ALTERNATIVES COST ANALYSIS - Barr Engineering Draft 123003/99006-K Appendix A... · 1 99006-K Appendix A Alternatives Cost Analysis ... This report will describe ... Weir structures - [PDF Document] (2024)

ALTERNATIVES COST ANALYSIS - Barr Engineering Draft 123003/99006-K Appendix A...· 1 99006-K Appendix A Alternatives Cost Analysis ... This report will describe ... Weir structures - [PDF Document] (1)

1 99006-K Appendix A Alternatives Cost Analysis 112003.doc




This appendix provides the cost detail for the remedial alternatives. The limits of the alternatives

are based on the sediment PRG of 13.7 mg/Kg TPAHs.

The alternatives included in this cost estimate are as follows:

• In-Situ Capping - Includes capping of all targeted sediments

• Mechanical Dredging and Cap Hybrid using CAD in Slip 7

• Dual Mechanical Dredging with Off-Site Disposal to a Landfill

This report will describe the cost elements in Section 2.0 and provide the cost estimate tables for

each alternative.


The cost estimates are shown in Tables A-1 through A-3. Each of the line items are discussed in

this section and organized by the major categories shown in these tables to describe the contents

of each line. The Slip 7 wetland area remediation costs for each alternative were estimated as

separate items and are shown in Table A-4. The total costs from Table A-4 were entered as line

items into the summary Tables A-1 through A-3 for each appropriate alternative.

2.1 Miscellaneous Costs

Costs involved with this category are:

Mob/Demob Capping Anchor Estimates (PRT Meeting 10/03/02)

Mob/DeMob for capping operations estimated by Anchor include loading crane (2 cy), 12 inch

pump, tug (200 hp), piping and diffuser barge all delivered assembled and one month supervision

and then breakdown and return of all equipment with two weeks supervision for the shallow

capping. For deeper water and slopes this includes delivery and set-up of a clam shell dredge

and tug with two weeks set-up and take down for each.

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For all mechanical dredging options Anchor estimated delivery and assembly of a small

clamshell dredge, upland crane, tug and material barges. This includes supervisor time for set-up

and take down.

Bathymetric Survey COE Price

For all Options - Bathymetric surveys are required for before and after capping or dredging to

measure the control of the construction. Unit costs are COE unit price estimates.

Air Monitoring EQM Estimate

Weekly costs based on 5 stations using OSHA Method 35/ Chromasorb 106 tubes with tube

change out required each 8 hrs with 3 change outs per day, and 2 man sample technician team.

Sorbent tubes would be analyzed at laboratory for Naphthalene.

Surface Water Monitoring SERVICE Experience and Lab book Price

For all dredging and capping options - Surface water monitoring will be conducted as often as

daily during remediation. For costing purposes, it is assumed that surface water will be

monitored daily for turbidity, TSS, and PAH/Hg will be conduced weekly from a boat during

operations. Sampling will occur outside the outermost engineering control structure.

H&S Personnel Monitoring Legend Lab Estimate

For all Dredging Options - H&S Personnel monitoring will occur during periods of dredging. Air

Monitoring for exposure to naphthalene of crewmembers on a rotating weekly basis will be

conducted during the dredging operations. Costs include equipment, analysis and reporting.

H&S Level C Personnel Protection OSHA Requirements, Industrial Supply Catalog

For all Dredging Options – This cost estimate assumes personnel working within the dredge and

containment areas or where they may be exposed to harmful substances and naphthalene will

wear level C personal protection including cartridge respirator and protective clothing.

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Insurance and Performance Bond

The Insurance and Performance Bond is in alignment with the current rates at 1.5 % of

contractor bid costs.

2.2 Dredging

Dredging One Pass

For all Dredging Options - Costs calculated based on an agreed-to-average dredge rate of 50

CY/Hr for each dredge. Dredge volumes are based on a single pass of a 3.5 ft cut with a 0.5 ft

overdredge. Areas where the contaminants are deeper, additional passes in 3 ft lifts are added.

All dredging is estimated on 24 hrs/day and 5 days/week basis.

Debris Removal Anchor Estimate

For all Dredging Options - Debris removal is assumed to be conducted prior to the actual

dredging operation. Obstacles removed by way of a mechanical bucket rake system and will be

disposed of off site as solid waste.

Silt Curtain/Screen Means Manual

For all Dredging Options - Silt curtains will be deployed around each 2.5-acre dredge area for

fugitive sediment containment. Curtains will also be placed at the mouth of Stryker Bay and

outside the 48” outfall area. Curtains will drape to the mud line plus an additional 6 ft for


HC Boom IT Corp FS Estimate

For all Dredging Options – Hydrocarbon adsorbing booms will be placed on all the shoreline of

each body of water dredged, and along the silt curtains.

Off-Site HC Boom Disposal Local contractor removal, Area solid waste landfill disposal rates

For all Dredging Options –based on quantity of booms above.

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2.3 Containment

Containment costs are for the Slip 7 CAD in the Dredging/ Capping Hybrid Alternative and the

engineering control structures at the edge of the treatment/work zones.

