".

"I don't know what you are, but as someone who endured a lot of things in my world, you better back off my friend!" Dororo shouted, gripping the stick as if readying to hit her.

She then charged at her, much to Cherieng amusem*nt as once Dororo got nearer, she simply slapped her away, slapping her to the ground.

"Dororo!" Reg exclaimed.

Seeing the harm being inflicted toward her, Reg clenches his teeth, clenching his only fist, as he lunges himself at her, readying to strike her either from the behind or at the gut.

Cherieng quickly took notice and shot red electricity at him, much to his shock. It struck him, sending him to the ground.

Reg slowly got up, feeling the burning smoke emitted from his back cape.

Cherieng continues her cackle, "I'm beginning to feel sorry for my children, if they were somehow easily beaten by you!"

Reg scowled, as he tried once again to charge at him with fist.

He swung it at her, only for her to quickly dodge it and appear behind him. Reg turns and notices, as Cherieng raises her hand and fires more bolts at him.

Reg quickly dodges away from it, backing away from her.

As for Dororo, she slowly regains her consciousness and stares during the fight.

Reg once more charges at her, swinging down his fist at her. Cherieng flew out of the way and flew right down behind him, cackling once more.

"Feeling tired already?" Cherieng sarcastically mock.

Reg was huffing. He wasn't sure how long he needed to take her down, nor did he know what kind of weakness she had.

He tried lunging himself and leaping at her to try to punch her, even screaming his lungs out. But soon he is snatched immediately at the neck by her grip.

Cherieng proceeded to slam him on the ground, causing him to cough out spit as a result of it, and also creating a crack on the ground with her sheer force.

Much to Dororo's shock and worry as she gasps, "Reg!"

( Cuts back to Mabel ).

"So are you some kind of...ancient robot or ancient cyborg?" Mabel asked the boy, walking alongside him. Apparently having calmed herself down and is now curious about the boy, "Or are some kind of ancient…half ghost, half robot, half cyborg…thing?"

As for the boy, he reaction, just a blank expression. He casually stroll through the jungle, all the while being followed by Mabel and Waddles.

"Oh right, I got it", Mabel responded, "Having properly introduced myself, huh? Well, the name Mabel! Mabel Pines. And with me is Waddles, the spectacular pig! My partner in crime and partner in fun! Really impressive titling, am I right?"

"Uhh yeah, impressive".

"I mean I know it's super weird to name both my partner crime and fun crime. Question, does this make any sense for you? Actually, what am I saying? I really have no idea what I'm saying right now by the way".

"Umm...shouldn't you be going home or something?" The boy asked her.

"Home? Pfff, who needs home? I found that pretty overrated", Mabel said to him, nudging her arm near him, "Eh, eh, am I right?"

The boy simply shrugged.

Mabel, realizing how awkwardly attempt at trying to sound casual and cool to him, dropped the faze and told him, "Okay that doesn't make any sense, but the real reason I' the middle of a challenge".

"Challenge? What, did some of your friends make a bet and force you to participate in it?"


As the boy pushed aside the leafs and vines, both he and Mabel confronted a troubling sight.

Cherieng pinning Reg down, as he tried to cling to her grip and tried to release it.

"Reg!" Mabel gasped, as the boy pulled the sword out of his back, then proceeded to twist two of the cranes on his pad, pumping steam out of it.

"Now then, which spot should I pierced through to make the blood come out?"Cherieng wondered, as she examined him, "I know! Perhaps the heart would be good. A bit of a cliche, but it will do".

"Hey Cherieng!"

Cherieng turned and before she could react, a fist struck her at the upper chin by the boy, then he proceeded to kick her, which sent her away from them.

Cherieng catches her balance, remaining on the ground with two of her supported legs. She stared up, snarling and agitated as she saw a familiar boy with his fist out and his sword facing away in his striking position.

Mabel and Dororo helped Reg up, as Waddle sniffed him.

"Steam Lad!..." Cherieng utter in a sheer, hatred tone.

"You're okay, Reg?" Dororo asked him, helping him up with his arm.

"Yeah I'm fine", Reg assured, then taking notice of Mabel, "Mabel, your here too?"

"Yep! Totally alright with no trauma whatsoever!" Mabel replied, "Also Waddles okay too. Nikki...not sure...I think she's totally okay".

"Grr you damn fool!" Cherieng exclaimed, getting all of their attention, "Be relieved that you will live another day, but none of you will see the last of me! I swear!"

Then after swearing her claim, she proceeds to cough up a black smoke, disappearing out of sight as the smoke consumes her. Once it disperse, she is no longer there.

This relieved Steam Lad, sighing to himself, "Thank goodness she's gone".

Just before things could calm down, a rustle can be heard. They turned and saw Archer running out from the bush.

Pressing on his knees and gasping for air, "Oh god! Oh jesus! Oooooh man, I think I'm going to puke right about now".

Once Archer finally catches his breath, he then glances up and takes notice of them, casually responding, "Oh hey guys, what's up?"

Before they could react, once again he is pushed off by Hellboy bursting into the scene, along with Vicky who was riding on him as he is catching a breath and a few others.

This surprises Mabel as she sees a familiar face, "Nikki!"


Both of them ran up and hugged each other, relieved to see them to be okay.

"Hi guys, didn't really expect to bump into you", Ruby said, then noticed Steam Lad and asked, "Umm…who's he?"

"Wait, who are they?" Steam Lad asked, confused and looking around, "And how many people are here?"

"And what the hell happened here?!" Idree asked, "Am I missing something or what?! In fact, what's even going on here?! I have gone through a lot and-!"

"Uhh hey guys, maybe not the time to start hugging,laughing, and asking questions while a LITERAL GIANT IS AFTER US!" Archer pointed.

As soon, the giant burst into the scene, roaring and swinging his blade up to prepare a strike.

"Oh, totally forgot about that", Nikki pointed out as they both glanced at it.

Then she pushes her, as the swinging of the blade misses.

The others back away from the giant, as the giant glance around to see which victim should he strike next.

Hellboy pulled out his gun, readying to shoot it but Po reached his arm out to stop him, "No, let me handle it".


"Yeah, I think I can beat that thing", Po told him, "After all, I'm the Dragon Warrior".

"Whoa, your a Dragon Warrior? Does that mean you can turn into some kind of serpent or a serpent warrior?" Vicky asked, curiously.

"Uhh something like that, yeah".


"Kid, don't get ahead of yourself".

"I'm not", Po assured him, "Trust me".

Po then confronted the giant, waving his arm around to get his attention and shouting, "Hey big guy! How about you wanna face your attention toward the greatest, most thrilling, most-"

Before he could finish, the giant slammed his hand on Po, slamming him to the ground as the hand lift up, revealing a flatten, broken panda in the ditch, uttering, "Ow".

"Ha, so much of the Dragon Warrior!" Archer pointed, laughing, then he was immediately slapped by the giant into a nearby tree.


"Okay, not one of my proudest moments", Po confessed, "Really uhh…..really hope the host allows cut content to be requested because ... .I think I really need one".


Hellboy proceeded to shoot at the giant with whatever bullets remained in his gun.

The bullets were shot, damaging the giant face but it did nothing. Only causing the giant to roar and swing his blade at him.

Hellboy quickly grabbed Vicky and dodge out of the way.

"Do something you demon!" Idree shouted at Octavia, panicking.

"Like what?!" Octavia asked.

"I don't know! Your a demon! Use some sort of sorcery or something".

"Oh for f**k sake! I'm not that kind of demon! Do I have to repeat myself to morons like you?!"


"Seriously, why is everyone assuming I have some kind of power because I'm a demon?" Octavia asked, "Hellboy is a demon! Obviously. And yet, I'm the one being bothered here! I mean yeah, I do have spells, but…they not to an extent".


"Don't worry guys!" Gimpy came fourth, "I have the force! I'll use my force power to pull that thing down!"

He reaches his hand and struggle. The giant notice, begin to swing his blade down at him, before Hellboy pushes Gimpy out of the way as it landed to the ground.

"Darn, I guess that creature was not force sensitive", Gimpy pointed.

Reg quickly got up and didn't hesitate as he leaped upward to try to punch the giant down.

Before he could, the giant slammed him down to the ground with its hand.

Steam lad, taking notice of what was going, remarked, "Ok, don't know if this is one Cherieng summon monster or not, but got to deal with it at once".

Then out of nowhere, Blitzwing came out from the dirt ground by shooting a laser through it. He emerges in his tank mode, having to dig himself out of there. He remarked to himself in surprise and in his crazy mode, "Oops! I think I took the wrong direction".

This delightfully surprises Vicky, as he shouted, "It's the beast that can shapeshift!"

"Wait, did he just dig himself out with his laser cannon?" Lisa asked, but her question was never answered.

Blitzwing soon took notice of the giant, as Blitzwing switches to his hot headed mode, "So a giant freak is in my way, huh?! Well I'll know what to do, with my packing heat of-!"

Before he could do anything, he is struck across by the giant blade, sending him flying in the air.

Steam Lad's response is, "Weird" and leap off.

As he did so, Archer slowly got up, pressing his hand on his head and uttering, "Ow damn it. It feels like an iron baseball literally on my back".

He then noticed something on the ground.

A key.

( Cuts back to the monitor room ).

It would appear that Mxy has…fallen asleep during all this. Snoring and laying on his seat, as Don enters the room with two towels covering around his private part and his head.

It would appear he came out from the shower, "Ummm dude, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh crud, did I just fall asleep?"

"Uhhh yeah, you did".

"Crud! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I was taking a shower. Surprise I didn't do it earlier".

"Ugh whatever", Mxy said, turning his attention to the screen, "Let's see what's been going on".

They turned and saw Archer holding the key up.

Assuming it to be him having found the key first, Mxy realized, "Huh, looks like we just found our winner".

"Yeah, looks like it", Don said, "Maybe it should be a good idea to get them out of here before they get killed!"

"Alright, alright, I will", Mxy replied, snapping his finger.

( Cuts back to the scene ).

As the giant ready to swing his blade at them, he and along with everyone at the scene disappear out of sight.

The Giant disappears as well, leaving Steam Lad on the ground in a state of confusion, scratching his head.

( Back to the mansion ).

Soon every contestant pops out into existence, appearing in thin air and falling onto the ground.

Even Blitzwing appears, mid air …as he falls onto Idree back, causing him to yelp loudly.

"I think I landed on something hard", Po remarked, not realizing he landed on the barely alive, flatten Furball.

"Okay, what just happened?" John Redcorn asked, "One minute, I was almost tangle in a bunch of vines and likely snakes and the next-"

Before he could finish, he was shoved out of the way by Ceviche, as he yelled out, "Yes! Finally! Home!"

He was relieved once he noticed the repair mansion near him, resulting in him kissing the ground.

Mxy and Don appear in front of them, with Mxy floating toward the winner of the show, Archer.

"Congratulations! Sterling! You've just officially become the man of the house!" Mxy announcement.

"The man of the house?" Archer asked, as he was getting up.

"The man of the house! Yes, that's what I just say".

"I won?" Taking a few moments to process this, Archer became static from this news. Raising his hand up and shouting, "I won! Woohoo! Yes! Ha! I did it!"

Everyone else groans by the news of it, meaning that Archer is officially….sigh, man of the house.

"Oh come on! That is a lie!" Dororo stated, "Clearly me and Reg were the one to find it!"

"Sorry, we weren't there to see it so Archer is the declared winner!" Mxy said.

"Aw that is some-" Before Dororo could run up to the Imp and start pounding his face down, Reg restrained her by pulling her hand.

"Dororo! Please calm down", Reg told her, "It's alright".

"How could this be alright?!"

Mxy immediately pulled out his blow horn and blasted the sound into her ear, quitting her, "Sorry! You lose, you lose! Who cares! Right now, everyone enjoy your night sleep! Because tomorrow, your new challenge awaits!"

Everyone, once again, groan by that idea.

"Please tell me someone is being send home today?" Idree asked the Imp, "I would really like to go right now!"

"Nope. No elimination for tonight, sorry".

"Damn it!"

"Wait, what about us?" Octavia asked them, "Don't me and Lisa deserve something as well for helping the literal douche?!"

"Hey! Can the reward be a sign of respect?" Archer sarcastically asked, "Because I freaking deserve this!"

"And also a bit off topic here", Lisa added, "But SHOULD WE BE TALKING ABOUT THE LITERAL GIANT THING THAT ALMOST GOT OURSELVES KILL?! I feel like we should be more angry about that!"

"Listen I know some of you are a bit grumpy", Mxy said, "But don't worry. One, the next challenge will surely be less…life dangering. And second, as for Octavia and Lisa, you two will be second and third command….yep".

"Oh come on! Can you like to give them candy or something", Archer asked, "I'm not sharing my power directly with them".

"Sorry. Must compensate them for something", Mxy told them, "But anyways, be excited for tomorrow, guys!"

"Woohoo! Ya! Tomorrow!" Po exclaimed, raising his hands in the air, until collapsing to the ground, snoring.

"Well looks like someone couldn't wait any longer", Tomie remarked, sarcastically.

"Finally it is over", Red Skull said, "An interesting night, perhaps. But not to my liking".

"Well that was an interesting night", Blitzwing said in his crazy mode, as he transform back into the tank and rolled toward his sleeping bay, "I'm going to hit the night. See ya tomorrow, hahahahahaha!"

As he cackle, it only made Idree cringe even more, "God, I hate that robot".

"I hated him too, but he is some what of a important asset to all of us", Red Skull comment, "If only he has some sanity".

"grrr, whatever! Just stay away from me!" Idree told him off, "I'm going to sleep, and I don't need you to mess with me again".

"Hey Idree, nice to see your alright", Tomie comment, as Idree walked off.

Not before replying at her, "Go to hell".

This only made Tomie chuckle in delight, "Fun guy".

"Well that was kinda fun", Ruby asked Lucy, as some of the contestants began to move toward their mansion, "Don't you think?

Lucy simply shrugged, "I guess so. Not much of an interesting day for me".

"That's okay. I'm hoping the next challenge is going to be a lot of fun".

"Hope so. Either that, or is just a rehash".


"I thought tonight was fun", Ruby confess, "Granted, a bit life endangering, but fun. I manage to make some friends and I get to explore the wildlife".


Furrball is seen writing something on paper. Then he show it to the screen which read, "Painful".


"Ok, so it wasn't a fabulous night for me", Ceviche confess, "But hey, first impression isn't always great...really hope Panini didn't see that".


"Yes! Freaking finally! Team captain! Or in other words, man of the house", Archer cheers, "Woohoo!"


"I may have lost", Handco*ck confess, while holding the stone statue next to her, "But at least I gain something along the way".


"Can't believe we lost those houses", Lisa said to Octavia, feeling a bit down, "They were so…beautifully crafted".

"Yeah, me too", Octavia told her, "I'm mostly pissed off at the winner here".

"Really hope he doesn't make us do anything stupid".

"Totally doubt that".

Lisa sigh to herself, "Well, at least my samples are still safe. Guess I gain something good out of this".

"Good for you, I guess".

"Say, since we been...umm, I guess hanging out a lot back there, do, I don't know want to be my friend or something?"

"Eh, whatever I guess", Octavia replied, as although it surprises her a little she decided to go along with it, "I don't see myself befriending the weird kid with the bulging eye".


"Ok, never thought I would befriend a literal, bird demon", Lisa said, "Don't know if that sound rude of me to say that. Maybe I should call her...Owl girl? Nah, that doesn't sound right. Look, the point is I manage to made a new friend. Never thought I would but here you go".


"That was a fantastic night, wasn't it?" Vicky asked Hellboy, with Vicky having been stoke while Hellboy looking tired as ever.


"Never thought today would be this amazing".


"I mean, I've encounter many oddity before, but this! Here today! It was incredible!"

"Uh huh".

"I wonder how I'm going to explain this to my ma and pa back at home, including the rest of my friends".

"They'll totally be excited".

As everyone gets back to their mansion, once it is open Dororo is left outside with Reg as she begins to complain.

"God, this sucks", Dororo then told Reg, stomping her foot, "It's obvious we won, Reg!"

"I mean, I guess so but-"

"But what?! You could've let me tackle that little Imp down so I could make him declare us as the winner".

"Pretty sure that wouldn't be a good idea".

"Pff, it would be worth it", Dororo said, crossing her arms.

"Guys, guys, guys", Mabel came in, along with Nikki and Waddles, "Listen, what matters now is that we are all safe!"

"Yeah! Who cares if one of us became captain of the house", Nikki said.

"Pretty sure he said, Man of the house".

"Nah, I prefer what I like to think".

"Whatever", Dororo said, then she turned to Reg, "Still though, glad you and I are okay. I'm just relieved everyone is alright".

Reg nodded, "Glad your okay as well. I mean, I still wonder who that mysterious woman and three kids that attacked us back there. Was she one of the Imp creation?".

"Wait a second, woman and kid?" Nikki asked.

Dororo shrugged it off, "Eh, it's probably just one of the Imp tricks. A pretty dumb trick that almost got me and Reg killed".

"I don't know", Mabel said, "Something about her and that boy seem off. Especially that boy".

"Huh? Boy? Wait! What are you guys talking about here?" Nikki asked them, "I've been chase by a literal giant and you guys encounter a bunch of randos?"

"Yeeeeaaah it's a long story", Mabel told her, wrapping her arm around her, "So long in fact, I should totally write it down in my journal. No darn page limit is going stop me from writing down my huge experience. I might even draw it down".

Dororo sight to herself, "You know, this night has been stressful. I need a nap".

Once they began to move back to their mansion, Reg stare back at the forest.

He stare at it for a moment, until Dororo called out to him, "Hey Reg! Coming?"

Reg did so just that. Turning around and leaving.

As everyone finally went into the mansion, Mxy remarked, "Ah, that was wonderful! Lack of interesting interaction so far, but overall I think it's gone perfectly. Although I wonder what those kids mean by encountering some mysterious woman and child or something".

While he said that, Don seemed to notice something off.

"Umm wait a second, aren't we missing someone here?" Don pointed out.

"Missing? Missing who?"

"Weren't there suppose to be another contestants that suppose to appear in thin air?"

Mxy thought about it, until the realization hit him and Don, "Oooooooh".

( Cuts to the Spa Room ).

Zulius is seen chilling within the hot tub. Relaxing to himself from the bubbling heat and somehow he was here the whole entire night.

While he is enjoying himself, he is then startled when Mxy and Don appear out of thin air, with Mxy shouting who is flabbergasted, "Have you been here for the entire time?!"

"Umm excuse me! Ever heard of privacy".

"Uhh yeah, I heard of it. But anyways, WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING HERE?! You're supposed to be participating in the challenge?!"

"Well duh, I saw a spider, I trip on some dirt, decided to go back to the mansion to clean myself, but then I feel…hmmm, tired".


"Uhh yeah, tired", Zulius replied, "I mean, the challenge has been taking way too long".

"You lucky today isn't elimination day, bud!"

"Hey, I got a question", Don then asked, "How did you manage to get into the mansion. Last time I checked, it was still lock".

"Oh, that's a secret", Zulius told them, "Secret to me, actually".

Then all of a sudden, everything paused as Zulius began speaking to the audience, "Okay, I'm going to be very, very, very, very, VERY HONEST with you guys. I may have used dynamite to get myself in. Like, legit dynamite. Don't ask where or how I got them, it's a secret. I like to surprise them, you know. Give off more of my different side of personality".

Finally, everything went back to normal in normal time, which led to Don collapsing to the ground in pain and clenching his stomach.

Mxy did the same. And as for Zulius, he isn't too fazed off by this.

"Aww god! What the hell was that?!" Don asked.

"I have no idea!" Mxy groaned, "Dear Mxy me! It feels like having to eat doritos, but the doritos are made out of sharp, glass bombs!"

( Meanwhile... ).

The three Steam Siblings remain in the same room and waited for Cherieng return.

Eventually she did, as she appeared in a puff of red smoke. Once the smoke is clear, she appears to be in her normal form.

She slowly made her way to the stairs and eventually slouch on the steps, while the Steam Siblings watch.

"Well mom, did you get them?" Steam Gal asked her.

"I don't think she actually got them", Steam Chad added.

"Yeah…looks like she's beaten too", Steam Rad said.

As she slumped there, she thought to herself, "There is something peculiar about them ... .something…peculiar".

There you have it, folks. The first day of a challenge and first victory for...Archer…..unfortunately.

This was a fun chapter to write about ... .until I reached the end where I had tons of writing blocks, real life stuff pulling me down, and some other things.

But I manage to fight through it and get this chapter out. Interesting enough, there was an original, alternative ending for this where the entire cast regroup and took down the giant with Vicky idea. However, I got too tired of that and didn't have a set up for that, so had to go with this ending.

So yeah, there's a lot of unpacking here. Those who are familiar with my stuff will get some of the context here, but for those who are new, all of this material will be important later on. Like with Cherieng and Steam Lad and stuff.

There's also some other interesting stuff to note. Friendships are being made like with Lisa and Octavia, new conflict arose in some part like with Idree still having a distrust among some contestants.

Now I notice a lack of interactions among the group of cast themselves. That will be fixed in the next chapter.

The next chapter will revolve attic cleansing. And what you may be wondering it may contain, that will be a mystery. All I can say is do expect some more interesting interaction among the contestants themselves, and see how their daily life works. As well as expect Archer breaking those tiny houses to bite him back in the a**.

So as always, see you guys soon.

Chapter 4: Horror inside the Attic!

Chapter Text

A loud knocking noise blasted through the door of where Idree resided.

Mxy was there, along with Don as they are concerned for one of their contestants not having to get up and leave their dorm.

"Idree…Idree…Idree, I did not bring you here just to let you stay in your room for free", Mxy shouted, as he continued to knock, "Idree!"

"Is it really necessary to bring him out?" Don asked, "Maybe he's just extremely tired".

"Don, Don, we need everyone to be active", Mxy told him, "We can't have some slope coop up in one room for the entire day. It is unfavorable for our viewers".

"Still, I really don't like bargaining into someone's personal space like this".

"Don, we are the host. We can do pretty much anything", Mxy told him, as he resumed shouting and knocking, loudly, "IDREE! DON'T MAKE ME GET IN THERE AND PULLED YOUR BUTT OUT WITH A COMICALLY SIZE MAGNET!"

Inside Idree room, his room consists of simply a mattress, a blanket, and a lamp.

Idree is hiding under the sheets. Not on the mattress, but in the corner as he uttered to himself, quietly, "Go away, go away….I hate this…..I hate that dumb Imp, that Canadian host, pretty much everyone on this show".


Startled, Idree immediately got up and saw the floating Imp with both hands on his hip and being not pleased by him staying in his room, "Idree! What are you doing sloughing around? You should be out there, hanging out and enjoying your stay! Not take a nap for the entire episode!"

"How did you get into my room?!"

"First off, I can teleport", Mxy replied, snapping his finger to teleport near the open door, "Second your door was unlocked".

Idree glanced away, mumbling to himself in a grudging tone, as Don approached him, "Umm listen Idree, I really don't know what your problem is, but we have a show still going on here. So I do advise you to like….go out and hang out, like Mxy said".

"If you expect me to bond with any of them, you're wrong!" Idree stated, "I am not leaving! I mean, I'm not leaving my room I meant to say!"

"Heheheh Idree, Idree", Mxy shove Don out of the way, as he floats near him, "Let me put this in words you can understand. If you don't get out there and start interacting or doing anything that isn't sitting in this room, I could…mmm, I don't know, turn your inside organs to have a World War Nine raging on in there where there's a likely chance you could burst out like a time bomb".




"I didn't want to follow the order of an Imp", Idree confessed, "I have my own rights to do what I want to do. But….since I'm going to stay here for a while, I guess I may have to try to…..tolerate my surroundings".


Later outside of the mansion, the day is quite normal with a blue sky and clouds, with the birds flying through the air.

Mabel has called fourth for her friends. New friends she made from last night.

Nikki, Dororo, and Reg were present, along with Waddles.

"Alright guys, listen up", Mabel began, "I call you guys here to make a special announcement".

"Ooooh a special announcement", Nikki remarked, excitefully as she whispered to a casual Dororo, "I hope it's something cool like building an epic, robot or something like that".

"Eh, whatever it is, I hope it's worth my time".

Mabel "Now since this is our first time together, I decided that we should formed an alliance. No! A special alliance that is so special it's….uhhh, beyond the term of special".

"Ooooh so like, our very own friend club", Nikki said, "I like it".

"What's a club?" Reg asked.

"Basically a group of awesome people like us forming a much, much, much cooler group".

"Seems a bit redundant", Dororo remarked, "But okay".

"So first initiative! We need a perfect name for our alliance", Mabel said, "Nikki, what you got?"

"Got it! What if we called ourselves, uhhhh….ummmm…..Wonder Terror!".

"Wonder Terror?"

"Yeah, Wonder Terror. It has a more magical flair to it. Like, you bringing terror, but in wonder form!"

"...brilliant. I may consider it", Mabel said, "Reg! What do you got?"

"Uhhhh…", Reg tried to think of a name, but isn't much of a creative type.


"I'm not really much of the creative type", Reg replied, "I usually just follow orders or go along with everyone. When I do try to get creative, the results are….usually not in my favor".


"I don't know. I'm not much of the creative type", Reg shrugged, as Waddle began to come up close to him, sniffing much to his bothersome.

"Don't worry about it, Reg", Mabel assured him, "We still have more creative types within our circle. Dororo!"

"Yeah no, I got nothing", Dororo replied.

"Oh….Wonder Terror it is!"


"You know, it's been a while since I befriended anyone around my age", Dororo said, "Especially people like these guys so it's going to be a bit hard to adjust with".


"Nikki! Since you've given our alliance a name", Mabel said, "You'll be our….uhhhh, second creative specialist".

"Awesome! Does that mean I get to wear something fancy?"

"Whatever you desire".



"From now on, I am going to only refer to myself as Vice Lord Nikki", Nikki said, "Has a nice ring to it".


"And as for you two", Mabel moved onto Reg and Dororo, "Your….uhhh…the other, important creative member".

"That…doesn't sound all that special", Reg pointed out.

"I'll figure out a better name than that", Mabel assured him, "Now then, it is official! Guys! We are going to ace through this game like no other team has before. It would be like a super, rainbow dragon if he swallowed enough sugar to reach the star".

"Very specific comparison, but I like where you're going", Nikki said.

"Eh, I'll see where this go", Dororo said, "Kinda surprise you seem a lot more hyper, after what happen last night".

"Nah, that was nothing", Mabel told her, "It was a lot of fun and it totally got me pumped up".

"Sounds like the complete opposite for me".

"Eh, what can I say? Sometimes, I'm trauma-less…..wonder if that's an actual term? Eh, it doesn't matter. Just know, I have a high sense of durability both in mind and everything".


"Okay, so I haven't confessed this to anyone about last night", Mabel confessed, "But I got extremely curious about that mysterious boy I met last. I didn't even slept! I doodle like crazy, keeping both me and Waddles awake all night. Like, who is he and where does he come from. Does he legit live in this area? I mean, I know it's probably part of Mxy trick, but part of me thinks otherwise".


Idree stepped outside, sighing to himself and muttering to himself, wondering what he should even do now that he isn't going to be residing in his own room, "Great. Outside and having no idea what I'm supposed to do. I can't go out and explore much, since I don't know anything where I am".

He sighs to himself, then recollecting to himself, "I guess I'll just have to tried to…..converse with some of these people. Last night I wasn't in a good mood, so this time…..I'm going to try. Stupid Imp. Alright, let's see….."

Suddenly, he is startled as he turns to his right and sees Blitzwing in his tank mode, blasting away from tree's, "Dang it! I can't seem to get these fleas off of me!"

His hot headed mode then turned into his cold mode, "But it is still good target practice! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Idree is irked by them, finding the robot to be unbearable and creepy, "Totally not going to talk to that thing".

Idree then took notice of Gimpy, sitting on the ground playing with two of his Kenner Star Wars figures. A Tuskian Warrior and a Stormtrooper.

"Alright, I am lost with communication and have no weapon", Gimpy roleplayed himself, "I must take this Tuskian warrior down or else I'll end up a far worst state than Anakin mother. All I have is my trusty stick and the sand around me...wait no, this isn't sand. This is dirt. Darn! Now I ruined the storyline that I'm going with. Wish I brought along my Death Star 1978 set for this. Don't remember if I did".

"Weirdo", Idree uttered to himself, then he took notice of the Wonder Terror team.

He sees Mabel running and ramming her head against a tree. After ramming into it, she began to feel dizzy and fall to the ground.

"Okay, second thin to make it official is by ramming our head into the tree just because", Mabel said, "This is just a recommendation, not a requirement".

"Cool", Nikki said, "My turn".

"Yeah, I'm not doing it", Dororo replied.

"I…guess I'll go after Nikki", Reg replied, which surprised her.

"Seriously?" Dororo asked him, to which he gave a simple shrug.

"Nope. I am not going to try to talk with children's", Idree said, "Ugh, there isn't even anyone remotely I could interact with. No one even around my age".

"Hey Idree".

"Huh?" Idree turned his right to see Tomie, smiling and having both her arms behind her back.

This almost startled him a little, "Oh….it you. What do you want?"

"Sorry", Tomie remarked, "I notice you seem awfully bored today".

"Bored? What makes you assume that?"

"Hmm, no idea. I guess it just staying in this house, having nothing else to do but to talk, roam or watch TV. There isn't much on TV by the way. I'm not much of a TV person myself".

"Well…for your information, I was simply trying to get some fresh air", Idree told her, "So don't try to assume everything, girl. I could have you reported".

"For what? For simply having a conscious?" Tomie asked, finding his comment to be amusing as he laughed, which only irritated Idree.

"Whatever!" Idree then moved past her, heading back inside, "I'm going to the kitchen to get myself a beer".

"Wait, are you even the legal age to drink?"

"Yes, now shut up or…or….", Idree scoffed, ignoring what he was about to say, "Forget it".


"What? I'm not going to socialize with a girl", Idree confesses, "I do not befriend any girls. Nor do I trust them. Especially her. She is someone I would report quickly if she was in my home country. Now then, as for how things have been going so far in the socializing part, not well/ Not well at all".


"Once again, Idree is a pretty fun guy to mess around with," Tomie confesses, "I really don't have much interest in coming up with strategy or forming my own alliance. Whatever these reality show's do. Am I careless? Maybe. Worry? not at all".


In the living room, Hellboy is sitting on the couch, all while Vicky sat on the ground. Both of them watching TV, since they had nothing much to do, but passed the time.

Hellboy especially. Vicky, on the other hand, use this time to learn more about his surroundings.

"I have so many things to say", Vicky asked Hellboy, "Like, why does the beast show these kind of visions?"

"Eh, boredom I guess".

"Does it feel pain from it?"

"Not unless it bursts into fire. Hope that doesn't happen".

"Interesting", Vicky said, being more at awe by the TV.


"Staying here is great so far", Vicky confesses, "I know it's only been a day, but from what I learned, TV is a mysterious creature. Hellboy is a nice friend to have around and I guess the others are pretty good too. Can't find the right term to say, but they nice".


Idree walked past them, as Hellboy took notice and casually greet him, "Hey Idree".

He stopped, trying to give a response, "Uhhh…..don't talk to me".

Then he walked away, awkwardly.

"Weird kid", hellboy shrugged, as he continued to flip to different channels.

Suddenly, a loud trumpet is heard in the room, which almost hurts Hellboy ear.

"What the hell?"

It was Archer, entering the room dressed in a royal sheet of his own blanket, a paper made crown, wearing robes and holding a trumpet.

Once he finished playing, he began talking, "Greeting my loyal followers. How thee this day going?"

"Umm what are you doing?" Hellboy asked, bewilder by what he's doing.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Archer replied, "I'm celebrating. Well, I already celebrated last night with my whole raid party thing, but now this is my second celebration day".

"Your second celebration day?" Hellboy asked.

"Yep. Only this time, I have all day to do whatever I want", King Archer said, "Starting now, with the TV remote".

"Aw cr*p"

"Hand it over, red guy. Actually, I suppose to call you Hellboy, since calling you being red would indicate I'm being racist, which I am not".

"Wait, hold on Archer", Vicky states, "You cannot take the wand from him. He's the one worthy to tame the beast".


"Yeah, just something funny I thought up, since he's new to this kind of stuff", Hellboy said to him.

"Well for your information, Viking Kid", King Archer told him, "I'm King so that means I hold a special degree of power in everything".

"So the title grants you special power?"

"Something like that, yeah".

"Special powers that are limited to him being an idiot", Hellboy said, mocking King Archer.

"Hey! My power is earnest and serviceable", King Archer states, as he snatch the remote from him, "Give me the remote! And also, give me a beer too. King needs some refueling in order to…uhhh…tame the beast".

Hellboy stood there, displeased by King Archer attitude, as well as disliking him being place in command.

"I think you should do what he says", Vicky whispers to Hellboy, believing every word from him, "We don't want to upset the beast".


"Being man of the house totally has its benefits", King Archer said, drinking a sip of wine, "And this is one of them. I mean, I can't believe I finally won something that makes me like a ruler or something. A ruler of my own hub. Now, I don't want to go mad with power or anything, buuuuuuut…I'm a little tempted to".


In the kitchen, Lisa is writing down some things in her notebook, all while Octavia is eating a bowl of cereal, not caring or seemingly bored out of her mind.

Idree walked past them, opening the fridge and rummaging in it.

"Okay, almost done here", Lisa said to herself.

"Almost done on what?" Octavia asked.

"I finally finished our strategic plan for this show".

"Wait, our strategic plan?"

"Yeah, I thought that since you and I are technically team captains", Lisa said, "We probably need a guide journal to help us through. That is why I made this".

Lisa holds the notebook up, showing the title and the pink cover, "The official strategic guide of reality shows. Long title, I know. I'll think of a better name later".

"Huh, interesting".

"Want me to show you some ideas I got here? I could input some of yours in here".

"Eh, sure. I'm not much of the leader type, so go ahead".

"Ummmm right then!", Lisa began opening the book, "Here's our first strategy. Observation. Best way to win a competition is by our own eyes. So we need to observe our surroundings more closely. Get a better view. This includes observing our fellow contestant characteristics like…uhhh you, for example".

"Oh great, that's nice".

Lisa took notice of her shallow mood, feeling even a bit worried and nervous, "Uhh you know, a little enthusiasm would totally help to get a better understanding of this".

Octavia sighs to herself.

"Is something the matter, Octavia? You seem a bit down".

"Sorry", Octavia said, "Not even in a good mood, knowing who's the man of the house".

"Yeah, it is…kinda unfortunate", Lisa admits, "But hey, don't feel too down. At least you still have me here".

