Daily Services - A New Zealand Prayer Book (2024)

Daily Services

(Jump to: Sun am,Sun pm,Mon am,Mon pm,Tues am,Tues pm,Wed am,Wed pm,Thurs am,Thurs pm,Fri am,Fri pm,Sat am,Sat pm)

From early in the history of the Church, Christians have developed forms ofdaily prayer and worship, centred on the regular reading of Scripture and the recital of the psalms.Such regular spiritual discipline is commended to all, and especially when it is possible for groups ofChristians to meet together.

Clergy in particular are expected to follow a personal spiritual disciplineand to provide opportunities for other people to join in daily worship where possible. Such a scheme ofregular spirituality is provided here.

Individuals or groups may adapt the pattern found here to their own needs.The following are examples of the kind of changes that can be made.


Seasonal Variations

In addition to the ‘Alleluia’ provided for use in Eastertide, the seasons of the Church′s yearand other festivals may be marked by the use of seasonal sentences at the beginning and end ofthe service, by a special selection of the Songs of Praise or from the AdditionalSongs of Praise, or by the insertion of appropriate hymns or other songs.



(i)When said by one person alone, the opening and closing verse and response may be omitted.
(ii)The material provided may be used to construct a simple pattern: an opening sentence, aNew Testament reading, a Song of Praise in a weekly or monthly cycle, andinformal prayer.


One Service in the Day

The general pattern of the services may be followed in a single service for the day, usingeither the morning or evening Songs of Praise as set in a fortnightly cycle, or one song ofpraise in a monthly cycle, as a response to the Psalms and Readings. If the service is said inthe middle of the day, the morning or evening collect is omitted, or replaced by an appropriatemidday prayer.

54 Liturgies of the Word


The following are common texts foruse in
the Daily Services

Confession and Absolution

Almighty and merciful God,
we have sinned against you,
in thought, word and deed.
We have not loved you with all our heart.
We have not loved others as our Saviour Christ loves us.
We are truly sorry.
In your mercy forgive what we have been,
help us to amend what we are,
and direct what we shall be;
that we may delight in your will
and walk in your ways,
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

A priest says

Almighty God,
who pardons all who truly repent,
forgive your sins,
strengthen you by the Holy Spirit,
and keep you in life eternal; through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

(A deacon or layperson says ‘us’ and ‘our′instead of ‘you’ and ‘your’.)


At the end of the Psalm is said

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.


Daily Services / Common Texts 55

Kia whakakorōriatia te Matua, te Tama:
me te Wairua Tapu;
ko te ritenga ia i te tīmatanga, ā tēnei anō ināianei:
ā ka mau tonu iho, ā ake ake ake. Āmine.


Korōria ki a koe, e te Ariki.


Korōria ki te Matua, ki te Tama,
ki te Wairua Tapu;
mai i te tīmatanga, ki tēnei wā,
ā, haere ake nei. Āmine.

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

56 Liturgies of the Word

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

E tō mātou Matua i te rangi
Kia tapu tōu Ingoa.
Kia tae mai tōu rangatiratanga.
Kia meatia tāu e pai ai
ki runga ki te whenua,
kia rite anō ki tō te rangi.
Hōmai ki a mātou āianei
he taro mā mātou mō tēnei rā.
Murua ō mātou hara,
Me mātou hoki e muru nei
i ō te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou.
Āua hoki mātou e kawea kia whakawaia;
Engari whakaorangia mātou i te kino:
Nōu hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha,
me te korōria,
Āke ake ake. Āmine.

Daily Services / Common Texts 57

Sunday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

Awake sleeper;
rise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

The Spirit of the Lord

1The Spirit of the Lord God ′ is up′on me:
because the Lord has anointed me‿
to bring good ′ tidings ′ to the · af′flicted.
2The Lord has sent me to bind up the ′ broken-′hearted:
to proclaim liberty for the captives,
and re′lease for ′ those in ′ prison,
3to comfort ′ all who ′ mourn:
to bestow on them a crown of ′ beauty · in′stead of ′ ashes,
4the oil of gladness in′stead of ′ mourning:
a garment of ′ splendour · for the ′ heavy ′ heart.
5†They shall be called ′ trees of ′ righteousness:
planted for the ′ glory ′ of the ′ Lord.
6Therefore I will greatly re′joice · in the ′ Lord:
my soul shall ex′ult ′ in my ′ God,
7for God has robed me with salvation ′ as a ′ garment:
and clothed me with in′tegri·ty ′ as a ′ cloak.
8For as the earth brings′ forth its ′ shoots:
and as a garden causes the ′ seeds to ′ spring ′ up,
9so the Lord God will cause ′ righteousness · and ′ praise:
to spring ′ forth before ′ all the ′ nations.
Isaiah 61:1-3, 10, 11