Silt Curtains/Screen Means Manual

These costs were estimated as discussed above except the locations will be to segregate the

treatment/work zones from the river at Stryker Bay, Slip 6, the 48- inch outfall, and Slip 7 for

dredging and capping alternatives. Curtains for each area were estimated based on the

bathymetry to contain suspended solids.

HC Boom IT Corp FS Estimate

When dredging oily sediments, hydrocarbon adsorbing booms will be placed around the CAD

during dredging and along the containment silt curtains. It is assumed that no such material will

be dredged in the In Situ Cap Alternative.

Off-Site HC Boom Disposal Local contractor removal, Area solid waste landfill disposal rates

Based on booms estimated above.

Over excavation Anchor Estimates

For the CAD - Overexcavation of five feet vertically within the dike footprint and 15 feet

laterally beyond the dike toe is required in the construction of the CAD due to structural soil

conditions and filled with dike material. This contaminated material would be placed within the

CAD footprint.

Perimeter Sheet Piling and Temporary Splitter Piles Vendor Estimate

For on-Site storage in Slip 7, splitter dikes would be made with sheet piling to create primary

settlement and treatment areas within the CAD. Temporary sheet piles will be placed at the crest

of the existing slope to segregate CAD water from the shallow water and wetland area to the

west from the dockwall on the northeast corner westerly and southerly. The sheet piling would

extend to the western edge of the dike.

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Main Dike (in water)

Corps recommends $20/cy cost. (Average of previous bids @19.72/cy). Main dike will be placed

at 800 ft from the south end of Slip 7 to five feet above water.

Dike Liners

For the CAD – A 60 mil welded HDPE liner would installed on the top and containment side of

the dike in Slip 7. Costs based on COE Dredge Material Management Plan.

Riprap COE DMMP Estimate

For the CAD – RipRap will be placed on the outer face of the dike to protect against erosion.

Storm Water Run-on Diversion

Previously estimated for a series of low-level interceptor dikes and culverts to divert water from

Dock 7 from running into the CAD.

Weirs Anchor

Weir structures are located in the splitter sheet pilling for control of flow and addition of settling

chemicals between the primary and secondary cells of the CAD.

2.4 Disposal

This category is only used for the Dredge/Off-Site Disposal Alternative.

Haul and Place for Treatment

An estimate by Anchor was used to off- load mechanically dredged sediments into a dewatering

pond for treatment and is estimated at $4/cubic yard.

Off-Site Disposal

This cost is estimated for trucking dewatered sediment to a regional landfill. The estimate is

based on cost experience at the Site from previous work during the Soil Operable Unit and is

estimated to be $45/cy. The volume is based on dewatered filtercake.

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2.5 Treatment

This category applies to dredge water treatment for all dredging options.

Capital and Property Costs

This includes an estimate for $500,000 from the WLSSD to install on-site a lift station and a

force main to the Polk St. Lift Station so that sufficient capacity is available to discharge

pretreated dredge water to the sanitary sewer. The estimate includes portable pumps from the

CAD to the on-site lift station, drilling under the Waseca road and railroad tracks north of the

Site and cutting a sewer trench through neighborhood streets to the Polk St. Lift Station. This

also includes an easem*nt under the railroad. For the Dredged/Off-Site Disposal Alternative, in

addition to the new lift station and force main, capital costs include: the cost of construction of a

three-acre lined dredge sediment pond for storage and passive dewatering on the 59th Avenue

Peninsula and a dewatered material staging pad. The pond construction would consist of berms

constructed from on-site soils by overexcavating about one foot of sand base, a 60 ml HDPE

liner, and one foot of soil. The one-acre stockpile pad would be constructed for dewatered

sediment similar to the pond except for (1) the addition of a runoff collection system, (2) a 60 ml

HDPE cover over the treated sediment while actively loading and (3) berms that would be one

foot high.

De-Watering Sediment

This cost only applies to the Dredged/Off-Site Disposal Alternative. Estimated is a plate and

frame filter press cost of $30/cy. This was obtained from bids for dewatering sediment dredged

from Slip 6 during the IRA of 1996.

HC/Water Collection, Sand Filter & Carbon Adsorption

Average bids were $0.60/gal for treatment. Amount of water that would be collected using a

skimmer was estimated based on experience from 1996 IRA.

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HC Skimming (includes HC disposal)

This is estimated to be 10% of the water collected and includes costs for separation and disposal

of hydrocarbons.

CAD Water Alum/Polymer Treatment Previous Estimate

This is based on treatability studies using 8% solids slurry that treatment would include;

flocculation in CAD using Alum @ 300 mg/L and Anionic polymer of 10 mg/L; neutralization to

pH 7.0 after flocculation. Quantities were adjusted for 16% solids for mechanical dredging.

Sand Filter Capital Cost Previous Estimate

Quotes from vendors for Dual/Media Sand Filters with design flow @250 gpm. Automatic

backwash and operating controls are included for filter system and will be needed to meet

expected WLSSD standards.

Sand Filter Operating Costs

Reference: Treatment Study 1999. This includes labor and maintenance of system on daily basis

during active dredging and generator costs for portable pumps since three phase power is not

available near Slip 7 or on 59th Avenue peninsula.