"Yea, I guess".

"Look at the bright side here. By the looks of it, Archer doesn't seem like the type to use his title for good, so I say we should step up our game and be a better leader than him".

"Like I say, I'm not much of a leader type".

"Oh…..well I'll help ya".

Then all of a sudden, a loudspeaker is heard across the room as everyone hears it.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" Mxy announced, "Head to the living room, immediately! Right now!"


"Am I tired? Yes", Octavia confessed, "Is it the result of Archer blasting his raid music during the night? Yes. Still, at least it's nice to have Lisa around. Even if I'm not even interested in being team captain in the first place".


"I'm always there to help a friend out", Lisa confesses, "And yes, I do have my original priority that doesn't stop me from making some new friends. Starting with someone that I never thought I could confront or talk to".


Most of the contestants were in the living room, with the exception of some that aren't present yet. And ones like Blitzwing on this occasion, who had to stay outside while having to watch everything unfold inside through the window.

The only ones that are not present yet are Mabel, Nikki, Dororo, Reg, Idree, and Hanco*ck.

Idree came in, sitting down with the rest of the cast and right next to King Archer, much to his misfortune as he was drinking beer and burping.

"I seriously hate him", Idree mutters to himself, "But again, I gotta try to go along with it. . Do not interact with those that annoy you. Just ignore them".

"Hey Idree, you are getting a bit too close to my comfort zone", King Archer told him, "Move further away from him".

"Screw you!"

"Ummm excuse me? Do you really want to go there? Messed with me, man of the house".

"I do not take orders from you".

"Just do what he says", Red Skull told him, crossed arm, "It better to let his delusion consume him more to make him incompetent for anything else".

Idree groaned, as he moved an inch away from King Archer, making him smirk and replied, with a smug tone, "Thank you".

Idree grumbled to himself, then Red Skull began to speak to him, quietly, "Save your anger for later in the challenge. It may help you in the long run".

"Whatever. I don't want to hear anyone's advice, but myself", Idree said.


"The boy is still naive", Red Skull confesses, "But I can still work with it. If I'm going to use the boy for my objective, I must go through with it slowly and subtly as possible. I also must find a good opportunity to sway him to my side".


Mabel, Nikki, and Waddle come running in the room and sitting down on the couch, while Reg and Dororo follow suit.

"Sup guys", Mabel began, "Hope we didn't miss anything".

"No, none at all", Lucy said, "We still kinda miss those tall women".

Ruby quickly took notice of Nikki's new attire.

Nikki wore an oversize, old green coat ( Wearing it like a cape ), old black boots and wearing a paper boat as headgear, "Whoa Nikki, you seem to dress up nicely".

"Yep! Gotta get into my new position here", Nikki said, "I found these randomly in a ditch, somewhere and I thought they fit me. The paper hat was made by me".

"Well it definitely looks nice on ya".

"I know! Makes me look like I'm ready to command a whole army".

"You look ridiculous wearing that attire", Idree told her, rudely.

"Well I think it looks far above the word cool", Mabel retorted, protecting Nikki's new looks, all the while still complimenting it.


"Just ignore him", Mabel told Nikki, "You still got some good fashion taste".

"Thanks", Nikki replied, "Although, it does smell a bit weird wearing this".

"Well, it looks like everyone is finally here", Don remarked, walking in the room and Mxy popping in, "I think we seem to be missing one more person".

"Don't worry", Po assured him, pointing to Furrball sitting on the ground, "Little fur guy is right here".

"No, I feel like we are really missing someone".

Right on cue, Hanco*ck finally made it, only she brought along someone or something, rather.

Salome followed her, but Hanco*ck herself is seen pushing the same stone figure she brought home from last night, only she seems to draw a doodle face on it.

A smiling face with a stitch scar near the bottom left eye.

She finally pushed the stone near the confused cast, as she sat next to it, "Apology for my lateness. Had to…uhhhh, make sure my companion husband is all prepared".

"Umm…what is going on here?" Zulius asked, feeling weirded out by this.

"I'm weirded out by this" Ceviche remark, "And kinda scared".

"Why, I'm glad you ask", Hanco*ck explained, "This here is my temporary, companionship, Stone Luffy".

"Stone Luffy?" Reg asked.

"Yes, Stone Luffy", Hanco*ck said, "He's my..…..motivational companion".

"Are you crazy?" Idree asked, "You brought a rock inside this house? Tch, stupid women. It's clear you're going mad".

"SHUT UP! I will shove that turban down your eyes if you dare refer to me as stupid and mad!"

Her statement froze Idree in his place, fearful and stunned by that response.

Hanco*ck recompose herself, as she continues, "Now then, as you know I hold a special heart toward my true love, Luffy. Since this is a sign of true love, I decided to take great care for this stone, for the eventual time when I marry the real one".

"So in other words, you're going to take care of your own sex doll" King Archer assumed, which offended her.

"It is not that, you filthy man. It is my personal…ummm…personal companion to help me through. Yeah, that's right".

"I think she's going insane", Po whispered next to Dororo, to which she nodded back.

"Yeah, isn't that obvious?"

"I heard that!" Hanco*ck shouted, startling the two of them, "Don't make me go over there and strangle you!"

There was a moment of silence, until Mabel had to break it.

"Well, I don't want to make this seem totally awkward, but congrats!" Mabel said, "For making a new friend named Stone Luffy".

"Thank you", Hanco*ck replied, pleased by her response, "I'm glad there is someone in this room that appreciates my new found companion here".

"Ugh, as long as it distracts you enough from doing anything stupid, I'll tolerate it", Idree said, crossing his arms.


"I hope this doesn't offend the real Luffy who might be watching this", Hanco*ck confesses, "It would be devastating if he thinks I'm replacing him with a rock".


"What? I'm just being supportive here", Mabel confessed, "Can't leave out a girl needing love in her life. I'm not the judging type, by the way".


"Ummmm, alright then", Don continued, "Seems about everyone is here then. Good. Now then, today is your second challenge of the day!"

"Yep! And we thought up something that is both fun and special!" Mxy added.

"Is it less crazy?" Octavia asked.

"Is it less dangerous?" Ceviche asked.

"Kinda! A lot more on the tamer side", Mxy replied.

"Yeah so, since I felt a bit bad about what happened last night", Don explained, "You all will participate in a more easy challenge compared to last time".

"Yep! And the reward for this challenge is worth it!"

"Yeah, I'm totally sure of that", Dororo sarcastically commented and crossed arm.

As Mxy pop up next to her, reinforcing his statement, "Trust me, it's worth it!"

Then he disappears and reappears next to Don.

"So what is this challenge all about?" Po asked, curiously and excitefully, "Is it something awesome? Involving some sort of obstacle course?"

"Even better!"

The cast and everyone else like Don, Mxy, Waddles, Salome, and Stone Luffy stood inside the cramped, dusty, and polluted room that is the attic.

There were tons and tons of boxes stacked, all spreading throughout the wooden room. Some were old, some were clean. Others contain stains, some seem torn open or ready to collapse.

Dust and webs scatter throughout the place. The lighting of the place is dimmed by one light bulb in the center, to which it creates some clearing in the area.

The reaction from the cast was…..not thrilling. In fact, some were disgusted, not happy, and are outright not liking this.

Vicky, Mabel, and Nikki are the only ones seemingly being at awe by this, with Ruby being curious and Lucy…having no reaction.

Octavia sniffed the air, remarking in disgust, "Ew! Is it me or does it smell like cr*p in here?"

"Smells like if dust manages to create a city of its own", Ceviche said, "Weirdly specific, I know".

"Wow, You really outdid yourself by making this attic as unbearable as possible", Hellboy sarcastically remarked to the Imp.

"Thank you. I went all out for this", Mxy said.

"You went a bit overboard with this", Don told him, "I made it perfectly clear that doing an attic cleaning is easy and tame enough".

"Come on, Don. Some touches are required to make this challenge seem more fun. You don't want to bore any of your contestants".

"Yeah well, I'm not getting any fun out of this", John Redcorn pointed out, lifting his shoe up to see he just stepped on a bunch of bugs.

Mxy explained, "Now then, here's the whole deal. In this attic cleaning adventure, your task is obvious. Cleaning!"

The mentioned of this cause some of the contestant to groan, particularly King Archer and Octavia.

"Oh goodie", Octavia sarcastically said, "Chores".

"Attic cleaning? Seriously?!" King Archer responded, "That's literally not my thing".

"Well too bad, Don's the one who suggested it", Mxy continued, "Anyways, you can start taking boxes out of the attic, dispose of any boxes or keep them. But before you do that, you got to clean the entire place. Scout every area and for added bonus, kill any living things in this room".

"Wait, hold up", Lisa asked, "There just living things roaming in the attic?"

"What kind of living thing?" Tomie asked.

"If it is a crocodile or an alligator, then no thank you", King Archer told him, "I rather sit myself out than do chores".

The mention of living things seems to frighten Furrball, causing him to hide behind Tomie.

"Yeah, care to elaborate?" Don asked, "Because I didn't request those".

"Oh, the usual", Mxy continues, "Bugs, rats, raccoons, snakes, and squirrelsI don't know. Just make sure the room is clean like a china glass. It's a pretty easy task".

"Some of those don't seem to be native here in Cambodia", Lisa pointed.

"And some of them sound beyond harmless", Zulius pointed out.

Mxy snapped his finger, causing a cleaning supply to appear.

The cleaning supply consists of a bucket with water in it, sponges, mops, dust mops, brooms, dust pan, wipers, spray cans, cleansers, and other more items that are stack in the pile.

"Tada! Cleaning supplies! The best of the best!" Mxy said, "Anyways, before me and Don leave, anyone got a question?"

"Yeah, the reward", Octavia asked, "What's the reward about?"

"Uhhhh, it's….a surprise!" Mxy said, "Take our word for it".

"Umm yea, we don't want to reveal it just yet", Don said.

"It's probably going to be disappointing", Hellboy mutters.

"Question!" Mabel loudly asked, "If we finished cleaning the attic, could some of us…uhhhh, use it for our personal benefits?"

"Hmmm, I see why not", Mxy said, "Guess you can consider that as a bonus reward".



"Perfect place to set up our operation for the Wonder Terror", Mabel confessed, "We could do it in our room's, but I thought we needed something like a special lair for us to do our own thing".


"Now remember guys", Don said, "You got four hours! Get working!"

"Yep! Make sure you guys work as a team! Or not! I really don't care! Working as a team benefit everyone! But if one person clean the most, they…win something" Mxy snapped his finger.

Once Don and Mxy disappear in smoke, it left King Archer to take up command.

"Alright then, let's do this!" King Archer begins, "Everyone! Pick up a cleaning tool and start cleaning. Come on, let's go".

"Wait, shouldn't you participate too?" Po asked.

"Yeah, why are you making us do all the work", Octavia asked.

"Okay look" King Archer replied, "Since I'm Man of the House, that totally means I get to order all of you guys around. I deserve this leisure after all".

"How?" Octavia asked, dumbfounded by his claim, "You didn't do anything last challenge to earn it".

"Yeah, but I still won so I warrant it".

"Wish we were the winner, instead of this moron", Dororo muttered, crossing her arms.

"Quite irresponsible", Lisa remarked, "Considering someone with class like you, I expect you to take your job seriously".

"I do take my job serious, but not at the moment", King Archer said, "So I'm going to take a nap or whatever. You guys do all the work".


King Archer confessed, "I mean then again, there's also that owl girl. What? As the man of the house, I have to make the right call here. It doesn't make me pretentious or lazy to do something like this".


( In the recording room )

"So question", Don asked Mxy, "When you mentioned he shares equal power to Octavia and Lisa, that would mean he's placing a huge amount of responsibility on them, right?"

"Uhh yeah, of course", Mxy told him, "Isn't that obvious?"

"It's kinda a bit, how I can say, too much for the two to handle. Especially if you take in the fact one of them is an eight year old girl".

"Don, just relax and let things happen. This is just a good…umm, learning experience. Yeah, that's right. Learning experience".

"Good learning experience for the cast or the viewers?"

"Both", Mxy said, "Don't make it too complicated, Don. Remember, I have everything under control here".

"Right", Don said, then asked, "Anyways, you think four hours is enough?"

"It's enough for us to planned out the next few episodes ahead. I'm thinking of doing….a storm surviving episode".

"A bit too extreme".

"Fine, I'll think of something 'tame' that could please you".

A tiny speck of a dust landed on Zulius shoulder, causing him to be startle and flinging his hand away to make it disappear, "Ew! Ugh! Already I hate this! I totally hate this. This is totally going to be the worst day in my life, more so than the time I got robbed at a fashion show".

"Tell me about it. I think I stepped something sticky",Ceviche said, lifting his leg up to show a yellow, sticky substance, "Ew".

Furrball took notice of a small, green puddle on the floor. As he got near it, the puddle began to move and screech, which startled him, causing him to hide behind Po.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think we can totally ace this real quick", Nikki said, confidently, "No big deal".

"Yeah, your sure about that?" Zulius asked her, "Staying in that creepy, nasty jungle is one thing, but being forced to get your beautiful body dirty is a different matter that I will not tolerate!"

"Will you shut up", Idree told him, "I am seriously not going to participate with idiots like you complaining".

"No offense, but it sounds like a you problem, not us", Zulius told him, making him irritated.

"Come on guys, it probably isn't going to be that hard to do", Po said, picking up a wiper and moving to a sport beam with dust on it, "Watch me. It's just going to be an easy task".


"Alright, so the last challenge was something I did not prepare for", Po confessed, "But this time, I'm hoping to start off without making myself come off as a joke. Like, for real this time".


Po proceeded to wipe away the dust on the support beam.

The spot is clear….then the dust stain returns.

A bit confused, Po tried rubbing it off again.

It disappears and reappears.

Annoyed, he proceeded to rub it a bit faster.

Gone…..then returned.

This seemed to agitated Po so much, he then rubbed it much and much faster until all of a sudden, his hand burst into flames.

Startled and horrified, he ran around, looking for something to get rid of the fire, all the while other groups of contestants watched on, some were worried while others…are indifferent.

"Easy task, isn't it?", Red Skull sarcastically commented, "Not even a talking Panda wise word holds up".

Po manages to find a bucket of water and dip his hand in it, calming him down while cooling his hand off.

"I don't see what the problem is with cleaning up a place", Vicky said, "Why, my mother always believe in keeping things tightly and keep away any pest".

"Kid, sometimes some of us are…well, let's just say have a limitation when it comes to being productive", Hellboy said to him, "And this is one of them".


"Already I knew Archer didn't seem too interested in doing anything productive", Lisa confessed, "It would be more surprising if he actually took up the mantle. Still though, it does give me an opportunity to at least learn from this. Learn to be in charge, get to know some of my competitors and help my new friend out".


"Alright guys, listen up", Lisa announced, as she stood on a box, "Since we have 4 hours to clean this entire attic up, we must do it swiftly. That is why me and Octavia will be taking charge from here on out".

"Ummm excuse me, what?" Octavia asked, put off by her mentioning herself.

"This is silly", Idree confesses, "I will not take orders from a girl. Especially a little one".

"Would you rather take orders from Archer?"

"No, but it is the correct way of following someone".

"Oh Satan, he such a sexist dogsh*t", Octavia mutters.

"I heard that!" Idree said, "Also, just a reminder. I also don't take orders from you too, Owl wretch! Women shouldn't take the role of a leader, knowing how incapable they are".

"Hey! Screw you!" Octavia told him, as she was ready to confront him, not until Hellboy intervened.

"Whoa, take it easy you guys", Hellboy cut between the two, "Don't want to make this attic as cramp as it is".

"Oh come on, a little fight wouldn't lighten a mood a bit", Tomie said, grinningly.

"I really don't mind having a child lead this entire operation", Hanco*ck added, still cresting near Stone Luffy, "As long as me and Stone Luffy are together, then I will tolerate it".

"I for one am a bit questionable about this", John Redcorn said, "I know Archer team won last challenge, but shouldn't the leadership role be given to someone else".

"Yes, someone that is far more intelligent and holds superior power", Red Skull said, as Redcorn turned to him with the following statement, "Someone that isn't an inferior race".


"Listen, if you expect me to get my hooves dirty then no thank you", Zulius states to Lisa, "I rather stand here then do anything else. Literally".


"I'll be real with ya", Zulius confesses, "I don't mind getting my hand dirty, when fate requires it! I only do things like chores and stuff, if it's motivational. This is not motivational! Also, why am I using the confession stall?"


"Lisa, can I speak with you for a moment?" Octavia asked her, as she pulled Lisa away from the crowd, somewhere where they couldn't be heard.

"What is it?" Lisa asked.

"Lisa, I appreciate what you are doing here", Octavia told her, "But….I'm not too sure that I'm qualified to be the third in command".

"Third in command?"

"Yeah, like what? You think I'm second in command?"

"You don't want to take up the leadership mantle?"

"It's a lot of responsibility and frankly, I'm not too interested in doing it. I appreciate you want to help me, but sorry, no".

"Listen, I totally get where you are. I'm a bit nervous too, but we have to do this. Archer isn't willing to do anything, but slack around and do god knows what".

"Still wish elimination is a regular thing so I could vote and that Idree fellow off".

"Look, all I'm saying is I need you to go along with it. I have…some experience in leadership role".

"Some experience?"

"Yes. If I could apply those in the same way here, you and I will definitely make it through", Lisa said, "And besides, I bring with me my strategy book".

"I…don't know-".

"Octavia please. Just follow my lead".


"Again, not too interested in doing this", Octavia confesses, "But it's Lisa so I can't really deny her".


Back to the contestant, some were mixed about this.

The one who's more differ and the one who is willing to speak his word out is Idree.

"This is idiotic", Idree remarked, "First I'm forced to endure everything. Now I'm forced to follow girl's".

"You know, with how many time you say force", Gimpy said, "Makes me really want to make a Star Wars reference right about now…..don't know what kind of joke, but I'm sure I'll think of something".

"I don't see much of a complaint", Dororo said, "It really doesn't affect me that much".

"Maybe you should give them a try, Idree", Ruby suggested.

Idree ignored her comment and then asked the others, "Any of you find this to be a bad idea. Excluding those who are not men. Huh, anyone?"

"Why are you asking us?" Hellboy asked, "For a guy who doesn't seem to want to talk to any of us, you sure are demanding".

"I told you, I have no issue with this", Hanco*ck said.

"And I told you, I specifically ask for the men in this group", Idree states.

"You know, I really don't know much about Lisa to know wether she's good at leading", Mabel said, "All I know is I'm ready to get this show going so I can win this for my team!"

"Wait, team?" Ceviche asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means we going to destroy ya all!" Nikki shouted at him, startling him, to which Mabel try to calm her down.

"Whoa Nikki", Mabel told her, "Save all that excitement for later".

"Sorry, sorry, thought it would be a good time to do that", Nikki then asked her, "Also, you think we should tell everyone about our…..Wonder Terror?"

"Hmmm….don't know. We probably need to put this in an elective vote. Waddles will be our decider".

As everyone is conversing among each other, Lisa confronts the cast that have mixed opinions about this.

"Okay everyone listen up, I get some of you are not on board with this", Lisa explained, "Heck, I can totally relate in some way. But here's the thing, any day or now, there's a chance of elimination. It's rare, but it may happen. So in order for us to not go home that may come off as a waste of time, we should all go through this and get this over together, as a group".

"Tch", Idree utter, crossed arm, then he's being nudge by Red Skull to force to agree or at least, accept her position for now.

Idree sigh to himself, as replying back in defeat, "I hate this. I hate you and I hate being here, but…..I'll go through with this. Just don't expect me to take orders from you, child. Or…anyone else for that matter".

"Frankly, I wasn't expecting you to do so", Octavia told him out of spite, "You d*ck".

"Say!- You know what, nevermind", Idree said.

"If I'm being quite honest here, I never expect myself to follow the order of a…child", Red Skull confesses, "But no matter. I will tolerate it….for now. Just like Idree".

"Uhh great. Glad your guys are okay with this", Lisa continued, "Okay so here's how we are going to do it. In order for this entire place to be cleaned, we need to do this together, without splitting up as a group. So everyone, let's get cleaning!"

"But wait, what about Blitzwing?" Reg asked her.

"Yea, we can't really leave the big guy out", Nikki states.

"Oh right, Blitzwing", Lisa replied, "Hmm…..we probably need to figure that out".

Outside at the back of the mansion, Blitzwing sat there by himself.

Alone….with the sound of the rustling and whistling of the jungle forest in front of him.

"Hmmm….maybe signing up on this show wasn't a good decision on my part", Blitzwing said, in his cold mode, "Don't remember why I signed up".

He then switched to his more hot headed mode, as he began ranting, "Why bother signing up?! It be more time consuming if we start blasting those losers back at Cybertron!"

Then he switched the crazy mode, "Oh! But we would have nowhere to go! And nowhere to get an ice cream cone!"

Then a bird flies nearby…..allowing Blitzwing to aim it and fire at it for no reason at all.


"Now I know this is pretty much early in the game", Lisa confesses, "I haven't really known much about everyone, based on what I've seen. So I'm going to try to go through this based off my strategy book that I have not yet given a name yet".


"I do not follow anyone that is a girl", Idree confesses, "Back in my home, we forbid a woman from leading. It is unethical. So it is quite humiliating".


"Okay Waddles, we are going to be here for a while, so…" Mabel said, while holding Waddles up and putting him down next to Salome who took notice, "Go play with your new friend!"

Waddles stare at it with a blank expression.

Salome stares at him, until it eventually opens his mouth and hiss, causing Waddle to squeal and run off as Salome chases after him.

( Insert Loverboy-Working for the Weekend ).

The cleaning commenced! Or in this case, a series of montages.

King Archer sat on boxes that formed like a throne, clicking opening a can of beer and taking a sip of it.

Lisa put on a headband and proceeded to wipe the floor with a cloth, seriously.

Hellboy carried Vicky on his back, allowing Vicky to dust away the spider webs attached above between support pillars.

Furrball, Octavia, and Tomie are still trying to figure out how to get rid of the puddle.

Octavia tries to pour water over it, which causes it to expand and grow, which surprises her and Furrball.

Gimpy rummaging through the boxes pulled out a old toy of a lightsaber, which made him gleeful.

He began to swing the old saber around, until he accidentally smacked it behind John Redcorn, knocking him into the boxes.

A bit startled, he began to pretend not having done that and move on.

Back to the green puddle situation, Furrball tried to use a mop to get rid of it. Slowly reaching it, until suddenly it shot out a projectile, which strapped around his neck, strangling him.

Octavia came to the rescue, as she tried hitting the thing with a broom.

Ruby scrubbed the floor, admiring the floor's splendid shininess…..until King Archer walked by and tossed a can of beer onto the exact same spot, which spilled beer liquid on it, which baffle Ruby.

Idree uses a broom to brush away webs from a bunch of boxes, which one of the dust caught into his mouth, causing him to start choking.

Furrball pant to himself after the ensuing struggle with the puddle, as Octavia and Tomie try to think of something else to get rid of the puddle.

Soon Nikki came by, holding up a mysterious blue bottle that she thought could get rid of it.

Once she pour the substance on ot, the puddle began to have a instant, crazy reaction.

Then all of a sudden, it started to expand, expand and expand, much to their shock, as they ran off as it got expanded.

Dororo wipe around with a broom, until bumping a bunch of boxes, which spilled dozens of gold coins on the floor.

Taking notice of it and looking around, suspiciously, she bent down and began swiping every gold coin down her bag, snickering herself.

Ceviche uses a brush and a wiper like skate shoes as she slide through the area like an ice dancer, opening his arm out for an applause until crashing into a pile of boxes and screaming, due to being covered in needles.

John Redcorn wipe a seemingly random robot, until the robot became alive and started strangling him.

Noticing Red Skull who casually picked up a book, he tried to reach for him, only for the Red Skull to walked past by him and ignore his plea.

Idree and Ruby were cleaning a bunch of glass vases, until Ruby accidentally bumped into him, causing him to drop a vase.

He took notice with an angry glare, to which Ruby tried to give a shrugging apology, to which he rolled his eyes and continued, until he got knocked out by a golf ball.

A golf ball that struck him, as a result of King archer fooling around with a golf stick.

Hanco*ck is vacuuming the floor, all a while being flatter by Stone Luffy presence. This causes her to accidentally sucked up Furrball tail, making him struggle in his dear life to remove it.

( 3 horrendously hours later! ).

After a long hour of cleaning, Lisa swipes the sweat from her forehead and admires the work in front of her.

"Phew! Welp, I think we did a good handy job here people", Lisa said, as the others joined and took a look at their work.

Only to realize…they still haven't cleaned the remaining rest of the area, only having cleaned the surrounding, open area near them.

Everything was still cramp, dark, dirty, clustered, and dusty. With the addition of the green, shrub growth as the result of Nikki having poured a mysterious substance on the puddle, which made the attic come off as more wild like.

Much to everyone's surprise and disappointment, as Nikki took a close glance at the bottle, "Ooooooh….yeah, I should've checked. This is a growth serum, not acid".

"Growth serum?" Octavia asked, "How did it end up in our f*cking cleaning supplies?"

"I don't know. Probably by accident?"

"I don't think these products are even cleaning supplies", John said, picking a corn can.

King Archer came back, taking one look at their unfinished work here and remarking while holding a beer can, "Wow, you guys are suck at this. At least put more effort in your work, guys. This is ridiculous".

"Say's the guy who hasn't done a single work", Octavia pointed out.

"Umm reminder, I'm still at my leisure hour here".

After he said that, he tossed the beer can away with a pile of more beer cans, making the attic even more of a mess.


"Okay, so working through the challenge without adding any input from me and Octavia wasn't a good idea", Lisa confess, "Go figure".


"Great strategy", Idree sarcastically said to Lisa, "Work together, you say. Getting through this by following you and your owl pet command, you say. How's that position going for ya? Feeling proud of yourself?"

"Hey, leave Lisa alone", Octavia told him off, "She's at least trying here".

"Yeah,by trying you mean nothing", Idree told her, "I haven't seen you two do anything note worthy.

"Look, can we please get back to the challenge at hand, here", Lisa said to them, "Let's just continue on like we usually do".

( Recording room )

"Sooooo….Mxy, about the condition of the attic" Don asked the Imp, as both are in their lounging chair, watching the screens, "Is it…safe to clean in it?"

"What do you mean by that? I made it as dirty as possible".

"Yeah, but I meant as in..if it's like, you know it doesn't have any toxic waste in it or has tons of deadly disease in it".

"Ugh, this again! I told you, I got everything under control! There's nothing you should worry about. If there is something going on, then I'll intervene".

"Still, those cleaning supplies don't look professionally made".

"They well made enough to protect them, I can guarantee".

( Back to the attic ).

As everyone resume back to their work ( With King Archer resuming back to him slacking off ), Lisa pulled out her strategy book and flip through the pages.

"Hey Lisa, just ignore what that douche had to say", Octavia told her, referring to Idree, "He's clearly still tick off without any ounce of stopping".

"I know", Lisa said, "I'm not letting his insult get the better of me".

Finally, Lisa stopped on a specific page she was looking for, "Aha!"

"What is it?"

"I think I find our next good strategy", Lisa said, "In order for us to be good leaders, we'll just have to help our fellow competitor out".

"Wow, what a big surprise".

"Yeah, not really all that surprising", Lisa said, "But it's good to keep note of it".

"Whatever. So how are we going to approach this?"

"Hmm….guess we'll pick someone random who need some help. I'm sure it won't be too hard".

"Let's hope so".


"I'm putting a lot of trust in Lisa because one, she's nice and isn't as weird as everyone else", Octavia confesses, "And two, she's willing to help me out, even if I wasn't too interested in doing so".


Idree continues with his chance of trying to socialize within his community in order to try to adapt.

"Really hate those girl's", Idree thought, "Anyways, I gotta continue to try to talk with anyone that isn't a freak".

While not kind to anyone specifically, he chose John Redcorn to be the perfect one. Or at least, the tamer of the group, as he approaches and start a conversation, all a while John is cleaning some vases.

"So yellow girl and owl girl", Idree said, "Quite an annoying bunch to have them lead us, huh?"

"Are you….talking to me?" John asked him.

"Of course", Idree said, "Having the Imp picked these two as second and third command grinds my gear. Makes me wish that didn't happened".


John awkwardly continue to clean the vases, all a while Idree tried to come up with a specific topic for them to discuss.

He eventually did, "So…your Native American, right?"

"Yes", John Redcorn replied, "From Texas to be precise".

"I see….", Idree replied, once again in silence as he try to come up with something to speak of, "So what do you practice?"


"What do you practice? I mean, your job".

"Oh, well I uhhh….do healing".



More awkward silence continue, as Idree finally spoke up again, "So what? Your people have healing ability or….."

"Hey! You two", John Redcorn quickly move away from the awkward conversation that is going on, as Lisa and Octavia confront them, "Glad you came by. Me and, uhhhh Idree, were just talking on….stuff".

"Ugh, what do you two want?" Idree asked them, "Don't you two have business to take care of? Like, planning your suppose strategy".

"Well we just came by to see if anyone is need of help", Lisa said, "Do you need any help?"

"Help? Ha! Yeah, as if I require help from you two", Idree told them, as he began to walk away, "I'm going some where else".

This brings great relief to John as he mutters, "Finally, he's gone".

"So John Redcorn", Lisa asked him, "Do you need any help? Like legit, any help?"

"Uhh no thanks. I'm already fine where I am", John said, "Also, you seem a bit pale, are you alright?"

"Pale? What are you talking about?" Lisa asked him.

"Yea Lisa, you seem to be getting a bit pale for some reason", Octavia took notice, feeling a little worried.

"I'm fine", Lisa assured her, "Let's move onto the next person. I'm sure the paleness is just….something, I don't know. Probably nothing".

Octavia was uncertain and did seem quite worried, but she continued to follow her.

The next person is Hanco*ck, as she is seen cleaning her Stone Luffy.

"There. All clean up my dear", Hanco*ck said, "What's that? You think I did it a bit too roughly. Oh silly me. I should really be more careful".

"Uhhh Hanco*ck, what are you doing?" Lisa asked her, both her and Octavia being weirded out by her action.

"Oh, well…umm", Hanco*ck is quick to be snap into reality, "I was…checking if my friend here is doing okay. Nothing to worry about".

"Ummm right", Lisa said, "Anyways, we were wondering if you need any help".

"I don't think she really needs any help by the looks of it", Octavia said to her.

"Hmm well, I suppose you two could take care of Salome over there", Hanco*ck pointed, showing Salome squeezing a squealing Waddle, "He needs a bit of human company".

"Uhhh yea! We'll…totally do that", Lisa said, as she whispers to Octavia, "Let's move onto the next person".


"Okay, strategy wise it is becoming a lot more complicated than I thought", Lisa confessed, "Nothing to worry about. First day is just the beginning of where I am now. There's always improvement. Also, does anyone feel a bit cold here?"


Cutting to somewhere else, Idree is seen talking to Furrball of all people, as Furrball is seen pushing some boxes away. Struggling, due to his less desirable strength.

"You know what I can't stand", Idree speaks, "People trying to use me. It's almost as if I can't have a single day of my own. Like, that stupid Imp said something I should be enjoying myself, yet here I am being forced to do laboring work. Can you believe this?"

Furrball stopped to catch some breath. As he leaned near some boxes, one of the objects fell onto him. A boiling ball to be precise.

Idree sigh to himself, coming to a realization, "What am I doing talking to a cat? It is hopeless to find anyone I could talk to".


"No, no, you stay away from me", Idree talks back to Lisa and Octavia, as they confront him, "Whatever you make me want to do, forget it".

"See. What did I told you", Octavia said to Lisa, "Douche here can't even try to respond without acting like an a**".

"Idree, calm down", Lisa said, "We here because we want to help you with anything".

"Help? No, I'm very doubtful you two are willing to help".

"Come on, Idree".

"Nope. Not buying it".

"IDREE!" King Archer yelled, as he came by to require someone to assist his need, "Idree, I need your help. My throne is getting way too uncomfortable to sit on, due to my consistent composure of piling empty beer camp on top of it. So I need you to clean it up for me, okay?"

"What? I'm not doing that".

"Ummm hello", King Archer reminded, "I'm Man of the House. So as Man of the House, I'm ordering you to do it. Otherwise, there's a good chance I may use you as good target practice".


"May considering using you, okay? I'm trying to think of something else, but that's all I got. So get going".

Idree groaned, not before deciding to give Lisa something to do out of spite, "You! I want you to clean those plates over there for me, got it?!"

"Sir, you have no idea how you grateful you are to have us as captains".

Dororo groans, getting pretty tired to continue with this work, with Reg following her, "This is getting really tiresome to continue with this, right Reg?"

"Uhhh yeah", Reg replied, "I mean, I'm not tired but I totally get what you are going through".

"Three hours inside this place", Dororo said, crossing her arms, "It drives me crazy. I'm used to this kind of stuff, but boy is this unbearable".

Reg simply shrugged, "Well, it certainly isn't easy, but hey it beats the last challenge where we almost got lost and killed".

Then Dororo got an idea. Looking both ways and whispering to Reg, "You know, after having found some gold coins it kinda gives me an idea. Wanna sneak out?"

"Sneak out?"

"Yeah, explore the place", Dororo said, "Find some neat stuff around here that we could keep".

"Uhhh…I don't know", Reg replied, being uncertain, "What about the challenge?"

"Eh, looks like a lost cost", Dororo said, "No way we are going to finish cleaning this entire room up in an hour. Might as well use this time to our own benefit".

"I guess…..should we bring Mabel and Nikki?" Reg pointed.

Mabel is seen jugging down a pink bottle of soap, stopping and hiccuping, remarking, "Uhhhh I don't know why I drank it. I thought for sure it would taste like gum".

"Mabel! I mean, President Mabel", Nikki came to her, holding a water gun, "Look what I found! A water gun! I find this in a pile with more water guns. This one seem to still have some inside it"

She pressed the trigger, causing it to squirt water out from it, much to Mabel amazement, "Whoa, that's so cool!"

"I know! Want to play water tag?"

"Are you insane?! That would be too irresponsible for a team leader like me would do!"

"Soooooooo….that's a no?"

"Are you kidding? Unleash the water!"

"Heck ya!"

"Eh, they be fine", Dororo told Reg, gesturing to him to come along, "Let's go".


"Having Reg around definitely seems like a benefit", Dororo confesses, "He's like Aniki, only he's much around my age and doesn't act too much like an infant. Still, I hope Aniki is doing okay".


"I really don't know why I follow her around'', Reg confesses, "I guess it's just out of a sense of familiarity. Or close to familiarity, since we both share the same room together. I think after last night, I kinda have some what of a connection with her".