58 Liturgies of the Word

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of our Adoption

1Blessèd are you, God and Father of our Lord ′ Jesus ′ Christ:
you have blessed us in Christ with every‿
spiritual ′ blessing · in the′ heaven·ly ′ realms.
2Even before the world was made‿
you chose us to be ′ yours in ′ Christ:
that we should be holy and ′ blameless ′ in your ′ sight.
3In love you destined us for adoption‿
as your children ′ through Christ ′ Jesus:
such was your ′ pleasure ′ and your ′ purpose,
4to the praise of your ′ glori·ous ′ grace:
which you have freely given us in ′ your be′lovèd ′ Son.
Ephesians 1:3-6

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

Daily Services / Sunday Morning 59

The following Morning Collect is said.

God our creator,
yours is the morning and yours is the evening.
Let Christ the sun of righteousness
shine for ever in our hearts
and draw us to that light
where you live in radiant glory.
We ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Sunday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

Christ has been raised from the dead,
the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

60 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

Your Light has Come

1Arise shine for your ′ light has ′ come:
and the glory of the ′ Lord has ′ risen · up′on you.
2Behold darkness ′ covers · the ′ earth:
and thick ′ darkness · is ′ over · the ′ peoples.
3But upon you the ′ Lord shall ′ rise:
and the glory of the ′ Lord · will ap′pear up′on you.
4Nations will ′ come · to your ′ light:
and kings to the ′ brightness ′ of your ′ rising.
5No longer will violence be ′ heard · in your ′ land:
nor ruin or des′truction · with′in your ′ borders.
6But you will call your ′ walls ‘Sal′vation’:
and ′ all your ′ gates ′ ‘Praise’.
7No more shall the sun be your ′ light by ′ day:
nor by night will you need the ′ brightness ′ of the ′ moon,
8for the Lord will be your ever′lasting ′ light:
and your ′ God will ′ be your ′ glory.
Isaiah 60:1–3, 18, 19

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

Daily Services / Sunday Evening 61

This Song of Praise follows.

The Mystery of our Religion

1Christ Jesus our Lord was manifested ′ in the ′ flesh:
and was ′ vindi·cated ′ in the ′ Spirit;
2he was ′ seen by ′ angels:
and pro′claimed a′mong the ′ nations;
3he was believed on ′ in the ′ world:
and was ′ taken ′ up in ′ glory.
4He will be revealed in due ′ time by ′ God:
the blessèd and only ruler,
the ′ sovereign ′ Lord of ′ all,
5who alone has ′ immor′tality:
and dwells in ′ unap′proacha·ble ′ light,
6whom no one has ever ′ seen or ′ can see:
to whom alone be honour and might‿
for ever and ′ ever.′ A′men.
1 Timothy 3:16; 6:15,16
Then follow The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

Loving creator of all,
watch over us this night
and keep us in the light of your presence.
May our praise continually blend
with the song of all creation,
until we come to those eternal joys
which you promise in your love;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

62 Liturgies of the Word

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

To God, who is able to do far more abundantly
than all we ask or think,
be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus,
from generation to generation for ever.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Monday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

Our help comes from the Lord,
who has made heaven and earth.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

Benedicite Aotearoa

(Verses 10 and 11 of the following may be omitted in daily use.
A version of the traditional Song of Creation (Benedicite)
will be found on page 102.)

1O give thanks to our God ′ who is ′ good:
whose ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.
2You sun and moon, you stars of the ′ southern ′ sky:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
3Sunrise and sunset, ′ night and ′ day:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.

Daily Services / Monday Morning 63

4All mountains and valleys, grassland and scree,
glacier, avalanche, ′ mist and ′ snow:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
5You kauri and pine, rata and kōwhai, ′ mosses · and ′ ferns:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
6Dolphins and kahawai, sealion and crab,
coral, anemone, ′ pipi · and ′ shrimp:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
7Rabbits and cattle, moths and dogs,
kiwi and sparrow and ′ tūī · and ′ hawk:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
8You Māori and Pākehā, women and men,
all who inhabit the ′ long white ′ cloud:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
9All you saints and martyrs of the ′ South Pa′cific:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
10All prophets and priests, all cleaners and clerks,
professors, shop workers, typists and teachers,
job-seekers, invalids, ′ drivers · and ′ doctors:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
11All sweepers and diplomats, writers and artists,
grocers, carpenters, students and stock-agents,
seafarers, farmers, ′ bakers · and ′ mystics:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.
12All children and infants, all ′ people · who ′ play:
give to our ′ God your ′ thanks and ′ praise.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

64 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

A Joyful Assembly

1We have come before God’s ′ holy ′ mountain:
the heavenly Jerusalem, the ′ city · of the ′ living ′ God;
2we have come before myriads of angels‿
in ′ festal ′ gathering:
before the assembly‿
of the ′ first-born ′ citizens · of ′ heaven;
3†we have come before God the ′ judge of ′ all:
before the spirits of the righteous made perfect,
and Jesus the mediator ′ of a ′ new ′ covenant.
4We are receiving a kingdom that ′ cannot · be ′ shaken:
let us ′ therefore · give ′ thanks to ′ God,
5thus offering acceptable worship with ′ reverence · and ′ awe:
for our ′ God is a con′suming ′ fire.
Hebrews 12:22–24, 28, 29

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Morning Collect is said.