Electrical Pumping to WLSSD lift station

The energy cost of $0.07/Kwhr was used to pump from the lift station to the force main.

Air Emissions Control SERVICE and Vendors

Covers over the dewatering facilities are included for the Dredge/Off-Site Disposal Alternative.

A cover for the CAD in Slip 7 has not been included because it is likely not necessary. Potential

controls at the dredge were not included because they were not found to be effective in PRT

meeting 10/03/02.


WLSSD quote based on vo lume for discharge to WLSSD sewer system. No city fees would be

required for this configuration.

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2.6 Capping

All capping operations are assumed to be 24 hours/day, placing 3,200 yds /day, and 5 days/week.

Post-dredge Cover SERVICE Average Estimate

Post-dredge cover averages approximately 2.5 feet thick to restore bathymetry, but will vary

depending on the depth of dredging. This estimate is based on upland borrow ($17.24/yd)

material with labor to place accounting for $8.25/yd of that $17.24 /yd..

In-Situ Capping

The estimates of dredging and capping volumes used for costs are shown in Table 1-1 of the

Feasibility Study Report. This only applies to the In Situ Capping and Dredge/Cap Hybrid

Alternatives. A 4-foot thick cap in the shallows and 2-foot cap in areas deeper than eight feet

finished water depth have been generally for this item. A 3-foot cap would be used in some

shallow areas with a geotextile root barrier. The shallows of Slips 6 and 7 are assumed to use the

3-foot cap because of the expected downward gradients in these areas. Unit rates are the same as

for Post-Dredge Cover. Replacing surcharged material from Stryker Bay to be used as capping

material has been estimated to be $10.00/cy based on hydraulic dredging and placement. As part

of the cap the top 0.5 feet of the cap, in areas without armoring, would include an environmental

media that is richer in fines and organic content than sand. This material is assumed to have the

same unit cost as the sand cap and post-dredge cover material.

Slip 7 CAD Sand Cap

Same unit rates and conditions apply as above except for a five-foot thick cap.

Riprap Armoring Local Contractors

Armoring requirements are for two size types; 2-4 inch small cobbles to be placed at the south

end of Slip 6, and for cobbles 4-6 inch in size to be placed in Stryker Bay, Slip 6, Slip 7, and the

Channel area. Cost is based on a quote by a local contractor delivered to the dock plus the cost

of labor and equipment to place material ($5.50/cy) developed in the capping plan by Anchor in

Appendix D-4 of the DGR.

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2.7 Wetlands Construction EPA Guidance on Wetland Construction


Cost estimates are to place seed in areas shallower than 8 feet.

Slip 7 Wetland Remediation

Costs are detailed in Table A-4 and are based on unit costs for the treatment, disposal and

capping costs described in this document. The wetlands will be excavated and hauled to the

disposal or treatment area based on estimates by SERVICE. Clearing trees and shrubs estimates

are from the Means Manual.

2.8 Property Acquisition

Costs are based on an appraiser estimate of the market value of the Hallott’s Docks and EPA’s

relocation policy. Also included is a rough estimate of $1.4 million to aquire easem*nts for

shoreline buffer zones for all alternatives.

2.9 Permitting and EAW

This cost is estimated for obtaining 4 permits and preparing an Environmental Assessment

Worksheet for the State of Minnesota. If permits or EAW were contested, these costs would be


2.10 Design

COE recommends 12%.

2.11 Oversight and Admin

For this COE recommended 10%. Costs for project management and oversight.

2.12 Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance (Present Value) Local Contractors, Means

Manual, Previous Estimates

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The present worth cost analysis factor was 7% (as recommended by the EPA), and applied

annually for 30 years. Costs for equipment, time, and materials are from local contractor

estimates for services, the Means Manual for Construction, or based on staff experience.

Costs for long-term monitoring and maintenance consists of the following:

Capped Areas – Monitoring for Capped Areas consists of bathymetry monitoring for erosion of

the cap; core analysis of the cap to monitor PAHs, metals, and mercury; and fish sampling for

cPAHs and possibly mercury. The existing wells (48) would have been abandoned.

Components of each cost element include project management, labor, equipment, materials,

analytical testing and reports every 5 years.

Wetland Monitoring: to evaluate the recovery of restored or converted wetlands.

Maintenance Activities. Consist of inspection and maintenance, erosion repair, and major

repair of cap or dike in year 15. Options involving some form of capping will have inspection

and maintenance during years one through 5, then every fives years thereafter. Options involving

containment will have inspection and maintenance of the dike, and armoring materials at the

same intervals.

2.13 Public Water Mitigation DNR

Off-Site mitigation costs were provided for the three alternatives in a memo from John Linc

Stine, DNR Waters to Dan Talsma, XIK, dated November 19, 2003 and were given as a cost

range for In-Situ Capping and Dredge/Cap Hybrid Alternatives due to uncertainties in their

estimates of this unscoped work.