Ruby has finished cleaning the floor, admiring her handy work, "Welp, I'm all finished. Made it look gleaming, despite this being hard wood. Man, who knew there would be this many boxes".

She remarked, after standing up and looking at her surroundings, she then realized something, "Huh, guess I went a bit too far into the attic. Now I'm lost".

Unknown to her, a mysterious figure slowly crept its way to her.

The small figure clad itself with traditional Khmer armor, complete with a headgear. It has ears resembling a combination of bat and elf ears. He has grayish, blue skin and long,black hair that reaches to his neck.

He's also holding a spear, as he slowly approaches Ruby.

"Welp, I guess I need to retread my memory for this", Ruby said to herself, looking around, "Now where did I leave off from?"

Just then, she felt a small poke coming from her foot. Looking down, she sees it.

The small figure poked her with his spear.

A bit surprised and amused, she responded with a greet, "Oh, hi there little guy".

The figure took notice of her. Startle, he quickly ran back into the open gap, disappearing in the darkness.

"Hey, wait! I'm not going to harm you or anything".

"Who are you talking to?"

She turned and saw Lucy, holding what appeared to be a skull.

"Lucy! Oh, I'm so glad to see you", Ruby replied, "Kinda trail off by mistake".

"It's fine", Lucy assured her, "I found this random skull. Thought it looks neat".

"That's…neat to know".

"I guess", Lucy said, "By the way, who were you talking to?"


"I saw you talking to some little guy".

"Oh yeah", Ruby turned toward the direction of where the small figure ran off to.

The small figure poke his head out, until she noticed him then he retreated back.

"Hey, don't be frightened", Ruby said to the small person, confronting him, "I'm not gonna hurt you".

"You know, it's not helping we both are pale and wearing all black", Lucy commented, "Just saying".

"Don't worry about our appearance", Ruby said to the person, "We….just have weird fashion senses".

The small figure looked at her, curiously and cautiously, as he finally came out.

"See", Ruby said to both the small figure and Lucy, "Nothing to worry about".

The small figure then jumped onto her head and began poking her head with its spear, stopping and being a bit confused.

"Okay, I'm going to guess the little guy needs more than simple words to think we are harmless".

"We don't exactly have weapons", Lucy said, "Well, if you count me holding a skull as one".

"How does a skull automatically make it a weapon?"

"Simple. You throw it at someone".

"Oooooh, gotcha".

The small figure jumps off her head and gestures to them to follow.

"What it saying?" Lucy asked her.

"I think it wants us to follow him".

"Think we should?"

"Well, on one hand we do need to get back to the challenge", Ruby said, "But on the other hand….."


"Okay, sometimes curiosity can get the better of me". Ruby confesses, "But hey, at least we made some interesting friends along the way. Not how I would expect this day to turn out like this, but it is a welcome one".


Idree is still forced to pick up several beer cans and put in trash bags, while King Archer keeps on throwing it at him and sitting in his throne.

"Keep up the good…actually, bad work you are doing here", King Archer shouted, throwing more beer cans at a disgruntled Idree, "You doing a pretty not so swell job here".

"Will you shut up!" Idree responded back.

"I would, but I'm not obliged to do so. Keep up the pace!"

Several more beer cans are thrown in his direction, much to his already annoyance.

While he was doing just that, Red Skull came by whistling to himself

Seeing it as a perfect opportunity to manipulate the boy in his favor, he came by, sat on the box and read a book, "I see you have finally cool down your anger, boy. Tired, I presume?"

"Of course I'm tired", Idree yelled at him, "Tired of being stuck in here. Now it seems like that I can't talk with anyone, those two girls are starting to annoyed me and oh yeah, King Idiot is forcing me to do labor work".

"Hmmm yes, quite the unfortunate predicament".

"Hmph, it's not as bad as what I used to endure back at home", Idree told him, "I mean, who does he think he is? Same goes with the girl's".

"I see", Red Skull then told him, "Once again, I must advise you to save your anger for later. It may help you make it farther, if you use your anger for something more productive. Instead of tossing your emotion around".

"Do I have to put up a sign saying, I don't need any advice?!"

Red Skull simply shrugged, flipping the next page of his book, "You know, I'm a bit aware you are unable to socialize with anyone".

"Oh, you think?"

"I notice you didn't try to talk with anyone in this room", Red Skull said, "Besides the few you were able to talk to. Some cat and a inferior, endangered species".

"Everyone so far has been annoying. How am I supposed to connect with anyone? And why are you still trying to talk to me? You do know I am not easily sway".

"I am aware of that. And really, I don't care whether or not you're willing to listen. But do consider my advice. use your anger wisely. Using it for socializing with anyone won't make your life easier".

"I haven't seen you socializing with anyone".

"True, but my anger is not the problem. I have disciplined my anger to know when it is right and when it isn't to express it. You, on the other hand, have much to learn".

"I don't need to learn. I have my own rights to do whatever I want".

"You do", Red Skull told him, "Oh, you do. How about this, if you need some assistance, stay near me and I'll assist you in any need as possible. In return, you listen to me and only me. Follow through everything I order and you will be safe from any potential problems that may hit you".

"Reminder! Again! I'm not interested in doing alliances. I told you before".

"This isn't an alliance. It is me offering you a bit of guidance, whether you are interested or not. I could care less if you do not want to".


"The boy needs some guidance", Red Skull confesses, " If I needed a lackey or perhaps someone to follow me, then it is him. It reminds me when the fuhrer laid his eyes on me, seeing the anger within my eyes. Seeing it as great potential. Quite poetic if I may add".


Lisa came by ( Who is more pale than ever ) completely baffled by the fact Red Skull isn't working. Or in this case, slacking off, "Skull, what are you doing? This isn't break time".

"I am working", Red Skull replied, sarcastically, "I'm learning".

"Well save the learning for later. We have a tight schedule here, do you understand? We have like only half an hour to finished this"


Lisa rolled her eye's, feeling it would be useless to try to make a war criminal do anything useful.

Just then, she is bumped by a squealing and running Waddles, still being chased by Salome, to which she stepped out of the way to avoid a terrible accident.

"Hanco*ck!" Lisa called out to her.

Hanco*ck is seen still cresting near her Stone Luffy, all the while laughing and conversing as if he's a real person.

"Oh my temporary husband companion, you always know how to make me laugh", Hanco*ck said to him, "such a gentleman".

"Uhhh Hanco*ck, your snake friend is still chasing after Waddles", Lisa said to her.

Hanco*ck did not pay any attention to her, still glaring at her affection to Stone Luffy.

"Okay then, just ignore me. Good", Lisa said, sarcastically, feeling a bit frustrated.

Then Lisa is being sprayed with water by Mabel, who is wearing a gas mask and holding a water gun.

"Tremble Nikki!"


"Oh", She lift her helmet up to see her, "Sorry, thought you were Nikki. Helmet is a bit blurry to see, but I couldn't help myself. It just looks cool wearing it".

"Okay, why are you two goofing off here?" Lisa asked the two of them, as Nikki joined in, "We have like half an hour to be in here and we still haven't cleaned this entire attic".

"Wait, it's been half an hour?" Nikki asked.


"Huh, it didn't feel like a half an hour".

"Yeah, felt like a few minutes", Mabel said, "Unless this attic is warping our mind's, then I don't know what's even up".

"Look you two, please focus on the challenge", Lisa told the two, "It's getting frustrated keeping track and focus with some of you guys trailing off".

"Please, we would never trail too off", Nikki states, "Well, not counting a few of our guys that went missing and Po…eating that pile of cabbages over there".

She pointed at Po, who is sitting next to the pile of boxes, eating cabbages to himself. Then he took notice and paused for a moment, "What? There was a stash of cabbages here. Can't help myself".

Lisa groaned to herself, as she walked away.


"I think morale is starting to be a problem here", Lisa confesses, "I can't tell anyone what to do, since nobody seems to bother listening to me. Being in the attic is starting to take a huge toll on everyone, including me. Whatever, I got to keep going".


"Sooooo…..what now, president Mabel?" Nikki asked her, "Shouldn't we suppose to focus on winning this thing so we could get the attic?"

"Huh, oh yeah that. Darn it, we shouldn't be slacking off", Mabel said, "Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to do water tagging during a challenge".

"Yeah, but it was still pretty fun".

"Yep", Mabel said, "But now, we need to figure a way to get this place clean fast before the one hour is up. Nikki, you got any idea?"

"Hmm… about we make something that could solve our problem. Like, some kind of explosive or something".


"Yeah, like a soap explosive where it explodes, soap is splatter everywhere and everything is clean".

"You sure it's going to work. Like, it sounds wicked don't get me wrong-"

"Mabel, I promise you from my heart it will work. Definitely".


"No matter how absurd it is", Mabel confesses, "I'm always in a belief that ideas like Nikki could work. Logic? What's that? All you need to solve your problem is with a bit of explosives".


Meanwhile, Vicky, having brushed the floor, stood up in complete exhaustion, whipping away the sweat from his forehead.

"Phew, all this hard work", Vicky remarked to himself, "Is making my arm's feel like it's ready to fall apart, right Hellboy?"

Vicky looked around, noticing that his big friend Hellboy isn't around.

"Hellboy? Where are you?"

Confused, and a little bit concerned, he decided to go look for him.

As for Hellboy himself, he's somewhere away from the group, speaking through his walkie talkie, "I told you, I got nothing much to report here yet…..Listen, it's only been one day since I've been here, can you guys take it easy on me?"

"Hellboy, what are you doing?" Vicky asked him, having finally found him.

Quickly hanging up, Hellboy turned and responded, "Uhh nothing, just thought I looked around".

"Well don't look too long around here", Vicky said, "As much as this place seems quite mysterious and ancient, I have a itching feeling it may hide something dangerous in here".

"You sure?"


Hellboy stood, looking around, "Seems like it. Surprise we haven't encountered something dangerous yet".

"I know", Vicky said, "Maybe this 'danger' is probably waiting for the right moment to strike".


Suddenly, they stopped as they heard a rattling noise coming from behind.

Turning around to face it, they can hear it. Sounds of rattling and crunching, almost as if there are….a city of snakes located in the far distance.

Hellboy decided to investigate, with Vicky following suit right behind him to check it out.

Once he reached it, he finally saw it.

Before them stood a cow. A cow that is not familiar to any man. Its furs are deep black and bloody. The eyes are blank white. The horns are twisted in a way that resembles snakes. It almost seems like they are moving.

Speaking of snakes, the creature is seen devouring tons and tons of corpses of snakes, still fresh. Blood pouring from the mouth. The creature crunches it, but pauses as it stares at the cast.

They stop the creature from devouring the pile of dead snakes, consuming them like noodles.

"Oh great, I just lost my appetite", Hellboy remarked, sarcastically, as Vicky hid behind his back.

Vicky was shocked and terrified by that thing, while Hellboy remain casually calm about it.

"Umm Mxy, what is that thing?" Don asked.

"That my friend, is a Kting Voar!" Mxy responded, "Otherwise known as the snake eating cow".

"Why did you add that thing in this challenge?"

"Thought it would stirred up some tension, that's all".

"Yeah, but like….a cow eating snake?!"

"Don, you need to chill down".

"Chill?! How can I chill down?!" Don asked him, "I just assume the animals you mentioned were harmless, but now you include that…thing?!"

"What? It creates good tension".

The cow beast took notice of them. Moving toward their direction, almost as if it is ready to attack, and that these strangers have interrupted his meal.

Hellboy held his hand out to keep Vicky out of the way, as he pulled out his pistol.

"This creature doesn't look friendly", Vicky remarked, "It looks mad".

"I can probably guess why it's mad".

"You going to try to kill it, right?"

"Uhh yeah", Hellboy said, "Hate to do this to this guy, but I have no choice".

"Wait, perhaps there might be a way we could stop it", Vicky suggested, "Like, lure it into a trap and be trapped".

"Kid, we are in an attic. Not a forest".

"I'm not referring we should make a hole".

Then one of its horns began to stretch out and snatch Hellboy, wrapping it around its horn and flinging him in the air.

The creature began to slam him on the floor, as well as across the boxes, each hit being painful to his back.

"Hellboy!" Vicky exclaimed.

"I'll be fine, kid!" Hellboy said, as he is being slammed to the ground, "Just! Another! Ordinary! Day! For! Me!"

Vicky quickly looked around to see something that could stop the beast and he saw a net.

Quickly grabbing it and running toward it, much to Hellboy shock, "Kid! What are you doing?! Stay back!"

"I'm coming to save you, friend!" Vicky shouted, as he jumped onto the beast, which caused it roar and run off, with the boy still clutching onto his back.


"Dang, can I have a day without getting my a** hurt?" Hellboy said, "Is it too hard to ask?"


Elsewhere, Dororo ran around and kept on collecting interesting items to put in her saggy bags of hers.

These range from more gold coins to small, weird looking statues, diamonds, and other unique items.

All while Reg stood there as he watched.

"Man, this room is rich with all sorts of things to get from", Dororo said to him, "Can you believe that?"

"Yeah, I guess", Reg replied, "I'm surprised the host would go through the effort in adding these things in here",

"Guess all we had to do is just clean and that's it. The rest is free for the picking".

Reg nodded.

"Say Reg, you've been pretty quiet for a while", She said, as she moved onto the next box to stick her hand in, "Is something the matter?"

"Uhhh, nothing".

"Come on, you can tell me".

"Well…..I hope this doesn't come off weird", Reg said, "But am I the only one bothered by what happened last night?"

"I don't know. I just assume it is just one of the Imp tricks and nothing more".

"True, but….I don't know. Something about that mysterious creepy lady and those three kids we encounter…seem off. They seem too real to me".

"Eh, the Imp probably took a lot of effort in making them unique or stand out. Just…try to ignore it, okay?"

"Right", Reg replied, as even if he is aware of the Imp tricks and likely think so, deep down he knew something is a bit off with what happened last night.

To him, it is important and serious. But to Dororo, she didn't seem to care that much.

"Ow! Hey!"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Reg asked her, worryingly.

"Something just poke me!" Dororo said, as she angrily grabbed something out of it.

It was the same species of a small figure, although this time with long black hair and a different attire.

This surprises both of them.

"What is that?!" Reg asked.

"I have no clue", Dororo responded, as the figure poked her finger with its staff, "Ouch!"

Causing Dororo to throw him to the ground, as she stepped back away from it, pressing Reg away as well for his safety.

The small figure stood, shook his head and stared at them, replying, "Is that all you got, puss*?!"

A bit startled by it, Dororo quickly grabbed a nearby lamp and used it as a weapon, "Stand back, little guy! I'm not afraid to use it".

"Brotha! Don't hurt our new friends!"

Another voice caught their attention. It was Ruby and Lucy, along with them the same small figure as he quickly came over to his supposed brotha, stopping the tension from escalating.

"They are children's, Kahkar", He said to him, "Children's".

"Okay, I am confused here", Dororo said.

"Relax guys", Ruby told them, "They harmless".

"Yeah, believe us", Lucy said, "Their spears aren't really that lethal, anyway".

"Wait, Ruby and Lucy?" Reg asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

"I got lost, Lucy found me and all of a sudden, we met these guys", Ruby explained.

"Sorry about my brother, you two", The small figure said to them, "He usually attacks first, asks later. By the way, my name is Oudom".

"Oudom?" Reg responded back, seemingly calming down, along with Dororo as she lowered her weapon.

"Yes, Oudom", He introduced himself through telepathy, "My brother's name is Kahkar, and we are the Mrenh Kongveal!"

"We just simply called them, Kongveal for short", Lucy said.

"We prefer you guys calling us Mrenh, but that's fine I guess".

"So what are you guys? Little people?" Dororo asked.

"Well, guess you can call us that", Oudom explained, "We are elves that spread luck to children like you".

"Yeah, by luck that means poking me with your spears".

"Uhhh yea, let's uhhh…let's just let that slide a bit, okay?", Oudom continued, "Anyways, we Kongveal are suffering through a crisis. Our homes were destroyed by an unknown force and we have been trying to rebuild or in this case, find a complete replica to build a foundation from".

"In this case, we are using a replica set as a base", Kahkar said.


"A crisis, huh?" Dororo remarked.

"So you guys don't live here?" Reg asked them.

"What? Of course not", Oudom said, "We just picked this random place for a temporary resident until we rebuild our home. Right now, we are just slowly rebuilding ourselves".

"Yea, and we didn't expect children like you to find us".

"See guys", Ruby told them, "They are not harmful. They are just a bunch of elf people just chilling out here".

"I see", Dororo then asked "Eh pretty neat I guess, you don't mind we are minding our business, right?"

"I guess so", Oudom said, "We were going to show you guys our resident, but eh. I see no reason forcing you guys into our affair. See ya".

"Wait Dororo", Ruby asked her, "You really just want to leave?"

"Uhhh yeah, me and Reg have our own thing to do so…"

"But don't you guys want to check the residents out like us?" Ruby asked, "A bunch of mysterious small residents that we aren't aware of".

"Eh, as much as I want to, I feel it may lead us into some trouble", Dororo said, "Even if there's a likely chance these guys are just a creation of Mxy".

"Mxy-what?" Oudom asked, confused by what she mentioned.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind checking them out", Reg said to Dororo, much to her surprise.

"Reg, are you serious?"

"What? I'm just curious, that's all. They seem pretty friendly".



"Okay, usually I'm trying to stay out of these kinds of things", Dororo confesses, "You know, not get involved in some totally weird stuff like this, but then again considering what type of predicament I'm in".


The Mrenh Kongveal led the four kids to their residence.

After a while, they finally reach it. An open space revealing the huge residents of the Mrengh Kongveal.

All of which have been working on constructing structures out of broken pieces of wood and other material, based off the Death Star 1978 Kenner set, which remain in pristine condition.

Some were working, some were playing music with drums and flute and others were dancing.

Ruby, Dororo and Reg were a bit at awe by this, while Lucy….still has a blank expression.

"Welcome to our resident", Oudom introduced, "As you can see, we are constructing our new home's, based off this set we find in some one room".

"That's kinda neat", Ruby remarked.

"Looks like you guys stole that set from that obsessed, Star Wars geek", Lucy pointed out.

"Actually, we borrowed it", Oudom said, "Also, what's an obsessed, Star Wars geek?"

"Just some guy who's too into a scifi movie".

"Oh….okay then", Oudom replied, still having no idea what that mean, "Anyways, once we finished rebuilding our town, we can finally celebrate".

"That's good to know", Ruby said.

"And then plan out revenge tactic".

"...uhhhh, wha?"

"Yeah, we are still not over with it", Khakar said, "We figure since we don't have much else to do, we might as well get payback".

"We don't know who, but we'll make a best guess", Oudom added.

"Oh….right", Ruby said, "Anyways, how long have you guys been doing this?"

"We .…..we've been doing this since we first arrived here", Oudom replied, "So far, we've only made like four houses. We just need like a couple of more and we're done, which may take us…..I don't know, a week".

"Well this is something", Dororo whispered to Reg, to which he nodded, "Never thought we be meeting a bunch of small people, but here we are".

"You say it. I was thinking what more weird things we may find in here", Reg said, "But it probably won't matter, since our challenge is near done".

Suddenly, the presents of the Kongveal and their mention of bringing luck to children, gives Dororo a bit of an idea.

"Hey Reg, this just gives me an idea", Dororo said to a confuse Reg, as she speak up to the Kongveal, "Hey, you guys say you can bring luck or whatever, right?"

"Why yes", Oudom replied, "We can do anything. Luck and fortune are limite-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever listen", Dororo says to him, "Listen, us kids are in the middle of a challenge. A pretty tiresome challenge if you ask me. I was wondering if you could like….oh, I don't know, make the entire attic clean?"

"You want us to do that?"

"Yep", Dororo said, "And in return, we help you built your town".

"Hmmmm, well we do need some human hands, so….sure!"

Lisa working has taken a huge toll on herself, feeling tired and dreary from the constant cleaning she and the others have forced to be put into.

She even feels….a bit sick.

She stopped on her track, pressing her back in and sighing to herself, "Okay…finished cleaning these plates Man, I think my head is working weirdly lately"

Before she could finish, she suddenly noticed Salome swallowing Waddles almost whole.

Noticing it and being completely baffled, she ran up to it and pulled Waddles legs out from Salome mouth, "Hey! Spit it out! Spit him out!"

Salome succumbs to her demand, as he spits Waddles out, which causes Waddles to land on her.

"Lisa", Octavia came to her, taking notice of Lisa's awful condition.

"Heeeey Octavia? How are you doing with helping Gimpy out?"

"Gimpy….won't stop talking about his whole Star Wars theory he's going about", Octavia replied, "I'm beginning to think this whole helping out thing isn't doing it for me".

"Oh….that's", Lisa cough, "That's unfortunate to hear".

"Lisa, are you alright?"

"I'm fiiiiiine. Just a small cold I receive, suddenly", She replied, as she coughed more harshly than before, which made Octavia even more concerned for her well being.

"Oh my god, you have no idea how painful it is to go through with this", Zulius said to them, confronting them and complaining, "My nails are yellow! Yellow! Using a toothbrush to clean it isn't helpful at all! Also sorry to ask, but are you okay? You seem…awfully sick".

"Sick? Who's sick?" Lisa asked, coughing again, "I'm perfectly clear in the head".

"Lisa! Lisa!" Nikki ran up to him, along with Mabel, "All our problems are solved!"

"What are you holding?" Lisa asked her, referring to a box Nikki is holding, which has a crude drawing that reads 'soap bomb'.

"A secret method that will help us through this challenge", Nikki said, "I made it myself".

"Yep", Mabel added, "This is going to solve all our problems, Lisa".

"How? Exactly?" Octavia asked, "Have you guys tested it out yet?"

Before they could answer that, suddenly crashing through the boxes came Hellboy, as he tried to tackle the snake eating cow while being swung in the air, while wrapped around by the horns.

All the while Vicky still clenched onto the cow back.

Everyone stopped from what they were doing, as the cow raged, literally slamming into several items and boxes and stomping it hooves on the floor, causing it several cracks.

Even King Archer enters the scene, completely stunned by what's going on, "What the hell is going on here?!"

"I don't know", Lisa replied, "Whatever is going on, it creates a mess".

"Yeah, isn't that obvious?"

Suddenly, Vicky tosses off the back of a cow and into some boxes, "I'm okay!"

"We gotta find a way to stop it", Octavia said.

"Do not fear, guys!" Po stepped in, "I got this!"

Po tried to run up to the cow, only to be slammed back and into the boxes, "Ow…I think I broke a rib".

"Hold on! I think I know how to stop it", Nikki said, having got an idea. And idea involve the obvious.


"Okay, so I know that was pretty much quick thinking on my part to do", Nikki confesses, "Especially if you know me. But the thing is, desperate times require desperate measures. And I wasn't going to end the challenge with that. Even if…not gonna lie, it would be pretty funny".


Without hesitation, Nikki proceeded to throw the soap box at the creature, causing it to explode.

An explosion that splatter tons and tons of snake guts and blood, along with soap.

Now the attic itself was even more in a messy state.

And as for Hellboy, he was laying on the floor in the center, covered in pink, "Ow".

"Hellboy! Are you alright?" Vicky asked, worryingly as he came up to him.

"I think I need a smoke", Hellboy utter.

"Welp, problem solved", Nikki said, "I think…I don't know, what do you guys think of this?"

"Well, this was a disaster. I didn't think you two would screw this up" King Archer said, which baffle Octavia.

"What?!" Octavia responded, with Lisa being a bit too queasy to respond.

"Hey, don't look at me. I wasn't the one that had something to do with this".

"Guys, I'm feeling a bit sick here", Lisa said, almost gagging.

"Screw off!" Octavia retorted back, "You can't just blame us for this trouble! You haven't done anything useful".

"Yeah, but I didn't cause all this, isn't that right third in command?" King Archer asked Lisa.

Without even a proper response, Lisa threw up and collapsed to the ground, stunning everyone.

"Huh, that just happened".

"Lisa!" Octavia came to her aid, "Lisa! Are you okay? Answer me?!"

"You guys think this challenge is a bit boring?" King Archer asked his teammates, "Because I've fallen to sleep like six times in a row under four hours. That got to be…something".

"Uhhh guys, I don't know if anyone noticed, but-", Mabel pointed something in the sky. Or in this case, a ceiling.

Miniature planes are flying above the ceiling in a row, flown by the Kongveal, releasing what appears to be mysterious dust.

"What the hell is going on?" King Archer asked, as he was confuse as everyone else.

"Honestly, I'm as confuse as you are", Zulius said to him.

"Hey you idiot", Idree said, having finished cleaning up the cans and ready to confront him, "I finished cleaning your stuff. I hope you don't try to-wah-what is that?"

The dust finally landed. And while everyone manage to shield themselves, Idree did not. Causing the dust to land on his eye, "AAAAHHHH! MY EYE!"


"Okay….I have like….lots of question", King Archer confess, "Lots of it relates to those miniature airplanes that somehow made the entire room clean under a second".


Seconds later, Mxy and Don pop into existence within the attic and examine the room.

During all this, Dororo, Reg, Ruby and Lucy quickly rejoined with the group as Dororo took the time to breath in and out.

Mabel took notice of their absence and was a bit surprised, "Guys, where have you been? Something strange had just happened".

"Yeah, it's a long story", Dororo told her, "We'll try to explain this to you guys later".

"Wow, I'm impressed" Don remarked, "You guys managed to clean this entire room. Don't know you guys did it, but….neat".

"Yeah, it totally all because of me and Reg", Dororo claimed.

"What?" Reg responded.

"You know, I'm too confused and tired to even argue against that", King Archer said, "Or even question it for that matter".

"Honestly, I just want this to be over", Hellboy said, taking a smoke.

"Oh well", Mxy said, "What matters now is you guys have finally won today challenge! Be proud of yourself!"

Mabel and Nikki were the only ones that cheered for this day's victory, while everyone else ( Well, most of them ) groan.

"And for your reward, it's….uhhh", Mxy tried to come up of a reward, so he randomly spring out a serpent like statue.

A statue resembling a Khmer ancient dragon, that has no wings or limbs, but does have a horn.

"Tada! This thing!"

"That?" Octavia asked, while carrying a sick Lisa, "We went through all that just for that?!"

"Ummm yes!" Mxy then tosses it to Dororo, "Here! You earn it, so….there. As for the rest of you! Enjoy the rest of the day! Oh, and the attic is all yours, I guess".

After Mxy and Don disappear, it leaves the bottom hatch of the door open and the cast to be left alone.

"Welp, glad that's over", John Recorn said, "I'm…..going to go back into my room to….practice my healing".

"I'm going to practice my dance routine", Ceviche said, "And…likely clean myself afterwards".

"Well I'm going to take a looooong shower", Zulius responded, "Staying here was my personal hell, if I'm being real with ya".

"I'm going to take Lisa back to her room", Octavia said, "After what happen today, I needed some rest. Far away from douchebags like him".

"Good idea!" King Archer replied, "I need a rest too to give my mind off from your comment. After all, King need's it nap that is….fourth in a row or something, I don't know I lost count".

As everyone began to leave the attic, Mabel and some of the other kids were left behind for their own interest.

"You guys go right ahead!" Mabel said, then turning her attention to her Wonder Terror team, with the exception of Ruby and Lucy, "Can you believe it guys? We have the entire attic for our own!"

"I know!" Nikki said, "This is super great! It like our own personal base or kingdom".

"I freaking no!" Mabel said to Nikki, as the both of them shout, "VICTORY FOR WONDER TERROR!"

Ruby, first time hearing this, asked, "Wonder Terror?"

"It's our alliance name", Dororo replied, "Something Mabel came up to make it official".

"Ooooh you guys are forming your own alliance?"

"Pretty much".

"That's cool", "Ruby then mentioned, "By the way, I guess I should introduce you guys to our new friends".

"Wait, new friends?" Nikki turned her attention to her, same with Mabel.

"You guys made new friends? Wait! Is it him?" Mabel asked.

"Uhhh actually, it more than just…well, 'him'" Ruby mention, as Oudom poke out from her hair to greet them with a wave, "Hello!"

Mabel, Nikki, and Waddle stood there as stunned, as Mabel was the first to respond, "WHAT THE-!"

END! Because I'm too tired to think of a way to end this.

Anyways, it finally finished. This chapter did not need to take a whole a** time to make it, but it is finally done.

So recap. Mrenh Kongveal is introduced. They are essentially Cambodian elves or equivalent to them, that can only be seen by children's just…..because. Well, there is the whole being seen by those who are pure, but yea. There's that info.

Anyways, what we have here is some good starting points or at least, arc's that are in their beginning and are kicking off.

I know I haven't showcase a lot, but there's always improvement for later chapters.

Idree is having a hard time adapting and not making good socializing with anyone. Lisa tries to be a good leader by taking up the mantle, with the result being…moving on, Mabel forms the official Wonder Terror team! And…yea, that's pretty much it.

Oh, and there's Hanco*ck new companion there.

Overall, not the best chapter I made here, but like I mention, room for improvement.

Anyways, give a review or follow. I'm heading out. Oh, and preview for the next chapter, it all about GAME NIGHT! Contestant will be participating in a game board night for tonight so expect some fun interaction this time around to come out of this.

So yea, I'm heading out. See ya.

Chapter 5: Game Slob

Chapter Text

It has been two days since the attic challenge began and the lair of the Wonder Terror has been officially set up.

Boxes are moved to the side to form some kind of barricade. There is a lot more decoration to make the lair look more lively and comfortable, such as Christmas lights were used, beanie bags were used as chairs, some of the antique items were used like vintage statues or action figures that served as display pieces.

Present there is Nikki, second in command of the Wonder Terror alliance, along with Dororo, Reg, Waddles and the newest member added to their addition, Ruby Gloom and Lucy.

And then there is Mabel, standing next to a white board, "Alright guys, welcome to the official lair of the Wonder Terror! Where here we hang out, strategize, and also hang out".

"For real, captain…or president…..honestly, I forgot what to call you", Nikki said.

"That's alright. You guys can call me anything you want".

"Sweet!" Nikki said, then proceeded to pull in a container with some mysterious liquid inside, "By the way, I'm keeping this. I don't know what it is or how long it's been in here, but I like the taste it has. It Tastes like chocolate".

"That doesn't seem safe to drink", Reg remarked.

Nikki began to chug it down her throat, only to gasp it out, "See! Perfectly safe!"

"Ummm right".

"We should also welcome our newest members", Mabel continued, "First off are the Kongveal's!"

She gesture, showing a bunch of small elves cheering in the background with their entire houses and buildings hung up in the air by support pillars and other wooden structure, one of them being their chief of the village, Oudom.

"Kinda surprise you guys are still sticking around here", Dororo remarked.

"We change our mind", Oudom said, "Now we officially love it here. Including its many wonders! Inside this…attic"

Oudom pointed, showing three Kongveal approaching a rat that somehow got onto one of their platforms.

"Aww look at this cutie thing", One of the kongveal said to it, "Wanna pat on the face?"

The rat proceeds to bite on its head, then rattling it as the Kongveal screams in pain.

"Uhhh….." Oudom replied, stunned by that sight, "Ignore that".

"Next up for our newest member is Ruby Gloom!" Mabel continued, "Along with Lucy Loud and her little skull friend".

Mabel then quickly come up to Ruby and Lucy, whispering, "Okay, you guys sure you want to be called by your regular name? Like, got any cool nickname or title?"

"Ummm no thanks, I'm cool", Ruby replied.

"I'm trying to think of one",Lucy replied, "So not at the moment".

"Okay then", Mabel said, as she returned back to the board, resuming back to what she was talking about, "Alright guys! Give your applause to them! To our newest members!"

Reg and Nikki clapped for them, as Nikki seemed pretty on board with them being in this group.

"Nice to have you two on board", Nikki told them, "Just to let you two know, I'm the creative specialist of the group. So if you need something, just call me?"

Nikki handed them a rock, which has a sticky note attack on it, which is a doodle of her face and her name.

"I don't have a phone so just throw this rock anywhere to get my attention".

"Right. Well, me and Lucy weren't thinking of joining the alliance in the first place", Ruby said, "But I guess it's pretty nice to joining what I'm presuming is some kind of kid's club".

"It's more than a kids club", Mabel replied, "It's…uhhhh, our own official team…organization, meant to give us each an advantage in the game here!"

"That's right", Nikki said.

"You know, I'm noticing a lack of anyone getting into this besides these two", Lucy remarked, referring to how Mabel and Nikki seem on board with this.

"Okay guys! With introduction out of the way we can finally begin", Mabel said, pulling out a marker and doodling something on the board, "Now as you know, elimination here is scarce, but that doesn't mean it can still happen So we need to be ready for anything".

After finishing doodling something on the board, she presents it.

It shows what appear to be columns with doodles of each of the members on them.

"Tada! I devised this!" Mabel continued, "We each take turns coming up with some neat ideas and put them to use".

"So essentially, we just brainstormed ideas then", Ruby said.

"Exactly. We also see if we approve or don't approve some of these ideas, which if I'm being real, I think any idea is possible! No matter how unethical and unrealistic it may be".

"Depending if it's practical".

"Uhh yea, depends if it's practical. That too we should be concerned about", "Mabel said, then taking notice of one of her doodles, "Oh gosh darn it, I made a smear on my doodle".

Mabel proceeds to use a cloth to wipe it, only to create a much bigger smear, as it still remains permanent, "Uh oh, I think I use the permanent marker for this".


"Leading a ragtag of team is going to be awesome", Mabel confessed, "Making sure our team remain in tact is tricky. Especially since we don't know when it elimination time or not. But do not fear! I'll try to devise some way to keep my friends in…..some how…too distracted of me thinking of new sweater design idea to make for our official group".


Idree came up to the attic, as he turn and took notice of the group, "Cr*p, what the hell are they doing here. This isn't good. Gotta try to ignore them".

Mabel and the others quickly notice Idree as he makes his way to the small fridge.

"Just ignore me", Idree said to himself, quietly as open the fridge, "Just ignore me, ignore me, ignore, ignore me".

"Oh, hey Idree", Ruby greets him, "What's up?"

"Ignore m-! Damn it!" Idree said, holding a beer bottle after he slammed the fridge door shut.

"Seems to me this guy is still in a spiteful mood", Lucy remarked, "Not surprising".

"Just ignore me!" Idree responded, "I am simply here to get something for…for me. Just me and that's it. I'll be leaving now".

"Hey Idree, you doing okay?" Ruby asked him.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone", Idree said,as leave the attic.

"Huh….guy is still a bit cranky", Ruby remarked.

"That's what I was saying", Lucy said, "Guy has a lot of issues".