Almighty and everlasting God,
we thank you that you have brought us safely
to the beginning of this day.
Keep us from falling into sin or running into danger,
and guide us to do always what is right in your eyes;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Daily Services / Monday Morning 65

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the God of hope
fill us with all joy and peace in believing,
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit
we may abound in hope.
Amen.(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Monday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

God’s love has been poured into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of Judith

1I will sing a new song ′ to my ′ God:
Lord you are great and glorious, ′
wonderful · in ′ strength, in′vincible.
2Let the whole cre′ation ′ serve you:
for you spoke, and ′ all things ′ came · into ′ being.
3You sent out your ′ breath · and it ′ formed them:
no one is ′ able · to re′sist your ′ voice.
4Mountains and seas are ′ stirred · to their ′ depths:
rocks ′ melt like ′ wax · at your ′ presence.

66 Liturgies of the Word

5†But to′ those · who re′vere you:
you will con′tinue · to ′ show ′ mercy.
Judith 16:13–15

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

The Prologue of John

1In the beginning ′ was the ′ Word:
and the ′ Word ′ was with ′ God;
2and the ′ Word was ′ God:
he was ′ in the · be′ginning · with ′ God.
3All things were ′ made through ′ him:
and without him‿
was not anything ′ made that ′ was ′ made.
4In ′ him was ′ life:
and the life was the ′ light · of the ′ human ′ race.
5The light ′ shines · in the ′ darkness:
and the darkness has ′ never ′ over′come it.
6He was in the world,
and the world was ′ made through ′ him:
yet the ′ world ′ knew him ′ not.
7He came to his ′ own ′ home:
and his own ′ people · would ′ not re′ceive him.

Daily Services / Monday Evening 67

8But to all who received him,
who be′lieved · on his ′ name:
he has given power to be′come ′ children · of ′ God.
9They were born not of blood, nor of the ′ will · of the ′ flesh:
nor of any ′ human · will, ′ but of ′ God.
10And the ′ Word be·came ′ flesh:
and dwelt among us, ′ full of ′ grace and ′ truth.
11We have ′ seen his ′ glory:
glory as of the ′ only ′ Son · from the ′ Father.
12And from his fulness we have ′ all re′ceived:
even ′ grace up′on ′ grace.
John 1:1–5, 10–14, 16

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

God the source of eternal light,
shed forth your unending day on us who watch for you;
that our lips may praise you,
our hearts bless you and our lives glorify you;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the God of peace sanctify us wholly,
and may our spirit, soul and body
be kept sound and blameless
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

68 Liturgies of the Word

Tuesday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

We will praise the name of the Lord;
ascribe greatness to our God.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

The Steadfast Love of the Lord

1The steadfast love of the Lord ′ never ′ ceases:
God′s mercies ′ never ′ come · to an ′ end;
2they are new ′ every ′ morning:
your ′ faithfulness · O ′ Lord is ′ great.
3You are ′ all · that I ′ have:
and ′ therefore ′ I will ′ wait for you.
4You Lord are good to ′ those who ′ wait for you:
to ′ all ′ those who ′ seek you.
5†It is good to ′ wait in ′ patience:
for the sal′vation ′ of the ′ Lord.
Lamentations 3:22–26

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

Daily Services / Tuesday Morning 69

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of the ChurchTe Deum Laudamus

1We praise ′ you O ′ God:
we ac′claim you ′ as the ′ Lord.
2All creation ′ worships ′ you:
the ′ Father ′ ever′lasting.
3To you all angels, all the ′ powers · of ′ heaven:
cherubim and seraphim, ′ sing in ′ endless ′ praise,
4‘Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of ′ power · and ′ might:
heaven and ′ earth are ′ full of · your ′ glory.’
5The glorious company of a′postles ′ praise you:
the noble fellowship of prophets praise you,
the white-robed ′ army · of ′ martyrs ′ praise you.
6Throughout the world the holy ′ Church ac′claims you:
Father, of ′ majes′ty un′bounded,
7†your true and only Son, worthy of ′ all ′ worship:
and the Holy Spirit, our ′ advo′cate and ′ guide.
8You Christ are the ′ king of ′ glory:
the e′ternal ′ Son · of the ′ Father.
9When you became incarnate to ′ set us ′ free:
you humbly ac′cepted · the ′ Virgin’s ′ womb.
10You overcame the ′ sting of ′ death:
and opened the kingdom of ′ heaven · to′ all be′lievers.
11You are seated at God’s right ′ hand in ′ glory:
we believe that you will ′ come and ′ be our ′ judge.
12Come then Lord and ′ help your ′ people:
bought with the ′ price of ′ your own ′ blood,
13and bring us ′ with your ′ saints:
to ′ glory ′ ever′lasting.