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Table A-1Cost Estimate - In-Situ Cap 13.7 ppm goalSLRIDT Site, Duluth, MNActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalUpland borrow

MISCELLANEOUSMob/Demob Shallow year $213,000 1 $213,000Mob/Demob Shallow Winter Restart year $94,000 1 $94,000Mob/Demob Deep & Slope year $105,000 1 $105,000Mob/Demob Small Dredge year $50,000 1 $50,000Bathymetric Survey (Initial and final) lump $37,500 2 $75,000Well Abandonment lump $15,000 1 $15,000Surface Water Monitoring Weekly $3,253 155 $503,612Insurance and Performance Bond 1.5% $62,282SUBTOTAL $1,117,894

CONTAINMENTSilt Curtain/Screen sq. ft $7.60 67,000 $509,200SUBTOTAL $509,200

CAPPINGCover Environmental Media cy $17.24 50,084 $863,440Capping Sand cy $17.24 311,782 $5,375,123Surcharge replacement cy $17.24 0 $0Geofrabic shallows sf $0.18 2,272,493 $409,049Armoring cy $29.12 38,063 $1,108,392Slip 6 CAD Sand Cap (5 ft) cy $17.24 917 $15,803SUBTOTAL $7,771,808

DREDGING (WI)Dredging cy $23.00 3,621 $83,275SUBTOTAL $83,275

TREATMENTCAD Water Alum/Polymer Treatment gal $0.0018 3,255,730 $5,795WLSSD fees gal 0.0035$ 3,255,730 $11,395


Seeding acre $2,000 62.21 $124,411Slip 7 Wetland Remediation Lump $313,046 1.00 $313,046SUBTOTAL $437,457

Subtotal Construction $9,936,825Contingency 30% $2,981,047


PROPERTY ACQUISITIONPurchase Slips and relocate lump $1,095,000 1 $1,095,000Shoreline Buffer Zone Easem*nt lump $1,400,000 1 $1,400,000

PERMITTING and EAW $250,000Design 12% $1,550,145Oversight and Admin 10% $1,291,787


Long Term Monitoring & Maint. (present value) lump $755,436 1 $755,436



TOTAL PROJECT COST (Millions) $22.2-32.5

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Table A-2 Cost Estimate-Dredge/Cap Hybrid (13.7 ppm, Mechanical dredging, 16% solids)SLRIDT Site, Duluth, MNActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalUpland borrow

MISCELLANEOUSMob/Demob dredging lump $193,000 1 $193,000Mob/Demob capping year $213,000 1 $213,000Bathymetric Survey ea $37,500 3 $112,500Air Monitoring Weekly $8,726 30 $259,409Surface Water Monitoring Weekly $3,650 30 $108,503H&S Personnel Monitoring Days $1,050 149 $156,066H&S Level C Personnel Protection Days $272 149 $40,428Well abandonment lump $15,000 1.0 $15,000Insurance and Performance Bond 1.5% $218,538SUBTOTAL $1,316,444

DREDGINGDredging cy $23.00 178,361 $4,102,301Debris Removal acre $4,092 34.5 $141,063Silt Curtain/Screen sq ft $7.60 13,200 $100,320HC Boom ft $4.00 25,680 $102,720Off-Site HC Boom Disposal ft $2.50 25,680 $64,200SUBTOTAL $4,510,604

CONTAINMENTSilt Curtain/Screen sq. ft $7.60 52,000 $395,200HC Boom ft $4.00 19,600 $78,400Off-Site HC Boom Disposal ft $2.50 19,600 $49,000Overexcavation cy $39.00 8,260 $322,154Perimeter Sheet Piling cy $10.00 38,431 $384,310Main Dike Slip 7 (in water) cy $20.00 14,944 $298,882Dike Liner (60 mil) sy $5.75 4,511 $25,936Air Emissions Control sq.ft $2.60 - ??Sheet Piling (plastic temporary splitter) sq.ft $10.00 9,844 $98,440Riprap ton $45.00 1,915 $86,189Storm water run-on diversion lump $150,000 1 $150,000Weirs lump $28,525 1 $28,525SUBTOTAL $1,917,037

TREATMENTCapital and property Cost of Lift Station, Force Main lump $1,000,000 1 $1,000,000HC/Water Collection Sand Filter & Carbon Adsorption gal $0.60 10,970 $6,582HC Skimming (includes HC disposal) gal $5.67 1,097 $6,220CAD Water Alum/Polymer Treatment gal $0.0018 140,074,844 $249,333Sand Filter Capital Cost lump 384,776$ 1 $384,776Sand Filter Operating Costs day 571$ 149 $84,870Electrical Pumping to WLSSD lift station gal $0.000090 140,085,815 $12,608WLSSD gal 0.0035$ 140,085,815 $490,300SUBTOTAL $2,234,690

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Table A-2 Cost Estimate-Dredge/Cap Hybrid (13.7 ppm, Mechanical dredging, 16% solids)SLRIDT Site, Duluth, MNActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalUpland borrow