"Yeah", Ruby said, "Still, am I the only one that feels a tiny bit bad for him?"

Lucy: "Kinda".

Dororo: "Probably".

Nikki: "I have no idea!"

Mabel: "Yes….wait, no…hold up, what are we talking about here?"


"So I really don't know much about him", Ruby confesses, "He does seem to not get along with everyone and doesn't seem to like no one. To me, I feel like he needs some sort of help or someone to be his friend".


"I cannot socialize with kids", Idree said, "Don't remember if I said this before, but just to repeat. I do not try to socialize with kids, nor do I like them. At home, I can easily bother them, beat them, or get them arrested if they dare speak up against me. I'm not afraid to throw hands, by the way. And no, that doesn't count as me being unable to socialize. I just prefer to socialize with people around my age or someone I can tolerate. Speaking of…"


In the main living room, King Archer sat on his couch, eating chips and watching TV.

Idree came by, giving him the beer as he requested, "Here. Find you this beer for ya".

"It's about time", King Archer said, grabbing it and opening the cap off, "I almost thought you weren't going to do a favor for me, but…thanks, anyways".

"Hey, at least I prefer you being the leader than the girl's", Idree told him, "Still doesn't mean I tolerate your behavior".

"Whatever",King Archer said, as he took a sip and spit it out, "What the?! This beer is expire! Idree you idiot! You didn't check the expiration date for this?"

"What?! How can I tell! There was no label on it to indicate it".

"Of course there's no label! Which implies this beer has been in the attic for a long time, you moron!" King Archer said, "Actually now that I think about it, it shouldn't be possible for this beer to expire, since….you know, this house was made literally by the Imp recently sooooo…yea, I can't really fault you with that one".

Idree moan, "Whatever. I'm going back to my room".

"Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Hold it!" King Archer said, "I need you to go get me some chips from the cabinets".

"Oh come on!"

"Do it, okay", King Archer said, "Right now, I'm a bit tired to get up. I tried taking a bit of Vitamin D's but those don't seem to work. I'm not really sure if I brought along the right subscription. Or perhaps it was an entirely different pills or whatever. I don't know".

"Ugh, you are a lazy American".

"And you, the guy who's standing here without a bullet between his legs, now just go get me some chips".


"Reminder, I'm the man of the house", King Archer said, waving his gun around.

"Grrr, fine", Idree told him, "But I'm only doing this because-"

"Yea, yea, yea, your not a fan of Lisa or that Owl Demon, now shut up and go get me some chips".


"I know, it seems pretty condirecting of me having to allow that douche forcing me to be his waitress", Idree confesses, "But here's the thing. I would rather follow someone that is a man that isn't a woman. In this case, it's Lisa and that Owl demon. They are not going to expect me to help or be supportive of their decision. Also, that doesn't mean I would join that Red Skull guy or anyone else for that matter. And third, it all part of my…..umm, I guess strategy. Yes, I thought up my own strategy. If I stay near the leader enough, he may likely consider me his…..favorite. What? Don't judge me. I know it's not perfect, but what else am I supposed to do here?"


"Okay, so since leisure time is over", King Archer said, "I gotta think of a strategy that could keep in the game. Elimination can happen any time, so I gotta carefully play my game here. Emphasis on try because I haven't thought of one just yet".


In the second living room ( The one on the right ), Lisa and Octavia are once again, doing strategy talking.

Lisa was still recovering from her illness, which didn't prevent her from continuing her day as normal.

"Gosh, my head is spinning a little", Lisa said, "I should probably take another break. No, no, you got this. I'm already fully recovered and ready to go".

"Are you sure about that?" Octavia asked her, "We could do this later".

"No, it's fine. I'm totally fine", Lisa assures her, casually, "I'm just…going through a soft fatigue, that's all. Just drowsiness".

"Alright then".

"Okay, so last time wasn't good", Lisa said, "It was…not so good".

"Uhh yeah, I can see that".

"We need to do something different", Lisa said, "Something that could…..rally up our support stasis".

"Wait, you mean we still need to gain the trust from our contestants?"

"Yes", Lisa replied, "So far, helping them out didn't turn out great. Same with just going along with the challenge and telling everyone what to do".

"Once again, I can't really say I blame them", Octavia said, "Not that I'm trying to imply your being bat at it, I'm just saying".

"Hmmm…." Lisa thought about it, thinking it over and walking from back to fourth to come up of a solution. She could relied on her notes and book, but so far she needs to use her mind for this occasion, "Wait! I got it".

"What is it?"

"What if we… show off our intelligent", Lisa told her, "That way, they can see how amazing we are and actually put a lot of trust on us".

"I don't know if that could work".

"Well….I mean, it might work".

Octavia is a bit doubtful of her idea, which Lisa seems to take notice of and seems worried about it, also.

"Look, I know it's been two days since we've been here, but a little testing it out won't hurt anyone, right?" Lisa asked her.

"I guess so. I can't really think of much right now, so….I'll go along with it".

"Great! Thanks Octavia. I really appreciate your support".

"Don't worry about it. I'm always on your side".


"After what happened last challenge, I feel sort of bad for her", Octavia confesses, "Granted, I'm still not one hundred percent on board with her idea's, but I gotta support her. She's a good friend and I know she's trying her best here".


Later that night, a challenge announcement has been called and everyone is present at the main living room ( With Blitzwing still being outside ).

"Glad everyone can make it!" Don said, "I hope everyone is prepared for tonight's challenge! Also, Lisa?"

"Don't worry about my illness", Lisa replied, "I'm feeling a lot better, lately".

"That sickness of her should've remained permanent", Idree utter, crossed arm, which caught Ceviche attention.

"What?" Ceviche asked.


"Good to know!" Mxy said "We have something special in mind!"

"If it's another chore related challenge then I cannot! Sorry!" Zulius said, "I would rather sit this out, even if it is elimination night…no seriously, I'm sitting this out".

And he meant it seriously, as he chained his leg down to the ground, much to the other contestant's surprise.

"You aren't going to make me move, Imp!" Zulius states.

"Yeah well, today's challenge setting is in the living room, soooo…."

"Darn it!"

"Uhhh yeah", Don said, "Well, we are aware that the last challenge was not fun. At all….which I deeply apologize".

"Yea, good job making our second challenge LAME! DON!" Mxy shouted at him, then resumed the conversation, "Anyways, we came up with a brilliant fun challenge for you guys!"

"It's simple and not life endangering", Don states, "We guarantee that".

"That's an odd way of saying it's triple dangerous", Hellboy sarcastically said.

"Oh lighten up, you lousy idiots!" Mxy said, pointing at him, "I'm trying to do something nice here!"

"Easy Mxy", Don told him, "But yeah, we promise this isn't going to involve tons of pain this time".

"Then spill it out, already", Po said, "The wait is killing me".

"Fine!" Mxy said, "Today's challenge is GAME NIGHT!"

Mxy proceeded to pull out an air horn and honked it, creating a huge loud noise which almost destroyed everyone's ear drum.

"OW! Damn it!" King Archer said, "Good job at almost breaking my ears!"

"Yeah, today's challenge is game night", Don said, "We have some fun activities for you guys to do".

"Indeed! We got board games! Tons of them!...Which we may likely skim them over through a set of montage, but we got all of them!"

"That is correct".

This seems to brighten the mood of some of the contestant, as it seems to be a harmless game of fun…..hopefully.

"That…actually doesn't sound too bad", Lisa remarked.

"Yeah, it's not something that would totally kill us", Tomie commented.

"Board game", Red Skull remarked, seemingly uncaring, "Eh, I suppose it could be worse".

"Sweet! Board games!" Po said, "Not as challenging as I thought, but it should be fun".

"So here's how the challenge work", Don said, "Each of you must be paired up with another contestant to form a tag team. There can only be two people in this team".

"With the exception of Archer, since he's the man of the house", Mxy states, "And he can choose any number of members".

Everyone groans and complains, much to Archer annoyance, "Oh suck it up, guys. I earn it".

"Keep saying you earn it or else I'll come after you!", Octavia told him.

"Phrasing owl girl. Phrasing".

"Excuse me?" Hanco*ck raises her hand, as Stone Luffy is sitting next to her, "Would it be appropriate if I picked my new husband-I mean, friend to be my partner?"

"Hold on, seriously?" Po asked her.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" Hanco*ck asked him.

"I mean…no offense lady, but I'm pretty sure the two host meant like actual people to partner up".

Both Don and Mxy stare at each other, awkwardly and weirded out, but eventually Don responds, "Ummm sure, I guess we'll allow it".

"I'm totally cool with it", Mxy said, "Makes it more funnier this way".

"Ha! See! Men respecting my rights to choose whom I like to partner with, panda!" Hanco*ck said.

"Jeez, I mean I was trying to imply I'm against it or anything".

"Just be quite", Hellboy told him.



"As a warlord, I can select anyone as my partner", Hanco*ck confessed, "Without judgment, mind you".


"Each contestant will be tagining their member any time they want", Don explained.

"That's right".

"Exactly", Don continued, "Each board game is different. So hope some of you are smart enough or skillful enough to do this. It's tricky, but fun".

"Unpredictable as well! Whoever makes it through these rounds successfully will get", Mxy said, as a pop tarts pop in thin air, "A stash of cinnamon pop tarts".

Po, Mabel, and Nikki began to drool by the sight of it, at awe by the rewards. The others were a bit indifferent about it.

Some were not very impressed by it.

"Guys, I think we are thinking the same mindset here", Po remarked.

"Wow…spectacular", Octavia said, sarcastically, "What's the bonus? A half eaten burger?"

"What happens if we lose?" Tomie asked the host.

"What? Do you want some kind of punishment?" Mxy asked, causing the pop tart to disappear, much to the two girls and Panda disappointment, "You get nothing! You lose!"

"Anyways, we'll be explaining each of the board game rules later on", Don said, "For now, everyone! Find a partner!"


"So good news", King Archer confessed, "I got a pretty good advantage here. Right now, I gotta be careful at picking out my assortment of team's here. I can't screw this up. I can't select two of my second and third commands because it seems to me, they've already full. So I got to try to search for a few people in this room to join me".


"This is perfect", Lisa confesses, "Now me and Octavia can try to go through our strategic idea. Play it smart and gain the trust from everyone…I hope it works".


"Okay you three, listen up", King Archer has already selected three members to joined his tag group. Ceviche, Zulius, and John Redcorn, "You three will be my tag partner throughout this challenge. So I want every one of you to be good at this. Otherwise, I may take your guys stuff if we lose. Well, one of you guys, anyway's".

"Threatening your teammate with stealing their items doesn't seem wise", John said.

"I wasn't threatening. I'm…..encouraging you guys to do better", King Archer clarified, "There's a stalk difference".

"Pfff whatever", Zulius said, "Just to let you guys know, I'm prone to making some mistakes. And also, if there's a question relating to fashion I'll be the one to answer it. I'm an expert on those things".

"I have lots of skills", Ceviche states, "Some that may surprise you guys".

"Oh really?"

"I'm totally being serious here".

"Okay then, good to hear", King Archer said, "I do need very skillful people in my team. I don't care what kind of skill, as long as it is useful and noteworthy".

"Noteworthy is truly another term for how fabulous I am".

"Ooooh nice", Zulius remarked.

"Good. I'm sure we can get through this", King Archer said, " Also, I need one of you to go grab me some snacks and drinks from the fridge. Ceviche, I'm appointing you to do it".

"Uhhh why me?"

"Umm did I hear that correctly. I heard you have lots of skills. And I'm betting this is one of them so get going".

"Aww dang".

"Should've been more specific in your skill set, kiddo".

"Huh, you know now that he mentioned it", Don brings this up to Mxy, "Wouldn't it be nice if we bring some food for the occasion?"

Mxy snapped his finger, which sprung a display of dishes that consist of lobsters ,steaks, cheese and grapes, "Got you cover".

"I was thinking of regular snacks, but this is fine".

Octavia took notice of King Archer choices, remarking and informing this to Lisa, "Looks like our dumba**, man of the house picked his own guys rather than us. Not surprised by that".

"Eh, me neither", Lisa replied, "But that's not gonna stop us from making it through this, right friend?"

Octavia nodded, "Yeah".

Contestants continue to pick and choose who to be their partner's.

"Sooooo Nikki", Mabel asked her, "Want to be my partner".

Nikki gasps, "I thought you never ask! Heck ya!".

Reg stares at Dororo, then Dororo stares back at him, nonchalantly.

"You know where this is going?" Dororo asked, to which Reg nodded, making these two as the official team, again.

Idree was having a bit of trouble finding someone to be his partner, if he didn't care much about the challenge itself like anyone else.

Vicky seems to have no problem selecting someone, looking up at Hellboy.

"Do you want to be my partner?" Vicky asked Hellboy, to which he casually replied back to him.

"Sure, why not. I mean, you and I have been hanging out a lot".

"Yeah, silly question I know".

Po seems to have a bit of difficulty, but not on the same level as Idree.

"Man, this is going to be hard", Po said to himself, "I gotta pick someone to be my partner, but I wonder who? Think Po! Who would be the one?"

Furrball sat next to him, taking note of this and realizing the predictable outcome as he sighs to himself.

He slapped Po belly to get his attention, which he eventually did, "Oh, hey there little guy. Sorry if this come off a bit rushed, but…..Want to be my partner?"

Furrball shrugged.

"Great!" Po proceeded to high five him, only to slap him down off the couch, "Oops, sorry".

Idree sighs to himself, finding it hopeless to find someone he could ally himself with.

Until Ruby took notice, "Hey Idree, you seem a bit lost. Do you need any help finding a partner?"

"Ummm no? I'm not having difficulty getting someone to be my partner", Idree told her off, "That is none of your concern!"

"You should probably do what he say", Lucy told Ruby, "We are already in a team together so no point in including him".

"If you needed a partner, Idree", Red Skull told him, "Then I'm offering your one, right now".

"No thanks! I've….", Idree said, "Already found myself in a team. It's King Archer".

"Good because I need you for something" King Archer approached him, "I need you to go help Ceviche get some snacks for me. Ceviche here, already failed with his first task".

He was referring to Ceviche on the floor, being crushed by the pile of snacks placed on the tray, which Archer specifically and intentionally did so, "Help".

As Idree groaned and did as he said, Red Skull was a bit disappointed, but not enough to anger him entirely.

Tomie took notice and chuckled to herself, "Wow, there goes your chance of making him your slave".

"Silence. It is no big deal", Red Skull said, "There's always another time".

"Still, you do need a partner".

Red Skull grumbles, then hears a loud bang coming from the window. It was Blitzwing ( In his crazy mode ) giving a wave to him, "Hiiiiiiii. Want to be my partner?"

Red Skull sighs to himself, "Not intelligent or sane, but he will do".

Tomie snicker to herself, "What a hopeless fool. Lost his chance to make him his personal slave or tool. How pathetic".

However, her own pleasure soon ended, when Gimpy came to her, "Hey uhhh…it looks like you and I are the only ones without a partner…Want to be my partner?"

"Uhh….yeah, sure", Tomie said, nonchalantly.


"Reminder, part of my strategy", Idree confessed.


"I am not surprised he's still following that idiotic fool around", Red Skull said, "Nonetheless, he'll eventually catch on with my proposal".


Each of the contestant's have finally partnered up with their tag member.

Mabel is paired up with Nikki.

King Archer is paired up with Ceviche, Zulius, John Redcorn, and Idree.

Reg is…well ,obviously paired up with Dororo.

Po is paired up with Furrball.

Lisa is paired up with Octavia.

Hellboy is paired up with Vicky.

Ruby is paired up with Lucy.

Hanco*ck is paired up with….Stone Luffy.

Red Skull is paired up with Blitzwing.

And Tomie is paired up with Gimpy.

"Okay, it seems to me everyone has been paired up!" Don said, "Now we can begin the challenge".

"Yep!" Mxy said, snapping his finger, as a board game appeared in thin air and landed on the table in the center.

Along with the game board is a giant spinner, three stacks of cards, and other pieces of items.

Some of the cast were at awe by the display.

"What's this board game about?" Reg asked, picking up one of the small specs, which Mxy proceed to slap it off from his robotic hand.

"It's called the Game of Life!" Don explained, "The rules of the game are this. You guys must go through several obstacles in order to earn a stable and successful lifestyle, by either selecting the College career or…..simply career".

Mxy added, "Yep,and you guys are going to be real careful when making certain decisions".

"Precisely", Don continued, "Each obstacle is quite risky. Some may improve and boost your lifestyle, while others may ruin it".

"Alright then, Game of Life", Po remarked, "Sounds kinda…ominous from the name alone, but I'm sure it's going to be fun".

"I don't know", Lucy said to him, "Game of Life would mean your life is going to suffer".

"Already suffering right now", Octavia utters.

"What was that?" Lisa asked her.


"Seriously, some of you guys have never heard of or played the Game of Life?" Archer asked everyone, "Wow, you guys are missing out".

"Oh we totally missed out", Idree sarcastically said, disgruntled, "It's not like some of us are from different countries and hellhole!"

"Anyways!" Mxy continued, "The spinner here will guide your path. You guys will use it to direct yourself to your next destination. If you reach a specific spot, be hopeful of something good!"

"Exactly", Don explained, "The winner who manages to have at least a somewhat successful life, win's!"

"And what happens if we don't?" Tomie asked.

"Uhhh you lose! Duh! Didn't I already mention that before!" Mxy said, realizing his outburst and trying to regain his composure, "Also, just to clarify this isn't the exact same Game of Life you guys are familiar with. Had to make some changes and tweaking to make it more compatible with this show. After all, we don't want to go through all the complex rules and such. That'll make this episode way too unnecessarily long!"

"So wait, we can't rely on strategy for this?" Lisa asked.

"Nope! Just luck! Well….except for when it comes to the action spaces, but yea, this is mainly just luck the game".

"Why? What's wrong with a game that lacks strategy?" King Archer asks her, tauntingly, "Your scare?"

"Uhhh no", Lisa replied, trying to hide her nervousness, "As a matter of fact, I find this to be more interestingly challenging".

"Ha! I hope so….no wait, I take it back. I hope not".


"So this is a challenge where I can't use much of my quip to impressed myself and the others", Lisa confesses, "Crud, this is going to be hard. But at the same time, I gotta remain confident. After all, this is just the game in this challenge".


"Okay, so this is the first time I'm playing something like this", Dororo confessed, "And once again, since I'm not from this world it became pretty tricky to understand this".


"Yeah….Now then, let's get started. Who wants to go first? Select college or career!"

Mxy disappears and reappears next to Dororo, "Kiddo! I noticed you're new to this game so you'll go first for experience sake!"

"Hmmm…..I don't know what college is", Dororo remarked, "I guess I'll go with a career".

"Yea, me too", Reg agrees.

"Good on ya!" Myx said, holding up the two cards to them, which shows simplistic designs of a camera and computer, "Select one from two of the cards here. You want to become a movie star or internet star!"

"Once again, I have no idea what those things are", Dororo told him.

"Just make an educational guess here!"


"Umm….I guess a movie star is fine", Reg said, "Even if I don't know what that is, it sounds interesting".

"Good for you two! Guess this will be a good learning experience for you guys!" Mxy said to them.

"Since when did this challenge become a learning tool for these kids?" Idree asked, sarcastically.

"I didn't say or mentioned it would be. Thought I would point that out, since these two will certainly get something out of this!"

"Not sure that sounds like a good or bad thing", Dororo remarked.

"Honestly you two, it sounds kinda a mixed bag, Lisa told them.


"I mean, ignoring the problematic nature of Hollywood and their business practices, if you guys play your cards right, you could live off a really successful lifestyle ... .not unless you tried to avoid scandals and drama".

"Exactly", King Archer said, drinking a cola bottle and eating chips, "Despite me….not….being supportive of her, showbiz is no joke".

"I see", Dororo replied, shrugging it off and telling Reg, "Welp, let's just see where this goes, right pal?"

"Umm right".

Mxy then moved toward Lisa and Octavia, "Let's move onto the next bunch. You guys want to go to College or-"

"I pick college", Lisa said.

"Great choice!" Mxy said, "You receive a thousand k! Spend it well".

"College? Lisa, Are you sure you made the right call?" Octavia asked her.

"Relax", Lisa assures her, "I know what I'm doing. Picking College is always the smart choice in this type of situation".

"Yeah, I know, but I get a bad feeling about this. Sometime tells me we in some sh*tty bad luck".

"Octavia please, I know your worry, but trust me on this one".

"Po and Furrball!" Mxy said, "What do you guys choose?"

"Career, I guess", Po said, "I have no idea what college is sooooo… choice".

"Neat!" Mxy said, pulling out the two cards to show them, "Pick a card! Pick carefully! A restaurant owner or a famous chef!"

"Awww man, this is even harder", Po said, being a bit nervous, "More harder than choosing a team".

"If it makes it easier for you", Mxy said to him, "Me and Don could make the choice for you".

"That, or you could simply quit", Red Skull told him, "Makes our day more easier".

"No, no, I got this", Po assures him, "I don't know what to choose here. On one hand, being an owner of the restaurant seems so cool. But on the other hand, being a famous chef. I don't know, there's like good benefits and some bad benefits with it. What do you think, little guy".

Furrball has no idea, simply shrugging and going along with everything.

"Ummm….okay ummm….I'll choose the restaurant owner", Po said, "Mainly because I get to like running my own food establishment over there. And that's what one of my Dad always wanted".

"Fitting", Mxy said, "Not really surprised by your choice, but okay then. Moving on! Archer!"

"To clarify, it is King Archer '', King Archer stated,which made Idree roll his eyes, "I like to refer to that title from here on out. Probably should've mention this earlier".

"Nobody gives a sh*t about your title", Octavia pointed out.

"Well I do".

"Yeah whatever", Mxy asked, "Would you rather select a career or college?"

"Duh, pretty obvious. I pick a career".

"Good! Select one of them", Mxy asked, holding up two cards, "Would you rather be a singer or a military general. Pick wisely".

"I don't know. Can we pick something else, besides these two?"

"Nope! It's our rule, pal. Pick one".

"Actually Mxy", Don reminded him, "We didn't really establish if they could pick one of the two you are offering them".

"Makes it more challenging, Don!"

"Damn it", King Archer then turned to his fellow teammate, "Okay, I need your guys' thoughts on this. Asap!"

"Well, I'm more leaning on the singing aspect", Ceviche said, "I can be a good singer".

"Me too!" Zulius said, agreeing with him, "It seems like a logical choice here".

"No! I rather select military general", Idree said, "Seems far more beneficial than being a musicians".

"Well I would like to pick as a singer as well", John Redcorn added, "I mean, I have my own band and I have my own album so it clicks".

"Really?" Ceviche asked.

"Yep. All of them are…..well, not appropriate for kids, though".

"Oh, I see".

"You guys are a bunch of idiots for picking something that wouldn't be successful in the long run", Idree said, "Archer, what do you think?"

"First off, it's King Archer!" King Archer states, "Second, I'm going with the singer route".


"Look, it seems like a good career path, okay?"

"Why would you pick that? Aren't you part of an organization or something that relates toward your speciality? How could you select something so dumb?"

"Listen Idree, there's a lot of things you can get out of a singing career. Number one, booze. Number two, ladies. Number three, a five star hotel to sleep at and a breakfast buffet complete with a pancake machine. And number four! All of the above, alright?!"

"Honestly, I'm more into the hotel thing than everything else", Zulius comment, "Can you imagine being able to live in there with a fabulous voice".


"Then what about that whole thing about showbiz not being tongue and cheeks".

"Idree, I don't wanna go into the full extent of Ted Nugent resume and his whole political s opinions. If there's a chance of drama, then we can try countering it, somehow.".

"This is seriously a terrible decision you made here", Idree pointed out to them, "That goes toward all of you".

"Listen Idree, there's other benefits that come with being a singer", John Redcorn said, "Like for example, this could lead to impressing some of your ex-girlfriends, one of which has the potential of moving into your place because of your talent and not the fact your just a freelance massager that gives free massages out of the assumption I'm a nice guy".

"That's sounds…oddly specific for you to give that example", Lisa pointed out.


"I'm going to guess all of you guys agree on being singers", Mxy said, "Moving on".

"Is it me or does John Redcorn has some issues?" Ceviche whispered to Zulius.

"Kid, your not the only one", Zulius said, "Something about him definitely has some personal issues".

"I can hear you two", John said, "And just to let you guys know, I do not have any personal problems that involve some kind of relationship issue".


"Just go through with this", Idree told himself, "Just go through with this. He's an idiot, but one I desperately need. I am totally going to regret doing this later, but it is necessary".


"I think I made the right call here", King Archer confessed, "I hope so…really hope this doesn't backfire on us".


"Okay….may have gotten a bit close to being personal about that", John Redcorn confessed, "Need to ask the Imp to cut that part out".


"Mabel and Nikki, what do you guys pick?" Mxy asked them, "College or career?"

"Totally career", Nikki said, crossing her arm and being confident, "I'm curious what the career is all about".

"Yep. Totally career", Mabel nodded.

"Okay then", Mxy said, "Want to be either a plumber or a mobster?"

"A mobster?" Don asked, put off by that option.

"Yea, it's one of these choices".

"That doesn't sound like a good career path".

"Hmmm….I don't know, both of them sound equally fun. what do you think, Mabel?" Nikki asked her, "I'm leaning a bit more on the mobster side".

"I'm totally thinking the same thing. Go with the mobster route".

"Got it! We go with mobsters".

"Excellent choice", Don said, "Let's uhhh ... .hope that isn't you two future career choices".

"Don't worry", Nikki states, "I already have another career goal I set my eye on. It's a secret".


"You girls are…totally something", Hellboy remarked.

"What even is a mobster?" Vicky asked, as his question was quickly ignored.


"Gotta give Nikki some credit", Mabel confesses, "She's really making some good choices here. If I was in that scenario, I would've gone with….actually yeah, I probably would've gone with the same option as her".


"Anyways! Hanco*ck and…..uhhh, your rock friend", Mxy then asked, "What do you guys think? Career…actually, just go with career. Seems to me you haven't been to college".

"Fine by me", Hanco*ck said, "Only if the options suit my interest".

"Oooooh it does. Would you pick being a painter or a scientist".

"Easy. I would be a painter, of course. I love art. Especially if it allows me to create my perfect image of my husband".

"Wow, a choice relating to your potential husband. How surprising", Mxy said, being a bit weirded out by her, "Moving on! Ruby and Lucy! What do you want to pick?"

"I'll go with my career", Lucy said, "Seems to me those have lots of interesting career choices".

"Yea, I'll have to go with her option", Ruby agreed.

"Okay then, would you guys rather be?" Mxy asked, holding up two cards, "A illegal surgeon or….an illegal drug trafficking".

"Wow, those…do not sound like good career choices", Ruby commented.

"Yeah I agree", Don said, "What kind of board game is this?"

"Don, I made it clear that this is custom made by me", Mxy told him, "I had a bit of fun with it. And besides, it's just harmless fun. There's no bad implication coming from this".

"Ummm, I guess".

"Anyways, select one of these!"

"Hmmm, this is kinda hard", Ruby said to Lucy, "I think I may need your help on this again, Lucy".

"I'll pick an illegal surgeon. Maybe it's just me, but it's kinda like looking inside of a dead body".

"Uhh right", Mxy said, "Good choices! Next!"


"I seem to notice that a lot of them chose the career path, rather than the college one", Lisa confessed, "Not that I'm complaining, but it's pretty interesting to note".


Everyone has selected the career path, as each chooses their career.

Tomie and Gimpy agree on toy making ( Well, mostly Gimpy ).

Red Skull and Blitzwing chose weapon dealers as their career choice.

Vicky and Hellboy picked fish salesmen.

"Alright then, everyone seems to have picked their career choice, with only one team picking college", Don said.

"Guess I made the right choice here", Lisa said, "Isn't that right, guys?"

"Eh, got no comment", Gimpy replied, "Lucky for you, I guess. I get to make some awesome action figures with my career choice".

"Kinda ironic you didn't pick the college path", Tomie told him.

"Hey, I'm not skipping a good opportunity when I see it".

"So since Lisa's team is the only one that picks college", Mxy said, "She gets to use the spinner to move her piece through her path! Reminder! There are three different types of spaces! One is the normal space where you are safe, the other is a stopping space where you have to choose which path to go to and the action space is…your choice…or something severe happens".

"Well, wish me luck guys", Lisa said, approaching the giant spinner which contains only ten spaces.

"The only luck I'm wishing for is her failure", Idree mutters to himself.

Ceviche is a bit bothered by Idree, as he confesses it and asks King Archer, "Uhhh you think it a good idea to have him be on our team?"

"Uhhh yeah", King Archer replied, "For comedic purposes".

Once she gave it a spin, it landed on the number three, as her peck moved three steps forward by the use of Mxy magic.

It landed on an Action Space.

Lisa picks a random card that is facing down and reads it, "Burn your professor class room down. Wait, WHAT?!"

"Wow! That just got real! Like, real quick!" Mxy said to her, as he looked at the card, "Now it looks like you have to pay up the school for property damage with..hmmm, five hundred k!"

"What? I don't have that amount of money", Lisa told him.

"Too bad!"

"Hey, hold on", Octavia steps in, being flabbergasted by this, "What did Lisa do to deserve this? It's unfair!"

"Listen kid, it's a game show. There's no explanation for anything of this. It's for fun", Mxy told them, "Plus, this is all about luck so you better hope it landed on something pleasant. Still, you gotta pay the school something, kiddo. Otherwise, they're going to kick you out, which means".

Mxy snapped his finger, with a mini jail box complete with bricks and a bar appeared next to them, "Jail time!"

"A bit extreme?" Don asked him.

"A bit extreme! Do I need to put up a sign that re-state my claim about this game being fun!"


"Great", Lisa confessed, "Already I made a little screw up. But it's fine. It's fine…I can fully recover from this".


"I'm beginning to think choosing a college career may be a big mistake", Octavia said.


"The only way to stick around and continue with your study, while paying property damage is by", Mxy said to her, "Ummm….paying a certain loan shark".

After he said that, he showed her a picture of Syke from Oliver and Company.

Lisa was nervous about this, to which Octavia tried to argue against it, "Lisa, no. Do not give in".

"I'm sorry, Octavia but we have to", Lisa told her, "It's our only way to stay in the game".

"You realized how messed up this situation is, right?"

"I know, but…it's either having a successful career or losing everything", Lisa told her, holding out the money card, "Alright, here's the money for the loan shark".

This made Octavia facepalm, but satisfied the Imp himself, "Good on ya, kid! You're still in the game! But be warned, you still gotta pay up the deadline".


"I know I'm better than this", Lisa confesses, "I'm aware of that. But I have no choice. I can't fail this, especially since it's me and Octavia on the line here".


"A bit of a tough choice to put on a kid, don't you think?" Hellboy asked the Imp, finding this to be in poor taste.

"Naaaaah! Reminder for a thousand times, it is a fun game for all ages, devil boy!" Mxy said, taking a bite off on a lobster, "Speaking of! Your turn to spin the wheel".

"Alright then", Hellboy casually replied, getting up and approaching the wheel, "I'm not hoping for any good to come out of this".

"Ooooh, I hope it is something pleasant", Vicky said, "Because the idea of a loan shark sounds scary".

"Why? You actually think shark people might eat ya if you don't pay them a certain amount?" King Archer asked.


This made King Archer silent for a bit, until he shrugged it off and continued drinking, "Alright then".

Hellboy spinned the wheel and it landed on the number three.

With three steps, it landed on the action space. Hellboy took a card out and read it, "Your ship sank during a storm, which left you in the middle of the ocean. Oh cr*p".

"Wow! Another drastic turn!" Mxy remarked, "That's like two in the row here!"

"Yeah, too drastic", Don added, "Gotta ask, what if someone makes it to the stop space?"

"Then they're out. Finished!" Mxy replied, "Can't continue the game".

"Yeah but that doesn't sound-"

"Look Don, this is my game and my rules here. So how about you stop talking", Mxy said, then proceed to shove dozens of cheese in Don mouth, causing him to choke and fall to the ground, "AND JUST ENJOY THE SHOW!"

"Well geez, this sounds awful", Vicky remarked to Hellboy, "I was hoping real hard we won't end up like this".

"Yeah, am I not surprised by it", Hellboy responded.

"Already, you four manage to screw up for the first minute of this game", King Archer said, chuckling to himself and eating chips, which got their attention.

"Shut up", Octavia told him off, "I notice you haven't even started yet".

"Yeah, but so far this is clearly a bad omen for what's the come", King Archer said, "Believe me, I can already see sh*t about to go down".

Octavia scowls at him, with Lisa and Hellboy trying to calm her down.

"Octavia, let's cool it down here", Lisa told her, "We still have a game to continue here".

"So what are we going to do?" Vicky asked both Hellboy and the hosts, "Clearly there's a way out of this, right?"

"Well you two are in the same space as the girls", Don pointed out.

"So here's this!" Mxy said, "You have two paths. You can either take the path of submitting to their fate as no one will save you or continue surviving with limited expire food and water supply!"

"None of them aren't very pleasant".

"It's called Game of Life for a reason".

"I say we keep surviving through! We can't submit now", Vicky replied.

"Good idea. We go with the second option".

"Good for ya!"


"I think we are doing pretty good in the game by the looks of it", Vicky confesses, "So far, it feels like I'm learning a bit from this game. Like the awful turmoil of going through a college career. Whatever that means".


"King Archer! You're next!"

"Alright, let's do this", King Archer said, stretching his hand, back, arm and legs, "Seems to me it's about time we do something about this".

"Your finally going to do something productive?" Idree asked him.

"Very doubtful about that", John Redcorn added.

"Ummm yea", King Archer said to them, "And by productive, I mean I need one of you to go over there and spin the wheel so I don't get blamed for this".

"Seriously?" Zulius asked him.

"How lazy can you be?!" Idree shouted at him.

"It's not me being lazy! It's all about strategy", King Archer states, "Honest to god strategy!"

"How is this all about strategy?" Idree asked him.

"Good question….shut up", King Archer said, taking another beer, "If you guys do what I told you, then there's a zero point fifty percent chance I may do you guys a favor. Or split the money if I win, I don't know".

"That sounds more like an offer", Ceviche told him.

"I know that", King Archer told him, "And since you were the last one talking, go over there and spinned the wheel".

"Fine", Ceviche said, getting up and approaching the spinner.

Idree can only mumble to himself from this, as Red Skull took notice and whispered to him, "Feeling frustrated again, perhaps?"

"Shut up", Idree told him, "Do not speak to me".

"Yes, I can see it. You try to tolerate it. I can't even count how many times I said that word, but yes. You tried to do just that, but unfortunately, it would appear it is not going too well by how you imagine it".