The Song of the Church may end with the following verses.

14 Save your people Lord, and ′ bless · your in′heritance:
govern and up′hold them ′ now and ′ always.

70 Liturgies of the Word

15Day by ′ day we ′ bless you:
we ′ praise your ′ name for ′ ever.
16Keep us today Lord from ′ all ′ sin:
have mercy ′ on us ′ Lord, have ′ mercy.
17Lord show us your ′ love and ′ mercy:
for we ′ put our ′ trust in ′ you.
18†In you Lord ′ is our ′ hope:
let us not be con′founded ′ at the ′ last.
Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Morning Collect is said.

Holy and everliving God,
by your power we are created
and by your love we are redeemed;
guide and strengthen us by your Spirit,
that we may give ourselves to your service
and live this day in love to one another and to you;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.Thanks be to God.

May we continue to dwell in Christ,
so that when he appears,
we may be confident and unashamed before him
at his coming.
Amen.(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Daily Services / Tuesday Morning 71

Tuesday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

Sing praises, sing praises to the Lord;
tell of all the wonderful things God has done.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

Great and Wonderful

1Great and wonderful are your deeds‿
O Lord ′ God · the al′mighty:
just and true are your ways‿
O ′ Sovereign ′ of the ′ nations.
2Who shall not revere and praise your ′ name O ′ Lord?:
for ′ you a′lone are ′ holy.
3All nations shall come and worship ′ in your ′ presence:
for your just ′ dealings · have ′ been re′vealed.
4To the One who is seated on the throne and ′ to the ′ Lamb:
be blessing and honour, glory and might‿
for ever and ′ ever. ′ A′men.
Revelation 15:3b, 4; 5:13

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

72 Liturgies of the Word

The First-born of All Creation

1Christ is the image of the in′visible ′ God:
the′ first-born · of ′ all cre′ation.
2In him all things in heaven and on earth ′ were cre′ated:
all that is ′ seen and ′ all · that is ′ unseen,
3thrones and dominions, princi′palities · and ′ powers:
through him and for him ′ all things ′ were cre′ated.
4He ex′ists be·fore ′ everything:
and all things are ′ held to′gether · in ′ him.
5He is the head of the ′ body · the ′ Church:
he is its beginning, the first-born from the dead,
to be in ′ all · things a′lone sup′reme.
6For in Christ O God‿
you were pleased to have all your ′ fulness ′ dwell:
and through him to reconcile the ′ uni·verse ′ to your′self.
7†You made peace by the ′ blood · of his ′ cross:
and brought back to yourself ′‿
all · things in ′ heaven · and ′ earth.
Colossians 1:15–20

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Lord′s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

Remember, merciful God,
what you have made of us and not what we deserve;
and as you have called us to your service,
make us worthy of our calling;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Daily Services / Tuesday Evening 73

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Now the God of peace
give us peace at all times and in all ways.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Wednesday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

Rejoice always, pray constantly; in everything give thanks,
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of Tobit

1Blessèd be God who ′ lives for ′ ever:
blessèd be God who ′ rules ′ over ′ all.
2We give thanks to you O Lord be′fore the ′ nations:
for you have ′ scattered ′ us a′mong them.
3There we make your ′ greatness ′ known:
and exalt you in the ′ presence · of ′ all the ′ living,
4because you are the ′ Lord our ′ God:
you ′ are our ′ Father · for ′ ever.
5When we turn to you with all our ′ heart and ′ soul:
to ′ do · what is ′ true be′fore you,
6then you will ′ turn to ′ us:
and hide your ′ face from ′ us no ′ longer.