CAPPINGCover Environmental Media cy $17.24 147,540 $2,543,590Capping Sand cy $17.24 169,852 $2,928,244Surcharge Replacement cy $10.00 23,030 $230,297Slip 7 CAD Sand Cap (5 ft) cy $17.24 51,418 $886,439Geofrabic shallows sf $0.18 877,107 $157,879Armoring cy $29.12 24,287 $707,228SUBTOTAL $7,453,678

WETLAND CONSTRUCTIONSeeding acre $2,000 57.79 $115,574Slip 7 Wetland Remediation Lump $288,268 1.00 $288,268SUBTOTAL $403,842

Subtotal Construction $17,836,295Contingency 30% $5,350,889


PROPERTY ACQUISITIONPurchase Slip 7 & new conveyors for Slip 6 & relocate lump $1,028,619 1.00 $1,028,619Shoreline Buffer Zone Easem*nt lump $1,400,000 1 $1,400,000PERMITTING and EAW lump $250,000 1.00 $250,000Design 12% $2,782,462Oversight and Admin 10% $2,318,718


Long term Monitoring & Maintenance (Present Value) lump 936,871 1 $936,871




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Table A-3 Cost Estimate-Dredge/Off-Site Disposal(13.7ppm, 2 Mechanical dredges)SLRIDT Site, Duluth, MN

Activity Unit Unit Cost Quantity CostTotal Total

Upland borrowMISCELLANEOUSMob/Demob Dredging lump $193,000 1 $193,000Mob/Demob Dredging Winter Restart lump $94,000 2 $188,000Mob/Demob capping year $213,000 1 $213,000Bathymetric Survey ea $37,500 3 $112,500Air Monitoring Weekly $8,726 41 $359,643Surface Water Monitoring Weekly $3,650 41 $150,428H&S Personnel Monitoring Days $1,050 206 $216,369H&S Level C Personnel Protection Days $272 206 $56,050Well Abandonment lump $15,000 1 $15,000Insurance and Performance Bond 1.5% $877,328SUBTOTAL $2,381,318

DREDGINGDredging cy $23.00 494,558 $11,374,823Debris Removal acre $4,092 84 $342,697Silt Curtain/Screen sq ft $7.60 26,400 $200,640HC Boom ft $4.00 25,680 $102,720Off-Site HC Boom Disposal ft $2.50 25,680 $64,200SUBTOTAL $12,085,079

CONTAINMENTSilt Curtain/Screen sq. ft $7.60 67,000 $509,200HC Boom ft $4.00 19,600 $78,400Off-Site HC Boom Disposal ft $2.50 19,600 $49,000SUBTOTAL $636,600DISPOSALHaul and Place for Treatment cy $4.00 494,558 $1,978,230Off-site Transportation and Disposal cy $45.00 346,261 $15,581,767SUBTOTAL $17,559,997

TREATMENTCapital and Property Cost (Lift Station, Force Main, Storage Pond & Pad) lump $1,691,998 1 $1,691,998De-watering sediment cy $30.00 494,558 $14,836,725HC/Water Collection Sand Filter & Carbon Adsorption gal $0.60 21,941 $13,164HC Skimming (includes HC disposal) gal $5.67 2,188 $12,406Sand Filter Capital Cost lump $765,022 1 $765,022Sand Filter Operating Costs day $932 206 $192,053Electrical Pumping to WLSSD lift station gal $0.00009 62,923,000 $5,663Air Emissions Cover sq. ft $2.60 174,240 $453,024WLSSD Fee gal $0.00098 62,923,000 $61,665SUBTOTAL $18,031,720

CAPPINGCover Environmental Media cy $17.24 266,811 $4,599,821Capping Sand cy $17.24 42,431 $731,510Armoring cy $29.12 34,418 $1,002,246SUBTOTAL $6,333,577

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Table A-3 Cost Estimate-Dredge/Off-Site Disposal(13.7ppm, 2 Mechanical dredges)SLRIDT Site, Duluth, MN

Activity Unit Unit Cost Quantity CostTotal Total

Upland borrowWETLAND CONSTRUCTIONSeeding acre $2,000 62.24 $124,483Slip 7 Wetland Remediation Lump $800,824 1.00 $800,824SUBTOTAL $925,307

Subtotal Construction $57,953,598CONTINGENCY 30% $17,386,079


PROPERTY ACQUISITIONPurchase Slip 6 & 7 and relocate lump $1,095,000 0 $0Shoreline Buffer Zone Easem*nt lump $1,400,000 1 $1,400,000

PERMITTING and EAW lump $250,000 1 $250,000DESIGN 12% $9,040,761OVERSIGHT and ADMIN 10% $7,533,968


Long term Monitoring & Maintenance (Present Value) lump $328,992 1 $328,992



TOTAL PROJECT COST (Millions) $93.9

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Table A-4Cost Estimate - Slip 7 Wetland Remediation

In-Situ CapActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalCapping cost per acre Cap material (3.5 feet) CY $17.24 15,205 262,135$

Clear trees and shrub AC 3,000.00$ 2.69 8,078$ Cover Environmental Media (0.5 ft) CY $17.24 2,172 37,448$

Hydroseed AC 2,000.00$ 2.69 5,385$

Construction Subtotal 313,046$

Dredge/Cap HybridActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalExcavating cost per acre