"It's only been a small couple of days. I can go through with this, without you, that Lisa girl, her owl abomination friend and pretty everyone else, mainly the girls in this room".

"Hmph, I can somewhat relate".

"Oh do you? Screw off", Idree said, "Getting really tired of telling you this".

Ceviche spinned the wheel which took him a hard time because of how huge and durable the wheel is, which landed on the number six.

This of course, dumbfounded Octavia. Lisa was baffled by this as well.

"What?" Lisa responded.

"Oh, you gotta be f*cking kidding me", Octavia reacted, "This got to be some kind of sick joke".

"I'm thinking the same thing, kid", Hellboy said.

Moving the cart to six spaces, it landed on the Action space.

Ceviche picked up a random card and read the following, "You are given a house of your choices".

"Congrats! You guys get to pick your own house!" Mxy said, displaying all types of cards, which contain varied houses.

Some were apartments, some were poor or fancy, some were mansions, and others were normal houses.

Miniature structures landed on the board from mid air, displaying tons of variety.

This made Zulius at awe by the display. And it not just him, same goes to the other team.

"There so many houses!" Mabel remarked at awe.

"Yeah, one of them look like my old home", Nikki pointed out, "No wait, I think that just a trash can".

"You can also own more than one house by the way", Mxy stated, "So get picking!"

"I pick the one with the pool!" Zulius shouted, being at awe by one of the houses as he shoved John Redcorn away and tried to grab it, only to fall to the floor due to his chain remaining attached to the floor, "Ow".

"This is total bullsh*t", Octavia mutters, which Hellboy nodded in agreement.

"Yep", Hellboy said, "Couldn't agree more".


"Okay, I know we were only starting", Octavia confessed, "But I can't get my mind off how easily the Archer team gets an advantage, while me and Lisa had to suffer through our first obstacle. I don't know what's up, but I get the feeling the Imp is behind this. He may say he's not, but I can tell there's bullsh*t under his f*cking mouth".


"Aww man, one of those mansions looks like my home", Po remarked, "Only…much bigger".

"Not a very impressive display I may add", Hanco*ck said.

"Guys, relax", King Archer said to his teammate, "Let's try to be practical about this".

"Practical?" Idree asked, put off by his statement.

"Yes", King Archer told him, "I'll pick the mansion and the high, fancy apartment from Miami".

"Got it!" Mxy then asked, "Anyone else? Idree! I see you are very tempted to select a personal favorite. Go on, pal. There's no harm in picking something you like".

Idree sighs and replies, picking up the card, "Fine. I'll go with the mansion. Obviously, but this time it's a different looking mansion. This looks a bit close to home, although it is hard to make out since the image is scuffed. The miniatures don't help, either".

"Yeah, these cards and miniature sets are old, like real old. Got them pretty cheaply".

"Wait, you actually bought these instead?" Don asked the Imp, "I thought you just created them out of thin air".

Lisa, even though she's trying to stay out from the affair of the other team, can't help but point out the flaw of their decision, "No offense, but is it a good idea to pick more than one house? Seems a bit excessive".

"Ummm it's my choice, girl!" Idree told him, "Leave me alone and don't try to question what I'm doing!"

"I wasn't really referring to you".

"Well, this is what happens when you get into the music career and you start making tons of bucks out of it", King Archer told her, "We can do pretty much whatever we want with it. Also, I changed my mind. I decided on one more house for me and it's the one with the pyramid shaped building".

"Great choices, guys!" Mxy said, "Really great choices! That'll be…nine thousand K!"

"What?! What for?!" King Archer asked.

"What? You think these houses are cheap? Each of these houses do cost differently, but they add up in a large amount".

"Oh this is just freaking great! Great job, Idree!" King Archer said, trying to place the blame on him, "You just made us poor! And even worse, we are likely going to have to pay all these mortgages….wait, do we have to pay the mortgages too?"

"Well you do own five houses then yea, pretty much".

"Damn it! Good job, Idree".

"Me?! Your the idiot who chose three houses, which adds up more!" Idree told him.

"Yea, but yours is a lot more expensive than mine".

"It wasn't even close!"

"But it still adds up".

"Well, I don't know why your placing the blame on me, when you should've just blamed it on that horse thing".

"Umm excuse you", Zulius told him back, "We need a pool, asap. I'm not going to live in a house without a pool and a hot tub".

King Archer agrees with him, "Zulius right. Since we are singers, we gotta go all out with this. Picking an extra mansion isn't helping".

"Oh I'm sorry", Idree replied back, sarcastically, "I'm just trying to go 'all out' with us being singers!"

Ruby was the only person in the room that seemed to feel a bit bad for Idree predicament, even relaying it to Lucy, "Yeah, Idree doesn't look like he's putting up a good relationship with these guys".

"I mean, isn't that obvious", Lucy replied, "I don't see him getting along with a centaur guy".

"I meant the literal man of the house", Ruby told her, "You think he just needs better friends or someone better to interact with? Someone that isn't a jerk".

"There's not really much options here in this house. Guy just has terrible social cues".

"Well, I figure he needs someone to help him out".

"Uh huh", Lucy said, as there was a small moment of blank silence, until she realized something that Ruby is implying, "Wait, you're thinking of directly helping Idree out, right?"

"Of course. I can't stand by and just see someone be considered the outcast of this group".

"That seems pretty noble of you to do, but at the same time I'm a little tempted to say, it's probably for the best to not talk to him. Like….ever".

"Everyone has to try, Lucy".


"Ruby is of good nature", Lucy confessed, "A bit too good, if I'm being honest here. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind her helping someone out here, but helping a guy who seems pretty awful toward everyone, including the girls doesn't evoke me as someone that needs help. If anything, he probably needs a few exorcists".


As Idree sat back down once the game continued, Ruby began with her helpful intention, "Heeey Idree…how are ya?"

Idree scowl and crossed arm, looking away from her.

"Look, I notice you seem to not be getting along with everyone pretty well", Ruby said, "Especially Archer and well…most of us girls".

"It's none of your business. Leave me alone and let me do my own thing", Idree told her back.

"I just wanna to know, since you do seem to have a bit of a hard time talking with everyone".

"I don't have a hard time, it's everyone giving me a hard time", Idree told her, "So why are you speaking to me, girl? Or do you have terrible, selfish intentions as well?"

"Okay, I probably should've gone with a different root in talking to him", Ruby confessed.


"Idree, I just wanna say that….ummm", Ruby said, "If you ever need help, I'm always there for ya".

Idree scoffed, glancing away from her.

"That wasn't really the best way to show you being supportive, you know", Lucy pointed out to her.

Ruby sigh in embarrassment, "I know".

"Eh, it wasn't too bad. Let's just wait and see if he takes your word for it".

Red Skull raises his brow at the sight he is saying, taking not a liking of this at all.

"I do not like this", Red Skull thought to himself, "What is this girl doing? Interfering with my own intention. Nonetheless, I should keep an eye on her closely, but also try to get a bit closer to Idree".

"Gosh, I hope I get something good out of this", Gimpy said, as he spun the wheel, which landed himself on number two, which landed themselves on action space.

Gimpy picked up a card and read it, "You receive a baby".

"Congratulations to you two!" Don said, holding up a small peck and giving it to them, "You guys get to have a baby along the ride".

"Really?" Tomie asked, surprised by this.

"Wow, looks like someone is going to be the wife in this situation", Mabel said, nudging her arm near her, which bothers her.

"Congrats", Nikki said to her, then asked Gimpy, "So what are you going to name him?"

"I'm gonna name him….ummmm…Anakin the third", Gimpy said to Tomie, who doesn't seem too interested with his Star Wars face, "There's two characters with the name Anakin Skywalker. There's the actual Anakin and then there's Anakin Solo".

"Wow, riveting", Tomie remarked, disinterested.

"This Anakin is the third", Gimpy said, "I could go with a different Star Wars character name. Maybe like Echo. What do you think?"

"I don't know. It's your baby".

"Got it", Gimpy said, "I'm going to name it Anakin Echo".


"Gimpy doesn't interest me much more than other guys like Idree", Tomie confesses, "I guess I just found him….dumb…..wait, that's not the correct term. Oh yeah, ugly, nerdy, and a freak. Normally, I wouldn't mind it that much and go along with it, but Gimpy the freak here is not that fun to begin with".

Hanco*ck was next and the spinner landed on the number six, placing her on the action space.

Hanco*ck picked up a random card and read it, "You have received a house. Select any houses that you desire".

"It's your lucky day, Hanco*ck", Don told her, "Pick any of these houses you like. It can be more than one, but like Mxy mentioned you'll pay a lot if you select more of them".

"One is enough for me", Hanco*ck said, "I suppose if I require a true home for an empress like myself, I'll select a mansion".

"Make sense", Mxy said to her, "Gotta have enough room to fit every lady inside from your island if you know what I mean".

"Exactly", Hanco*ck said, "Although if me and Luffy ever have kids, which I hope! Then this is a suitable home for them to stay at. Play, learn, and take care with my husband by my side".

"Yeah, I don't think this mansion you chose specifically seems suitable for any kids to stay in", Don said, "If anything, it sounds pretty empty and dull".

"Don, let her enjoy her fantasy", Mxy told him.

"You know, Hanco*ck",Mabel added, "If you want my advice, maybe give your kids some kind of tree house or something to hang out".

"Yeah, that'll totally be a neat addition to add for you family", Nikki said.

"Really? Are you sure?" Hanco*ck asked them.

"Yep. There's no problem in getting an extra home".

"I see", Hanco*ck said, "Very well then. I demand for another house, this time on a smaller scale".

"Girls, are you trying to bankrupt her?" Tomie asked them.

"Pff no",Mabel replied, "Just giving her some good advice, that's all".

"Our turn!" Blitzwing shouted in his random mode, as he reached his giant hand, which broke through the wall and knocked the TV down as he tried to use the spinner.

Much to everyone's startling surprise.

His finger reached the spinner, he spinned and landed them onto number seven.

The peck was moved, but unfortunately it landed onto the stop space.

This made Blitzwing switch to hot headed mode, "What?! Are you kidding me?! We landed at the stop sign?!"

He then switches his hot headed to random mode, "But wait! Maybe there's a good chance we get something good out of this right?"

"Well, it looks like your guys are in the stop space", Don said, "Meaning you guys are out".

"Darn it!" Blitzwing shouted in his hot headed mode, slamming his fist on the ground, which created a dent, "Oh well! At least it was a fun game!"

"I'm still think it wasn't a good idea to invite him", Hellboy remarked.

"Awww, but he seems like a fun giant", Vicky pointed out.

"Don't feel too bad", Mxy said, appearing next to Red Skull's shoulder, "At least you guys can stick around and watch the show. Heck, you can even inject your own commentary or enjoy the snacks here".

"Umm the snacks belong to the Archer team here", King Archer stated, "No one gets some".

"Probably the only good thing you brought to the table here", Idree told him.

"I'm fine with losing here", Red Skull said to the Imp, as Mxy disappeared out of his shoulder, "At least now it can give me time for myself".

"You mean more time for you and Idree, right?" Tomie asked, tauntingly and sarcastically, which made Red Skull scowl at her.

"Dororo and Reg! It's your turn to spin the spinner!" Mxy said to them, "Get going!"

"Hmmm I'm a bit hesitant to do so. Oh well, wish me luck Reg", Dororo said, "I have no idea what I'm doing here, but I hope I don't screw this up".

"Honestly by the looks of it, I'm really having low-self esteem here", Reg said to her.

"You should be", Idree said, "I'm already betting this street girl will end up in a worse scenario compared to Hellboy group".

"You really like confessing a lot of your problems to everyone here", Hellboy remarked, "Not painting yourself in a good light".

"I'm just stating the obvious".

"Man, no offense guys, but these chips are really good", King Archer brought this random remark up to the stern looking contestant glaring at him, "Too bad some of you guys aren't having it".

"I'm waiting for the heart attack to kick in," Red Skull told him.

Dororo came up to the spinner, feeling a bit nervous. She used the spinner, which landed her team onto the number ten.

Moving the peck to the next space, it landed her and Reg onto the action space.

Dororo glanced away, feeling a bit nervous as she picked up the card and read it, "You guys won the lottery".

"Congratulations!" Mxy said, "Yo guys just earn one hundred K bonus points!"

Dororo asked, confusingly, "Wait, what does that mean?"

"It means you get more money!"

"Wait, really?!" This made Dororo squeal in excitement, as she hug Reg, "Reg! We won more money! We won!"

"Hold up, really?!"

"Yeah!" Dororo snicker, "I didn't think we would actually manage to get a good start, but here we are".

"Save you two excitement for later", Mxy told them, "We got more obstacles up ahead, but glad you two got a boost of morale out of this".

"You bet we do", Dororo told him, "Now we are ready for anything".

"Gotcha! Loving the confidence!"


"So that's how the game works", Dororo confesses, "We just gonna make sure we don't land on the stopping platform, make sure our card is worth a fortune, and we make it this far without losing anything. Heh, going to be honest I wasn't really on board with this, since this is new to me, but hey so far we are doing pretty good for ourselves here".


"You seem pretty excited and motivated right now", Reg remarked to her.

"Yep", Dororo replied, "If we keep going along like this, I'm sure we'll win".

"I…..hope so".

"Come on, Reg. Be a bit confident about this".

"I know, but what if we made a mistake".

"Reg, a chance like that may happen, but we gotta have a bit of hope. Are you with me?"

Reg was a bit hesitant, but eventually he confidently nodded.

"Good. Now let's get through this".

"Po! You are next in line to spin the wheel!" Mxy said to the panda, which excited him.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Po said, getting up and approaching the wheel.

"Now remember Po", Don told him, "You gotta be real careful with this. Make sure you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't land on the stop sign space or have a pretty terrible path in this life", Po assures them, "I got this".

As Po spun the wheel, Octavia began to speak with Lisa about a serious matter, as shown throughout the first early stage of this game.

"Lisa, I know this is a bit too early to point out", Octavia said, "But you notice that everyone here has been getting a lot of positive outcomes from this game? Doesn't that bother you?"

"Umm no, not at all", Lisa told her, "It's just the first half of the game. So far, only one of the team is out".

"Yeah, but-"

The wheel eventually landed on six, which landed him and Furrball onto the action space.

Po picked a random card and read it, "Your restaurant got burned down and now you are homeless. Oh come on!"

"Ooooooh sorry bud, looks like you lost your career", Mxy said to him, looking at the card, "But there's always two path you can go to. You can either be homeless and move from places to places, or….you stopped. That's it".

"Wait, that's it?!"

"Yep. You completely stop. Game over for you!"

"Awww, both of these options sound pretty bad".

"Sorry. That's Game of Life for ya", Mxy said, snapping his finger, which has Po and Furrball wearing old, drags of clothing, making them look like they are homeless".

"Question, does the Stopping space implied suicide?" Tomie asked, curiously which bother the contestant next to her.

"Wha-what? No, it just means you stopped playing the game", Mxy told her, a bit disturbed out by her question.

"Just asking", Tomie said, gleefully, which seemed to make some of the cast be a bit uncomfortable and unnerved by her question.

"You disturbed me", Red Skull remarked, "Coming from me of all people".

"Tomie, we really need to talk about your behavior around the kids", Gimpy said to him, "Especially toward Anakin Echo".

Po sighs in disappointment, as he approaches and delivers the news to Furrball, "Looks like we gotta go from owning a cool, awesome restaurant business to being homeless. Man…..but hey, maybe being homeless won't be that bad, right?"

Furrball can only simply shook his head, Po not realizing the horror of being homeless as someone like the cat knows.

"See", Lisa pointed out to Octavia, "We are not the only one who's into deep bad luck. I'm sure we'll make it through….if we somehow repaid the loan shark".

"I'm hoping you're right on that", Octavia replied, "Honestly, you be lucky your not in my world. Loan sharks over there are far worse".

"Really-wait, are they literal shark people?"

"Uhh yea, pretty much".

"Mabel and Nikki!" Mxy shouted, "Your turn now to deliver your fate in this game of life! Hopefully not too drastic. Being a mafia isn't a pleasant job".

"Oh yeah! I'm going first!" Nikki said, running up to the wheel and spinning it.

It landed them on nine, which is…..a normal space, as their pecs move.

"Aw darn it", Nikki said, "We got the boring, normal space".

"I called that foul!" Mabel said, with Waddles oinking against it.

"Sorry kids, there's no rigging behind this game", Mxy told them, "You guys are safe, at least".

"Hmph", Nikki said, sitting back down, crossed arm, "Alright then, but I hope we land something that could give us a good advantage".

"Yep", Mabel nodded, "I'm hoping for the best".

"Well remain hopeful enough", Don said to them, "Because it is about to get more and more harder for any of you to make it through. Not my words, Mxy words".

"Yep. Like I said, this is literally custom made by me", Mxy told them, "Meaning outcomes are going to be exaggerated and awful".

"I can tell", John Redcorn remarked, "Some of the designs are literally your face plaster onto it. The houses, the threes, everything".

"Pretty egotistical", Hellboy added.

"Anyways", Mxy said, "Let's continue. By the way, there's no orderly fashion on who goes first. Any of you can keep going and let that individual slide".

"Alright then, I'll give it a shot", Lisa said, deciding to spinned the wheel for their next destination in determination of winning, "We may have started off real bad, but I'm not giving up just yet".

"Oh, good luck on trying to go through college without any issue", King Archer sarcastically said, "I'm sure you guys will excel at it".

"Shut up", Octavia told him off, "We are going to keep trying".

"Ha, like to see you guys try", King Archer said, "Oh wait, I'll take it be only a second until you guys lose",

Octavia scowls even more, getting a bit frustrated with him and wanting to punch him.

"Kid, just don't mind him", Hellboy told her, "He's not any of you guys concerned. Not my concern".

"Thanks. I'll take your word for it".

"Wow, a guy from hell backing another person from hell", Red Skull remarked, "Why am I not surprise".

"Will you just shut up", Hellboy told him off.

"Oh, and I thought your advice is all about ignoring those who annoyed you. Hypocrite from a demon. Why am I not surprised?".

Hellboy mumbled to himself, as Vicky tried to encourage him, "Listen, we can get through this".

"I know".

"It may be a game, but one I'm sure it will be good to learn from".

"Kid, it's a game where you have a chance of ruining your daily life by one misstepped".

"True, but that doesn't mean we couldn't apply it to ourselves to improve from it".

"Huh…..for someone from the Viking era, you have an interesting mindset".

Vicky chuckled, "Only for the fact I've been staying here for only a few days".

This made Hellboy smile, cheering him up a bit and making him like the kid even more for someone with a gullible and positive outlook.


"Kid got some good life advice", Hellboy remarked, "If I ever have kids like him, I'll treat him like the best son I ever have. Teach him how to handle a gun, throw some good punches, give good comebacks, and….ummm, shoot I can't remember what I was going to say next. Maybe I should write them down for my future kids.


Lisa proceeds to spinned the wheel, all the while hoping for it to land her team further away and hope it neutral.

"Come on, come on", Lisa begged to herself, "Please let it be something positive for once".

"Land on the stop sign! Land on the stop sign!" King Archer shouted, annoying half the cast, "Bring down the lower income rate, people!"

"Dude you're not making your team look better by acting that way", Po said to him.

"The panda is right", Hanco*ck added, "You disgust me for your behavior, man".

"Oh, so a bit of competitiveness isn't allowed?" King Archer asked, "She's going to learn a bit of a harsh lesson in life through this. We might as well be part of it".

"Is he drunk?" Red Skull asked Idree.

"No", Idree replied, "He's been drinking cola consistently. He's acting more reckless than he usually is".

"Guys, I think this cola may contain something in them?" King Archer said, looking at the bottle, then proceeding to shrugged and continue drinking.

Eventually it landed them on the number ten, which relieved and excited Lisa, "Yes! Looks like we are making it further into the game here, Octavia".

The peck is moved ten further in, as Lisa picked up a random card and read it, "Okay then, let's see… are quickly dropped from two of your semesters for skipping lectures. Well isn't that-wait, WHAT?!"

"What?"! Octavia exclaimed.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound good", Lucy remarked, "This is not your day, guys".

"Ha! I knew something would happen", King Archer said, drinking more cola bottles, "I just freaking knew it!"

"Damn! That escalated quickly!" Mxy said to her, who was devastated by this, "Like, twice in a row from you guys. Oh well, at least you still have one semester left".

"That…that is not enough for someone to gain credits to graduate", Lisa stated.

"Too bad! Moving on!"

"Wait, aren't there like two pathways for this?"

"Nope! You just gotta hope you guys manage to pass that semester".

"Mmmmm…" Lisa groaned, trying to collect herself here, "Okay, okay, it's no big deal. I'm sure losing….two semester won't be that bad, right?"

"Uhhh…yea",Octavia replied.

"I mean, we're still in the game at the very least. I'm sure there's always-"

( Montage scene of Lisa…..failing at the game ).

Lisa tried to spinned the wheel for a good result, hoping more and more that she and Octavia would get an advantage out of it.

Instead, the following results include them receiving the action space with a terrible outcome that King Archer began calling out and laughing at.

Lisa spun the wheel and the action card revealed she's been receiving bad grades.

"Dang! You suck at math!" King Archer shouted, drinking more cola.

Lisa's spin the wheel and action card revealed she's at risk of not graduating.

"That's tragic…like, really tragic….eh, sucks to be you", King Archer said, drinking more gallons of cola, until it was all empty which he then threw it at Ceviche, knocking him out.

His obnoxious behavior is being felt by some of the cast in the room, most particularly Red Skull, Hellboy, Hanco*ck and Octavia.

Lisa spin the wheel and action card revealed she's been having a terrible social relationship, which prevented her from participating in class semester.

"Booooo! You suck at it", King Archer shouted.

She did it again and again and again and again.

But all the results are the same terrible outcome. She gets bullied, she gets a minimum wage job, she hasn't repaid her loan shark which may result in a broken leg, and she is incredibly in huge debt.

All of which are inflicted on her pecs, which looks badly damaged.

At this rate, Lisa is getting more and more frustrated and drabby. Despite this over-longing burden after burden, she still tried to remain optimistic, "Okay, so far so not good, but-"

She spinned the wheel again, as the other contestants anticipate what's going to happen next.

"Anyone want to bet it's going to be another fluke", King Archer asked everyone, casually while eating popcorn and enjoying the show, "I think it's going to happen again. At this rate, I should be tired of this, but I ain't".

"That's because you're enjoying this kid suffering way too much", John Redcorn said to him.

"Yeah, ease up a bit", Hellboy told him, "Kids have been through enough already".

"Hey, there's something fun and satisfying seeing true reality hitting when it comes to entering college", King Archer said, "Frankly, it's a good dose of karma when it comes to acting like a smart a**".


"Was I a bit of a jerk back there?" King Archer confessed, "Yes, yes I was. And honestly I should feel a bit of a shame for myself here, but guess what. I'm totally living the best lifestyle here".


Right on cue, she landed on an action space and her card revealed she's caught a terminal sickness that could prevent her from passing the semester, causing her to exclaim, "Dang it!"

"Like this moment for an example", King Archer pointed out.

"I'm beginning to feel awfully bad for her", Gimpy remarked, "I mean, my college experience wasn't that bad. Sure, I've been through a lot like losing several of my figurines, almost getting evicted for playing the Star Wars music too loud in my dorm, which I should've been allowed to! You guys think I'm spewing too much of Star Wars?"

"No, not at all", Tomie sarcastically replied, "It's not like you kept talking about it over and over again".

"Gotta ask Gimpy", Ruby asked him, "Do you have any other interest besides Star Wars or Transformers?"


"Really?" Hellboy asked.

"None at all", Gimpy replied, "Although if you want to know something about me, I do not tolerate those who are into Star Treks. You can keep your filthy Star Trek influence away from me!"

"Yea, not surprise by that".

"I see", Ruby remarked.

"You know, I'm surprise none of us are stepping in to…", Nikki mentioned, "You know, put an end to Lisa whole misery thing she's been cooking up from here".

"Yeah, I feel more bad for her", Mabel said, "Maybe she needs something to cheer her up. Like….uhhhh, sweats and….stickers!"

"I'm not really sure those are going to help, child", Red Skull told her.

"It's worth a shot".

"I don't mind", Tomie said, "It is a bit funny seeing her try to get something good out of this, only to keep failing".

"There's nothing really funny about that", Ruby said, "It's a lot more sad".

"Eh, I have a weird sense of humor".

"Finally! Someone seeing the comedy behind this", King Archer said, seemingly liking Tomie's attitude during all this, "Guess you and I got something in common".

Tomie chuckled, "I guess so".

"Well I find this quite unfortunate", Idree said, "Not that I feel any pity for her, since…she's a girl, of course".

"You really need to cut down with the whole 'I don't like women' thing, dude", Po suggested to him, "It's kinda bothering everyone".

"I'm stating my opinion here", Idree stated, "It's a clear fact that women like her are incapable of doing anything that isn't chores or caring for the needs of a child".

"Yeah, bringing him here was probably not the best idea", Don whisper to Mxy, while Mxy is eating some grapes.

"I'm serious. Women like her shouldn't even be competing in this show. Look at Lisa, she's failing like the American education system".

"Holy sh*t, will you guys shut up!" Octavia shouted at them. Unlike Lisa, she's having the same horrible time going through this, but in the worst shape, since she's trying desperately to cling onto hope she's going to make it through.

But at this rate, it seems to be a lost cost.

The spinner eventually landed on the action space, to which she selected a random card and read it out loud, "Due to your incapability of caughting up your academics, you are unable to graduate. Would you rather retake the course or….stop…dang it!"

"Oooooh crud, looks like the end for you", Mxy said to her, "I feel so bad…..not!"

"Mxy!" Don called her out.

"Sorry, sorry….just thought it would be a good time to give her a sense of brutal, competitive quips".

"Oh come on! This has to be some kind of foul play here", Octavia said, standing up and calling out, "This is intentional!"

"Sorry, there was no awful intention behind this", Mxy confessed.

"F*ck! As if".

"Octavia, let's calm down for a bit", Lisa told her.

"Calm down?! We've been on a losing streak".

"I know that, but….uhhh, perhaps we can still win this later on. Sure, we literally been push back from the starting line, but-"

"Oh my god, can you give up already", King Archer told her, "Your not going to get anything good out of this. At this rate, it is getting both humorous and sad at the same time….well, mostly humorous".

"Screw off", Octavia responded, "How about you get your lazy a** up and do something instead of making fun at a little girl! No offense, Lisa".

"None taken", Lisa replied.

Team Lisa peck started to move back to the finish line, while looking it had some bandages and stitches on itself, likely the results of the events that had unfolded.

"I was about to!" King Archer said, "Idree, go over there and spinned the wheel".

"Ummm, I'm pretty certain she was referring to you getting up-"

"Uhh excuse me, do I have to remind you that I'm-"

"Okay! Okay! I'll go!" Idree said, as he approached the wheel and turned it.

"You sure you still want to help Idree out?" Lucy asked Ruby, "After his whole women tirade, anyone would probably rethink their decision".

"Okay sure, his opinion is a bit questionable and problematic", Ruby replied, "But I'm sure there's a chance he may change his mind. Just with the right person and right direction".

"Alright then".

Once it spun, it landed on the fifth place, moving their speck which landed on the action card.

Idree picked the card up and read it out loud, "You are given an offer to star in a movie. Accept or not accept".

"Two paths are available now!" Mxy said to them, "So would you rather pick the obvious choice or… know what, I'm already guessing what you guys will choose here".

"You bet we do", King Archer said, "We are going with the movie offer".

Zulius: "Totally".

Ceviche: "Agree".

John Redcorn: "I'm not losing this chance of getting popular, so I gotta agree with the others".

"Whatever", Idree said, "I'll go along with whatever you guys say. As intolerable you guys are, at least we are winning unlike the girl team".

Idree proceed to spin the wheel again, placing them onto eighth place and putting them in the normal space.

"Congrats! You guys landed on….normal,safe space", Mxy said, patting an annoyed Idree on the head, "Least you guys are making it further into the game".

"This game is bullsh*t", Octavia utter, folding her arm.

"I'm not sensing any good friendly competitive mood here", Mxy remarked, swirling next to her, which makes her scowl at him.

"Can you really blame them?" Lucy said, "Their current situation isn't good".

"Yeah, it's pretty awful", Po added.

"You guys really don't have to remind us that", Lisa told them, with a deadpan expression.

"Hey Lisa, you wanna make some bet Archer team is going to somehow screw this up?" Octavia asked her.

"I would, but the mood of this game is not doing me a favor", Lisa told her, "Even if I'm trying to remain confident here".

"Okay, this is not looking good", Lisa remarked, "At all. We keep losing, we keep making fun of and what's worse! I don't know what I'm doing here. Like, I thought it would be all about strategy, but I guess not, since every decision I made we keep falling behind".

"Hey, can we go next here?" Dororo asked, "I feel pretty positive about myself here".

"Oooooh sensing some good gaming confidence!" Mxy remarked to her, "I like it! At least there is someone here having some fun!"

"The only thing fun is his sh*tty grin turning bloody", Octavia utter.

"Reg, how about you spin the wheel", Dororo said to her.

"Wait, are you sure?"

"Yeah, we're trying to win here. And plus, we are meant to be a tag team so I tag you to go next and win it for us".

"Uhh sure!"

Reg ran up to the wheel and spun it, until it eventually landed them onto the six spaces.

Their peck is moved while carrying a cart filled with their fake cash.

It landed on an action space, to which Reg selected a card and read it, "Your movie that you are star in manage to skyrocket your career".


"It means your movie was a success".


"Two paths!" Mxy said, "You can either continue with this new career or….retired!"


"It means you get to rest off and not be involved in any movie projects".

"Uhhh yeah, we'll pass on that", Dororo said, wrapping her arm around Reg, "We pick a future project, of course!"

"Great! Good decision I'm seeing here!" Mxy said.

"Is it me or is that Imp literally spitting at us", Octavia asked Lisa, "I feel like he is".

"Let's try to remain focused on the game here", Lisa told her, "I know I'm not happy about this, but we cannot give up on this".

"Keep telling yourself losers! Because we are further into the game!" King Archer shouted, holding up two bottles of cola as it erupted, spilling the foams everywhere, "Woohoo!"

"Yea keep celebrating, moron. Me and Reg are catching up", Dororo said, "And I think there's a likely chance we may get a bit further than you dorks".

"Ummm what?" Reg asked, being surprised and concerned of her being a bit too competitive in the game.

"Excuse me? Are you trying to challenge me?" King Archer asked her. "Me? King Archer?"

"Duh, isn't it obvious?" Dororo asked with a smirk.

"Yeah well, me and my group are fully capable of winning this! The mother of good luck is on our side".

"Really? I don't see it. Maybe because she's on our side",

"I don't see it either! It's probably because she's too busy trying to do the work for our favor above the sky! Ever think of that?"

"Oh I'm aware of that. I'm aware she's…..ummm, doing the same for us, but better!" Dororo retorted, then asking Reg, "You can back me up at any time, bro".

"Uhhh….I have no comment", Reg said.

"Wow, a teammate who can't think of a good retort", King Archer said, "I can see why your guys are behind us".

"Shut up!" Dororo responded, being defensive of Reg, "You don't know what he's capable of!"

"Guys, let's calm down here", Don told the two of them, "I'm glad you guys are being invested with this, but-"

"Quiet Don, this is getting good here!" Mxy told him.

"Ooooh this is getting interesting!" Blitzwing shouted in his crazy mode, "Does anyone have some energons or popcorn! Ahahahahahaha!"

"Well, if you guys don't mind", Po said, getting up, "I like for me and Furrball to go next please".

"Go ahead", Don said, "Things are getting heated between Archer team and Dororo team".

"Alright then!" Po said, then begin to talk with Furrball, "Okay little guy, you go next. I know our current position isn't looking bright, but we really, really need to win this. So try to think of some….good, positive outcome, okay?"

Furrball looks at him in confusion, finding this advice to not make a whole lot of sense.

"I know, not…one of my best pieces of advice, but good luck!"

As Furrball got off the couch and approached the wheel, Po began to have a small talk with those that are sitting with him, "He's good….real good…just wanna put it out there".

"You realized this game is based on luck, right?" Red Skull asked him.

"Yeah, I'm aware, but….encouraging someone does brighten the mood a bit", Po told him, "Considering you know….we both homeless".

"I'm aware of that".

"Well I got some good news for ya, panda man!" Mxy said, holding up the card that Furrball picked randomly after he spun the wheel, which placed them in third place, "Because you guys are no longer homeless!"

"Heck ya!"

"But dead!"


"Yeah, you guys die from being frozen to death. Sorry, but you guys are out".

"But…but….I didn't know we could die from this!"

"I know, I know, big surprise, but unfortunately you guys are out of the game so…sucks to be you".

"Dang it!" Po exclaimed, crossing his arm as Furrball sat next to him in disappointment as well, "Welp, looks like our participation in game night completely blows".

Furrball nodded.

"Aww don't feel too bad, Po", Mabel said, "At least you guys manage to run your own food establishment"

"Even if it was short lived", Nikki added.

"Thanks guys", Po replied, "Really appreciate it. I mean…it still sucks that it happens. At least me and Furrball can hang out with the skull guy here".

"Do not bring me into this mess of yours", Red Skull told him, "I'd rather stay fifty percent away from you".



"By the looks of it, the owl demon girl and her child friend aren't doing better in the college sides of things", Red Skull remarked, "Not surprising, as for one, I do not find them to be interesting enough for me to foil, but secondly, they aren't even worthy of handling the hardship of it….even if I haven't attend to one….don't judge!"


A series of montages began which basically or mostly involves each team going through different paths and different scenarios through action cards.

King Archer seems to make it further into the game, much to Octavia's scorn of frustration as she is seeing all this.

Ceviche spun the wheel, landing them on an action card, "Your music album skyrocketed and music studios offer a collab".

"Woohoo! Let's go!" King Archer shouted, raising his body up and holding up air horns, while wearing sunglasses.

Once again, much to the annoyance of their fellow contestants.

John Redcorn spinned the wheel, landing them on another action card, "You are given a chance to stay at a fancy hotel or a mansion".

"Guys, you know what I'm thinking of", King Archer then asked, wearing a golden chain and a riched, slick coat, "Guess what it is?"

"We already own our own mansion", Idree asked, puzzled by this offer, "Why do we need-?"

Before he could respond, King Archer blasted his airhorn at his ear.


"Eh! Not the answer I'm looking for! We chose the hotel!" King Archer shouted at him, as he pulled out a clipboard, "Like seriously, I got a list of things bands or singers must do once we got popular. One of them is a hotel!"