74 Liturgies of the Word

7Consider now the deeds that ′ God has ′ done for you:
and give thanks to ′ God with ′ full ′ voice.
8Praise the ′ Lord of ′ righteousness:
and exalt the ′ ruler ′ of the ′ ages.
Tobit 13:1, 3, 4, 6

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

A Living Hope

1Blessèd be the God and Father of our Lord ′ Jesus ′ Christ:
by whose great mercy ′ we · have been ′ born a′new,
2born to a ′ living ′ hope:
by the resurrection of Jesus ′ Christ ′ from the ′ dead;
3born to an inheritance‿
which will never perish or ′ wither · a′way:
one that is ′ kept in ′ heaven · for ′ us.
4By God′s power we are ′ guarded · through ′ faith:
for a salvation ready to be re′vealed · at the′ end of ′ time.
5We rejoice in this, though now we suffer ′ vari·ous ′ trials:
so that the genuineness of our faith,
more precious than ′ gold · that is ′ tested · by ′ fire,
6may result in praise and ′ glory · and ′ honour:
at the reve′lation · of ′ Jesus ′ Christ.
1 Peter 1:3–7

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Daily Services / Wednesday Morning 75

Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Morning Collect is said.

O God,
the author of peace and lover of concord;
to know you is eternal life,
to serve you is perfect freedom.
Defend us your servants in every stress and danger,
that we may trust in your defence
and not fear the power of any adversaries;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the God of steadfastness and encouragement
grant us to live in such harmony with one another
in accord with Christ Jesus,
that we may with one voice glorify our God and Father.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Wednesday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

Grace, mercy and peace to us
from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

76 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

God is My Salvation

1Behold God is ′ my sal′vation:
I will trust and ′ will not ′ be a′fraid,
2for the Lord God is my ′ strength · and my ′ song:
and has be′come ′ my sal′vation.
3With joy you will draw water from the ′ wells · of sal′vation:
and in that day ′ all of ′ you will ′ say,
4` Give thanks and call upon the ′ name of the ′ Lord:
make known among the nations what the Lord has done,
proclaim that the ′ name · of the ′ Lord is ex′alted.
5‘Sing praises for the Lord has ′ triumphed ′ gloriously:
let this be ′ known in ′ all the ′ earth.
6‘Shout and sing for joy you ′ people · of ′ God:
for great in your ′ midst ′ is the ′ Holy One.’
Isaiah 12:2–6

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

Daily Services / Wednesday Evening 77

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of SimeonNunc Dimittis

1Lord now you let your servant ′ go in ′ peace:
your ′ word has ′ been ful′filled.
2My own eyes have ′ seen the · sal′vation:
which you have prepared in the ′ sight of ′ every ′ people,
3†a light to reveal you ′ to the ′ nations:
and the ′ glory · of your ′ people ′ Israel.
Luke 2:29–32

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.


The Love of God

1E te whānau, let us ′ love · one an′other:
for ′ love ′ is from ′ God.
2Those who love are born of God and ′ know ′ God:
but those who do not love‿
know nothing of ′ God; for ′ God is ′ love.
3Those who ′ dwell in ′ love:
are dwelling in ′ God and ′ God in ′ them.
4There is no room for ′ fear in ′ love:
love which is per′fected ′ banish·es ′ fear.
5We love because God ′ first loved ′ us:
if anyone who hates another‿
says, ‘I love God,’ that ′ person ′ is a ′ liar.
6If we do not love those whom ′ we have ′ seen:
it cannot be that we love ′ God whom ′ we have ′ not seen.
7†This commandment we ′ have from ′ God:
that those who love God must ′ also ′ love their ′ neighbour.
1 John 4:7, 8, 16, 18–21

78 Liturgies of the Word

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Lord′s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

Be our light in the darkness, Lord we pray,
and in your great mercy
defend us from all perils and dangers of this night;
for the love of your only Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself,
and God our Father,
who loved us and graciously gave us
unfailing encouragement and good hope,
comfort our hearts
and establish them
in every good word and deed.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Daily Services / Wednesday Evening 79

Thursday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

When Christ who is our life appears,
then we also will appear with him in glory.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

Rich in Mercy

1You O God are ′ rich in ′ mercy:
out of the great ′ love with ′ which you ′ loved us,
2even when we were dead ′ through our ′ sins:
you made us a′live to′gether · with ′ Christ.
3You raised us up in ′ union · with ′ him:
and made us sit with him‿
in the heavenly ′ places · in ′ Christ ′ Jesus,
4so that you might show the immeasurable riches ′‿
of your ′ grace:
in kindness to′wards us · in ′ Christ ′ Jesus.
5By your Spirit at ′ work with′in us:
you do far more abundantly than ′ all we ′ ask or ′ think.
6To you be glory in the Church and in ′ Christ ′ Jesus:
through all generations for ever and ′ ever. ′ A′men.
Ephesians 2:4–7; 3:20, 21

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

80 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

The Beatitudes

1Blessèd are the ′ poor in ′ spirit:
for the ′ kingdom · of ′ heaven is ′ theirs.
2Blessèd ′ are the ′ sorrowful:
for they shall ′ find ′ consol′ation.
3Blessèd are those of a ′ gentle ′ spirit:
for they shall have the ′ earth for ′ their pos′session.
4Blessèd are those who hunger and thirst to see ′ right pre′vail:
for ′ they ′ shall be ′ satisfied.
5Blessèd are ′ those · who show ′ mercy:
for mercy′ shall be ′ shown to ′ them.
6Blessèd are those whose ′ hearts are ′ pure:
for ′ they shall ′ see ′ God.
7Blessèd ′ are the ′ peacemakers:
for ′ they · shall be ′ called God’s ′ children.
8Blessèd are those who have suffered persecution‿
for the ′ cause of ′ right:
for the ′ kingdom · of ′ heaven · is ′ theirs.
Matthew 5:3–10

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Morning Collect is said.