Excavte 2 ft of Topsoil/Sediment AC-FT 24,200.00$ 2.86 69,198$ Clear trees and shrub AC 3,000.00$ 1.43 4,289$ Cover Environmental Media (1 ft) CY $17.24 2,307 39,766$ Disposal of soil into CAD CY 3.78$ 4,613 17,438$

Capping cost per acreClear trees and shrub AC 3,000.00$ 1.26 3,789$ Cap material (3.5 feet) CY $17.24 7,132 122,955$ Cover Environmental Media (6 inches) CY $17.24 1,019 17,565$

Hydraulic Connection CY 15.00$ 267 4,000$ Channel Rip Rap CY 29.12$ 133 3,883$ Hydroseed AC 2,000.00$ 2.69 5,385$ Construction Subtotal 288,268$

Dredge Off-Site DisposalActivity Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

Total TotalExcavating cost per acre

Excavte 2 ft of Topsoil/Sediment AC-FT 24,200.00$ 5.39 130,329$ Clear trees and shrub AC 3,000.00$ 2.69 8,078$ Cover Environmental Media (1 ft) CY $17.24 4,344 74,896$ Treatment and Disposal Off-Site CY 67.00$ 8,689 582,136$

Hydroseed AC 2,000.00$ 2.69 5,385$ Construction Subtotal 800,824$

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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA 7.00%

Year of ExpenditureActivity # Sites Unit Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual

Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year CostBathymetry 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500Cores 12 $931 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172Mercury Analysis (Stryker Bay) 5 $30 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150Annual Report/5 Year report 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000Sum of Annual Cost $60,822 $60,822 $60,822 $60,822Present Value Discount Factor 7.00% 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value $0 $56,843 $53,124 $49,649 $46,401Net Present Value, rolling sum $56,843 $109,967 $159,616 $206,017

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota Survey 1 $10,000 $10,000 1 $10,000Wetland Monitoring 1 $30,000 $30,000 1 $30,000QA/QC plan and Report 1 $70,000 $70,000 1 $70,000Sum of Annual Cost $0 $110,000 $0 $0Present Value Discount Factor 0.87Present Value $96,078Net Present Value, rolling sum $96,078 $96,078 $96,078Total Present Value Monitoring $56,843 $206,046 $255,694 $302,095

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & Maintenance $18,480 1 $18,480 $18,480 1 $18,480 $18,480 1 $18,480 $18,480 1 $18,480Erosion Repair $7,467 1 $7,467 $7,467 1 $7,467 $7,467 1 $7,467 $7,467 1 $7,467Major Repair Cap onlySum of Annual Cost $25,947 $25,947 $25,947 $25,947Present Value Discount Factor 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value Maintenance $24,250 $22,663 $21,181 $19,795Net Present Value, rolling sum $24,250 $46,913 $68,094 $87,889Total Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance $81,093 $252,959 $323,788 $389,984

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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$12,000 1 $12,000

$60,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54

$43,365 $0 $0 $0 $0$249,382 $249,382 $249,382 $249,382 $249,382

$10,000 1 $10,000$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$110,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.71

$78,428$174,507 $174,507 $174,507 $174,507 $174,507$423,889 $423,889 $423,889 $423,889 $423,889

$18,480 1 $18,480 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0$7,467 1 $7,467

$25,947 $0 $0 $0 $00.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54

$18,500 $0 $0 $0 $0$106,389

$530,278 $423,889

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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39

$34,986 $0 $0 $0 $0$284,368 $284,368 $284,368 $284,368 $284,368

$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.51

$50,835$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$509,709 $509,709 $509,709 $509,709 $509,709

$18,480 1 $18,480 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0$7,467 1 $7,467

$25,947 $0 $0 $0 $00.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39

$13,190 $0 $0 $0 $0$119,579


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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28

$24,944 $0 $0 $0 $0$309,312 $309,312 $309,312 $309,312 $309,312

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$534,654 $534,654 $534,654 $534,654 $534,654

$18,480 1 $18,480$7,467 1 $7,467

$85,290 1 $85,290$111,237 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28$40,318 $0 $0 $0 $0



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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20

$17,785 $0 $0 $0 $0$327,097 $327,097 $327,097 $327,097 $327,097

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$552,439 $552,439 $552,439 $552,439 $552,439

$18,480 1 $18,480$7,467 1 $7,467

$25,947 $0 $0 $0 $00.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20

$6,705 $0 $0 $0 $0$166,602


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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

$12,680 $0 $0 $0 $0$339,777 $339,777 $339,777 $339,777 $339,777

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$565,119 $565,119 $565,119 $565,119 $565,119

$18,480 1 $18,480$7,467 5 $37,336

$55,816 $0 $0 $0 $00.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

$10,284 $0 $0 $0 $0$176,886


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Table A-5Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationIn Situ Cap Alternative

Present Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual TOTAL COSTEvent Year Cost$37,500 1 $37,500 $375,000$11,172 1 $11,172 $111,720