"Screw you".

"You should be smarter about this, Idree. No offense".

Idree grumbles to himself, as Red Skull finds his intolerance of him more and more pleasing to his mindset, while Ruby only shows worry for him.

Idree is forced to go ( Since Zulius still has his chained attach to the floor ) and spinned the wheel, which lands them on another action card, "You own an island and turn it into your own private resort".

"HA!" King Archer shouted at a non-amused look of Dororo, "Suck at it, poor girl! Wait, not appropriate phasing, I meant to say…..f*ck, I can't come up with a good insult here".

"Can't sing, can't even come up with a good insult. I'm totally doubting about your success".

"Your success can….suck! F*ck! Damn it!"

This caused her to roll her eyes and moan, much to Reg worry.

Ceviche is chosen again to spinned the wheel, which once again lands them on an action card.

As for their peck, it looks like it has changed up a bit. Now sporting a golden pick up truck with other pecks on it, likely being escorted and being filled up with fake money.

"You own a huge record enterprise and are now living it up there", Ceviche read, as a giant miniature structure spawn above him, landing on him, "Ow".

"This is getting better and better!" King Archer loudly stated, wrapping his arm around Zulius, as the both of them cheerfully laugh and dance on the couch to the bothersome of their fellow contestant, until Archer fell down on the ground as if he's drunk, "I'm okay!"

"You know, Idree", Ruby said to him, "Despite what's been…going on with you guys, I gotta congrats for you making it this far".

"Uhh yeah, whatever", Idree said, crossing his arms, "I'm sure that isn't just a fake praise given to me".


Dororo had enough of this and decided it was her turn to make their situation better.

Before she did so, she got up and wink at Reg to ensure everything was okay.

She ran up to the wheel, spinned it and it landed on the action card, "You made the greatest movie series in the world where you are given some awards for best everything".

Mxy snapped his finger, causing tons and tons of golden statues to appear in a pile, covering Reg and Dororo.

Dororo doesn't know what these things are meant, but she knows what gold is, so she snicker and show it off at King Archer out of spite.

Much to the displease of King Archer, who only retorted this, "Screw you. Those probably contain chocolate in them".

"Not sure that's a good insult",Lucy pointed out, "If anything, that sounds more like a compliment".

"Well, I meant to say, those are likely expired chocolates", King Archer said, "So….ha!"

Dororo team continues, as their position in the game is second place, since they were further to King Archer team.

Dororo spinned the wheel, and they received the choice of getting new homes.

Reg spinned the wheel, they received a resort on an island.

They spinned more and more on the wheel and give them exactly the best results.

They get more money, more offers and more luxury items.

While Dororo is dancing at her and Reg's success in the pile of fake cases, gold statues and such, King Archer watches in complete envy.

"I see your not being overly thrilled about a poor kid making it in the first place", Tomie commented, nonchalantly, "How sad".

"Ummm I'm not jealous about it", King Archer replied, "I'm just…..not in a happy mood that I'm two spaces behind her team!"

"Really? You sound pretty jealous from your tone".

"Shut it!" King Archer responded, "Also, aren't you supposed to be on my side here?"

"Actually, she's on my side", Gimpy clarify, "Since she and me are a team here-"

"I'm aware of that! I recall me liking her sense of humor, in which we both have a bit in common".

"Having a common humor doesn't really equate to me siding with you", Tomie told him.

"Uhhh it does…I think…..damn it, now you made it too complicated".

"Well, well, well, who's the poor kid now, King a**?" Dororo asked, tauntingly, "Looks like me and Reg are making it at the top".

"Screw you! At least we still in the game, and your…..further near the brink of losing", King Archer told them, then asked his teammate, "Guys, back me up".

"Sorry", Zulius replied, laying down in the pile of fortune, "Too occupied with the success we are making".

"I got nothing", John Redcorn replied.

"You got nothing?" Red Skull remarked, making a racist joke in front of him, "Hmph, I see you're losing some sense of honorable advice. Just like your culture".


"Ceviche, a little help here", King Archer said to him.

"What? What am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know. Your the guy with loads of skills, remember. Give them a good retort".

"Ummm….", Ceviche tried to give a good insult to Dororo, who looked pretty not amused at the moment, "Your….dollars…..are fake….aw man, I can't think of one".

"Booo! Booo!" King Archer shouted, "This is why your not making it on my favorite list!"


"Looks like me and Reg are about to win at this game", Dororo confessed, "I still don't know how this whole movie industry thing works, but I might do a bit of research and maybe use this gig when I get back home".


Another montage scene happens. This for the other team, as they are….. well…..success doesn't seem to be on their side.

Hellboy and Vicky were next, as when Vicky spinned the wheel it landed in action.

"You receive no help for the past five days, which results in you dying", Vicky said, reading the card and being cripply depressed, "Awww no!"

"Damn", Hellboy remarked, "That sucks".

"Looks like you guys didn't make it out of there after all", Gimpy remarked.

"Yeah, no kidding. Pretty sure something like that would've happened, eventually".

Hellboy and Vicky team are out of the game.

Next is Gimpy and Tomie, and they are immediately out due to their failing toy business and losing their child to child custody.

Their specs are shown to be homeless and are dying by snow from am mini cloud hovering them.

"Looks like you two are out!" Mxy pointed out, "Sorry about losing your kids".

"It's okay", Gimpy replied, "I realized now that taking care of a child…wasn't our best interest…..I think it had something to do with Tomie".


After that it's Nikki and Mabel….both are out after their character got shot down in an alley.

As seen by their spec laying on the ground with bullet holes and pool of blood.

"Darn", Nikki said, "You think we should've gone with the plumber option? I heard a plumber job is crazy".

"Hmm….good point", Mabel agrees.

Hanco*ck and Stone Luffy were next and are immediately out because Hanco*ck drew illegal drawings of real life folks in…suggestive manners.

As seen with their spec showing it painting a very explicit detail of her and Luffy in a sexual manner that scarred and disturbed some of the contestants, with Mabel covering Waddles eyes.

"Free expression isn't allowed I presume", Hanco*ck said, grudgingly.

"Honestly, that's a pretty weird detail to add and seem like a coincidence", Don remarked.

"Yeah, don't think too hard about this", Mxy said to him.

And lastly, Lucy and Ruby as they are out because…..they failed at surgery.

As seen from the card, as well as showing their spec looking down a dead spec with a open hole on the chest.

"I think we overdo it", Lucy remarked, thinking they actually performed the surgery.

This left Lisa team, King Archer team, and Dororo team the only one left. With Dororo being hugely confident, but at the same time cautious at the game.

"Okay, it would appear so far the three of you manage to make it this far into the game", Don pointed out, "Except for….Lisa team. They still haven't made their move yet".

Octavia was in a very stern mood about this, while Lisa looks nervous and has low-self esteem.

King Archer and his gang are filled with tons of riches with gold coins, fake dollar bills and all sorts of other valuable things like statues and fountains.

They are also dripped with lavish clothing.

King Archer himself is deck with a large, white fur coat, a cap, gold chain and sunglasses, "Totally nailing this game. Hope I don't come off too drunk".

"You've been drinking mostly cola", Idree told him, "I don't know how you getting drunk".

"Really? Huh….for some reason, I feel a little bit drunk. Oh well, guess it is just me being zeal about me winning this".

"A little bit drunk!?"

"Don't get too confident", Red Skull told him, "there's a chance you guys may make a dud if one of you don't play our cards right here".

"Hey, I like to decide when I'm confident", King Archer stated, "And I'm picking this situation as my perfect spot to celebrate".

"Me too", Zulius said, "At this rate, I think it's a perfect time to enjoy our hard work".

"Hard work? No offense, but you guys haven't really done anything that is worth that term", Lisa pointed out.

"Yeah well…your still not at the finish line!" King Archer pointed out at her.

Lisa sigh to herself, "This is why I never like the CIA or any organizations you guys are from".

As for the other group besides the main three, some of them have diverse opinions on the situation so far.

"So guys", Po asked them, "Any bet which of them are going to make it through? Being honest here, I'm leaning more on the Dororo team here".

"I'm sure that's pretty much what we are all thinking about, Panda guy", Gimpy replied, "They totally seem like the types to make it this far. Plus, they are the underdog".

"I don't see any underdogs", Vicky remarked.

"Yeah, no doubt they're going to win", Hellboy said, "That's for sure".

"Me and Nikki agree on that", Mabel said, "I'm rooting for my two buddies over there to win it! Even if…..we kinda…lost".

"I don't consider that a loss", Nikki said, "I consider that as more of a….uhhhh victory favoring those guys".

"What?" Hellboy asked, a bit puzzled by her statement.

"Well I'm going to be real with you all", Tomie said, "I really don't care who wins. I'm just really enjoying the game here".

"Ah yes, enjoy the game after you moan from losing", Red Skull remarked, sarcastically.

"Hmph, well at least I got over with it", Tomie then asked, "By the way, do you have which team to root for?"

"Obviously, I'm keeping that a secret".

"Awww are you sure you don't want to reveal it?" Tomie asked, "Everyone is curious".


"Hey, some of you guys are putting a lot of hope on Dororo and Reg here", Ruby then pointed out, "What about Lisa and Octavia?"

"Ooooooh them", Po said, as the realization came.

Everyone forgot that Lisa and Octavia were still in the game and are fully…behind.

This is due to Lisa struggling countless times to make it further, but each time resulted in her team being placed back to the same position.

Lisa is seen pretty down on her luck, while Octavia looks at her concerningly.

"Huh, I totally forgot about them", Po said, "She looks pretty ... .sad".

"Not surprising", Red Skull replied, "The girl is having countless crushes and blow, and her hope is dwindling. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if her team loses".

"Maybe we should show some support", Ruby suggested.

"She's right", Lucy agrees, "Don't get me wrong, it is kinda pointless to root for her, considering the other two are near the end, but like…..I feel a bit bad for her".


"Hmmm you do have a point", Mabel said, proceeding to pull out a air horn from her hair and blowing it, shouting, "Come on! Lisa! Get off your sad mood and pick up the pace!"

"Yeah! Pick up the pace!" Nikki joined her, which annoyed half of the contestants, particularly Red Skull, "You got an extra air horn?"

"Uhhh no, this is the only one I manage to bring".


"Ummm hey! Where's our support guys?!" King Archer asked, as he and the others notice of them cheering, "Some cheers for us would be nice".

"F*ck off, Archer", Octavia responded at him, "Nobody is going to cheer for you".

"Ummm do I have to remind you we are literally near the finale here?"

"Ahem", Mxy fake coughs to get their attention, "Listen guys, we are near the end here so let's wrap it up….by the end".

"Anyone want to go first?" Don asked them.

Mxy then pops in and appears next to Lisa, "Lisa! Listen, I know your predicament may seem pretty terrible, but I'll give you this. If your team landed on a space that may likely give you a good outcome, I'll put you near the finish line. Out of the kindness in my heart".

"Hmmm, I doubt that", Octavia said, crossed arm.

"Zip it".

Lisa sighs to herself, realizing their situation isn't looking any good, but continues to keep trying, "Okay, okay, let's do this".

"Already hopeless to continue, girl", Idree pointed out, "I'm just saying".

"F*ck off", Octavia told him off, "Lisa, just pretend we are not in a crummy predicament, okay?"

"We are still going to keep reminding her about it", King Archer clarified.

Lisa approached the wheel and spinned it.

The wheel spinned, until it eventually landed on the action card.

Lisa looked away as she selected the card, then proceeded to take a glimpse of it and read it, "You manage to make an outstanding grade…..oh, that's a relief".

"Hold up, there's more", Mxy said to her, pointing it out, "Keep reading".

"Unfortunately, it isn't enough to keep yourself into the semester so they have to kick you out, making you a dropout", Lisa pauses, look away from the card with a deadpan expression and responded, "Yeah, I'm done".

"Lisa?" Octavia asked, confusingly as Lisa walked out of there.

"I am officially done".

"Hold up, really?"

"Ha! Took her like…what? 3 hours until she finally get it", King Archer said, "Looks like it's just you and me, orphan girl!"


"I know what I did back there was…." Lisa confesses, "A bit out of character. But here's the thing. I literally went through the same process of losing over and over and over again, meanwhile Archer team gets more winning streak here. It has literally made my day both horrible, made my second in command leadership come off as humiliating and worst of all…actually no, there's no third reason there".


After Lisa leaves to go back to her room, it leaves Octavia alone by herself, feeling completely awful that they lose.

This makes the other contestants ( Well, more of the competitors that have empathy ) feel pity over them.

"Darn ... .anyone feels kinda bad here?" Nikki asked anyone.

"Not me", King Archer replied, "I'm too hype that we are about to win this".

"Welp, let's not sidetrack from here", Mxy said, "Dororo? Archer? Which one of you want to go first?"

"Me! I'll go first!" King Archer said, "Idree! Go out and spinned the wheel for us, and make sure we win!"

"Whatever. Just make sure you don't scold me if we lose", Idree said.

"No promises".

"Screw you", Idree said, as he got up and headed to the wheel.

"Aren't you being a bit….well, a bit of a jerk to him?" Ruby asked him.

"Reminder. He's a Taliban", King Archer states, "Anything I do to him is justified".

Idree headed to the wheel and spinned it.

Once the arrow landed on an action space, he took a card and read it, "You guys make an album so peak that it landed you a forever nostalgic legacy for generation to know".

"YES! We won!" King Archer proclaimed, raising his fist in the air, "Woohoo! We freaking won!"

"Hold on, we're still in the game here, you doofus", Dororo stated.

"Yeah, but it's not going to matter, since we literally won!" King Archer shouted…..until eventually he passed out and collapsed onto the board game, destroying it in the process, leaving the cast and the host stunned by what happened.

"Okaaaay…..that just happened", Don remarked.

"Yep", Mxy nodded, "Looks like our king of the house has passed out".

"I am surprised and not surprised by that", Red Skull remarked.

"Should we continue on with this or-?" Don asked him.

"Honestly Don, I originally planned on having us go through tons of board games for this night, but….I'm feeling it so….Archer won!" Mxy said, "Challenge over".

"Ugh! Finally, we can go!" Zulius said, as he tried to move, but realized he's chained up to the ground, but that didn't stop him from trying, ripping the chains off the floor as he walked out of there.

"Uhhh we did lose, right?" Reg asked Dororo.

Dororo only responded with a shrug, along with, "I don't know. I kinda was enjoying this, until this happened".

"Yeeeeeaaah", Mxy said, floating near them, then proceeded to toss them the pop tarts box, "Anyways, here's your reward, I guess".

"But we didn't win-"

"Just take it!"

And that's the ending! Yep, Lisa lost, Dororo and Reg lost because….and King Archer celebrates because he's Archer.

So yea, not much I could say about this chapter. It chilled, got to show off more of the contestant being in the same room and chatting, but….that's it.

Gotta be honest, originally I was going to cover other board games and such, but… tired of writing this halfway through so gotta end it abruptly.

So yeah, this chapter is alright. Overall, not bad….up to you guys what you think of this chapter, honestly.

Anyways, the next chapter is the yard sale! Where the contestant must sell some of their items off. This will also contain some guest appearances, but I won't spoil who.

That's all I have to say. Leave a review on what you guys think and I'll be on my way.

Chapter 6: Yard Sale

Chapter Text

Sup guys, we're back with a new chapter of the Fantastic Don House! This time it’s going to be special! Probably……considering some guest appearances.

Inside the Don House within the main living room area, Mabel, Waddles, Nikki, Reg, Dororo, Tomie, Ceviche and Hanco*ck ( Along with Stone Luffy ) are casually watching TV.

We are back on the new episode of Jaw Dropper”, The TV narrator said, “In this new installment, our titular character Jaw himself is fighting off a Shark Snail”.

“HELP! HEEEEEELP!” The titular character name Jaw is being slam from the ground by a Snail Shark with muscle ribs.

“Some of the stuff shown here are kinda weird”, Dororo commented, crossing his arms and sitting on the couch along with Reg.

Mabel, laying on the ground with Waddles and Nikki, swinging her leg and eating some popcorn, replied, “Eh, you get used to it. Some of them can be real entertaining and others super boring”.

“I’m not the only one that’s concerned about this little guy getting beat up, right?” Reg asked, worryingly and pointing at the TV.

“Don’t worry about it”, Mabel assures him, “It's just TV magic”.

“OH GOD! IT RIPPED MY ARM OFF! SOMEONE GET A MEDIC!” The character scream in agony.

“Cool”, Nikki remarked at awe, “Would’ve loved to wrestle that thing”.

“It so real, yet somehow entertaining”, Dororo said, getting really intrigue by this television set.


“I’m learning a lot of things from this show”, Dororo said, “I know about the weird stuff laying around the house, some of the people here. I think I’m adjusting with this pretty well even if I’m a bit concerned about Aniki back at home. I wonder if I ask the host to bring him here”.


Tomie is laughing at himself as the carnage continue on TV, all the while Ceviche sat there pretty frighten and disgusted.

“Wow, I never watch a whole lot of TV, but this is hilarious”, Tomie points out.

“Uhh can we change to something else?” Ceviche asked them, particularly toward Mabel since she has the remote, “I’m kinda squeamish when it comes to gore”.

“Oh come on, little guy”, Tomie said, “It's just TV magic. Like they say, it’s all practical effects. Right Hanco*ck?”

Hanco*ck is still moving her finger flirty on Stone Luffy's chest as well, staring at it with passion and blind affection.

“Uhhh Hanco*ck?” Tomie asked.

“Shhh do not interrupt me”, Hanco*ck told her, “Me and my stone friend are having a tendering moment. Let me have this”.

“Is she still doing this?” Ceviche asked Tomie, “Because this is starting to get unnerving”.

“Yeah, I agree with you”, Dororo pointed out, “I’m starting to think she’s getting a bit too clingy with her rock friend”.

“Guys, you gotta let her have this”, Mabel told them, “Love may seem weird at first, but sooner or later she’ll be hitting the high ride with her real husband”.

“Yeah I don’t think this is the case here, Mabel”, Tomie said to her, “No offense, Hanco*ck”.

“None taken. Just as long as no man DARE interrupt my moment with Stone Luffy, I’ll be cordial”.


“Ok, she’s officially off the rail”, Tomie confessed, “I don’t why I still hang out with her. Probably because she’s the only older girl in this house yet I can’t try to make my usual move on her like any other girl’s I met with. Oh well, at least I have Idree around”.


Outside of the house, Red Skull is relaxing on a lounge chair. He isn’t wearing his usual black uniform. Instead, he wears a button, short sleeve, red short complete with black Hydra and Swastika patterns on them and light brown pants.

He’s also wearing a pair of sunglasses and next to him is a table that has a wine bottle and glass on it.

Hellboy is shooting beer bottles tossed in the air by him. He does with tons and tons of empty beer cans pile, all the while Vicky watches in amazement.

“So this gun thing”, Vicky asked him, “When it shoots out a blazing ball of fire, can it retreat their thing back or does it remain gone after the shot?”

“After”, Hellboy said, “It costs a lot to get these, but sometimes it works. When you don’t missed”.

“I see”, Vicky then asked, “Can I wield it?”

“Umm no”.

“What? Why not?”

“Well like my Dad said, it’s not a toy”, Hellboy replied, tossing another beer can in the air and shooting it down, “Plus, it's too heavy for your size”.


“I couldn’t really think of anything creative to give an excuse for”, Hellboy confessed.


“Sizes?” Vicky responded, a bit offended by his words, crossing his arm and flinging his head away from him, “Hmph, what does size matter? It doesn’t look too heavy”.

“Trust me, kid. It is”.

“Well….I can hold things similar to that”, Vicky states, looking around and notices a large, golden paper mache statue of King Archer, complete with a long cape and crown, “Like that thing over there”.

Vicky approaches it and tries to lift it. He struggled, but ultimately failed as he fell to the ground, huffing for a moment, “See. Came this close”.

“Huh, didn’t notice it was there”, Hellboy remarked at the statue, looking at his gun and smirking, “Wonder if I managed to scrape it by accident”.

“You better not have touched it”, Idree appears, approaching them with a paint bucket and brush, “Took me two days to make it. Two days!”.

“Hey kid”, Hellboy then asked, “You made this?”

“First off, do not refer to me as a kid”, Idree replied, “Second, yes. I made it. No thanks to Archer forcing me to do this. He said if I don’t, he will steal my room and convert it into a shrine room”.

“A shrine room, huh? Guy really likes to stretch his ego further”, Hellboy replied, with Vicky joining in, “Seems to me you need better friends”.

“Yeah, King Archer doesn’t seem to treat you really kindly”, Vicky pointed out to him.

“Reminder, I do not need friends”, Idree told them, gesturing to himself, “I only need myself and that’s it. I’m doing this for the profit”.

“Yeah, I don’t see the King having any gold under those blanket robes of his to give you a good profit. I suggest finding another job opportunity, kid”.

“Shut up. Now move aside so I can continue my work here”.

Hellboy and Vicky look at each other and simply head back inside the house, as Idree approaches the statue, bringing his brush out, getting the paint and trying to add a tip to it, “Alright, almost done with this. Make sure it’s in pristine condition. I just need to add the finishing touch here and-”.

With one tiny pressed, the statue immediately falls down on him, crushing him. His muffle scream can be heard, “Ow!”

“Pitiful”, Red Skull remarked, taking a sip of his wine with a straw.


“I’ve done a lot of minimum labor for that idiot”, Idree said, “I’ve cleaned his throne which is made out of boxes. I made him food, to which he threw it away because he called my cooking garbage. And lastly, I did toilet duty for him. Why? I don’t know! Now at this rate, I’m beginning to feel working with him was a mistake, but I’ll keep persisting until opportunity comes around”.


“Tired, exhausted, and annoyed”, Red Skull remarked, “These are emotions I’m certain he is feeling right now. He needs to hit a certain phase. A climax if I may add. Sooner or later, he will talk to me”.


Elsewhere near the house or at least behind the mansion, Ruby is writing in her journal just as a Mrenh Kongveal pokes out from her head.

“Hey Ruby”, Oudom asked her, curiously, “What are you doing?”

“Oh, hi Oudom”, She replied, “Just writing on my journal entry”.

“That’s pretty neat”.

“Yeah, I figure if I’m going to stay here I might as well write about my experience on this show”, Ruby replied, “So far, it has been pretty good”.

“Interesting. Hey, are we part of that experience?”


“Wow. Honestly, my people haven’t really got that much exposure besides small residents”, Oudom said, “Nice to see you dolting us down like that. Even if we can only be seen from children and not from adults”.

“Actually, that’s what I’m kinda curious about”, Ruby asked, “Do you guys hide from adults or can adults really not see you?”

“Oh, that’s a good question……”, Oudom replied, giving a long, pause silence.

After this long, awkward silence Lucy came by, “Hey Ruby, what’s up?”

“Hi Lucy”, Ruby said, “Just writing my journal entry. What are you doing?”

“Oh, nothing much”, Lucy replied, “Just thought I could use the forest to set up the perfect scene for me. I’m writing my own poem by the way”.

“That’s pretty cool. What’s it about?”

“Death…..”, Lucy replied, “And something relating to green, I don’t know. I’m trying something new here”.

“Well that’s great”, Ruby said, “Glad you are trying something that isn’t all….uhh, is it still gloomy?”


“Oh, you better not stray too far within those forests”, Oudom told her, “It could be dangerous”.

“What do you mean? Me and the others have gone into there”, Ruby said.

“And I’m glad you guys are okay because somewhere within those forest lives a mysterious women”, Oudom explained, “That has terrorized our village for eons. Mostly from her minions, though. They are arguably the worst part”.

“Huh, that’s quite eerie”, Ruby then asked her, “Who is this person, anyways?’

“Her name is Cherieng”, Oudom continued, “Me and my village don’t know much about her and her cruel children, but we do know their presence has been haunting this area throughout the centuries”.

“This Cherieng person does sound pretty dangerous”.

“Yep. That’s why I must warn you to not venture off too far. Otherwise, she may attack you”.

“I see”, Ruby proceeded to write it down in her journal, “I’ll keep that in mind”.


“Now he mentions it”, Ruby confesses, “I did recall Dororo, Reg, Mabel and Nikki mentioning something about them encountering weird folks involving a creepy lady. Maybe that’s what they are referring to. Granted, they probably assume it is just part of the Imp illusions, but I’m in the same camp that I’m holding some doubts about that”.


“By the way, how’s it going between you and Idree”, Lucy then asked.

“Uhhh yeah”, Ruby replied, “Currently, it’s been kinda slow. I haven’t had time to talk with him and when I do, he’s quick to silence me”.

“Once again”, Lucy commented, “Not surprising, considering what type of guy he is. A complete shunned in”.

“I wouldn’t really go that far in calling him that. He’s just a trouble guy”.

“You should probably not try anyways. Just saying for your sake”.

“Nope. I’m not going to stop. It's just our first week on the show. He probably just needed a bit of warming up to do”.

“Yeah, not before he gets eliminated. If it isn’t him, then perhaps that Red Skull guy”.


“I really hope Ruby knows what she’s doing”, Lucy said, “Idree comes off less of a guy who wants to embrace changes or wants a positive life and more like a guy who would hate any high level, positivity music. I know I sometimes loathe them”.


Inside the house, Octavia is at Lisa's door, knocking and checking on her in a worried state, but still trying to come off a bit casually.

“Lisa, hello?” Octavia asked, knocking on the door, “You still in there? Octavia to Lisa?”

She kept knocking on the door, until eventually it opened.

Lisa's appearance resembles a tired office person with wrinkles. Dishuffle and coop up inside that room.

“Oh, hi Octavia”, Lisa then asked, noticing her, “What ummm, what are you doing here?”

“Just checking on ya”, Octavia replied, “You haven’t been out of your room for a while so I thought I could knock on your door and see if you are doing alright, hopefully”.

“I’m alright, Octavia”, Lisa replied, casually leaning near the door, “Doing alright”.

“You sure?”


“I mean, you look kinda…gray. Not in a sickly sense, but more like your blood just drains out of your body”.

“Gray? Nah, just…taking a small nap”, Lisa said, awkwardly smiling, which makes the moment between them feel pretty uncomfortable right now, “By the way, you wanna check out what I’ve written?”

“Sure”, Octavia replied, as Lisa gestured to her room.

Much to the Owl Demon surprise, the room is cluttered with sticky notes, along with a whiteboard filled with notes, papers and drawings of lists and diagrams.

“Oh f*ck”, Octavia mutter, pinching her forehead, “Lisa, don’t tell me-”

“I know, I know”, Lisa assures her, heading to the drawing board, “Hadn’t had a ton of sunlight. Been too busy drawing out strategy after strategy”.

“Strategy? For what?”

“For….anything. Just for anything”.

“Uh huh”.

“Okay, now I know this seems overly complicated”, Lisa begins explaining, “But I lay out some plans and some ideas. We can..uhhh…..we can…hmmmm”.

“Ummm Lisa?”

“We can….darn it. I forgot! Now I gotta redo it all”, Lisa said, getting frustrated as she ripped the paper’s off from the board, revealing more papers.

She then ripped those off, revealing more. She did it again and again and again, eventually getting more irritated as she tried ripping them off more and more, until she stopped to pant for a bit.

Octavia came to her, telling her, “Lisa, calm down”.

“I’m calm! I’m calm. I am sooooo calm right now”, Lisa said.

Then all of a sudden, a loud ringing noise startle Lisa.

This led to her sliding the white board at the wall, swiftly and harshly as it smash against the wall, creating a crack.

Apparently she soon find out that it was her alarm clock, “Oops. Sorry”.


“Okay, I think Lisa is having some issues right now”, Octavia remarked, “I never thought I’m going to be doing this, but I am”.


Octavia realized Lisa is having a bit of an issue at the moment, currently in a very desperate state to cling onto any hope of remaining within the game.

So she decided to help Lisa sit down on the bed and talk to her, “Lisa, tell me. Is everything okay with you? You've been acting all…well, overly crazy about winning this”.

Lisa sighs, “I know we've been here for like only a few days, but I can’t help but feel like we're losing here. We losing the trust of our team, we losing our selves”.

“We aren’t exactly in teams, you know”, Octavia reminded here, “It's just you and me against Archer”.

“I’m fully aware of that. I’m just worried we may slip up. It’s like this show wants us to lose so I’m trying to outwit it somehow”.


“I don’t know. But I’m figuring something out here. I’m just worried that Imp got something up his sleeves.

“Yeah, I’m thinking the obvious. I don’t give a f*ck if he’s not doing it. I don’t trust that little sh*t”.

“Umm maybe you shouldn’t say it, since there’s a likely chance that he could hear it”.

“F*ck him. Let him hear it”.

“Right. In all seriousness, I guess I’m just overthinking the problem here”, Lisa said, “Maybe I shouldn’t get too wrap up about this”.

“Yeah, of course”, Octavia said, “I don’t see Mabel alliance doing much overthinking planning. They aren’t really taking the game too seriously and rest are….well, I have no clue what they've been doing, but I know they are not too hooked on this as you are”.

“I see”.

“And besides, I’m sure we may need to figure things out a bit, but right now it’s not a good idea to work up too much”.

“Yeah, your right”, Lisa replied, as it seemingly cheered her up, “ Thanks for talking with me, Octavia”.

“Your welcome”.

Just then, a loud air horn is blessed across the house which signifies Mxy presence and his voice, “Competitors! Dropped everything what you guys are doing! It’s a special challenge announcement!”

Everyone manages to be outside where they stand, as Mxy and Don are present to discuss today's challenge.

King Archer came late, still clad with his usual royal outfit, but this time cover in chips bits and drink spills, “Alright, what’s this all about? I was taking a lovely nap on the couch, dreaming of a fair maiden giving me the greatest massage around China, until I was rudely interrupted by you”.

“Surprise your beautiful, fair maiden, never give you advice on decency”, Hellboy remarked at him.

“Dude, don’t give me that tone. I like to choose how and when to present myself here, which is why I’m the king”.

“Man of the house”, Lisa clarified, with a deadpan expression.

“I know! Don’t need to remind me”.

“Ahem”, Don said, “Right. Anyways, let’s get on with it. Today's challenge is going to be special”.

“That’s right”, Mxy said, holding a cigar, “We have been noticing a lack of excitement for the past day or two”.

“Honestly, I kinda prefer it”, Zulius said, “Several weeks of boredom and tame challenges allows me to get working on my fabulous nails! Seriously, look at them!”

He show off his nails, which are painted in glittering, black and white with a zilch of gold on it.

“Wow, really digging the color choice there, centaur guy”, Mabel remarked, “Great work”.

“Yeah, I know! Thank you!”

“I don’t even care what you do with your nails”, Idree told him.

“Well you should be!” Zulius then proceeded to pause everything so he could go into his gossip mode, “I’m gonna be real straight. I hate them. I loathe them! I don’t know why! I thought if I show them off to these guys, they may like it but no! No one has complimented them! I’m beginning to feel regret in applying them on my nails. It's so gross! Anyways, thinking of removing them”.

He then resumes the motion of time back, which causes everyone to either collapse and press their stomach from a severe pain within their body.

It also affected Don and Mxy.

“What the hell happened?! Red Skull exclaimed.

“I don’t know!” Nikki cried out.

“Ugh! It burns!” Lisa shouted.

( 4 Seconds later ).

“Okay, ignoring what just happened right now”, Mxy resume, gasping a bit, “Today's challenge is all about the Yard Sale!”

“Correct”, Don explained, “Each of you or a group must sell off their items to any customers passing by. The items can be anything, as long as it sells or it isn’t stolen”.

“Aw dang it”, Dororo mutters to herself, kicking the dirt.

“Well excuse me!” Gimpy said, “I ain’t gonna sell any of my Star Wars collectables and valuables! You can’t make me!”

“Suit yourself. Whoever sells the most items and earns the most money”, Mxy explained, “Will win today's challenge!”

“And by money, you mean-?” Lisa was going to ask the obvious, but Don beat her to it.

“Khmer currency? Yes!”.

“Sweet”, Mabel said, then asked Nikki, “You hear that. It can be any item! You know what I’m thinking?”

“Totally!” Nikki nodded, “I have no idea what we are thinking about!”

“You guys are already excited about this?”, Dororo remarked to them.

“A bit too excited”, Red Skull commented out of annoyance.

“Well the Mxy guy did mention any items can be sold”, Mabel said, “So it's up to me and Nikki to use our creative brain power for this challenge; And also, Waddles is involved with this”.

Waddles agree with a pig sound.


“This challenge totally fits our speciality”, Mabel said, “When it comes to selling special items, I always aim to make sure the customers feel super satisfied with it. By adding glitter, paint, more glitter, googling eyes, even more glitter. Just smalls details like those that can grab a customer's attention and be like, ‘Holy dang! What’s that adorable abomination!’”


“Also to note”, Don continued, “There will be a huge market going on here where the locals in this area will come by and buy your stuff”.

“Indeed. Real people this time!”, Mxy nodded, “So you better be in good behavior or have good social track records”.

“Oh, well that’s something new”, Ruby remarked to Idree, “Real people”.

“Great, more mockery attention”, Idree replied, “What I needed right now”.

“Ooooh real customers, huh?” Po remarked to a tired Furrball and Ceviche, “Looks like it is time for me to bring out my true speciality”.

“And what’s that? Ceviche asked him.

“It’s a surprise”.

“Does it involve Kung Fu?” Tomie asked him.

“No”, Po replied to her, “It’s….well, now you mention it, that could draw some good publicity”.

“So there’s going to be tons of people arriving here at the house?” Lisa asked the hosts.

“Yep”, Mxy continued, “And not just the locals! There will also be some guest appearances! Again, not created by me, of course”.

“Whoa, special guest appearances!” Nikki remarked, “I wonder who it could be? Maybe it's a werewolf!”

“Will it be Luffy?”, Hanco*ck asked, “I demand to know! As a member of the Warlords, of course”.

“Is it Nancy?” John asked, delightfully, but then retracted once he realized they live on TV, “I mean, Nancy, Joseph, and Dale. Friends of mine back at home”.

John awkwardly chuckles, as Po, Vicky, and Furrball can only give him an odd look.

“Oh great”, Octavia said in a very cringing and satisfying way, “People are coming. How…unfortunate”.


“I’m beginning to wish it were just a bunch of fake people created by him”, Octavia confess, “I’ll be real, I was getting real comfortable with the place until that Imp decided to introduce the Yard Sale challenge. I’m not socially okay being surrounding a bunch of people. Sometimes I do limit myself, but not to this extent”.


“So anyways, get going everyone!” Mxy told everyone, “Challenge will start very soon, about ten minutes! Your stands will already be set up! So get going!”

“Wait!” Idree asked, “Hold up. What if some of us don’t have any things to sell for this challenge?”