Holy and eternal God,
in you we live and move and have our being.
In all our cares and occupations,
guide and govern us by your Spirit,
that we may both remember and reveal your presence;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Daily Services / Thursday Morning 81

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the Lord direct our hearts
into God′s love and Christ′s perseverance.
Amen.(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Thursday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

The Lord our God, the almighty reigns;
let us rejoice and exult and give God the glory.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of Hannah

1My heart ex′ults · in the ′ Lord:
my strength is ex′alted ′ in my ′ God.
2There is none holy ′ like the ′ Lord:
there is none beside you, ′ no rock ′ like our ′ God.
3For you O Lord are a ′ God of ′ knowledge:
and by ′ you our ′ actions · are ′ weighed.
4The bows of the ′ mighty · are ′ broken:
but the ′ feeble ′ gird on ′ strength.
5You Lord make ′ poor · and make ′ rich:
you bring ′ low · and you ′ also ex′alt.

82 Liturgies of the Word

6You raise up the ′ poor · from the ′ dust:
and lift the ′ needy ′ from the ′ ash-heap.
7You make them ′ sit with ′ princes:
and in′herit · a ′ seat of ′ honour.
8For yours O Lord are the ′ pillars · of the ′ earth:
and on them ′ you have ′ set the ′ world.
1 Samuel 2:1–4, 7, 8

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

The Exalted Lord

1Christ Jesus was in the ′ form of ′ God:
yet he did not think to ′ grasp · at e′quality · with ′ God,
2but emptied himself, taking the ′ form · of a ′ servant:
and was ′ born · in our ′ human ′ likeness.
3Being found in our human state, he ′ humbled · him′self:
and became obedient unto death,
even ′ death ′ on a ′ cross.
4Therefore God has ′ highly · ex′alted him:
and bestowed on him the ′ Name a·bove ′ every ′ name;
5that at the name of Jesus every ′ knee should ′ bow:
in heaven and on ′ earth and ′ under · the ′ earth,
6and every tongue confess that Jesus ′ Christ is ′ Lord:
to the glory of God the ′ Father. ′ A′men.
Philippians 2:6–11

Daily Services / Thursday Evening 83

Then follow The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

Living God,
in you there is no darkness;
shed upon us through this night the light of your forgiveness,
your healing and your peace,
that when we wake from sleep
we may know once more the brightness of your presence;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May we grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ;
to whom be glory both now and to the day of eternity.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Friday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

Through Jesus
let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God,
the fruit of lips that acknowledge God′s name.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

84 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of ZechariahBenedictus

1Blessèd are you O ′ Lord our ′ God:
you have come to your ′ people · and ′ set them ′ free.
2You have raised up for us a ′ mighty ′ Saviour:
born of the ′ house · of your ′ servant ′ David.
3Through your holy prophets you ′ promised · of ′ old:
that you would save us from our enemies,
from the ′ hands of ′ all who ′ hate us.
4You promised to show ′ mercy · to our ′ forbears:
and to re′member · your ′ holy ′ covenant.
5This was the oath you swore to our ′ father ′ Abraham:
to set us ′ free · from the ′ hands of · our ′ enemies,
6free to worship you with′out ′ fear:
holy and righteous in your sight ′‿
all the ′ days of · our ′ life.
7And you, child, shall be called‿
the prophet of the ′ Most ′ High:
for you will go before the ′ Lord · to pre′pare the ′ way,
8to give God′s people knowledge ′ of sal′vation:
through the for′giveness ′ of their ′ sins.
9In the tender compassion ′ of our ′ God:
the dawn from on ′ high shall ′ break up′on us,
10to shine on those who dwell in darkness‿
and the ′ shadow · of ′ death:
and to guide our feet ′ into · the ′ way of ′ peace.
Luke 1:68–79 (adapted)

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Daily Services / Friday Morning 85