$150 1 $150 $1,500$20,000 1 $20,000 $160,000

$68,822 $648,2200.13

$9,041 $348,818$348,818


$210,000$0 $320,000


$18,480 1 $18,480 $184,800$7,467 2 $14,935 $112,009

$85,290$33,415 $382,099

0.13$4,390 $181,276




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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA 7.00%

Year of ExpenditureActivity # Sites Unit Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual

Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year CostBathymetry 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500 $37,500 1 $37,500Cores 12 $931 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172 $11,172 1 $11,172Mercury Analysis (Stryker Bay) 5 $30 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150 $150 1 $150Annual Report/5 Year report 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000Sum of Annual Cost $60,822 $60,822 $60,822 $60,822Present Value Discount Factor 7.00% 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value $0 $56,843 $53,124 $49,649 $46,401Net Present Value, rolling sum $56,843 $109,967 $159,616 $206,017

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota Survey 1 $10,000 $10,000 1 $10,000Wetland Monitoring 1 $30,000 $30,000 1 $30,000QA/QC plan and Report 1 $70,000 $70,000 1 $70,000Sum of Annual Cost $0 $110,000 $0 $0Present Value Discount Factor 0.87Present Value $96,078Net Present Value, rolling sum $96,078 $96,078 $96,078Total Present Value Monitoring $56,843 $206,046 $255,694 $302,095

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & Maintenance $33,760 1 $33,760 $33,760 1 $33,760 $33,760 1 $33,760 $33,760 1 $33,760Erosion Repair $22,546 1 $22,546 $22,546 1 $22,546 $22,546 1 $22,546 $22,546 1 $22,546Major Repair Cap onlySum of Annual Cost $56,306 $56,306 $56,306 $56,306Present Value Discount Factor 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value Maintenance $52,623 $49,180 $45,963 $42,956Net Present Value, rolling sum $52,623 $101,803 $147,765 $190,721Total Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance $109,466 $307,848 $403,460 $492,816

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$12,000 1 $12,000

$60,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54

$43,365 $0 $0 $0 $0$249,382 $249,382 $249,382 $249,382 $249,382

$10,000 1 $10,000$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$110,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.71

$78,428$174,507 $174,507 $174,507 $174,507 $174,507$423,889 $423,889 $423,889 $423,889 $423,889

$33,760 1 $33,760$22,546 1 $22,546

$56,306 $0 $0 $0 $00.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54

$40,146 $0 $0 $0 $0$230,867 $230,867 $230,867 $230,867 $230,867

$654,756 $654,756 $654,756 $654,756 $654,756

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39

$34,986 $0 $0 $0 $0$284,368 $284,368 $284,368 $284,368 $284,368

$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.51

$50,835$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$509,709 $509,709 $509,709 $509,709 $509,709

$33,760 1 $33,760$22,546 1 $22,546

$56,306 $0 $0 $0 $00.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39

$28,623 $0 $0 $0 $0$259,490 $259,490 $259,490 $259,490 $259,490

$769,200 $769,200 $769,200 $769,200 $769,200

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28

$24,944 $0 $0 $0 $0$309,312 $309,312 $309,312 $309,312 $309,312

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$534,654 $534,654 $534,654 $534,654 $534,654

$33,760 1 $33,760$22,546 1 $22,546$85,290 1 $85,290

$141,596 $0 $0 $0 $00.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28

$51,321 $0 $0 $0 $0$310,811 $310,811 $310,811 $310,811 $310,811

$845,465 $845,465 $845,465 $845,465 $845,465

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20

$17,785 $0 $0 $0 $0$327,097 $327,097 $327,097 $327,097 $327,097

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$552,439 $552,439 $552,439 $552,439 $552,439

$33,760 1 $33,760$22,546 1 $22,546

$56,306 $0 $0 $0 $00.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20

$14,551 $0 $0 $0 $0$325,362 $325,362 $325,362 $325,362 $325,362

$877,800 $877,800 $877,800 $877,800 $877,800

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500$11,172 1 $11,172

$150 1 $150$20,000 1 $20,000

$68,822 $0 $0 $0 $00.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

$12,680 $0 $0 $0 $0$339,777 $339,777 $339,777 $339,777 $339,777

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342 $225,342$565,119 $565,119 $565,119 $565,119 $565,119

$33,760 1 $33,760$22,546 5 $112,731

$146,491 $0 $0 $0 $00.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

$26,991 $0 $0 $0 $0$352,353 $352,353 $352,353 $352,353 $352,353

$917,472 $917,472 $917,472 $917,472 $917,472

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Table A-6Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge Cap HybridPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair Cap onlySum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual TOTAL COSTEvent Year Cost

$37,500 1 $37,500 $375,000$11,172 1 $11,172 $111,720

$150 1 $150 $1,500$20,000 1 $20,000 $160,000

$68,822 $648,2200.13

$9,041 $348,818$348,818


$210,000$0 $320,000


$33,760 1 $33,760 $337,600$22,546 2 $45,093 $338,194

$85,290$78,853 $761,084

0.13$10,359 $362,711




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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA 7.00%

Year of ExpenditureActivity # Sites Unit Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual

Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year CostBathymetry 1 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0Cores 12 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0Mercury Analysis (Stryker Bay) 5 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $0Annual Report/5 Year report 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000 $12,000 1 $12,000Sum of Annual Cost $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000Present Value Discount Factor 7.00% 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value $11,215 $10,481 $9,796 $9,155Net Present Value, rolling sum $11,215 $21,696 $31,492 $40,647

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota Survey 0 $10,000Wetland Monitoring 1 $30,000 $30,000 1 $30,000QA/QC plan and Report 1 $70,000 $70,000 1 $70,000Sum of Annual Cost $0 $100,000 $0 $0Present Value Discount Factor 0.87Present Value $87,344Net Present Value, rolling sum $87,344 $87,344 $87,344Total Present Value Monitoring $11,215 $109,040 $118,836 $127,990

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & Maintenance $7,469 $7,469 1 $7,469 $7,469 1 $7,469 $7,469 1 $7,469 $7,469 1 $7,469Erosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual Cost $7,469 $7,469 $7,469 $7,469Present Value Discount Factor 0.93 0.87 0.82 0.76Present Value Maintenance $6,980 $6,524 $6,097 $5,698Net Present Value, rolling sum $6,980 $13,504 $19,601 $25,299Total Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance $18,195 $122,544 $138,437 $153,289

1 2 3 4

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$0 1 $0$0 1 $0$0 1 $0

$12,000 1 $12,000$12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54$8,556 $0 $0 $0 $0

$49,202 $49,202 $49,202 $49,202 $49,202

$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.71

$71,299$158,642 $158,642 $158,642 $158,642 $158,642$207,845 $207,845 $207,845 $207,845 $207,845

$7,469 1 $7,469

$7,469 $0 $0 $0 $00.71 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54

$5,325 $0 $0 $0 $0$30,624

$238,469 $207,845 $207,845 $207,845 $207,845

5 6 7 8 9

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$0 1 $0$0 1 $0$0 1 $0

$20,000 1 $20,000$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39$10,167 $0 $0 $0 $0$59,369 $59,369 $59,369 $59,369 $59,369

$30,000 1 $30,000$70,000 1 $70,000

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $00.51

$50,835$209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477$268,847 $268,847 $268,847 $268,847 $268,847

$7,469 1 $7,469

$7,469 $0 $0 $0 $00.51 0.48 0.44 0.41 0.39

$3,797 $0 $0 $0 $0$34,421

$303,268 $268,847 $268,847 $268,847 $268,847

11 12 13 1410

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$0 1 $0$0 1 $0$0 1 $0

$20,000 1 $20,000$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28$7,249 $0 $0 $0 $0

$66,618 $66,618 $66,618 $66,618 $66,618

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477$276,096 $276,096 $276,096 $276,096 $276,096

$7,469 1 $7,469

$7,469 $0 $0 $0 $00.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28

$2,707 $0 $0 $0 $0$37,128

$313,224 $276,096 $276,096 $276,096 $276,096

16 17 18 1915

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$0 1 $0$0 1 $0$0 1 $0

$20,000 1 $20,000$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20$5,168 $0 $0 $0 $0

$71,787 $71,787 $71,787 $71,787 $71,787

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477$281,264 $281,264 $281,264 $281,264 $281,264

$7,469 1 $7,469

$7,469 $0 $0 $0 $00.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20

$1,930 $0 $0 $0 $0$39,058

$320,323 $281,264 $281,264 $281,264 $281,264

21 22 23 2420

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events Annual Cost Events AnnualEvent Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost Event Year Cost

$0 1 $0$0 1 $0$0 1 $0

$20,000 1 $20,000$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14$3,685 $0 $0 $0 $0

$75,472 $75,472 $75,472 $75,472 $75,472

$0 $0 $0 $0 $0

$209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477 $209,477$284,949 $284,949 $284,949 $284,949 $284,949

$7,469 1 $7,469

$7,469 $0 $0 $0 $00.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

$1,376 $0 $0 $0 $0$40,435

$325,384 $284,949 $284,949 $284,949 $284,949

26 27 28 2925

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Table A-7Monitoring/MaintenancePost-RemediationDredge/Off-Site DisposalPresent Value EstimateDiscount Rate per EPA

Year of ExpenditureActivity

BathymetryCoresMercury Analysis (Stryker Bay)Annual Report/5 Year reportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sum

Habitat Recovery (Years 2,5,10)Biota SurveyWetland MonitoringQA/QC plan and ReportSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent ValueNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Monitoring

Post Remediation MaintenanceInspection & MaintenanceErosion RepairMajor Repair None in this optionSum of Annual CostPresent Value Discount FactorPresent Value MaintenanceNet Present Value, rolling sumTotal Present Value Maintenance

Total Present Value - Monitoring & Maintenance

Cost Events Annual TOTAL COSTEvent Year Cost

$0 1 $0 $0$0 1 $0 $0$0 1 $0 $0

$20,000 1 $20,000 $160,000$20,000 $160,000

0.13$2,627 $78,099



$210,000$0 $300,000


$7,469 1 $7,469 $74,690$0$0

$7,469 $74,6900.13

$981 $41,416$41,416



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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.