“Or for that matter, some of us don’t want to sell”, Gimpy said, “I’m not gonna sell my precious, 1978 early prototype of my Boba Fett figurine”.

“He brings up a good question”, Lucy agrees with the man, not in terms relating to Star Wars.

“That’s a good question”, Mxy said, readying to snap his finger, “Figure that out on your own! If not, then you're out of luck”.

Once his finger is snapped, everyone disappears out of sight, likely back into their house. Except for Blitzwing, as her returned back to his hanger.

“Wait, what kind of special guests are you planning on bringing?” Don asked him.

“Uhhh just random special guests”, Mxy assures him, “Nothing to worry about”.


“Alright, a challenge that doesn’t require a whole lot of strategy and based simply on picking which stay and which doesn’t”, Lisa confess, “Alright, doesn’t sound stress inducing. I can probably make it through that without problem”.


Inside Lisa's room, she got all of her personal items onto the bed and tried to see which to sell and which to keep.

Each item ranges from trophies to musical instruments to photos taken by people she met to various costumes and clothing she wore to even more trophies, as well as medals.

She even holds up a notepad to write some things to sell or not to sell to keep track of the item.

“Okay, so I counted the amount of stuff I brought along”, Lisa said to herself, “Like I say, easy enough. Just pick one to sell and pick one to keep”.

She starts with some of her trophies, picking one of them up, “Ah, my first spelling bee medal in first grade. Hmmmm, don’t know if I should sell this”.

She checks the box off on the sheet and continues moving to the medals, “Swimming champion…. First place….on the same day I won my spelling bee…going to keep those”.

She continued looking, as she picked another trophy, “How about this? Trophy for best mineral preservation during a field trip. Mmmmm nope. Not going to sell this”.

At this point, Lisa is having a bit of a hard time choosing an item to sell, remarking to herself, “Darn. I can’t figure out which one I should sell. Probably it wasn't a good idea to bring that many personal items with me”

Trying to find other items to sell off, She decided to move to the other items, picking one of the photo’s and seeing it, “Maybe I can sell this off. Me and Lady Gaga”.

After some thinking, she responded, “nah, this is junk”.

As she scrambles the photo and tosses it near the trash can, which happens to be near the door where Octavia passed by.

She took notice of the amount of stuff Lisa has, remarking, “Huh, talk about an enormous ego. No offense”.

“Octavia”, Lisa noticed, “There you are. I really need your help here”.

“Sure”, Octavia entered, “Figure I got nothing else to do, but lose. Since….I don’t have many items needing selling and I am not going to do what that Imp guy said”.

“Well guess you and I are back at it again with our team work, then”.

“Guess so”, Octavia said, “So what do you need help for?”

“Well it’s pretty obvious”, Lisa said, now looking at her stuff, “Real obvious. I can’t figure which of these things I should put for the yard sale. Should I sell off all of my greatest achievements or not?”

“I mean, it’s not that hard. Keep the ones that are personal and get rid of ones you don’t need. It’s that simple”.

“Yeah, but-”

“Look Lisa, some of the stuff here doesn't seem to do much or matters, other than”, Octavia said, “And again no offense, stroking your ego”.

“It’s not an ego thing”, Lisa said, “Okay, maybe there’s a little ego stroking here and there, but not to an extent”.

“Lisa, sometimes it is best to let go of something you don’t need”, Octavis said, looking around picking a random trophy up, “Like this one. Twenty fourth best….trophy winner?”

“Yeah, that one was from art class”, Lisa replied, “Think I got that only for participation”.

“Oh, I see’.

“I mean, I guess there’s no shame in selling off some of my prize achievements”, Lisa said, as much as it is painful to say, “Some people may need these. Same goes with some of my old clothing. I do have a lot of clusters in my room, especially the closest”.

“See. Nothing wrong with that”.


“Octavia is really changing me for the better”, Lisa confess, “Now that I no longer need the best reward for being the best or whatever, I can finally clear my head a little. Yeah, it’s a ashame I have to sell some of my stuff away, but it’s worthwhile at the end”.


( Inside the attic ).

“Alright team”, Mabel said, standing up next to the drawing board, which shows her and her friends in doodle, stick forms with grins next to a wooden stand, “We need to brainstorm and create something to sell for ten minutes straight. So I want you guys to throw it at me”,

Nikki on cue, lifted her chair up for the throw.

“Not physically”.

“Uhhh right”, Nikki said, putting it down, then asking Dororo who was sitting next to her, “So you got any ideas?”

“I don’t know”, Dororo replied, “Maybe we can sell some of the items we have in the attic”.

“Hmmm good idea”, Mabel replied, “But we need to come up with something that could grab the eye of a special, like minded customer like my friend Soos. Any suggestions?”

“Oh! Oh!” Nikki said, raising her hand, “I thought of something right now”.

“Cool. What is it?”

“How about we sell”, Nikki said, “Skin wears!”

“Skin wears?”

“Yeah, animal skin wears to be precise”, Nikki begin explaining, “I’ll find a random, deadly animal like a ferocious killer bear, man eating wendigo and start wrestling it”.

“Wait, what’a wendigo?” Dororo asked.

“I’ll explain for another time”, Nikki resumed, “Anyways, once I tackle it down we flay it skin off and turn it into a rad coat wear, complete with our own design choice. I’m thinking of something relating to a viking”.

“That seems”, Reg pointed out, “A bit excessive”.

“I know. Just wanna have a good excuse to wrestle something”.


“I’m waiting for a wrestling theme challenge, guys”, Nikki said at the camera, “Like I’m fully prepared for that kind of stuff. If the Imp guy and Don aren’t planning on it, then I’ll be really disappointed”.


“Hmmm, interesting idea”, Mabel said, as even though she’s a bit skeptical she quickly take a positive liking to it, “We’ll put it down to our potential ideas!”

A Mrenh Kongveal riding on Waddles begins doodling down the writing suggestion by Nikki on the whiteboard.

“Okay”, Mabel moved on, “Next suggestion. Dororo, got any ideas up your sleeves? I mean! Mind?”

“Probably dolls or some of the stuff we have in the attic”, Dororo suggest, crossed arm. Then she asked Oudom, who was resting on her head, “What do you got?”

“Well we are good at crafting miniature houses, boats, weapons, pots, statues, and all sorts of things to fit our needs”, Oudom replied, “Perhaps you guys could use our help for this challenge”.

“Great to hear there, little guy”, Mabel said, then moving onto the last person in the room. Reg, “Robot boy. Want to throw out some ideas? I know your tempted to”.

“Umm me?” Reg replied, unsure what to give within the circle of ideas, “I don’t know. Usually I’m not great at coming up a solid idea. Well, not in this kind of scenario”.

“Come on”, Mabel said, “Any idea works for me. It’s all about the execution and quality. Mostly quality”.

“Yeah Reg, just give it a shot”, Dororo told him, “I know you got something interesting up in your head”.

Reg thought about an idea he could throw, seeing that his friends seem very insensitive and curious about his choice.


“I never get this creative, except when the situation needed it”, Reg confess, “Which is now, by the way. I suppose I’m not much of a designer in art and crafts”.


Elsewhere, Ruby is casually walking in the hallway when she stumbles upon Idree, pulling a trash can inside his room, which he struggles to.

“Idree, what are you doing?” Ruby asked him, stopping his track, which accidentally caused the trash can to fall and litter everywhere on his doorstep.

“Finding my own things to sell”, Idree replied, “I don’t have many items so I’m looking for other means to make one on my own”.

“Oh, okay then. That’s kinda neat. Do you need some help?”

“No! No, I do not need help”, Idree told her off, “Especially from your kind. I prefer doing this on my own”.

“Alright then”, Ruby said, “Well, if you need any help, call me. I’m going to check on Lucy”.

“Yes, check on the creepy girl with no decency of space”, Idree said, as Ruby strolled along. Scoffing to himself.


“Rude comment aside”, Ruby confesses, “Idree doesn’t seem to have much stuff based on the small glimpse I saw in his room. It’s pretty…..well, I don’t want to sound rude, but kinda bland looking. Like yeah, there’s the essential, but it’s not hugely lively. I guess there is the radio, but that’s pretty much it”.


“Great, just great”, Idree remarked at the litter trash in front of him, “There’s not a single thing I could scavenge from this. They're all literal junks!”

He proceeds to kick the trash can, only to flinch in pain from the impact, “And how hard is this trash can, anyways?!”

“Ugh, I am struggling right now!” Zulius came by, complaining to him, “I am in desperate need of help right now”.

“Can you mind your own business somewhere else?! I’m in the moment of venting my frustration onto literal trash”.

“Well, do whatever! Fine! ”, Zulius said, “I need Archer right now. I mean, King Archer”.

“You don’t need to correct yourself. He doesn’t deserve to have his new title be referred to”.

“I know, but sometime he can pop out of nowhere and start-”

“Hey! Mind not talking loudly next to my room?” King Archer entered the scene, annoyed by their presence, “I’m concentrating on something here. I need to figure out if I should sell my MK-46 or MK-24. Both of them are lethal and valuable to me. Except for maybe Mk-46, but only because it can get jammed because someone doesn’t consider their design faulty”.

“Archer!” Idree said, shoving Zulius away to talk to him, “I need your help right now. I need some items to sell and I don’t have much. Can you assist me? Like, lend me your stuff?”

“Hmm, let me think. No”.


“First off, you didn’t call me King, which is an automatically foul on ya part”.

“See! Told ya”, Zulius said to Idree.

“Shut up”, Idree retorted back at him.

“Second, at this moment of time I am too occupied with my own affair. I cannot attend with anyone so I need you guys to give me some slack”.

“You said your not on leisure time!” Idree stated, “Which means, you can be more active and help us!”

“Exactly. But this isn’t leisure time. It is an emergency strictly to me and not to anyone else”, King Archer told him, turning away as he headed back to his room, "Goodbye ".


“Hold on! I need your opinion here!” Zulius shouted, as he headed to him and stopped him from entering his room.

“Zulius, what’s so urgent that the King needs to be stopped from entering his own domain?” King Archer asked, “God, I really need to look up more medieval terms and phrases. I think I’m lacking some”.

“Listen, I am debating whether I should sell some of my expensive nail polish or this collection of rainbow potions”.

“Rainbow potions?”

“Yes! Rainbow potions. I use them whenever I have a bad dream, but I rarely use them because I don’t feel like them”.

“I don’t know! Didn’t you hear what I just said to Idree? I’m busy with something! Go talk to, I don’t know! John Redcorn. Maybe he knows a thing or two about magical potions”.

After King Archer entered his room and slammed the door, it left Zulius flabbergasted.

“Ugh, so much for his help”, Zulius remarked.


“That isn’t me putting myself at risk for an elimination”, King Archer clarify, “I’m fully aware being a d*ck to them will not lead to something great. I’m perfectly aware. However, I can’t let priority be sideline here. I gotta make things go smoothly or else I’ll be painted as a potential target”.


Inside Lucy's room, tons of boxes and belongings were brought out for her to select which item she could sell.

She is looking over pages and drafts consisting of her old poems, “Let see, I’m debating whether I should sell them or burn them. Hmmm…”

Lucy placed them to the ground and moved onto the next pair items, as she picked up a pony figurine.

“Hmmm…yeah, no”, Lucy said to herself, “Totally not selling this”.

“Hey Lucy”.

Lucy startled a bit, turning around to see Ruby. She quickly hide the figurine, “Oh, it's just you”.

“Is that a pony you were holding?”

“No! It’s….a voodoo doll”.

“Really? In the shape of a pony?”

“Uhhh yes…” She replied. After a long awkward moment of silence, she finally confesses, “Okay fine I’m into these, alright?”

“Hey, there’s no need to be ashamed of. I don’t mind you being into something like this”.


“Yeah”, Ruby said.

“Huh, good to hear I guess”, Lucy replied, turning around then turning quickly back at her in a hasty threat, “Don’t tell nobody about this. Got it?!”

“Totally!” Ruby replied, calming her down, “If it is a personal secret to you, then I won’t. I promise”.



“I’ll admit, I would die if someone knew about my different side of interest”, Lucy said, “But I’m kinda glad Ruby kept it a secret. Permanently, hopefully”.


After many sets of stands, decisions making of which item to sale or what type of item should be made, it all comes to the day of the Yard Sale.

It begins.

Tons and tons of locals from the area visited the house for a huge yard sale, while Mxy spring up at the entrance wall gate with a huge billboard that has a huge wording reading “Yard Sale”. Both in English and Khmer.

“Step forward! Step lively!” Mxy said, wearing what a carnival host would usually wear. A straw hat, a blue vest and red and white shirt, “Right here is no ordinary yard sale! It fills with such wonders like robots! Guy from hell! And a guy with a red skull!”

While the yard sale is going on and the locals are roaming and examining the area, even taking photos, there are those that do not belong in this area.

Such as the case with three motorcycle men that enter the scene.

One was a skinny guy with yellow hair and a ponytail. He wears shades, a yellow, sleeveless shirt with pockets and blue pants. He carries a chainsaw gun, which gives him the name Buzzer.

Another has a brown beard, wears a red headband and shades. He has an expose vest and wears blue pants and boots. He wield a flamethrower, which is connected to the tubes on his backpack, giving him the name Torch.

The third person is a man with black hair and a goatee. He wears a light green shirt, a black jacket and black pants and boots. Despite clinging a shotgun with him, he goes by the name Machete.

Finally there was the last person and one who leads this motorcycle gang. He wore or has a long, brown headgear that could either be his hood or hair. He has black makeup that rundown his eyes. He wore dark blue armor with no sleeves, he is completely shirtless and has brown pants.

His name goes by many in his specialty, but one true name that is associated with him is Zartan! Master of Disguise.

They park near the gates. As they got out, Torch began complaining, “Zartan, why are we here dolting around in this crummy neighborhood”.

“Yeah, you said we're gonna head to the nearest town and have a drink with the local gals”, Buzzer said to him.

“Those will have to wait”, Zartan told them, as they head to the gate, “I saw a flier that states a yard sale is going on at this coordinate”.

“I don’t get it. Why should we go to this yard sale, huh?” Machete asked, “Seems like a waste of time”.

“It’s no ordinary yard sale”, Zartan told them, “Apparently there’s mention of a Cybertronian here”.

“A Cybertronian? Here?” Torch asked, a bit puzzled.

“Yes. Once we locate this Cybertronian, we’ll report back to the Commander. I’m sure he’ll be invested with what we find here. We may even get a bonus”.

“Why this still sounds like a waste of time”, Buzzer commented, “I rather we go back to Australia and start popping some kangaroo’s”.

“Well try to enjoy yourself being here”, Zartan told him, “Look around, buy something on your own money and don’t cause much trouble. We can’t alert the Joe’s here. They can be hiding within the crowd”.

As they entered the gates, Don remarked to Mxy in a concerned tone, “Ummm Mxy, are those actual Dreadnoks or-?”

“If your wondering, yes!” Mxy replied, “They are! They are the real thing!”

“Wait, you invited a bunch of notorious criminals here?”

“Don, do I have to remind you we have a literal Nazi on our show?” Mxy said, taking a cigar and smoking it, “I’m trying to make our special show more interesting”.

“Okay, but wouldn’t that attract…well, certain folks?”

“Relax”, Mxy assures him, “Most of what I’m showing are restricted to specific channels and what not. I have magic so be chill about it!”

Just as Don turns, he is slapped into a camera that suddenly came out of nowhere.

“Ow?! What the?” Don confusingly look up to see a cameraman, with another random person appearing in front of the camera with the host behind him.

“This is Hector Remirez, reporting live for your TV Twenty Questions”, The man revealed himself, having black hair and a mustache, while wearing a grayish, brown suit with a red tie, “Given the state of this country, host of the Ridonculous Race Don is now hosting a new show with a new diverse cast from different world. But does this have any impact on the mainland itself? Does it really benefit the locals in this area? One such local claim these visitors are weird, outlandish and even a bit scary to live next door with”.

“Umm excuse me”, Don asked him, cutting in while the camera was rolling, “What’s going on here?”

“What’s going on?” Hector replied, then looked back at the camera, “This man has no clue when it comes to a true journalist cracking down on a supposedly harmful operation”.


“Yes, Mister Don”, Hector replied, “I heard so much about your reputation. And I’m here to expose every instance of your action, starting right now with your show”.

“Okay, I am really confused right now and I do not like your tone”, Don told him, “So get out”.

“I can’t leave. I have full authorization, permits, and contracts to be here”.

“Nope. I don’t see it. I need a physical copy”.

“Ummm it’s actually right here, sir”, One of Hector's crew pops in, holding up the paper, “In full print”.

“What? I-” Don is flabbergasted by this, but Mxy tried to assure him.

“Don, calm down”, Mxy told him, “This is the perfect way to get some good publicity”.


“Yeah”, Mxy begin to whisper to his ear, “Think about it. If we have this dimwit around, we can use this to our advantage. Imagine our poor show getting flak by some annoying reporter like him. The sympathy point would skyrocketed. And plus, it would garner tons of attention. Hopefully it’s not Superman and other folks that’ll ruin our fun, but you get the picture”.

“Hmmm, I guess you do make a good point”.

“Now you're speaking my language!”, Mxy said, patting him on the back and giving him a cigar, “So chillax. Roam around and get yourself barbecue ribs. I heard they are pretty good with the locals”.

Mxy moved to Hector, who seemed pretty delighted to hear of their present by the Imp himself, “And Hector! My man! Stick around! Enjoy yourself! Make yourself home. Your totally welcome to report everything around here”.

“I see”, Hector said, skeptical, but again delighted. He then stared back at the camera, “Very well then. I am positively reporting that I am quite welcome to document and question the folks here in this restricted area. Let us continue”.

Unknown to the people below enjoying themselves within this open yard sale event, above the trees was the boy known as Steam Lad.

Crouching down on a branch and seemingly observing everything, despite seemingly being blindfolded. He remarked, curiously, “Huh, guess some kind of special event is being held here. I wonder what this is all about?”

Within the yard sale itself, John Redcorn is in his stand, selling what appear to be Native Americans antiques, along with some copies of his albums.

“Feels less like a yard sale and more like a festival. Really wish I brought my guitar”, John remarked in his thoughts, then he begins to clean one of his Native American statues with a cloth, until someone familiar comes by.

“Hey John Redcorn”, A man with brown hair, glasses, white shirt and blue pants approached him, “What ya doing? Polishing your displays here? Looks like you got yourself some vintage Native American tools and utensils”.

Along with him is a skinny man with glasses but in shades. Wears an orange cap, button shirt and blue pants. He’s also seen smoking.

Another is a bald man with some brown hair around his side. He is a little obese looking, with wearing only his signature white, tank top and blue pants.

Lastly, a skinny man with yellow hair, black shirt and blue pants. Both of them looked around, with the orange cap man being a bit more suspicious of his surroundings.

“Hank? Dale? Bill? Boomhauer?” John remarked, surprisingly, “Didn’t expect you four to be here”.

“Yeah well, we didn’t expect a magical, midget guy to poof into existence and offer us a deal to simply visit a country near Khan homeland”, Hank told him, “By the way, have you notice something strange here?”

“Strange how?”

“Many of the folks here are using charcoal”, Hank said, pointing at one of the guy grilling some meat for some customers, “If you ask me, propane is where it’s at. Heck, if I’m going to need to read some Khmer words like they said, the first thing I’m going to learn is the word propane. That way, people might like the term when I say it. Propane”.

“Uh huh, I see”.

“Anyways, we just wanted to come by and see how you are doing”, Hank said to him, “We didn’t expect you to be the type to compete in these type of wack job of a show”.

“Well I do need to pay off my taxes”, John replied, “Along with my mortgages I own and stats one”.

“Dangol’statetaxes”, Boomhauer begin speaking, quickly and in haste, “Goingbebotheringyaintheground,man.Feelscheatedoutofyamoneywhenitcomestoincreasingtheprices,youknowwhatImean?Shoot”.

Hank, Bill, Dale and John Redcorn glare at him blankly, until Bill spoke up, “So John, how’s your interaction with these strangers? They seem like a nice folks”.

“Yes, they are”, John Redcorn replied, “I've been getting along pretty fine with some folks here. Well, most of them”.

“Well that’s good to hear, John Redcorn”, Dale said, positively and very enthrall, “I’m glad you are adjusting with this new weird world that I wasn’t aware of”.

“Ummm yes Dale, I’m grateful”.

“Hank, Bill, Boomhauer, can you excuse us for a moment?” Dale asked them, “Me and John need to have a little chat”.

John became nervous, thinking confusingly but assuming the worst implication from his action.

The three of the men glance at each other. Hank shrugged, as they move onto other stands.

Dale quickly made his move, grabbing a folding chair and sitting in front of him, while pulling out a tape recorder, “Alright John Redcorn, tell me everything you know”.

“What?” John asked confusingly.

“I knew you were going undercover on a secret mission to visit an alien world like this one”, Dale said, “All that sign language to me after you departed”.

“Dale, that wasn’t directed to you. It was to Nanc-I mean….”, John Redcorn retracted, “Yes, it was totally meant for you”.

“Exactly. I know you're too interested in my case to keep it low profile for me to not take notice. So tell me, did you notice something odd about the aliens you met. Did some of them put a probe inside you? And were most of them speaking in presidential terms? Hurry up. We don’t have all day”.

John can only give a scratching head in confusion and uncertainty, maybe even a little agitated.


“I didn’t expect Dale, Bill, Boomhauer and Hank to be here”, John Redcorn remarked, “Then again, the Imp did mention bringing guest stars here. I didn’t know they were qualified for that. I was kinda hoping someone would come. Someone like uhhhhhh….I should probably keep my mouth shut”.


At Hanco*ck stand, she is selling some valuable jewels, gold objects and coins, as well as some dresses, fruits and berries. All of the dresses specifically were designed by her with her bare hands.

Some consist of snake themes, others more tropical themes. The colors consist of green and purple.

The customers coming by were in awe of them, some picking them up and examining it while chatting with their friends and family.

Bill Dauterive remarked to Hanco*ck, who is seen standing with Stone Luffy, “Wow, you got a good display here, ma'am. Real good”.

“Yes, I’ve made sure they are of excellent quality”, Hanco*ck said, “Stone Luffy seems to agree”.

“Oh, I can totally see that coming from a very, very, very attractive, beautiful lady like you”, Bill said to her, “Yep”.

“Oh that’s very nice of-wait, are you trying to flirt with me?”

“Oh no! No, not at all”, Bill stated, awkwardly, “I just didn’t expect to find a lady like you with a pretty look”.

“Billfumblehiswordwithoutthinkingasusual,yo”, Boomhauer remarked, with Hank shaking his head.

“I see”, Hanco*ck said, “I suppose you have a point. I am quite fond for most men in my world”.


“Yes”, Hanco*ck then proceeds to form her hand gesture into a heart and give him a wink and a kiss. A heart-shape symbol floarts to Bill, which then petrifies him in stones.

Much to Boomhauer and Hank's shock, along with some of the people in the surroundings.

“Whoaman,thatladywiththerockandsnakegiveBillakissandhecompletelyturnintoastone!” Boomhauer remarked, pointing it out, “Itellya,heturnhimintoastoneasifshe’sthesnake,hairladyfromGreekorRomanorsomething,Idon’tknow”.

“Tch, men”, Hanco*ck scoffed.

Onto the other stands, Hellboy and Vicky are working together in selling off items of their own. This consists of Vicky's own stuff he doesn’t need, which consists of necklaces, bones, horns, helmets, shields, broken swords ropes, iron shards, and extra clothes. As for Hellboy, his own personal items are empty flasks, broken flashlights, old scrolls with unknown symbols on them, a couple of dead tooth fairies, Mexican beer bottles, cigars, and stones.

Several customers are simply observing, but Vicky seem to be taking this garage sale pretty well, “Wow, there’s so many people coming to our stand. Guess our materials must be this fantastic”.

“Right”, Hellboy replied, drinking a beer while sitting on a wooden folding chair, “Good time to sell off some junk, I guess”.

“Honestly, yours don’t look so much like junk”, Vicky remarked, “They seem so unique”.

“Nah. You don’t want to know. Some of these are pretty personal. Better not get too attached”.

“Hmm”, Vicky crossed arm, feeling curious but at the same time a little frustrated/


“Staying with the red guy has been pretty fun”, Vicky confessed, “Yet, there’s so much about him I don’t know of. He seems to be keeping a secret”.


Elsewhere, Idree is struggling to sell, as his items are lacking.

It only consists of a torn off, dirty cloth, a crack, an old glass jar, some rocks, an empty can, and a dirty blanket.

Most of the people passing by either ignored him or took one glance at him and never paying a good attention.

It left Idree in a pretty difficult and frustrating state. As much as he despised King Archer to the level that he work under him, he was hoping at least the King share some of his stuff in return.

But alas, it wasn’t the case.

“Great”, Idree remarked to himself, deadpan and with a sarcastic tone, “Just what I need. No help from anyone and I’m stuck here to fend for myself. Ugh, I can’t even stare at anyone. The way they dress, they act, no decency”.

Before he could even continue with his rant on the folks passing by, he noticed his blanket was being torn apart by a random dog, “Hey! Shoo! Get away from my product!”

Idree got out of his stand and try to kick the dog, but it eventually ran away causing him to fall to the ground, “OW!”

“Well, well, a pitiful display of a yard sale I see”, A man came by, remarking at Idree current situation. He’s chubby. He wore shades of glasses, long brown hair that reached to his turtleneck, black sweater. He wears a purple suit and smokes a cigarette holder, “No point of selling if one simply sale things that a dog can feed”.

“Excuse me, are you talking to me?” Idree asked him, “Who are you?”

“I am Augustus Saint Cloud”, He revealed himself, “And I seem to notice your sad state of affairs with your sale”.

“Yeah, so? It’s none of your business”, Idree told him.

“None of mine, yes”, Cloud told him, “But I came to look for any precious items so I could add within my Asian collection. And here I am, seeing a lack of it. Well, there are few stands here and there, but yours is the most shame”.

“Oh screw off!” Idree told him, as St. Cloud moved on from his discussion with him, “You want me to get you in trouble! I would if…I have any…control….”


“Damn it! Archer!” Idree said, “If he simply had given me half of his stuff, I would’ve gone through this much easier! Granted, not as perfect as those kids, but I could’ve survived through it!”


Idree returned to his stand, disgruntled. Then the stand collapsed, much to his shock and disbelief, “Oh come on!”

Over from the other side of the stand, Ruby and Lucy are selling off items they don’t need or ones made by them. These usually consist of something more dark and gothic like candle packages, printed poems by Lucy, knives, etc.

Ruby took notice of Idrees troubling situation and remarked, “This isn’t looking good”.

“What are you talking about?” Lucy asked, giving away a mysterious black chest to a customer, as the result of the dropped crush his food, squealing from it, “We doing pretty well for the past twenty minutes”.

“I’m referring to Idree”, Ruby said, “He’s not selling well”.

“Well I think it’s pretty obvious why”, Lucy said to her, looking in the same direction, “You're going to help him, aren’t you?”

“You are totally correct on that”.

“Don’t know how you're going to help him. His stuff isn’t high quality”.

“There’s always a way to turn low quality to high quality”, Ruby replied, “You just need a creative mindset, that’s all”.

“Good luck on that”, She said, as Ruby left the stand, leaving Lucy to manage things herself.

Idree stood at the broken down stand, “Crummy Imp. So much of his holy powers!”

“Hey Idree, what’s up?” Ruby asked, checking on him.

“What’s up? Look at this!” Idree told her, “My stand is broken, I am being mocked by these people, most of my things are garbage and…”

As he continued to complain, he picked up an object that resembles a statue, but is crudely made as if clay was mashed together. It has a large head, but droopy eyes and a handlebar, “I have no idea what this is! Like, is it a cup or something? What is it?”

“Hmm looks like a funny looking clay model that wasn’t half way finished”, Ruby pointed out.

“Funny? It looks hideous. As hideous as any dumb woman's fabric would make”.

“Maybe I could help”.

“Help me? How?”

“For starters, maybe we should give it some small touches that could totally grab someone's attention.

“Oh come on. Who wants this, anyways?” Idree asked her, “Only an idiot would buy this”.

Ruby looked around and noticed markers and a mop cloth on the ground. Picking them up and taking the object, she begins making something out of it and reveals it to Idree, as the object looks like it has a hair and grinned, “Tada! Quality”.

“This?” Idree asked, crossed arm, “This is quality?”

“Well, quality varies, but I’m sure this would grab anyone's interest”.

“Yeah, which is not gonna happen. If you think I’m going to sell this thing-!” Before Idree could finish his sentence, a man with the palm hat passed by and took notice of the strange object.

“Hey, what’s that?” The man asked him.

“It’s nothing! Go away!” Idree replied back.

“I want it”.


“I want it. Thirty dollars for it”, The man said, pulling out cash, much to Idree bewilderment.

Ruby is surprised, but completely complies as she hands the object to him and in return he gave the money to Idree.

Ruby gleefully smiles, as Idree doesn’t have much to say from that, “Welp, that just …...happen”.


“Okay, didn’t expect that to go so well, but it works”, Ruby said, “Idree just need a bit of help from someone. Even if he may not be appreciative, I’m still willing to help him out”.


As Ruby continues to help Idree out, who is only observing it from across the stand, Red Skull is watching through his binoculars.

“This girl is continuing to interfere with my plans”, Red Skull said, “It should’ve been him asking for my help, not the other way around! Begging for mercy was the best option I had!”

While he’s doing this, many of his customers are examining and checking out old World War 2 items and weapons, books, uniforms, helmets, gas mask, handkerchiefs, posters, flags, small statues, and all sorts of objects relating to his organization and period.

Bill Dauterive is one of these customers, as he picks up a canister with a spray tip, “Umm excuse me, is this thing a perfume? It looks like a perfume. Looks really fancy, hey how much does this cost?”

Red Skull simply grumbled, as Bill examined it he pressed the tip causing gas to be spray in his eyes which caused great pain to him, dropping and squealing, “AAAAAAAHHH! My eyes! It feels like hot, burning wings waging a war on me eyes! AAAAAHHHH!”


“That girl is intolerable to stare at. I need to be more approachable with him”, Red Skull replied, “Physically this time. I cannot allow some unknown inferior creature to ruin my plans”.


Red Skull placed the binoculars down, turning around to see Tomie sitting on his stand, “You know, there’s being a total creep and being a complete lazy a**”.

“Don’t you have a business to run?” Red Skull asked her.

“Don’t worry. It’s running by itself”, Tomie assures him, gesturing to her stand, which is apparently selling tons of clothes, wallets, photos, and other belongings that don’t seem to belong to her, as most of them seem to belong to mostly males.

This didn’t stop the locals from taking a look and buying it by putting the money in her jar.

One guy said, holding up a brown suit, “Look at this! I got myself a suit in wrinkle condition”.

Another guy said, “Look! I got myself five wallets. One of which has a photo album of some girl or whatever”.

And the last guy said, “And I got myself a bloody T-shirts with the word ‘Tomie!’ written on it! For some reason, I know Japanese”.

“Honestly, this yard sale is something I really need right now”, Tomie said, “I have a lot of stuff needing to be disposed of if you couldn’t tell”.

“Yes, I see”, Red Skull said, finding this suspicious, but not to an extent he quickly shrugged it off, “Whatever. I have my own priority to conduct now, so I suggest running off, you whor*”.

“Oh! Wow, very harsh of you”, Tomie said, getting off his stand and walking off, “Oh well”.


“I’m not that pathetic enough to get riled up when someone is stealing my prey”, Tomie confesses, “That would be ridiculous, since it's a little girl. I’m honestly just taking this casually. Nothing too extreme, but casually”.


Elsewhere in another stand, the Wonder Terror first minutes into their yard sale business and they’ve been getting quite the attraction.

All of the products consist of glittering, sparkling and perhaps, extremely bright eye catchers that would certainly grab anyone's interest.

These consist of make boxes with googly eyes, utensils with glitter and glue diamonds, old makeup packs, purses with stickers and cut out doodles on them, paper drawing with doodles consisting of any random creature, a rock, a bowl filled with sugars, and other creative, unfilter, imaginative items.

“Hello folks! Welcome to the Wonder Terror, a spectacular shop!” Mabel shows off several items to the curious customers, “Over here, we got lots of displays from our creative staff team. From critters like this purse monster here to a rock that can read minds. Yep! Definitely, one hundred percent true!”

“Anyone’s bothered by their branding name” One of the guys pointed out.

Mabel immediately quite him by shouting near his ears with a loudspeaker, “I forgot! All of them are fifteen percent off!”

“Ow! My ears!”

“Question, does this bowl still serve a function?” One of the women asked, picking up a sugar bowl.

“Absolutely! It serves as a magical bowl that can grant you any wishes beyond your imagination!”

“Including holding rice”.

“Well yes, it could do that”, Mabel said, “But since it's magical, it can do so much more”.

“I see. I take two”.

“And I’ll have these spoons”, A old man said, holding up several spoons that are glue together to form a crocodile with googly eyes, “They look funny”.

“Great! That’ll be four dollars each”.

On the other side of the stand, Reg has created these strange looking, metallic objects. They seem to resemble creatures, but their function is quite unknown. All of them have different body structure and shapes, some are long, some are round and some are taller or shorter.

Some of the folks, particularly the children, were perplexed and curious about these things.

“Twenty coins each everyone”, Dororo states, “Twenty coins each for…whatever these things are!”

One of the children picked one up, “What is this? Some kind of duck?”

“Yes! It’s called..” Dororo tried to figure out a name for it right now, quickly coming up a name,”Uhhh a Zio! Yeah, it’s like a duck, but…different”.

“Looks weird”.

“Well it’s a Zio, what did you expect? Anyways, twenty coins each”.

“Okay”, Before the kid could give away some coins, he is immediately shoved aside by Torch, who was memorized by these.

“Blimey! These things look so cute!” Torch said, picking one up, “This one looks like a cute doggy”.

“Uhhh yeah, twenty coins please”.


“These things are surprisingly well made”, Dororo said, holding the object, “Durable, not too loose. I’m really impressed by Reg”.


Everyone starts throwing coins, as they desperately want to have these things in their home, much to Dororo delight.

“Hey Reg”, She called out to him, holding a jar as coins were being thrown in them, “We’re doing great! These suckers are giving it their all to us! Can you believe it?”

Unaware until now, she sees Reg being observed by several of the children, as some even examine his arm. All of them were extremely intrigued by Reg being a robot.

“Are you really a robot?” A boy asked Reg.

“Is this even real?” Another boy asked, looking at his arm.

“Can this thing shoot?” A short boy asked, tapping his metal arm.