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

Saviour of the WorldSalvator Mundi

1Jesus, Saviour of the world, come to us ′ in your ′ mercy:
we look to ′ you to ′ save and ′ help us.
2By your cross and your life laid down‿
you set your ′ people ′ free:
we look to ′ you to ′ save and ′ help us.
3When they were ready to perish‿
you ′ saved · your dis′ciples:
we look to ′ you to ′ come to · our ′ help.
4In the greatness of your mercy loose us ′ from our ′ chains:
forgive the ′ sins of ′ all your ′ people.
5Make yourself known ‿
as our Saviour and ′ mighty · de′liverer:
save and ′ help us · that ′ we may ′ praise you.
6Come now and dwell with us,′ Lord Christ ′ Jesus:
hear our ′ prayer · and be ′ with us ′ always.
7And when you ′ come in · your ′ glory:
make us to be one with you‿
and to ′ share the ′ life of · your ′ kingdom.
8Thanks be to ′ you o ′ Lord:
Alle′luia. ′ A′men.
Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Morning Collect is said.

Loving God,
your Son willingly endured agony and shame for us.
Give us grace to take up our cross
and follow him in newness of life and hope;
for he is our Redeemer.

86 Liturgies of the Word

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Peace be to us all and love with faith,
from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Friday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

In Christ Jesus, we who were once far away,
have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

This Song of Praise follows.

Seek the Lord

1Seek the Lord who is ′ still · to be ′ found:
call upon ′ God · who is ′ yet at ′ hand.
2Return to the Lord, who will ′ have com′passion:
to our God, who ′ will a′bundant·ly ′ pardon.
3‘For my thoughts ′ are not ′ your thoughts:
nor are your ways ′ my ways,′ ′ says the ′ Lord.
4‘For as the heavens are higher ′ than the ′ earth:
so are my ways higher than your ways‿
and ′ my ′ thoughts than ′ your thoughts.
5‘For as the rain and snow come ′ down f rom ′ heaven:
and return not a′gain but ′ water · the ′ earth,

Daily Services / Friday Evening 87

6‘causing the earth to bring ′ forth and ′ sprout:
giving seed to the ′ sower · and ′ bread · to the ′ hungry;
7‘so shall my word be that goes ′ forth · from my ′ mouth:
it shall ′ not re′turn to · me ′ empty,
8‘but it shall accomplish that which ′ I de′sire:
and achieve the ′ purpose · for ′ which I ′ sent it.’
Isaiah 55:6–11

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

This Song of Praise follows.

You are Worthy

1You are worthy, our ′ Lord and ′ God:
to receive ′ glory and ′ honour · and ′ power,
2for you have cre′ated ′ all things:
and by your will‿
they were cre′ated · and ′ have their ′ being.
3You are worthy O Christ, for ′ you were ′ slain:
and by your blood have ′ ransomed ′ us for ′ God,
4ransomed us from every tribe and ′ people · and ′ nation:
and made us a royal ′ house of ′ priests · to our ′ God.
5†To the One who is seated on the throne and ′ to the ′ Lamb:
be blessing and honour, glory and might,
for ever and ′ ever. ′ A′men.
based on Revelation 4:11; 5:9, 10, 13

88 Liturgies of the Word

Then follow The Lord′s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

The following Evening Collect is said.

Gracious God,
you have given us much today;
grant us also a thankful spirit.
Into your hands we commend ourselves
and those we love.
Be with us still,
and when we take our rest,
renew us for the service of your Son Jesus Christ.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the God of all grace
who has called us to eternal glory in Christ,
restore, establish and strengthen us.
To the one true God be the dominion for ever and ever.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Saturday Morning

The minister reads this sentence.

God has caused light to shine in our hearts,
to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Christ.

Open our lips, O Lord;
and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

Daily Services / Saturday Morning 89

This Song of Praise follows.

Peace for the Nations

1In days to come the mountain of the ′ Lord′s ′ house:
will be established as the ′ highest ′ of the ′ mountains.
2It will be raised a′bove the ′ hills:
and ′ all the ′ nations · will ′ flock to it.
3Many peoples will come and ′ they will ′ say:
‘Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the′ house · of the ′ God of ′ Jacob,
4‘that we may be taught the ′ ways · of the ′ Lord:
and may ′ walk · in the ′ right ′ paths.’
5From the mountain of the Lord shall go ′ forth the ′ law:
and the word of the ′ Lord ′ from Je′rusalem.
6The Lord will judge be′tween the ′ nations:
and settle disputes for ′ many ′ peoples.
7They shall beat their ′ swords · into ′ ploughshares:
and their ′ spears ′ into ′ pruning hooks.
8Nation shall not lift up ′ sword a·gainst ′ nation:
nor ever a′gain pre′pare for′ war.
9†Come O ′ house of ′ Jacob:
let us walk in the ′ light ′ of the ′ Lord.
Isaiah 2:2–5