Reg is uncomfortable in this situation, but not too bothersome or annoyed.

“Well ummm yes”, Reg replied, “It does shoot. And yes, I actually am a robot”.


“That’s awesome”.

“I wish I was a robot, instead of a mistake”.

“I like it!”

“Question, what’s that weird, round thing on your helmet?” A girl asked, pointing at it.

“Oh this”, Reg replied, taking his helmet down and showing it to them, “This is just something that tells me how much incinerator charge I have left. It’s not much, but-”.

“Can I ride you!” A random girl pops onto his head, which almost startles him.

“What? No!”

“Hey! Back off! He needs a bit of space here” Dororo yelled, as all of the kids back away as she approaches him, “Reg, what’s going on here?”

“Nothing”, Reg replied, “I was just selling my things, until all of a sudden I’m getting a lot of attraction”.


Reg nodded.

After Dororo think about this, it gave her an idea. Before she could implement this idea, she then told him, “I see. Okay then, I need you to go back into the attic and more of…whatever those things you created”.


“Just do what I say!”

“Uhh yes! I will do just that”, Reg replied.

“Awww”, All of the children moan, “We want more robot guy!”

“Wow, you really are stirring up a crowd”, Dororo remarked to Reg, as he could only shrug and run off, “Okay guys, give him a second! If you want to ask him some question or really, bother him. You need to cough up some cash”.

One of the girl proceeded to punch another girl and steal her cash, “I got some money!”


“I never thought my appearance would attract this amount of attention”, Reg thought, “I guess I didn’t need to create those things, if that’s how we get a huge sums of money”.


“I know exploitation is wrong, but this is a challenge”, Dororo confess, “What? I haven’t done anything shady for a while now. It’s not like I’m proud of it”.


Back on the other side of the side, many of the items they sold are going as usual with Mabel being confident.

“Well Waddles, looks like we are starting a day off with a good start”, Mabel said to him, who is seen biting one of Reg merch, “We are getting a good amount of customers. Although, it feels like it’s not enough”.

“Mabel!” Nikki ran up to her, “We are in some serious, bad news territory!”

“What is it?”

“Okay, you know I suggested we go with the whole wendigo idea and you said that’s perfectly cool, as long as it’s fabulous looking or whatever?”

“I think I remember saying that”.

“Well bad news. There’s no wendigo in those forests. I can’t find any!”

“Darn! I was hoping this place might have some”.

“The good news, I got these”, Nikki said, holding up some wild bananas but painted pink, “Tada! I made this! I called it, pink sauce bananas! They are regular bananas, but pink!...and also glitter. Now we are totally going to get even more customers!”

“Great thinking, Nikki!” Mabel approves, “Say, where did you get these from?”

“I borrowed them from some lady”.

( Elsewhere ).

“Oh come on!” Nang Tani shouted, seeing the sight of an empty banana tree, “Who did this! Who stole all of my precious bananas off my tree!”


“I’m not sure if my best buddy Mabel genuinely approves of these ideas I came up with or she’s going along with it”, Nikki said, “I know I don’t hold a huge amount of doubts in my head. I know she’s totally not the type, but sometimes I get that feeling, you know”.


Reg is passing through a crowd of people, making his way through the house until he stops.

He noticed next door is Blitzwing, sitting on the ground as tons of people are taking photos or videos of him.

“Blitzwing”, Reg asked him, surprised to see him, “What are you doing?”

“Oh nothing”, Blitzwing replied, “Just…trying to think of some ideas on what to sell…which isn’t difficult”.

“I see”, Reg remarked.

“I would think harder”, Blitzwing said, switching to his angry expression, which caused everyone to storm off, “If these scoundrels stop taking pics of me!”

“Uhhh yeah. Look, maybe you should use this to your advantage”, Reg said, trying to calm him down.

“Advantage? How?!”

“I mean, I’m not much of an expert in giving much advice, but maybe you could sell yourself to gain profit. Like, everyone seem to like you because your a giant guy, right?”

Blitzwing then switch to his cold mode, “I suppose you could say that”.

“Yeah, so why not just charge people to have a good look at you. Maybe you could do some tricks or something to attract more attention”.

“Like this?!” Blitzwing crazy mode asked, transforming into a tank and shooting lasers at a nearby tree, which caused it to fall down on someone's stand.

That stand being Zulius,as he shouted, “Oh come on!”

“Uhhh maybe not to that extent, but something tame or simple”, Reg said to him, as Blitzwing transformed back into his Cybertronian form.

“Hmmm”, Blitzwing replied, in his cold mode, “I suppose you do have a point. I could try something interesting”.

“That’s good to hear”.


“Taking advice from a small flesh creature seems peculiar and weird to me”, Blitzwing remarked, “Then again, he’s more of a robot than an actual organic. Still, not a very bad advice. I haven’t really done anything so I might as well take up his word for it”.


As Reg headed inside, Zartan was hiding behind the side of the house as he was watching.

“So it is not just the Cybertronian that are here”, Zartan remarked, “There’s something peculiar about this place. Perhaps I could use this to Cobra opportunity”.

Zartan proceeded to turn invincible, as he headed out and ran straight into the house.

Outside of the gate, three new guests arrive at the Yard Sale event.

Three of them are in the form of vehicles or transportation.

One is a motorcycle, another is a black race car and the third is a blue helicopter.

They stopped, transformed into their robot form and headed to the gate. This caught everyone's attention, including Don and Mxy as they were coming out of their trailer studio.

“Cy-kill, I still don’t get it”, The race car female robot asked the motorcycle robot, “Why would a Cybertronian be around here?”

“It said here on the flier, Crasher”, Cy-kill said to her, “A Cybertronian is residing here. No matter the cost, we cannot avoid a chance that could likely get rid of the Guardians. Whether it is one of the Guardians' tricks or not, we must investigate this matter”.

“I’m beginning to think you're losing some screws there, Cy-kill”, The blue helicopter robot comments, chuckling to himself.

“Oh be quiet, Coptur! Or else that combusted engine of yours will be used as a dinner decoration”, Cy-kill retorted back at him, as they entered through the gate.

“Uhhh sorry, Cy-kill”.

Don and Mxy were seeing all this, as Don then asked him, baffling, “The Renegades? Seriously?”

“Don, I guarantee there is no limitation when it comes to bringing some random folks here, okay!’

As the host headed back inside, from the forest the Steam Children’s made their preparation in causing some mischievous mayhem within the Yard Sale event.

“Alright guys, looks like we are going to get some special audience”, Steam Chad said to them, “Yep, this is gonna be one heck of a day for us. I can feel my revenge coming soon”.

“I feel like this is just a personal vendetta for you”, Steam Rad said to him.

“I don’t mind”, Steam Gal added.

“Okay guys, you know the plan”, Steam Chad explained to them, “We gonna go find this Reg boy and his loser friends, we gonna start breaking things to provoke him and we gonna have a rematch with him where I become the victor in this scenario. You guys got that?”

“Uh yeah, that’s not much of a plan”, Steam Rad said.

“Sounds like a good plan to me”, Steam Gal commented, “I like it”.

“Seriously, it’s not”.

“Well I’m the leader of the group so I say it is”, Steam Chad told them, “Now come on guys. Let’s give them our proper greetings”.

Back in the yard sale, the event is going as normally.

Po is trying to sell off some of his Furious Five action figures and merch, as he has….a lot.

“A rare, Tigress figurine variant”, Po said to one of the older customers, “In complete mint condition with no scratch marks or dent in any of its areas. These are, after all, quite rare. I advise you to be very careful with it”.

“Oh cool, that’s great. Now let me have it”.

“Whoa, hold now. You can’t be too hasty with it. You gotta be a bit more gentle and caring when picking this cool variant up”, Po said to him, “These things are valuable to the Kung Fu world”.

“Yeah, I know. Now give it to me”.

The customer try to take it as he grabbed it, but Po immediately tried to snatch it back, saying, “Of course, it needs a few touches beforehand. I just realized that”.

“Screw off. It looks fine to me. I don’t need small touches”.

“But! But! It does! Because”, Po replied, “It needs some…gloss! Yeah! It needs to look a bit more glossy looking. Gives off a true mint condition”.

“Right”, Customer said, sarcastically as he left, making Po sigh in relief.

“What was I thinking about selling you off?” Po said to his figure, putting it back in the box, “Should’ve obviously planned this whole thing out beforehand, am I right Furrball?”

Furrball is seen laying on the stand, bored out of his mind as he pretty much gave up on the challenge and has not much things to sell.

Cutting to the other stand which has a tree crashed down half of it, Zulius is selling several possessions he owns. Including blankets, clothes, a humidifier, nail polish, hats, a box containing a half eaten cake, several grease products and weapons”.

“So does this thing work?” A female tourist asked, holding a grease product, “It looks old and ready to fall apart”.

“Lady, trust me”, Zulius said, “You really need this. I use it all the time when I need to keep my body fresh. It’s high quality”.

“How much does this half eaten cake cost?” A female customer asked.

“NO! NO! NO! NO! This is not for sale!” Zulius shouted, snatching it away from her and clinging to it, “It is not! It’s my cake! My lunch!”

During all this, King Archer is having a hard time dealing with a customer complaint in his stand.

His stand displays all of his arsenals, each varied in quality.

“This gun here is cheaply made”, A older man commented, “I can tell by the plastic”.

“What plastic? This isn’t a toy! This is a real Glock 43! It’s the real, new model. I can guarantee that!”

“Yea well, new isn’t a good term for cheapness!”

“You want me to test this thing out for you”, King Archer asked, holding the gun, “Because I will!”

“Screw you! I’m not buying this”.

“Fine! Screw you too! I got more customers coming here to buy my stuff!” King Archer said, as the customer left, “Good luck wasting your money away on other cheap materials!”

In actuality, King Archer hasn’t have a single customer. Due to the prices being too much and also, Cambodian Gun Laws.

“Damn it!” King Archer exclaimed, “I thought for sure anyone would be interested in what I got. Guns are fun to have around, people! Get intrigue!”

“I’m intrigued”, Bill said, looking at his collection, “These do look pretty beautiful”.

“F*ck off! I’m referring to actual, local customers. Not…whatever you are”.

Bill groaned in shame as he walked away.

“You do realize Cambodia has their own Gun Laws, right?” Lisa asked him, revealing both their stands are next to each other.

“Uhh yeah, I’m aware of that”, King Archer told him, “I’m just selling empty barrels and cartridges with no bullets. That’s technically within Gun Law rules”.

“No it isn’t”.

“Shut up”, King Archer replied, “And how’s your business going? I can tell you guys have…”

Lisa and Octavia stand is filled with customers, as they buy out every stock they have, which consist of Lisa items.

“A minimum below thirty customers”, King Archer pointed out, “No wait, twenty actually”.


“An eight year old girl is getting on my nerves”, King Archer confessed, “I can’t allow her to win. I just can’t! God, my predicament isn’t good! Well I mean, so far within the game. Damn, I need to take this thing a bit more seriously".


At the Wonder Terror stand, business continues to be run as usual. More and more customers are passing by and buying some interesting items for a bit of a cheaper price.

“Right here is a special little guy”, Nikki held up a shoe, drawn with an angry, expressive eyes with the front mouth being open to reveal tons of real teeths, “I called the Snarling Blood X. Beware his poisonous teeth”.

“Are those actual teeths?” The customer asked her.

“Uhhh maybe”, Nikki replied, then whispering to the customer, “These are actually python teeths. I legit stole it after I managed to wrestle it”.

After giving it away and getting paid, Mabel checked on her to update about the progress.

“Looks like we are running a successful business here, Nikki”, Mabel said, “It feels so energizing to know things aren’t going badly”.

“Right”, Nikki replied, “Hey, was it a good idea to sell that weird missile thing?”

“I’m sure those are fine to sell”, Mabel said, “As long as there’s not going to be any complaint”.

“Sweet!” Nikki look around and notice a crowd surrounding Reg, “Hey Mabel, looks like we got some attraction on the other side”.

Reg is seen using his grappling arm to eject and smash glass bottles in front of him that are set up on the table.

The kids crowd began to cheer for him as everyone begin to throw coins at him which he isn’t bother by it.

“Okay guys, keep it within our policy”, Dororo said to everyone, holding Reg helmet and using it for coins to be dropped in, “Coins here if everyone want to dare Reg to something spectacular! As long as it appropriate”.

“Hey Dororo, how long are we suppose to do this?” Reg asked her.

“Just as long as we manage to bring in more profit, which Mxy never really specific how much”.

“I see”, Reg then asked, “You think they like what I’ve created? I feel like nobody talk about them that much”.

“Of course! Nobody is weirded out by it, well a couple of them were. Some can be quite obsessive”.

Cuts to Torch carrying both his arms with loads of Reg odd statues.

All the while Machete chastise him, “You bloody moron. Zartan is going to be mad if he found out you wasted his bucks on these crummy things”.

“Hey back off! Zartan!” Torch said, “It’s my money! I can do whatever I want with it!”

“Well that’s good to hear”, Reg said to Dororo, who seem proud of herself, “I guess everything is working out”.

“Excuse me! I am Hector Remirez”, Hector enter the scene, bothering him with his microphone as well as a camera crew coming along, “Host of the Twenty Question show. I want to ask, how does it feel to be exploited by the awful former host of the Ridonculous Race, Don”


“Hey! Back off!” Dororo called out, shoving Reg behind her.

“Little girl, please do not interrupt”, Hector told her, “This is a huge matter that I must document”.

“Yeah, well document somewhere else! Because I’m trying to help out Reg here”.

“Oh, so that is his name”, Hector said, “Well, pardon for my intrusion. As you must know, I was granted full responsibility in ensuring every moment is caught on camera and questions must be ask. Now could you please step aside?”

“Screw you!”

“Uhhh Dororo”, Reg said, worried for her safety.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” Mabel asked them, both her and Nikki being confuse.

“These guys are bothering us!” Dororo told her, “And I’m trying to get them out of here”.

“Children, be respectful to your adults”, Hector said, “I have full rights to film everything such as the case here. Now can we resume our coverage?”

“Dororo, calm down”, Mabel confront Dororo, “I know these guys can get a bit irritating, but you gotta relaxed. They just here for an interview, that’s all”.

“Exactly!” Hector said, cutting in, “Now then, question. Do you two consider yourself as well meaning contestant or child servants?”


“I have no idea what a news anchor, news reporter or whatever those guys are”, Dororo said, “Based off my first experience, I already hate them”.


At the other stands, Lisa and Octavia business are doing well on their own.

The continued success begins to drive King Archer into insanity as he struggles on his own.

“Come on! There's fully loaded ammo in this rifle!” Archer shouted at three of the kids, “How dumb are you kids, anyways?!”

The one kid simply shrugged as they both walked away.

“Hey! Don’t go! I can still give you guys three guns, which come with grenades! Be excited!”

King Archer then notices one if not half of his guns are missing, “What the?! Did those guys literally distracted me so they could steal my-?! F*ck!”

As King Archer moan in irritation, Octavia mutter, “Thank f*cking god he’s suffering. A**”.

“Don’t get too satisfied about it”, Lisa told her, “We still have more stuff to sell so let’s keep it up”.

Octavia nodded.

Passing by their stands, Cy-kill, Coptur, and Crasher are walking through while ignoring a crowd of people glancing at them and taking videos or photos at them.

“These humans are annoying me”, Crasher told Cy-kill, “I’m tempted to use my foot to step on them”.

“Patient Crasher”, Cy-kill replied, “Be fortunate we allow to peacefully roam in this universe Earth than ours”.

“You think some of the folks here sell extra main rotors?” Coptur asked.

“Coptur, we are not here to buy some stuff”, Cy-kill told him, “Although now you mention it, I really need some new wheels”.

“Cy-kill! There he is!” Crasher pointed.

Blitzwing in his crazy mode is consuming tons of trees he manage to ripped off from the ground and showing it off to a crowd of people as they are giving their money away.

“Ah! So that’s the Cybertronian”, Cy-kill said, as they approached him.

“Tada! A toothpick!” Blitzwing said, getting claps from the crowd as he held it up, “In robot size no less! Hahahahahaha!”

“ThatrobotguyjustconsumethattreethinginasecondItellyou”, Boomhauer comments to Hank, as both men are taking a sip of their beer.

“You know, part of me thinks this guy is powered by propane”, Hank replied, “It would be a neat idea to think of”.

“Out of the way you humans!” Cy-kill shouted, as the crowd dispersed, including Boomhauer and Hank Hill.

Blitzwing took notice of them, switching to his cold mode, “Umm excuse me. You're scaring my customers”.

“Ah, if it isn’t Blitzwing”, Cy-kill said, “Second in command of the Decepticon”.

“Second in command? Forgive me, but I think you mistaken someone else with that title”.

“Really? Er I mean, nevermind. I heard you are no longer a Decepticon”.

“Hmm yes, you are correct”, Blitzwing then asked, “And you are?”

“We are the Renegades”, Cy-kill explained, “I’m Cy-kill, leader of the pack. I’m sure you Cybertronians have somewhat heart of our exploits”.

“Hmmm, think I do”.

“I’ll cut to the chase”, Cy-kill said, placing his claw hand on his shoulder, “You see I’m interested in offering you a chance to join our cause”.

“Apologize, but I’m no longer interested in joining any factions. Take in the fact I fought in a war much longer than yours”.

“Yes, but here’s the thing. You don’t have to feel outcasted. Feel like a tool. You’ll be..uhhh, like you have some power within our ranks. Look at Crashe she takes so much enjoyment from the fact she’s Renegades, instead of some lonely loser”.

“That’s right!” Crasher said.

“Tempted, but I must decline”, Blitzwing told him, shrugging his claw hand off, “I rather compete on this reality show to get my mind off than participate in another senseless conflict”.

“Hmm perhaps I must switch to other more drastic convincing”, Cy-kill mutter then proceeding with another proposel, “How about this, Blitzwing. What if we helped you out”.

“Help me?”

“Yes. Help you out in your ordeal”.

“Why are you interested in helping me?”

“Nothing too complicated”, Cy-kill said, “We feel bad for your current circ*mstance. A pity you have no one with you after your departure from your own faction”.

“You realize I’m aware of your agenda, correct?”

“Good observation”, Cy-kill said, “I’ll cut the act and say this. If we assist you through this challenge, then perhaps you can offer us any details or info that could benefit our faction. Like say, hidden Decepticon base with plenty of materials and supplies. What do you say?”

“Well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind”, Blitzwing said, “After all, I could care less about my loyalty”.

“Excellent. We’ll be there when you need us. Hidden of course”.

Elsewhere at Idree stand, the stuff made from the trash and left overs were turn into something special.

Food cans turn to small, city architecture. Old blankets turn to look more artsy with colors patterns on them.

All of which are sold with an average price. While not hugely impactful, it was a moderate success.

“Here you go sir”, Ruby hand the model to a customer, “A city random city model you own with the addition of a name tag to go with it”.

“Schaolf city”, The customer read off his tag.

“Yeah, I ran out of idea’s what to call them. Have fun with them”, She said, then turning her attention to Idree who look bored out of his mind, “Look Idree, you selling has been doing good. Not above good, but you know. Good enough”.

“Wow, that’s amazing to hear”, Idree sarcastically said, “Tell me more if my life is going to skyrocket from me selling those garbage”.

“Come on, Idree”, Ruby told him, “Cheer up. Sure, they may not look impressive, but they pretty neat and well valuable”.

“Whatever”, Idree said, “Guess my day turn from horrible to less horrible”.

“Do you need a drink to cheer you up?” Ruby asked him.

Idree simply shrugged.

“Don’t worry. I’ll go and get us some soda’s. I’ll be right back”, Ruby said, as she run off.

While Idree sigh to himself, Tomie came by sitting on his stand, “Hey Idree”.

Mildly surprise, “What the? Tomie? What do you want?”

“Oh nothing”, Tomie said, “Just wanna to check on ya and how your yard sale been doing”.

“Doing fine. Screw off”.

“You know I’m noticing you doing pretty well for youtself with that thing”.

“You mean Ruby? Yeah no, I could care less what she’s doing for me. I could care less about everything if that Imp hadn’t came to existence”.

“Well in that case”, Tomie getting real close to Idree, making him uncomfortable, “You don’t mind if I hang around. I can make your day even better”.

“What? No!”

“Come on. You say you don’t care”.

“Yeah, well!” Idree said, nervously and remaining completely silent.

Ruby came by just in time holding two soda cans. She notices Tomie, “Oh hey Tomie. What are you doing here?”

“Hey Ruby”, Tomie said, “Just want to check on Idree on how he’s doing. Thought I would help out, but alas it seems he already got himself handle”.

“Uh huh”, Ruby responded, raising an eyebrow, “I see”.


“You know”, Ruby said, “I never really gave my thoughts on Tomie. I guess we hadn’t interacted a whole lot to get to know each other. She seems…oddly playful, especially around guys like Idree”.


“So this whole competing thing wasn’t part of your consent, correct?” Hector asked Dororo, who didn't look amuse as she crossed arm herself.


“And is it true that this purple Imp kidnapped you and force you to perform unbearable acts for the amusem*nt of the audience”.


“What about your parents? How would they feel about this?”

“Okay, you making this more uncomfortable”, Dororo told him, “Now can you please leave!”

“Not until I finish covering this entire yard sale from start to end”.

Dororo groan.

“Hey Dororo, how’s everything been going?” Mabel asked, checking on her.


“Umm I meant business wise”.

“Oh, it’s going fine”, Dororo replied, “Reg is still doing a few tricks”.

Reg is using his right arm as a swing for three children to hang onto and play around, which every other children want to take turn for.

“How about you and Nikki?” Dororo asked her.

“Doing fine”, Mabel replied, “Lately we been lacking some ideas, but I think we getting back on track here”.

Right on cue, Nikki is seen pushing the house main fridge onto the stand and slapping a price sticker on it.

“Yep! Everything is going okay. I just hope something real good is going to happen”.

“Real good?”

“Yeah, it’s like the opposite of saying, real bad. As if, there isn’t going to be anything bad happening”.

And right on cue again, everyone pauses as they heard gunshots being fired. They all turned and saw them.

The Steam Children’s holding stolen guns from King Archer stand.

“Oh no, it them”, Dororo said.

“Who?” Mabel asked.

“Those three creeps me and Reg encounter”.

“Well, well, well”, Steam Chad said, “If it isn’t-”

A drone fell onto Steam Gal as a result of their shooting. This was an unexpected surprise by both the brothers and everyone else, but Steam Chad continued, “Uhhh anyways! If it isn’t our new favorite, unexpected, escape victims!”

“Ummm who are they?” Hector asked, confusingly.

Suddenly, he is immediately punched in the guts by Steam Rad as he quickled uses the cranes on his wrist to do so.

This shocked and startled the surrounding folks. All of the kids either ran away or hide behind Reg.

“Keep filming! Keep filming!” Hector groan on the ground, clenching his stomach and gesturing his camera crew, “I just need some time on the dirt floor”.

“Now then, what do we have here?” Steam Chad asked them, approaching the two girls. Specifically toward Dororo who wasn’t afraid of him, “I didn’t know you were this poor enough you have to live in the scrap part of a festival”.

“I don’t think that’s a good insult”, Steam Gal pointed out, rubbing her head.

“Shut up!”

“What do you guys want?” Dororo asked.

“Yeah, what do you guys want from us?” Mabel demanded, “With your cranes and oddly matched outfit resembling that kid I met from the key search challenge. By the way, you guys related to that Steam Lad fellow?”

“Oh, you know our stupid brother?” Steam Chad replied, “Good to hear. Makes me more willing to pull your hair off so I can use it for dynamite stands!”

“Hey, back off mister”, Nikki cuts in and confronts Chad, “No one touches Mabel's hair but me!”

“Wait, what?” Mabel asked.

“Don’t question it”.

“Ha! What are you going to do? Pee on me?”

“For a matter of fact, I would after I tear you apart limbs from limbs”.

“Ooooh I’m so scared!” Steam Chad mockingly said with a gesture, then immediately dropping it and ordering his two siblings, “Guys, start crashing the place”.

Steam Gal and Steam Rad nodded as they go forward their objective.

Steam Rad twists one of his cranes on his wrist and punches the fridge, sending it crashing through the public area and other stands, which they manage to dodge ( Not so much on the stand side ).

Much to Mabel, Dororo, Reg and Nikki, including Waddles, shock.

Steam Gal brings out a spray paint, twisted the cranes on her leg pads and starts graffiti the stands and its products with such speed. However, it’s revealed she was using a cheese cheddar spray, to which she shrugged and start spraying cheese in her mouth.

Steam Chad made his move as he was going to strike all of Reg handmade products he made. As he lifted his hand in the air with a mischievous grin, Dororo stopped him by grabbing his arm, “No! You're not destroying it!”

“Screw off!” Steam Chad said, nudging her off his arm on the ground, as Reg

“Dororo!” Reg exclaim. Without hesitation, he quickly pushes Steam Chad to the ground. Afterwards, he check on Dororo, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine”, Dororo assures him, being helped up.

“Finally! Looks like we getting somewhere here!” Steam Chad said, twisting the cranes on his chest.

“What’s your problem?” Reg demanded a defense position and shielding Dororo.

“My problem? Funny you say that”, Steam Chad said, still smirking, “If I recall you guys humiliate us in the forest!”

“Oh…yeah, that happened”.

“Now we're back to settle the score! Only this time I’m going all out here. Last time we met you barely scratched the surface on what I’m capable of! So now I’m gonna show you just how much of a threat I can be!”

Steam Chad finished twisting the crane, which boosted his strength as he launch himself toward Reg, readying a fist.

Before he could make his strike he is immediately struck down by an unexpected fist which send him flying backward to his siblings.

Two of his siblings were left in astonishment.

Not just astonishment, but shock as everyone saw who it is that struck him.

Steam Lad who had uses his fist, which is emitted from the smoke coming out of it.

“It’s Steam Lad!” Mabel gasps, pointing at him in excitement.

“Steam who?” Nikki asked, confusingly.

“You know! The guy in the forest I was talking about”.

“Oh, I get it now”, Nikki said, “I actually thought you were referring to a wet dream you had”.

“Oh my god! It’s the mysterious boy from the forest!” One random, shocked boy pointed out. The others were in shock, but he proceeded to start bowing down.

“Uhhhh Chad, our brother is here”, Steam Gal asked him, who was still on the ground, “What are we going to do next?”

“Uhhh….” Steam Chad groan.

“You better take Chad back to our mother”, Steam Lad told them, “Now or I’ll make sure I bring it to him myself”.

“No! No!” Cool!” Steam Rad assures him, as he quickled carries Chad on his back as the both of them run off.

Everyone cheered after seeing it unfold as it left Dororo, Reg and Nikki pretty confused at the moment.

“Ok, I know some weird stuff could happen at anytime”, Dororo pointed out, “But I did not expect this to happen”.

“Guys! You see this! He’s here!” Mabel told them, “The guy from the forest, remember!”

“So he’s actually real then”, Reg said, “Guess it wasn’t a fabrication, which means….”

“Which means that creepy lady in the forest is real”, Dororo said, hauntingly.

“Welp! I’m going to talk to him!”

Mabel quickly ran up to him, “Hey! Uhhh…thanks for helping us get rid of those guys”.

“Huh? Who said that?”

“Me! Mabel Pines!”

Steam Lad stared at her, confusingly.

“The girl you met in the forest”.

Steam Lad still stared at her, still confused and in silence.

“The one with the pig”.

“Oh, it’s you”, Steam Lad said, “Huh, that’s quite a coincidence. Didn’t expect to be here in this area”.

“Yeah, what a total coincidence am I right?”

“Uh huh”, Steam Lad turn around and was about to leave, but Mabel try to stop him.

“Wait! Uhhh, where-where are you going?”

“Ummm back to the forest”.

“Wha-I….uhhh, couldn’t you stay here for a moment?” Mabel asked, awkwardly, “We got loads of cool stuff we are selling. Some of them could interest you?”

“What kind of stuff?”

“Stuff… know, stuff that are eye catching, heheheh…heh…”

There was a moment of awkward silence between them, until Steam Lad broke it up by saying, “Right. I’m not really in the mood for it so bye”.

He ran toward a nearby open area for him to jump onto a branch until eventually he disappeared in the forest.

This left Mabel at awe by him and made her more curious to know more, “This guy is amazing”.

All the while three of her friends stood there confused, as their stands remained ruined from the result of the Steam Siblings wrath.

“Hey uhhh, anyone is bothered by our tent getting caught on fire?” Reg pointed out.

A few seconds later after everything has been cleansed up for the day and every guest leaves, everyone is presented as the jars filled with cash are laid out for Mxy to count.

As he was counting, Mabel was trying to stir up an interesting discussion around the special event that happened today.

“You guys aren’t gonna believe what happened!” Mabel said, “Like, totally not gonna believe it”.

“If it’s the giant, three talking robots then yes, we are aware”, John Redcorn said, “Also, I really need some sleep right about now after how long I had to sit through Dale interview”.

“What? No! I’m referring to the fact that me and my friends met Steam Lad! The guy in the forest we mentioned days ago”.

“Oh yeah, him? He actually came by?” Ruby asked her.

“Yep. It’s a long story”.

“Yep. All you guys need to know is we had a bit of a wild day”, Nikki said.

“I see”, Ruby said, then turning to Idree, “Well Idree, we may not have stack up some cashes, but at least you were doing pretty good back there so…uhhh, good job”.

Idree simply scoff.

“Okay, after doing the math in my head”, Mxy said, “I hereby proclaim…..Blitzwing as the winner!”

“What?!” Everyone shouted.

Dororo: “Come on!”

Archer: “Are you serious?!”

Zulius: “He didn’t even sell anything!”

John Redcorn: “I call that foul”.

“Sorry guys”, Mxy explained, floating near Blitzwing, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he snapped a trophy into existence for him, “Based on the statistics, he technically won today's challenge”.

“So we sold a bit of our personal belongings for nothing then”, Lisa asked.

“Look on the bright side, there’s no elimination so that means you guys are still here!” Mxy said, popping from being near Blitzwing to Don, “That gotta count for something”.

Everyone groans from the lack of reward given. Not to mention, the entire day as a whole was completely stressful from how much they got handled with some of the folks here.

“Well giant robot guy”, Mabel said to him, “Congrats on your first win. Bet that trophy must be real nice to ke-”

“I don’t need it”, Blitzwing said, dropping it onto Red Skull's foot.

He screamed in German rambling, once Blitzwing left to head back into the hangar.

“Well this sucks”, Octavia said to Lisa, sighing to herself “At least it’s over now”.

“Yeah”, Lisa replied, “But thanks for helping me back there. I know I said that loads of time, but-”

“Appreciative? It’s fine. At least it is satisfying knowing our favorite, Man of the House hasn’t coughed up any cash”.

“Hey! At least I still have all of my arsonals”, King Archer told them, as everyone returned home while Red Skull struggled to get his foot out of the trophy, “You have nothing, so ha!”

As King Archer leaves whistling to himself, Lisa wonders and asks Octavia, “Seriously, I’m still surprised he hasn’t been kicked out from his agency”.

“Well from what I heard, he’s a mommy boy”.

“And that wraps up today's episode!” Don said to the camera, “There may be no losses, but will this be continued through the progression of this series?! Found out on the next episode of-!”

“Don, what are you doing?” Mxy asked him.

“Doing the cap off”.

“Wait, what?”

“You know. When reality shows are coming to a close, there’s usually a host capping things off”.

“Oh yeah”, Mxy said, “Huh, now you mention it. I don’t think we ever did that from the start”.

Back in the lair of Cherieng, the Steam Kids returned as they were exhausted, tired and disappointed with what happened for today.

Steam Chad was furious.

“Stupid! Idiot! mother f*cking! Small shrimp! Fried….”, Steam Chad trying to come up with every curse in his head, but completely gives up, “Dang it! I hate those guys! I especially hate our brother”.

“Well what did you expect?” Steam Rad asked, to which Steam Gal nodded, “He always shows up when there’s trouble. Well, usually it involves us, but you know him”.

“I need to show them who they are messing with. We’ll get them! We’ll find a way!”

“Oh calm down, my precious children’s”, The voice of Cherieng startle the three of them that they stopped in their tracks within the tunnel.

She appears standing before them in shadows, while holding the GOM statue and cresting it, “You’ll have your comeback soon, children. Very soon”.

“Mom! Uhhh you look…” Steam Gal said, nervously, “Good as ever”.

“What were you three doing over there?” She asked them, “Do you three remember I specifically told you not to interact with them until I say so?”

“Well…” Steam Chad said, “Temptation grew and I feel like I deserve some payback for what they did to me! I mean! You”.

“Yeah, uhhh…we can’t help ourselves”, Steam Rad added.

“Yep. If it wasn’t for our brother coming in and ruining everything we would’ve avenged your defeat”, Steam Gal said.

“Exactly”, Steam Chad finished.

Cherieng remained in silence as the three of them nervously waited until she finally responded, “I see. Do carry on with your usual activity”.

“So we're off the hook then?” Steam Gal asked, then getting hit in the head by Steam Chad, “Ow!”

“Right now. Me and GOM are currently busy at the moment”.

“Busy on what?”

“That is something I’ll discuss with you three later”, Cherieng then turned around and returned back to where she came, “Right now, your mom needs some rest”.

After she left, this left the three of them in good relief.

“Well, that was easy”, Steam Gal told them, “I know she rarely, if not never punish us for doing what we do best, but I sometimes fear what she might do you know”.

“I’m more glad she didn’t yell”, Steam Rad said.

“And I would be more glad if you guys will just shut up!” Steam Chad shouted at them.

That’s that. Lots of things have been set up in this chapter. Lots of things.

Not a very good way to end things off, but whatever. Too tired to cover all other stuff.

So yeah, this is another tamer challenge but with some important stuff in them.

Ruby is now helping Idree out, which may cause friction within Red Skull plans. Tomie is…Tomie. Blitzwing has a secret friend, which no doubt would lead to something. Steam Lad finally make his presence know in broad day light, which got Mabel hugely interested in him. King Archer is finally struggling at the moment so that’s pleasing to see. And yea, other stuff happens. There’s not much to comment here, but to just simply keep reading and that’s it.

Now you might be wondering what’s the deal with the Gobots, Renegades and Zartan, and well ....those aspects will be important for later.

Next chapter is a boat race, based off Cambodia Festival Activity revolving around using dragon boats to race the high seas! Or low seas in this case. The cast will be building and sailing, all the while avoiding several obstacles that will be in their way. Who will win? Don’t know! But you gotta wait and see!

Anyways, that’s all I have to say for now. Give it a review and keep reading!

The Fantastic Don House - 1602jaw (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.