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

90 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

1I saw a new heaven and a ′ new ′ earth:
for the first heaven and earth had passed away,
and there was no ′ longer ′ any ′ sea.
2I saw the holy city ′ new Je′rusalem:
coming ′ down · out of ′ heaven · from ′ God.
3I saw no temple ′ in the ′ city:
for its temple is the Lord God‿
the Al′mighty ′ and the ′ Lamb.
4The city has no need of sun or moon to ′ shine up′on it:
for the glory of God illuminates it,
and the ′ Lamb ′ is its ′ light.
5The throne of God and of the Lamb will be ′ in the ′ city:
and the servants of God‿
shall ′ worship · be′fore the ′ throne.
6They shall see God ′ face to ′ face:
and bear the name of their ′ God up′on their ′ foreheads.
7There shall be ′ no more ′ night:
nor will they need the ′ light of ′ lamp or ′ sun,
8for the Lord God will ′ give them ′ light:
and they shall ′ reign for ′ ever · and ′ ever.
9†To the One who is seated on the throne and ′ to the ′ Lamb:
be blessing and honour, glory and might ‿
for ever and ′ ever. ′ A′men.
Revelation 21:1, 2, 22, 23; 22:3–5; 5:13
Then follow The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

Daily Services / Saturday Morning 91

The following Morning Collect is said.

O God,
the well-spring of life,
pour into our hearts the living water of your grace,
that refreshed by you,
we may live this day in steadfast reliance
on the strength you give;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the peace of God
which passes all understanding
keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Saturday Evening

The minister reads this sentence.

Give thanks to the Lord who is good;
whose steadfast love endures for ever.

You are in the midst of us, O Lord;
and we are called by your name.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia.)

92 Liturgies of the Word

This Song of Praise follows.

The Song of the Blessed Virgin MaryMagnificat

1My soul proclaims the ′ greatness · of the ′ Lord:
my spirit re′joices · in ′ God my ′ saviour,
2for you Lord have looked with favour
on your ′ lowly ′ servant:
and from this day all gener′ations · will ′ call me ′ Blessed.
3†You O Most Mighty have done ′ great things ′ for me:
and ′ holy ′ is your ′ name.
4You have mercy on ′ those who ′ fear you:
from gener′ation · to ′ gener′ation.
5You have shown the ′ strength · of your ′ arm:
you have scattered the ′ proud in ′ their con′ceit.
6You have cast down the mighty ′ from their ′ thrones:
and have ′ lifted ′ up the ′ lowly.
7You have filled the hungry with ′ good ′ things:
and the rich you have ′ sent a′way ′ empty.
8You have come to the help ′ of your ′ people:
for you have re′membered · your ′ promise · of ′ mercy,
9the promise you ′ made · to our ′ forbears:
to Abraham ′ and his ′ children · for ′ ever.
Luke 1:46–55 (adapted)

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follows a time of Self-examination and Penitence.

The Psalm (or Psalms) appointed are said or sung.

Then follow Readings from the Bible as appointed.

Silence is kept after the Readings.

Daily Services / Saturday Evening 93

This Song of Praise follows.

The Easter Anthems

1Christ our Passover lamb ′ has been ′ sacrificed:
therefore ′ let us ′ keep the ′ feast,
2not with the old leaven,
the leaven of cor′ruption · and ′ wickedness:
but with the unleavened ′ bread · of sin′cerity · and ′ truth.
3Christ being raised from the dead will never ′ die a′gain:
death no ′ longer · has do′minion ′ over him.
4The death he died, he died to sin ′ once for ′ all:
but the life he ′ lives, he ′ lives to ′ God.
5So you also must consider yourselves ′ dead to ′ sin:
and alive to ′ God in ′ Jesus ′ Christ.
6Christ has been ′ raised · from the ′ dead:
the first fruits of ′ those · who have ′ fallen · a′sleep.
7For as by a ′ man came ′ death:
by a man has come also the resur′rection ′ of the ′ dead.
8For as in ′ Adam · all ′ die:
so also in Christ shall ′ all be ′ made a′live.
1 Corinthians 5:7, 8; Romans 6:9–11; 1 Corinthians 15:20–22

Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning · is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.

Then follow The Lord′s Prayer
A Collect of the Day
Thanksgivings and Intercessions

94 Liturgies of the Word

The following Evening Collect is said.

Abide with us, O Lord,
for it is toward evening and the day is almost over;
abide with us
for the days are hastening on
and we hasten with them;
abide with us and with all your faithful people,
until the daystar rises and the morning light appears,
and we shall abide with you for ever.

The service concludes

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

May the God of peace,
who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
equip us with everything good
that we may do God′s will,
to whom be glory for ever.
(In Eastertide: Alleluia, Amen.)

Daily Services / Saturday Evening 95

Daily Services - A New Zealand Prayer Book (2024)
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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.